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20 Purrfectly Plushy Cat Paws for a Pawsitively Peachy Mid-Summer Treat

LOL Cats - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 07:00

When the world is in such turmoil, and looking at the news or social media hurts our brains and our souls, we find ourselves scrolling through the interwebs looking for something pure. Something wholesome. Something that will make us smile. We scroll and scroll, and we don't know about you, but we don't want to scroll anymore. So, we here at ICanHas have decided to put together those pawsitive things for you. All the way from wholesome cat memes to silly feline shenanigans to what we have for you today. 

A purrfectly plushy and pawsitively peachy collection of cat paws. What could be more wholesome and pure than that? Nothing, and you know it. And we promise you, dedicating five minutes to scrolling through these awwdorable pics will remind you that, no matter how much insanity there might be out there, cats are always here to make life a little bit better.  


‘Grow up': 15-year-old professional photographer gets pressured by her grandma to shoot her uncle's wedding for free, she refuses then gets slandered in front of the whole family

Fail Blog - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 06:00

Photography is just pushing a button, right? WRONG. Being a professional photographer means brandishing complicated and expensive equipment knowledgeably, managing lighting, ISO levels, composition, and a whole slew of entangling factors to capture a beautifully candid moment. And that's not even putting into consideration the time that goes into post-production… 

Put simply, it's not easy to be a good photographer. 

But for some reason, people with no knowledge of the photography world love to lend their opinions of the value of this challenging art form, claiming it's just 'pushing a button' and standing in the middle of the action. Okay then, Grandma, why don't you give it a whirl and see how the photos turn out? 

One girl recently went head to head with her own granny when she had to defend her craft. Although she was only 15 years old, u/harryshousee had already been professionally shooting weddings under her sole proprietorship, paying taxes, managing clients, and taking pride in her work for two years. However, when it came time for her uncle's wedding (which she had agreed to do at a discount as their wedding gift), things took a turn. Her grandma seemed to think that any untrained monkey could hold a camera at a wedding and capture perfectly the love and intricacies of a complicated event and decidedly slandered her own granddaughter for having the audacity to ask for a measly $300 to pay for her time and efforts. 

Keep scrolling to read the family drama that unfolded when this naive grandma feverishly slung mud at her own granddaughter, slandering her in front of the whole family for refusing to do her job for free.

A Sweet Spoonful of Wholesome Cat Memes to Add to Your Iced Coffee

LOL Cats - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 06:00

Take a deep breath, everyone, it is Sunday meowrning. Which means we can stay in bed. And do nothing. And just have a pawfect day during which we do only the things that we want to do and nothing else whatsoever. And for us, like many of you, this means… disconnecting for a while. It means chilling in bed for a while longer, cuddling our cats, having some fun snacks and adding some wholesome cat memes as the sweetener to our morning iced coffee. 

Starting your day with silly cat memes is as essential as having a cup of iced coffee in the morning. Coffee gives us the physical energy that we need, and awwing and giggling at cat memes gives us the mental boost that we're looking for. So, sit back, enjoy these memes, the lack of responsibilities that you have today and have a purrfect Sunday. 


Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Fail Blog - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 05:00

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk.

This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key, who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacement on short notice. He ended up coming into the office and, although he spent most of his shift away from others, as he predicted, everyone got sick including his manager. That's what you get, sir!

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more stories like this, take a look at this post about a bartender's zero weeks notice.

Advice Cat gives good advice

LOL Cats - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 05:00

A Hissterical Bunch of Unbothered Furry Feline Friends Who Simply Don't Care

LOL Cats - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 01:00

A bunch of unbothered floofs and sploots

'We heard a kitten meow followed by a splat': Tiny kitten falls out of the shelves at a Lowe's hardware store, couple rescue her and find her a furever home

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 21:00

Have you ever gone shopping for hardware, but then leave with an itty bitty fluffy kitten instead?

29 Hissterical Feline Memes to Whisker You Away to a Purrfectly Silly Summer Vacation

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 19:00

Howdy hoomans! We truly hope you've had an amazing week with your awwdorable feline friend. We are happy to inform you that the work week is drawing to a close and the weekend is drawing near. All of the things we have planned have us quite excited. From taking leisurely strolls on the beach with our beautiful kitten to frolicking in the gardens and watching the sunset with our favorite hoomans.

So, to help pass the time till the much-anticipated weekend, we have decided to gather a collection of some of the funniest and most relatable cat memes we could discover. We hoped that a funny meme listicle with plenty of cute cats would make you laugh as much as it made us laugh. Therefore, check out the memes below if, like us, you're searching for lighthearted entertainment to pass the time until it's time to say goodbye and head home to your beloved little kitty! Additionally, after you're done, don't forget to check out a purrfect packet of cat memes for fluffy felines who enjoy treats more than catnip!


I has toe wedgies

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:00

Stew Thief

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 16:00

Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Fail Blog - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 15:00

Jobs in customer service are never simple. Yet the task is made even harder when a client is trying to take advantage of you in order to earn a fast profit. An employee of customer service recounts his frustrations in the story below.

The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality sector. Therefore, he acquired the ability to interact with an extensive selection of people. But after a particularly entitled customer sought a free supper for the third time in a row, OP understood he needed to take action in order to prevent this from happening a fourth time around.

So, make sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning more about what happened and how the customer attempted to trick the waiters of the restaurant into giving her a full reimbursement for her meal! After you're done, don't forget to read the story of the manager who, in an attempt to increase sales, cancels the company's social benefit—only for the staff to outwit him in his own game! It makes for some lighthearted entertainment in between your afternoon meetings!

21 Wholesome Feline Memes for Fur Baby Pawrents Looking for a Distraction While at Work

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 15:00

At this late point in the week, complacency and complaining set in. it has been a long week of laborious lunches making small talk and mindless meetings designed to boost and crush egos. So it is completely understandable that you would be looking for whatever you can to take your mind off the crushing boredom that the day holds. As such, we made this list of wholesome feline memes for all you fur baby pawrents looking for a worthwhile distraction while at work. Just make sure that your boss cannot see what you are doing.

From cats who are bringing back cool with the flip-e-dy dip-e-dy fliest clothing they could get their mits on, to the awesome orange cat who has put on a daring display of the two modes that cats have - stop and go, to the hilarious reaction of a girl cat who was told how many kittens she would have been responsible for by this stage in life, had she not been spayed. These funny felines are the purrfect distraction from a day that you would rather spend at home with you cat children.


'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

Fail Blog - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 14:00

Giving your overworked employees even more work: what could possibly go wrong? This person, u/TheMightyGalah, found out exactly what happens, but they were glad to watch their boss get her comeuppance. 

Good managers will be beloved by their team. You can tell when someone's an exceptional supervisor by the way their team talks about them: do they dread that manager seeing their work and results, or do they look to the manager for support and help? Some managers don't really manage much at all. They're happy to have a team and let them do their work, and then they just react to whatever is put out. If they had a good month, the boss will take credit for that and brag about it. On a bad month, the whole team is taking blame, and let's face it, that manager probably isn't offering the most sage advice for how to move forward from there. This is a really difficult type of boss to have, and this person felt slighted by their manager for years before they managed to get back at her. 

For this customer service representative, setting a plan for their boss to fail also came along with a sweet vacation. You can check out this great tale of grudge-holding and exacting revenge down below. 

Next up, these workers had a really fun bonding moment in their insurance job when their boss insisted they start overstating all of the damages they came across. 

23 Uncontrollable Cat Pictures for Office-Bound Humans Who Feel Like They're Missing Out on Life

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 14:00

Cats, unlike us hoomans, have no off switch, they are like the energizer bunny, except the energizer bunny has batteries to keep it going, cats seem to just keep going. Which is what makes they purrfect for a lavish life of not doing very much work and spending all their time living the best lives that they can imagine. Which, for a hardworking hooman is quite the jealousy inducing thought considering you are working to fund their loud lifestyle. So we figured we would offer you a little window into their world while you put in the hours at the office, with this list of uncontrollable cat pictures for office-bound hoomans.

From the cat who spends its free time watching their pawrent working from home while resting their head on an apple, to the feathery feline who has found a way to spend its day as the very prey it usually hunts, scientists claim that this is an evolutionary advantage that teaches the cat how to improve it hunting techniques, to clowning kitty who has invested its free time in learning the art of clowning.


Top Fast Food Flops and Delivery Mishaps (July 25, 2024)

Fail Blog - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 13:00

We've all had a poor experience with fast food at some point. When you get that late-night craving for a burger and fries, the last thing you want is to receive a half-eaten delivery, a major missing ingredient, or uncooked meat. 

Unfortunately, this is far more common than any of us would like to admit. When it does happen, we hopefully catch it before it's too late… you don't want to discover raw chicken after you bite into your nugget. If you're lucky enough to catch it early, you throw your food away immediately and perhaps you pursue a refund from the establishment. Regardless, we wish we could say that when this kind of debacle occurs, we vow never to eat from that chain again. That would be the mature thing to do, but our maturity cannot overcome the next big fast food craving. Instead, we try to laugh it off, and we forgive and forget. Besides, if you play your cards right, you're likely going to get a free meal out of the whole thing.

Keep scrolling below for these top fast food flops and delivery mishaps. For more content like this, check out these sign fails. 

30 Orange Cat Memes Filled with One Brain Cell Shenanigans

LOL Cats - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 13:00

As cat people, we love all our feline friends, but there's something undeniably special about orange cats. Something about these vibrant, ginger-coated companions that makes our hearts skip an extra beat. Maybe it's their striking fur color or those expressive, mischievous eyes, but orange cats have a charm that's impossible to resist.

Despite their reputation for having just one brain cell, which often leads to some hilariously clumsy and endearing antics, we adore them endlessly. Whether they're trying to fit into impossibly small boxes, chasing their own tails, or getting stuck in the most ridiculous places, their silly behavior brings endless entertainment to our lives.

Sure, they might not always be the most graceful or the smartest of the bunch, but their affectionate purrs, headbutts, and those moments when they look at us with pure love and trust make it all worthwhile. In the end, it's their imperfections and quirks that make orange cats so incredibly special. We wouldn't trade their one brain cell shenanigans for anything in the world!



'Back part of the car is missing': Insurance experts begin wildly overstating car accident damages at their boss's demand

Fail Blog - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 12:00

These workers had a fun "moment of brilliance" while still following their boss's directions

If you drive, there's a strong chance you have car insurance, and that's the industry this person worked in. U/un0hu was one of the many employees working behind the scenes after a person gets into an accident. From tiny scratches to fender benders to totaled cars, the employees at this firm saw everything. Their job was to rate how badly the cars were damaged. You know how you're supposed to snap a bunch of photos of your car after an accident? These people are the reason why. They're able to slap a price tag on the accident to report how much each person involved in the accident should be paid by their insurance. 

Photos are pretty crucial to this job, but for some reason, the boss at this person's workplace just did not care about that. He's one of those managers who are so blinded by money that they care about nothing else, and he let his employees know it. But there's only so far that kind of attitude will take him before it comes back to haunt him, as you can read about in the story below. 

Up next, these people shared their very creative workplace pranks, like some employees who gleefully froze their coworker's bike to the freezer floor


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