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30 Cat Memes to Heat Up Your Tuesday With Sizzling Summer Sillies

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 09:00

Congratulations on surviving Monday, fellow hoomans. We started the engine yesterday, and now we just have to keep it purring (pun intended) all the way to the end of week. Just like the summer sun, we're heating up, and getting into our zone of being purroductive and checking things off our to-do list. In case you need an extra bit of feisty feline fire to lift you up, we've got some hissterical cat memes to heat up your Tuesday with sizzling summer sillies and a whole lot of smiles. 

You would be surprised how much more productive you can be when you're in a good mood - and fiery feline funnies put us in the best mood pawssible. It's time to shed off our stress and get into a more pawsitive mood so we can at least attempt to not be a grumpy cat today. Honestly, it's the best thing to do for everyone, so really, scrolling through these memes is our duty. Consider it self-care, or whatever excuse you need to convince yourself it's the right thing to do.


'Why don't you just rent it for $48,000?': Tiny IT department begs for new equipment, Vice President refuses to buy it for them

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 08:00

This IT department tried to warn their leaders that they were about to spend a lot of money, but they just wouldn't listen. 

Every company tries to save money as best they can, though some are better at the task than others. It's incredible how many companies bleed money by overpaying their higher-ups, not watching how much money is being spent on clients, or just being bad at keeping finance employees employed. Not to mention that departments can get overwhelmed and let things slip through the cracks

This company is a good example of poor communication over the costs of a circuit emulator. Instead of looking at the full cost of this thing (which was thousands of dollars back in the day), this company just looked at the monthly cost and agreed to pay it. It seems that the Finance Vice President only found out the exorbitant cost of this once it was too late… You can check out u/calladus's workplace tale of malicious compliance down below. Commenters were also amazed that the business would overlook something this big. 

Next, read about these people who've gone through life misunderstanding a few things, like one woman who wondered aloud, "Why can't we drive to Hawaii?"

Stray Kitten Found Alone By Animal Lover, His Orange Cat Steps Up to Adopt the Empty Headed Hooligan and Become a Wholesome Feline Father

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 08:00

Goooooood meowrning, fellow cat lovers. How does the cat distribution system always work for everyone on the internet except us? We're back with another purrfectly wholesome story of a kindhearted hooman rescuing a tiny fur baby, but this one has a hissterical ending that, well, makes sense only because the cats are orange. We all know how it is with orange cats, right? They're silly, they're sassy, and they're full of hot air and one brain cell bouncing around in that adorable noggin of theirs.

This wholesome hooman found the clementine-colored kitten outside of a grocery store, and took him home to clean him up. His male orange cat noticed the meowning from the bathroom and took an immediate interest in the new addition, and as soon as the kitten was healthy enough to be around other cats, the single-brain-celled cat adopted the kitten without any hesitation. Their "brain cell detector" purrobably went off and they became an empty-headed bonded pair instantly. Scroll down to see pictures and read the whole story below!


Boss directly blocks tech contractor's raise due to lack of "leadership" despite them not being in a leadership role at all: 'I was genuinely taken aback'

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 07:00

There was a time and a place when staff retention was an organization's top priority, and it was a point of pride and honor to have and care for long-standing employees. My grandfather worked for the same company his entire life—though he was famously mocked towards the end of his career by a notorious executive (who would go on to publicly defraud the large corporation for millions.) My father was nearly the same, working for the same organization from before I was born until his retirement with a healthy retirement package to coincide with his long service.

Somewhere along the line, this switch flipped; there was no longer pride in retention and long-serving staff—or the reaping of the benefits that come with a skilled workforce. Now, budgets are clutched tightly, with there seldom being increases in budgeting for the purpose of raises and retention. Instead, they are shortsightedly pouring what little amount of the staffing budget remains once the executives get their bonus into hiring at "competitive" rates. Meanwhile, they save a buck on the staff who can't or won't leave and, year by year, fall behind in competitive compensation. This, of course, goes doubly for contractors who are constantly walking on thin ice, getting no benefits, and more of a convenience than anything else.

This tech contractor had their contract extended some time before their one-year mark of working for the company; they waited until the end of their first year to approach their "employer" and "ask" for a raise. (Really, if this were a true contracting scenario, they would tell their client they were charging more.) Upon asking, they were told to go away and come back with some reasons why they felt they were deserving of increased compensation.

'He looks like teddy bear': Unique Cat That Looks Like a Beautiful Bundle of Cuddles and Fluff Steals the Internet’s Hearts

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 07:00

Every once in a while, a meowgical thing will happen. A new cat superstar captures the eyes of the internet. Like Noddle - the cat who looks like he's having an existential crisis, constantly and everywhere. Or like Jinx - the cat who looks like a stuffed animal that is scared of anything and everything. Or like Gumball - the cat who always looks derpy. And we mean this might be the derpiest cat that we have ever laid eyes on. 

And now, another supawstar is rising. A Chinese cat that looks like teddy bear. Or like a beautiful bundle of cuddles and fluff that came out of some factory or something. Because like- cats are cute enough as it they are. This is simply too much. And we don't even know his name. Someone, if you read Chinese, tell us the name of this ameowzing kitty.


Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 06:00

Living with your best friends can go one of two ways – Either extremely great or terribly wrong, and you can assume that most people will tell you that it usually goes the latter way.

There is something about sharing a space that is just so specific for everyone involved, that even if you love each other and enjoy each other's company, it does not mean that you will enjoy living together. The main problem is that you will not know until you try, and that is why most people would recommend simply not trying at all.

The friends in this Reddit story decided to ignore the warnings and try living together anyway, and boy did it not go well. OP (original poster) shared how her best friend and roommate, while unemployed and not contributing to rent or bills, has invited his brother to live with them, making the living situation even harder for OP. She is now cleaning up after the two, paying rent, and paying bills, and she has had enough. 

Will OP and her best friend's relationship last after living together? Scroll down to read the full story and share your opinion. After you are done, click here for a story of an employee who stepped down from his role after being denied a raise.

Insensitive Boyfriend Tells His Girlfriend To Euthanize Her Cat Because He Got Sick, Girlfriend Refuses, Dumps Him, And Her Cat Is Doing Much Better

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 06:00

Listen, when it comes to new partners and cats… things can go in one of two directions. Either the new boyfriend or girlfriend love the cat, or… they do something like this. Seriously, we have read about some ridiculous things happening before in these situations. Everything from - boyfriends not being able to handle being 'second' to the cat because of their fragile egos, to boyfriends asking their girlfriends to choose between them and the cat, all the way to one boyfriend call his girlfriend unhygienic because of the cat that she sometimes kisses on the forehead. 

But today's story is, by far, the biggest red flag in a boyfriend that we have ever come across. Not once did we read about a boyfriend telling his girlfriend to put her cat down because the cat got sick and will need to go to the vet. Unbelievable. Thankfully, the girlfriend in this situation was clear minded and did the right thing. 


Bartender puts in his notice, manager vows to make his last week a nightmare, bartender gets even by making him scramble: 'I've called in sick every day'

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 05:00

Messing with a bartender is never a good idea. If you're a customer, befriending your local bartender can be a game changer (and considerably cheaper if you're playing things right). In this case, however, we have a restaurant manager who truly underestimated how valuable his top bartender was.

Firstly, the manager disregarded his commitment and dedication to the restaurant for years, so the bartender went off and got a promotion and pay raise at a busier establishment. He put in his one week notice per company policy and hoped for an amicable transition. Of course, the manager couldn't get over how blindsided he was and decided to vow to the bartender's face to make his last week a living nightmare for him. 

Unfortunately for the manager, he seemed to underestimate the Redditor yet again. This time, the bartender decided to use his remaining sick days as proper payback. For more stories, check out this post about some drama between law associates in the workplace.


LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 05:00

‘What have you done to my car?’: Unprofessional car dealer constantly demands buyer returns new car for inspections, causing buyer to suspect their intentions

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 04:00

Nobody knows how many things need to go into consideration when buying a new car before they actually have to do it themselves for the first time. It is not only about the miles and the price, and it's not even about what brand and model it is, there is so much more you have to consider before you make a purchase.

For example – Getting the car inspected. Before you buy your first car, most people will tell you that you shouldn't rely on the inspection your car dealership performs and that you should bring it to a different car garage to give it another inspection. That way the car dealership can't hide anything from you, and you know 100% what you are getting.

I would never have thought about that the first time I bought a car, and neither did the OP (original poster) in this Reddit story. So when her car dealer got her to drive back and forth to the dealership in claims that her new car needed to be inspected, it raised many red flags, leading OP to take the car for a different inspection to make sure she wasn't being scammed.

Scroll down to read the full story. After that, click here for a story of an employee who refused to leave work after their shift was canceled yet again.

30 Meowgical Cat Memes for a Miraculous Midweek Mood Boost

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 19:00

Do you also feel like your cats purrposely look for ways to make your life as difficult as pawssible?

Our pawdorable cat, Coco, is an almost purrfect cat. She doesn't bite or scratch us, she is friendly to other hoomans, she quietly sleeps through the entire night, and she enjoys sitting on our lap when we're chilling on the couch at the end of the day. But, there is one thing she does that proves once again that cats have a mind of their own and simply do not care about anything or anyone. 

Coco likes to scratch and chew on the most random, and more importantly, almost irreplaceable things around our house. For example – She scratches the door frames and the window screens to a point where there are holes in both, she chews on internet and television cables, and there is simply nothing we can do to stop her because those are pretty much the only things in the house we cannot move. 

Coco is the purrfect proof that there is no such thing as a purrfect cat. But there are purrfect cat memes, all you have to do to enjoy them is simply scroll down. After you are done scrolling, click here for a story of a firefighter who rescued and adopted a sweet kitten.


A purrfessional

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 17:00

All species

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 16:00

Employee arrives to work only to have manager cancel their shift 10 minutes before it starts, employee refuses to go home: ‘I'm working whether you like it or not’

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 15:00

If an employer expects their employees to respect the schedule by always arriving at their shifts and always being on time, then they should show the same level of respect to the employees' time and schedule.

That means that canceling shifts for employees "just because" is not a valid excuse and is definitely not respectable, especially if they cancel someone's shift only 10 minutes before it is supposed to start, causing the employee to still go through their commute.

We believe that the employee in this Reddit story should definitely retaliate against their manager, who kept canceling their shift without an ounce of consideration for OP's (original poster) valuable time. Luckily, it seems like OP is not willing to go down without a fight, and is ready to make sure they are not being exploited by their employer.

Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a woman who was forced to move out of her apartment because of her unemployed roommate.

23 Loopy Feline Funnies To Keep You From Tearing Down The Office From Frustration

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 15:00

If you have made it this far in the day on Monday, then we truly commend you on your efforts to keep a lid on your madness. After all, you were ripped screaming from your bed this morning, and then you spent your whole ride to work praying that some sort of natural event would make it impawssible for you to get to the office. But hey, you are here and you are getting through the day. But considering that you are likely towards the end of your tether, we wanted to help you out by fighting fire with fire, with this list of loopy feline funnies that will hopefully keep you from tearing down the furniture and posts in your office.

From the clawminal cat who takes turning up the heat at the party to different and scary places, to the lazy gatto who has gotten so bored with its job that it has resorted to developing new and exciting hobbies such as wasting oxygen, to the frustrated feline whose evil plans were thwarted by supermarket forever bag.


Company refuses to reimburse employee's work travel expenses, claiming he spent too much, prompting employee's $1000 retaliation and resignation

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 14:00

The majority of workers fantasize about taking business trips. You are free to follow your own career path and see different cultures around the globe. Nonetheless, when an employee travels only for work, it is customary, if not required, for the company to cover the necessary costs to ensure the worker enjoys a pleasant stay. So, how would you respond if the business declined to cover necessities such as food?

The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) describes an incident that occurred during a work trip more than 20 years ago. According to OP, his management gives him a fifty-dollar daily budget, which he can spend on food. Every now and then he would go without food, in which case he would treat himself to a tasty but affordable meal with the additional money. The company, instead of reimbursing him for his out-of-pocket expenses, insisted that he pay the price for allegedly 'breaching' their agreement and exceeding the budget when they discovered that the money had been spent in a single day as opposed to over the course of a week.

Since OP was not happy with his firm, as you may have guessed by now, he devised a cunning strategy to get even, which resulted in the company paying $1,000 more than it should have. So, if you're curious to learn what happened next and how he exacted his vengeance, make sure to read the story below!  After you're done, don't forget to read the article about the HR department that incited client controversy by insisting that an employee take PTO rather than work remotely!

23 Sublimely Sweet Cat Pictures To Add A Mood Booster To Your Afternoon Cup Of Joe

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 14:00

Meow, meow, it is still Monday and that can only mean we are still at the beginning of the work week. It honestly feels as though two days have passed, heck a whole day could have passed with that dreary lunch hour you had to sit through listening to your coworker's trip to the antique fair over the weekend. So as you enter your unofficial second day of work and wire yourself up with an afternoon cup of joe, we made this list of sublimely sweet cat pictures to act as a mood booster that you can enjoy alongside the coffee that you are hoping will save the rest of your day.

From the snot bubbling sweet cat who looks utterly shocked and confused by the first time occurrence emanating from his nose, to the cloying catto who is feeling the selfie vibes even though she is having her photo taken by her hooman, to the funny feline with some of the stretchiest cheeks in the game.


Boss takes away construction workers' stereo, middle manager defends the team and buys them a new one: 'He didn't expect me to advocate for them'

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 13:00

Imagine being such a micromanager that you feel the need to enforce what music your employees can listen to while they work. 

As I am sure you are all well aware, music is one of the few things that can provide momentum and levity through the difficult monotony of the workday. What's more, the employees in this scenario are construction workers. They have to do tough manual labor, oftentimes in the heat,  day in and day out. If they want to listen to music on a stereo while they work, they should be allowed to do so. In fact, they should have whatever they need to get through their shifts. 

This toxic boss, however, felt that the music they were planning was giving him a headache despite the fact that he works in a totally different area and often has headphones of his own that he uses while he works. Thankfully, the middle manager felt emboldened enough to get these guys a new stereo after their boss had taken their old one away.

Keep scrolling below for the full confrontation between the boss and the middle manager. For more stories like this, check out this post about some of the top HOA stories of the week. 

25 Cozy Cats "Trapped" in Smol Spaces and Compartments

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 13:00

We love cats for so many reasons, don't we? They're fluffy, independent, and have this hilarious habit of acting like they're royalty. But one of the most delightful things about cats is their incredible talent for squeezing into the tiniest spaces. Seriously, it's like they're made of liquid!

Ever notice how a cat can look at a box, a basket, or even a small shoe, and think, "Yep, I can fit in there"? And then, miraculously, they do! It's like watching a magic trick. One moment, there's an empty cereal box, and the next, there's a cat, snug as a bug, peeking out with those big, curious eyes.

This liquid-like quality is one of the many reasons we adore our feline friends. Cats bring endless joy and amusement with their quirky behaviors and love for smol spaces. Their ability to fit into (and sometimes get stuck in) the most unexpected places keeps us laughing and loving them more each day. With that being said, we invite you to scroll through this hisssterical collection of cats trapped in the smolest of places. 


'[She] asked why we can't drive to Hawaii': 35 People who are totally misinformed

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 12:00

These people are just out here living with their incorrect assumptions about life. Someone jokingly tells you something one time, and if it's not corrected, you just mistakenly believe this thing for years until someone corrects you! The people answering u/ButterflyOverkill's question know a person or two who's exactly like that. This person asked people to spill the "most ridiculous thing you've heard someone say that they were 100% serious about." Judging from the more than 4,800 people who replied, this is a common phenomenon!  

Some people are just prone to messing things up and misremembering facts, which can make for some hilarious conversations. One person asked their friend how cool it would be if they could "see in 3D," while another truly thought that water was full of carbs. You can check out a bunch of very silly ideas people had that were just so wrong it made everyone around them do a facepalm. At least now they know for next time! 

Up next, these workers had such bad first days on the job that they were fired ASAP, like the front-desk worker who "showed up in pajamas and… thought she wouldn't have to actually talk to people." 


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