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26 Fabulous Feline Costumes That Will Surely Turn Heads at the Next Halloween Office Party

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 12:00

Don't you just LOVE Halloween, where you can unleash your fantasies for the world to see? We sure do! And these 26 adorable photos will turn heads and paws at your next Halloween office party. Whether you're a cat lover or just looking for costume ideas, this collection has something for everyone. These fabulous felines brought their A-game with costumes that will surely make them the star of the party.

These costumes are designed to bring out the wild side in every kitty. Imagine a Star Trek-inspired Commander Spock costume or a Walking Dead Negan costume complete with the iconic red bandana and Lucille in paw. Feast your eyes on a steampunk kitten, a daredevil puss, a cowboy desperado, an Ewok, or a Robin Hood kitty. Each costume is a masterpiece of creativity, attention to detail, and furry fun. Embrace your whimsical side and make your Halloween office party unforgettable with these purr-fectly fabulous feline costumes!


Law associate confronts intern about office romance: ‘My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege’

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 11:00

This employee has been watching too much Grey's Anatomy. After discovering that her intern was having an office romance with a senior associate, she thought that the best way to handle the scenario and to "stay out of it" was to go around confronting both parties and starting more drama. 

The best part is how folks in the comments section were quick to call out the flaws in her logic about "pretty privilege," a phrase she used when confronting her intern. People accused the associate of being jealous and questioned why she seemed more frustrated with the less powerful party in this dynamic. If she really felt that something against company policy was going on and that something needed to be done urgently, that is what Human Resources is for. She is not a professional when it comes to handling these issues, but she couldn't help herself. If she really did not want to be involved, she simply wouldn't be involved. What would you do in this scenario? Sound off in the comments!

For more stories like this, check out this post about another tense feud between coworkers. 

28 Fabulous Floofy Fuzzy Felines Better at Meowdeling Than You

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 11:00

Strut, strut, you slick stunning sassy kitty. Flaunt that fabulous feline energy! Meowdel that absolutely adorable outfit on the catwalk like the whole world's watching. It's aMEOWzing, it's HISSterical, it's CATivating!

If you swagger down this sensational list of dazzling model cats, we're sure you will catch on that gorgeous feline feeling of greatness. You can see it in their furrbulous faces, outstanding outfits, and absolutely royal attitude. We have already caught on that campy cat vibe, the world is our catwalk to stride on and we bring beauty back. You can definitely feel that too from those meowdeling masters down there.

So what are you waiting for? This fabulous feline feeling won't strut itself - scroll down for a a true impressive inspiration to ignite your inner supermodel animal spirit.


50 Grumpy Cats Grinding Away Through the Work Week to Reach a Glorious Weekend

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 10:00

Hello Monday grumps, how was your weekend? Sorry, we didn't mean to rub salt on your wounds, but Meownday arrived in all its grumpy glory. Did you have a hard time getting out of bed to start the week? Well, so did the furious fluffy feline friends in this list, who tried their best to wake this week up but groggily failed to do so. They have remained grouchy grumps all throughout this Monday meowrning, similarly to you.

If you don't have the crabby courage to jumpstart your work week, you can at least scroll this very grumpy list of floofs who look absolutely adorable while making their Monday face. If you don't feel cute this Monday morning, you can at least take comfort in this charming cat cuteness of them trying their best to put on their grumpy cat persona.


‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 09:00

Need a quick and easy way to stick-it to your mother-in-law? Well, here ya go!

Deaf, Earless, Senior Cat That Looks Like A Seal, Runs Like A Raccoon And Feels Like A Furry Baseball Gets Adopted (Video)

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 09:00

If it wasn't quite clear up until now… we love cats. All cats. In all shapes and sizes. But we have to say that some cats… have a special spot in our hearts. The "impurrfect cats" - not that such a thing even exists in our minds. The cats that others might look like and dismiss. The cats with no legs, who are purrsevering anyway. The cats with one eye - also known as pirate cats - who may be a little clumsy but are just as awwdorable as others. The polydactyl cats with extra toe beans. Hey, more beanz for us to love, what's there to complain about? 

And today's cat… the star of the show. The deaf, earless, senior cat who looks like a seal, runs like a raccoon and feels like a furry baseball that just got adopted and also stole all of our hearts at the same time. We're in love. 


'The concrete bags... begin to harden into just big rocks': Construction worker lets thousands of dollars of concrete get destroyed by following boss's orders

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 08:00

What was this construction boss thinking? His employee, u/Stumpy6464, was baffled by the instructions they received by their boss, but they did their job as directed. 

Some workplaces are just chronically understaffed. This makes for an unpleasant work environment for the employees: they're going to be dealing with annoyed customers, or they're going to be rushing around trying to get all of that extra work done. For this person, their construction boss decided to interfere with their normal daily procedures, and he learned an unfortunate lesson from it.

In the comments section, concerned people told the original poster that they should be careful that their boss doesn't escalate the situation. After all, the big bosses are going to find out about what happened, whether or not the original poster informs them about it or not. At least if they're prepared to cover their own behind, they'll (hopefully!) avoid taking any blame for their boss's big and very costly mistakes. People assured them that they'd almost certainly be blamed for this, and to be cautious while navigating this territory with the big boss. 

Up next, this school caretaker was surprised that his boss didn't want him to open the gate to students and families, but he agreed to do so. 

30 Silly Summer Cat Memes to Make Today Purrhaps the Best Monday Ever

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 08:00

Happy Monday, cat lovers. Let's be real - nobody really has a "happy Monday" - but we can do some things that make our Mondays not terrible, at least. Some of those things include snuggling with our kitties for a few extra minutes in the morning, ordering a fancy latte instead of our normal drip coffee on the way to work, and scrolling through some furbulous feline funnies while we're working (who actually gets any work done on Mondays anyway?). With these things combined, we can turn a manic Monday into purrhaps the best Monday ever.

The 'best Monday ever' will still never compare to a really good Friday, but it might be as good as a festive Fursday full of funny felines. Cat memes have that power - they can make us smile no matter how clawful our day is and make our days a little bit brighter. So, let's enjoy these silly summer cat memes and make this Monday the best ever!


CEO's return to office plan is upended by CTO when CEO refuses to follow their own rules: 'Guess who wasn't there? Yeah, the CEO'

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 07:00

"Rules for me but not for thee" has never been more accurate than when it comes to dealing with a C-suite executive pushing an aggressive return-to-office (RTO) policy, consisting of rules and values that they deem themself to not be a part of. If there's any leadership that will inspire loyalty, it's leading from the front, and policies that you yourself don't want to follow is not the way to do this. When you're just running a corporate entity, there are not many excuses for being an armchair general. It's not like there's any real risk involved—not like there would have been if you were riding into battle or venturing out into the unknown world.

This organization's work-from-home policy was pretty relaxed for the pre-pandemic era, becoming increasingly so as mandatory working from home dragged on. This tech worker even packed up and moved to another city, taking advantage of their new freedom. The company did the same, hiring workers from out of the city and well away from the office at a lower rate.

When the world began to return to normal, and employers began returning to their more traditional policies, it suddenly became trendy for executives everywhere to instate return-to-office plans. Kind of in a "monkey see, monkey do" sort of way.

26 Ameowzing Pictures Capturing Cats' Transformations Before And After Adoption

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 07:00

A little love can go a long way. That is what we have learned over our time writing about animals, and cats in particular. Even the most aloof cat will open up with the right amount of love and space and respect. These cats go through incredible transformations. They look like a whole other kitty cat after getting the love they deserve, and we… seeing these cats get adopted, find their furrever homes and thrive, it makes us happy, and it reminds us of all the good there is in the world. Which is why we're bringing you this today. 

And brand new incredibly heartwarming collection of cats before and after adoption going through those ameowzing transformations. Kittens, senior cats, cats that were rescued from cement ducts, and cats that asked for help all on their own - each and every one of them looks happier, and we are happier for it. 


'I am about $60,000 in debt because of them': Daughter has parents arrested after discovering they took loans out in her name to pay off their debt

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 06:00

Having debt is a major burden. Whether you took out student loans for college, bought a car, or bought a house, you name it, no one likes having debt over their heads. But how would you feel if one day you found out you were $60,000 in debt and had absolutely no clue? And it's not due to negligence on your part, but rather, someone was taking advantage of you? That's exactly what happened to the woman in this story. She was doing just fine on her own, about to graduate college and enter the 'real world' and live independently. When she started talking to her parents about opening a credit card, which required a credit check, her parents started acting really sketchy. Come to find out, they had already been taking out loans and opening credit cards in their daughter's name to pay off bills they were running behind on. So, their daughter had no choice but to get her revenge. We love a good story about karma. 

'Banjo basically lives in my dad's beard': Sweet Couple Fosters A Tiny Feral Kitten Who Likes Banjo Music And Sleeping In His Foster Dad's Beard

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 06:00

Sometimes, the cat distribution system works even more purrfectly than usual. Every day, someone gets chosen by it. Cats and kittens walk into people's lives with them never expecting it. Sometimes, you will find the kitten, and other times, the kitten will find you, but regardless, the system will continue to do its meowgic, and on very special occasions, it will surprise even us. Which is what happened this time. 

When we tell you that we have not a single doubt in our mind that Banjo is going to be a foster fail, we mean it. That is the only way this story can turn out. His first day home, and his foster dad is playing banjo to him and letting him sleep in his massive beard. This is a purrfect match in every way, and we cannot wait for even more updates about this awwdorable connection. 


‘The company will crumble if I quit’: Boss guilts overwhelmed startup employee after meeting about burnout, employee has no choice but to leave

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 05:00

This one goes out to all the people-pleasers out there. If you're someone who consistently de-prioritizes your own needs in favor of what is best for someone else, you may have found yourself in a similar work-related conundrum as this employee.

She recently had her first full-time position at a startup and was quickly taking on far too many tasks and responsibilities after the person who trained her quit without much warning. It was not long before the employee started experiencing a serious case of burnout. Meanwhile, there was no raise or promotion coming her way despite all the extra work she was doing every day. 

Finally, she decided to confront her boss about the situation, only to be guilted into staying at the company for the sake of everyone else's organizational workflow. Shout out to the folks in the comments section who motivated her to make the right decision about the kind of work-life balance all people deserve––even people-pleasers like us.

For more stories like this, check out this post about an intense coworker feud.

Who let that happen?

LOL Cats - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 05:00

Top Karen meltdowns that backfired with instant karma: 'Oh go make a Facebook post about it!'

Fail Blog - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 04:00

We've all heard crazy Karen stories. Some of us have even been unfortunate enough to witness one in person. From Karen's insisting that they deserve special treatment to having a public meltdown over the slightest inconvenience, all Karen stories are highly infuriating to everyone involved. Typically, it is a poor worker of some sort (usually a manager) who can't stick to the Karen no matter how much they want to, or sometimes a neighbor who got the short end of the stick when they moved in. But the best Karen stories are the ones that result in instant karma. Someone has got to stick up to these Karens, or else they'll go about their ways, inflicting more entitled behavior on the next innocent person who happens to cross paths with them at the wrong time. Thankfully, there are people out there who are putting these entitled people in their place, one Karen at a time. Below, several people shared their stories of when a Karen was met with instant karma. And trust us, these stories are incredibly satisfying.

Plausible deniability

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 17:00

Easy catch

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 16:00

22 Hissterical Cat Pictures And Memes For The Millennials Who Grew Up On 4Chan

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 15:00

As the weekend comes to a close it is the purrfect time to get nostalgic about not only the weekend that hath just passed, but nostalgic in general. And for many of us millennials that means thinking back to the days of the dawn of instant messaging online, when we had insanely long and complicated usernames and titles full of cringy emojis and early internet slang like ROFL. So while you find yourself pondering the past, we figured you might enjoy this complementary collection of hissterical cat pictures and memes for you millennials who grew up on 4chan. Spending all your waking hours trawling the internet for funny cat pictures to post on your MySpace.

From emo styled kittens bringing us back to the days before dating apps when we used to advertise our relationship statues to anyone who would care to see, to the rock n roll themed felines bringing to life the music that many of us grew up on and grew into, which has now become what the kids of today consider 'classic rock', to the zany inexplicable feline funnies that kept us entertained for all those long hours.


Fast food workers reveal the menu items you should seriously avoid: 'The ice machine doesn't get cleaned as often as you’d hope'

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 15:00

This might make you think twice about the next time you're feeling lazy and decide to pop through a drive-thru window to pick up a quick bite to eat. According to these fast food workers, no restaurant joint is off-limits. From menu items that are made up of all of the leftovers corporate doesn't want to go to waste to the machines that are built so poorly that they are impossible to clean, you probably should know these gross facts before you go spending your hard-earned money at some of these places. Or you could look at it this way - we've made it this far after years of indulging at these places, maybe were just immune to these un-called-for fast-food norms. Maybe it's the price we pay to enjoy these places' low costs and convenient practices. Either way, you'll probably learn a thing or two from the workers below. After chiming into a Reddit thread asking, "Fast food workers, what menu item should everyone avoid from where you work?" tons of people replied, sharing similar experiences. Keep reading below.


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