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'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 14:00

This caretaker had to wield that phrase that should be a warning to any boss: "Can I have that in writing, please?" As an employer, that should immediately make you do a double take. It should make you think, "Hmm, why does my employee want to document this order?" Perhaps they've already had some reservations about it, or they see something you've missed. No matter, though, because that type of boss dislikes listening to employees. They think that they're superior in their role, and that their lowly employees couldn't possibly be capable of good decision-making. 

The caretaker was also given the worst kind of employee instructions. He was basically told that he couldn't do his job, and this impacts the students and staffers at the school. Now, with all eyes on him, he's forced to tell everyone that he simply can't help them today in the way he does every other day. Awkward…At least the guy, u/Sir_Jimmothy's father, was able to talk to his boss after maliciously complying with her ridiculous order. You can check out the full story down below. 

After that, read about the silly customer questions that are making customer service reps roll their eyes, like one person who asked in full seriousness, "How many days do we have for a 45-day return?"

24 Cute Cat Posts That’ll Make You Want To Run And Pet The Nearest Feline Fur Baby

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 14:00

Tis the weekend, which means tis the season to show your undying affection for cats before you get wrapped up in the work week once again. It is a complicated life, where we are so preoccupied with work that often the things we love get pushed to the side, and we resort to enjoying them in online form. So we figured we would give you a gentle reminder to get out there and pet a cat before your limited free time is over with this list of cute cat posts.

From the avocado adoring kitty who could not be more please with his delightful costume, to the clawminal cat who was gifted a colorful robber's ski mask by his pawrents to help foil his plans, to the uber eats delivery kitten who only delivered chimken nugz but never actually delivers them to their destination. Let these funny felines inspire you to get out and pet the first feline you find, just remember to ask pawmission first.


‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 13:00

When you're a kid, you constantly fear that your parents are going to embarrass you in public. For instance, I will never forget that one time when I was 11 years old and going to the movies with my whole family, an activity that led to major embarrassment when my Dad was grooving to the music during the previews. I was mortified that a friend or classmate from school was at the theater and would see my father dance like nobody was watching because everyone was watching.

Now, what kids don't realize is that parents also are afraid that their kids will embarrass them in public by blurting out a naive comment, insensitive remark, or revealing the truth about them in mixed company. 

These folks understand that embarrassment all too well. Keep scrolling below for their cringe-worthy stories and for the subsequent fallout. For more, check out this compilation of throwback starterpack memes.

A Collection Of 23 Feline Funnies For Crazy Cat Ladies Cuddling Their Cat Children

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 13:00

While Caturday was quite the purrfect party yesterday, that does not mean that it ends today. For those of us who are simply so fond of our feline friends, every single moment we have away from work is worthy of being a Caturday-esque moment. Which makes Sunday the ideal day to continue the Caturday celebrations from the day before. And today we celebrate the biggest lovers of cute cats that exist in this world, the crazy cat ladies. As such, this list is dedicated to them chilling at home, cuddling their cat children.  

From the crazy cat lady whose feline obsession went a little too far when she got involved with a friendly mountain lion who tried to play indoor cat, to the social distancing kitty who we would all relish to have by our side while navigating the outside world, to the passionate kitty who leaps with love every time it sees its pawrent, albeit perhaps a little too hard.


'[She] showed up in pajamas and... thought she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 12:00

Getting fired within your first week or two of starting a new gig takes effort. You have to be so wildly unfit for the role that no one will take the chance to train you. There are a few thousand people who witnessed some of the worst first days of work ever, and they're telling the stories in the r/AskReddit community. 

Some folks just aren't suited to the job. For example, one courier driver went through the interview process and started work. He then told the person training him that he refuses to drive in the city. Buddy, what did you think was going to happen at that courier job? Other people tried to start fights or refused to actually do any work. 

There's also the guy who applied to be a security guard, only for his employers to find him sleeping on the job. Why? Because he's a narcoleptic! If you're constantly falling asleep, being a security guard is perhaps not the ideal job for you. He was just trying to fake it until he made it, but he'll have to look elsewhere for employment after that incident. 

Up next, these people have some interesting dating preferences, like one person who insists, "Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference." 

43 Clingy Cats Completely Clueless About Purrsonal Space

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 12:00

We love cats for all sorts of reasons, but their curiosity is definitely high on the list. Cats have a sense of wonder that is so intriguing to me. Whether they're exploring a new box, investigating a suspicious noise, or staring intently at something only they can see - their curiosity is endlessly fascinating. 

When you mix their curiosity with their inability to grasp the concept of personal space, magic happens. Their fascination with the world around them often leads them to invade our personal space in the most amusing ways. A little something I like to call adorable chaos! 

A curious cat, with no sense of personal boundaries, will plop down right on your laptop, knock over your coffee, or squeeze into the smallest, most unexpected spots. It's these moments of pure, unfiltered curiosity and silliness that make our worlds go round. With that being said, today we're serving you a huge collection of curious cats who have no concept of purrrsonal space. 




Manager promotes untrained hire after trusted employees quit, company tanks: 'The place is a ghost town'

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 11:00

One would think that a manager would make careful judgment calls after a group of high-performing employees quit. This is the opportunity to do some serious self-reflection about why they felt the need to leave and what changes can be implemented so that more hard-working, well-trained folks don't leave high and dry. Unfortunately, in order to make smart judgment calls in these scenarios, these managers need to develop an ounce of self-awareness and honesty so they can realistically admit where they might have gone wrong.

This manager, like so many bosses, refused to go there. Instead, he promoted the wrong person, refusing to take advice from one of his former employees (the Redditor). They had properly trained another new hire before their ultimate departure, but this manager had too much of an ego to promote him. So, you can guess what transpired next. Let's just say that business was not booming.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about an employee who learned that a new hire below him was getting paid more.

22 Fluffy Feline Furrballs Casting Fireball On a Quest to Quench Their D&D Desire

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 11:00

We've had the most frenzied fuzzy feline-fueled D&D session last night! As the party was about to enter the final boss dungeon in the Castle Of Doom, ready to strike down the evil wizard - our fluffy friend, Mr. Whiskers, jumped on the table knocking down every miniature, leaving mess and destruction in his wake. And we thought our Orc Barbarian was full of wrath… But instead of stopping the game to regroup another time, we decided that with this much battle-readiness, Mr. Whiskers is the true BBEG, a deserving foe for our mighty adventuring party!

So we made him a character sheet. Our DM had never played a more chaotic character - Mr. Whiskers pawed and clawed at our knight and cleric, cast Tasha's Hideous Meow at our barbarian and rogue, and when he rolled with his tail for a final Furrball - it was a naturel 20. We were never as proud to have been in a total TPK.

After yesterday's ameowzing experience, we've gathered some fluffy feline nerds for you, so you can feel as though you were with us last night.


‘The kicker? You aren’t eligible for a bonus': Employee gets burned out of a $1,000 bonus when his greedy boss ‘revisits’ an old employee review

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 10:00

Bonuses keep the workplace afloat. After a grueling quarter, tired employees look through the glass ceiling at their bosses above, begging, hoping, and praying for a bone to be tossed down to their department. For most people living paycheck-to-paycheck, bonuses are truly their only source of fun money. So please, boss, don't mess with our favorite part of the year. 

Usually performance-based, oftentimes your boss will make you review your work, reach certain goals, or otherwise dance like a monkey for your bonus–and most employees are happy to do it! But if you're promised a bonus, do your due diligence, and still get denied, what then? The guy in our next story was flabbergasted when he received 5 stars all around on his employee review, only to get the rug pulled out from under him when it came time for payday. 

After a resounding round of applause from the higher-ups, this hardworking employee was thrilled to be receiving a $1,000 bonus for his labor. Except, a few months later, when it came time to cash in on his bonus check, suddenly his manager found a few 'mistakes' in his review. He unearthed the signed document and decidedly ripped apart his star employee. Not only was the guy insulted, but now that he was being placed on probation at work, he was no longer eligible for a bonus… Keep scrolling for the entire enraging tale of workplace drama that's sent this guy straight to the job market for a new position. 

Remarkable Orange Cat Born With Adorable Antenna For Extra Reception of Brain Cells, Feline Fanatics Hissterically React Over His Whimsical Whisker

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 10:00

Orange cats hold a special place in our feline hearts. It's their pension for silly shenanigans fueled by one singular brain cell working overtime to make every decision they make their entire lives, plus the fact that they are ridiculously cute. One remarkable orange cat, however, seems to have been born with an adorable advantage over other clementine-colored cats, as he was born with an extra antenna on his head. His loving feline father took to the internet to ask the advice of others, and he didn't so much get advice, but he did get a whole lot of funny feline commentary!

It turns out he isn't the only one born with this whimsical whisker, as other comical kitties chimed in with their own adorable antennae. We can only assume that these cat cuties are using their extra whisker to communicate telepathically or receive orders from the meowthership. Scroll down to read through this whole hissterical thread below, and may the brain cell be with you today.


HR demands employee take PTO instead of working remotely, sparking client outcry

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 09:00

As a participant in the industry, you are expected to follow the guidelines set forth by the business community. The story below is an account of a clever employee.

The original poster (OP) is employed by a company that offers services to oil and gas corporations. According to company rules, he is required to work from the office for three consecutive days per week. But after becoming ill approximately a month ago, OP decided that it would be best to remain in his hometown till he recovered. He therefore worked from home for two full weeks until HR called and demanded that he adhere to the policies of the firm and take a leave of absence instead of working remotely. Following some back-and-forth, OP ultimately agreed to comply and took the entire last week of the month off, leaving the company in a precarious situation with no one to finish the clients' pressing obligations.

Thus, make sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of the incident and what happens next! Furthermore, once you're finished, don't forget to read the account of the junior worker who humiliates his management by ditching the company and leaving it in chaos!

24 Funny Felines Wrongly Exposed For Their Kitty "Crimes" and Put on Trial By Hilarious Hoomans

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 09:00

We all know that cats will never admit if they did something wrong. They could have eaten a whole bag of chocolates, destroyed every roll of toilet paper in your house, look at the disaster they caused, look at you, then walk away with the confidence of an innocent man. The only way to hold them accountable is to take pictures of their "crimes" and post it on the internet for other cat lovers to validate your feelings. It's funny, as long as it didn't happen to you, right?

Here, 24 funny felines are being exposed for their crimes for all of us to see (and giggle at). They will never admit it, and they will probably get away with it because they will have a trial held by their peers - and we already discussed how cats never admit guilt. Well, if you can't beat them, laugh at them. Scroll down to get your giggle one with these hilarious "criminals" below and hope for justice for your fellow hoomans!


'Call me on my days off? Guess you're paying me': Energy employee gets even with boss who won't stop bugging them on their days off

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 08:00

One worker was accustomed to working 8 days on, then having 6 days off. That sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you can get it! By the 8th day of work, you must be very ready for a break, but you could plan all sorts of fun activities during those 6 days off in a row. 

This person, u/WyoPeeps, was actually trying to go "off grid" during one of their 6-day breaks. But their boss was continually interrupting them. When that happens, it makes you feel like you've sold your soul to the company. How can an employee ever relax and unwind if they're waiting for a call or email begging them to work? The company might wonder why an employee would want to stay in a work situation like that… That company must have an incredibly high turnover rate if they can't even let their workers have a single day to themselves. The employee is going to feel like they're living only to work, and they're going to race for the door. 

After checking out this story of workplace malicious compliance, check out the comments from people who applauded the original poster for their smart move. Then, check out some very funny and quite difficult-to-read signs.

Purrfect Cat Memes for For Funny Flea-Free Felines Enjoying a Wholesome Siesta in the Summer Sun

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 08:00

Happy Sunday, dear readers. We love Sundays almost as much as Caturdays, but for very different reasons. Sundays are our day of rest, one filled with lounging on the couch, eating snacks, and taking lots of naps. Basically, we turn into a cat on Sundays, and it feels purrfectly appropriate. While we're finding our favorite sunny spot to take our next nap in, we might as well scroll through some purrfectly silly cat memes on our way into dreamland. Get cozy, the sun is just the right amount of warm with the AC on to make the purrfect temperature for napping conditions.

Not only will these cat memes send you into a giggle fit, they will also help you relax into a pawsitive state to help you drift off into your next nap with ease. You might even wake up with a tan! So take your shoes off, find your nearest cuddle buddy, and get to scrolling so you can enjoy your fourth (or fifth) nap of the day. Have a great weekend!


The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (July 21, 2024)

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 07:00

Happy meowrning, cat people! We hope you had a fantabulous weekend so far and that you are ready for it to get even better. Because it can. Because Sunday is finally here, and that means that we get to disconnect from the universe and all of its craziness and enjoy some simple silly cat memes all day long if that is what we want. And of course that's what we want to do. Because there is nothing purer and most pawsitive than giggling at cat memes first thing in the morning. 

That's why every single week, we bring you a brand new collection of the funniest cat tweets that we could find. Because twitter humor hits different. And because we know that it will make you smile this morning just as much as we smiled when we were finding all these golden posts. Have a purrfect Sunday, y'all! 


‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 06:00

Unless you live in an ultra-rural area, you're going to hear your neighbors every now and then. A healthy neighborhood is full of lively sounds like lawnmowers, children playing, and the occasional dog bark, but if you have the misfortune of living next door to a yappy yapper pup who won't even take barking breaks to take a sip of water, your nerves can start to fray at the slightest bork. Even a dog lover of the highest order would find this barking pooch insufferable.

When the guy in our next story moved into his neighborhood, he had no idea that the dog next door would be such a problem. Naturally, like with all untrained animals, it's easy to point out the pitfalls of the untamed beast's handler–in this case, an entitled Karen who thought that her Fifi could do no wrong. Even after several complaints about the dog barking at all hours of the night, the man was dismissed by the dog owner when she claimed that "dogs will be dogs". 

Okay, Karen. We'll see how you like the sound of 'dogs being dogs' after a nightly wake-up call at 3 AM from your disgruntled neighbor blasting the sweet siren calls of dogs barking through his biggest speaker. After this, here's another story of unruly neighbors. 

A Sweet Spoonful Of Wholesome Cat Memes To Add To Your Sunday Meowrning Coffee (July 21, 2024)

LOL Cats - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 06:00

Happy Sunday meowrning, friends! Oh, it's been a cat-astrophic week, and we are so, so ready to spend this Sunday doing… absolutely nothing. Hey, we have done enough during the week. We deserve a break. If that is what we desire, then we deserve to start the day with a nice cup of coffee and a whole bunch of wholesome cat memes to uplift our spirits and purrpare us for next week. 

Starting your morning with some pawsitive cat memes is like… adding a sweet spoonful of sugar into our morning coffee. It's a treat for ourselves. It something that we can do to ensure that we start our morning with happiness. Sweet cat memes like these can remind us that there's hope for humanity after all. So really, sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy these memes, because you have earned them. 


Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Fail Blog - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 05:00

Red-eye flights can be brutal, especially if you have a kid kicking the back of your seat and making your experience all the more difficult. 

When you're getting on a long flight and hoping for at least a good hour of sleep, the likelihood of a smooth, relaxing experience all comes down to your immediate surroundings. Are you stuck in the middle of two inconsiderate strangers? Are you next to a strange and overly talkative person? Is there a screaming child? 

Here, we have a passenger who was, at the very least, lucky enough to have a protective father. He stood up for his daughter after the annoying kid behind her kept incessantly kicking her seat. Now, this kid was about eight or nine years old. In other words, he was old enough to know better, and his mother (who was sitting right next to him) should have done more to stop him from continuing to be a nuisance. 

Keep scrolling below to see how the Redditor's Dad stepped in to teach him a lesson. For more stories like this, check out this list of odd circumstances that led to employees getting fired.


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