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27 Funny Feline Pictures to Leave You in Hump Day Hissterics

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 15:00

Many hoomans have expressed that by the time they get to the middle of the week their funny reserves are floundering and that it affects their ability to engage in hilarious humor that lightens and brightens their working day. Which is a serious problem, as a bunch of grumpy hoomans groaning and grumbling around the office is no good for anyone. So we decided to do what we can to mitigate the effects of the woeful work week with this list of funny feline pictures to leave you in hump day hissterics. That way, you will have a fighting chance of getting through the day with at least something funny to say.

From the micromeownaging feline who is displeased that you have stopped working, because someone has to pay for those organic cat treats, to the croissant curious kitten who has just discovered what it truly means to be a classy cat, to the pawdorable popcorn monching kitten who has just discovered the real reason that hoomans love watching movies.


'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 14:00

Have you ever been involved in a workplace prank? One prank is fun, and it can really liven up the job and boost morale. That often leads to a second prank! That first person has to get back at the prankster, after all. And maybe the prank fight turns into a full-office pranking extravaganza, because everyone wants to get in on the fun! 

Well, if you want to start your own workplace pranking spree, look no further than the genius answers from u/LastResortXL's question to the Ask Reddit community. They were wondering how to finish a prank war started at their own workplace: their coworkers greased up their car door handles and tied a trash bag to the front of the truck! The original poster was left with a giant mess to clean up, and a vendetta against the coworkers who got them good. Scroll down to read about the excellent pranks people conjured up, like the folks who froze a bike to a freezer floor, or the person who kept sending "black faxes." Incredible work, folks, keep it up! 

Up next, an assembly line worker who came in two minutes late to work got an earful from their boss, so they finally stood up to their boss saying, "Nope, not my problem." 

22 Chill Cat Posts Fur Hardworking Hoomans Who Need a Break from Work

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 14:00

Considering we are past the halfway point of the halfway point of the week, you are more than deserving of a fun filled feline break. It is important to be on top of your break time bonanazas, because otherwise you will likely find yourself floundering in a floating pool of work that never ends. So we are taking a page out of the lazy book of cats to enjoy this list of chill cat posts fur hardworking hoomans who need a break from work.

From the clawminal kitten who decided to ruin the office sweet bowl by attempting a very successful 'if i fits, i sits', to the in your face feline who simply cannot be bothered with all this effort any longer, to the eepy catto burnt out after a long day of contributing as little as possible to society. These funny and wholesome cats are the purrfect pause from a full and frustrating day of work that would have been better avoided if possible, but there are bills to pay…


'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 13:00

Every manager has had a tricky situation with someone on their team. Sometimes, it's not the employee's fault, and we tend to side with employees here at FAIL Blog. However, every so often, an employee does something so out-of-line, so unprofessional, and so ridiculous that an immediate dismissal is pretty much non-negotiable.

This compilation of bizarre firing stories ranges from harmless to shocking. We've got an employee who kept having to leave work early for bathroom drama, a new hire who could not stop falling asleep on the job, and an unwise dude who attempted to steal $1,000 from the cash register despite three security cameras pointing right in his direction. 

Firing someone is no easy feat, which is why there's a whole movie about how George Clooney would travel around the country doing that job for the cowardly. However, when someone has so obviously violated their contract, it definitely makes the process a lot easier.

Keep scrolling below for the full list of stories. When you're done, check out this story about an office romance gone wrong.

20 Silly Feline Funnies for your Mid-Week Meowtivator

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 13:00

The middle of the week is finally upon us and there is little we do not like about that. The weekend is in view, we are starting to plan things to do in that beautiful free time, and slowly slowly we are beginning to let go of trying to be a top pawformer at work. But just so that you do not dip too soon we made this list of silly feline funnies for your mid-week meowtivator. To keep you engaged with your work, while fueling your hunger for funny cats.

Whether you are into fish thieving felines who are massively motivated to hold onto their catch, or dramatic feline moments akin to the door scene in Titanic float your boat, or you simply enjoy the sight of creative cattos being turned into fiery rockets. This list has got you covered for your funny feline needs. So sit back, relax and enjoy this mid-week treat.


'I just laughed and said, "Nope, not my problem"': Assembly line worker stands up to boss who berates them for being seconds late to work

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 12:00

This person experienced what it's like to work with an unforgiving boss who absolutely must stick to the rules. Maybe you've had this type of boss before: they want you to give them 110% every day, but they also can't forgive any mistake, no matter how small. They treat every mistake as if it's the end of the world. You're two minutes late? Well, that boss will spend twenty minutes telling you how your poor work ethic is impacting you and your colleagues. This is the kind of boss who doesn't want you taking a single moment of your workday to make a cup of coffee or take a quick phone call or take a bathroom break. But also, there's basically nothing that will make these bosses happy anyway, so what's the point in trying? 

That's the lesson that u/ThatExoGuy learned at their assembly line gig at a factory. They were really bending over backward to try to help their boss, but it wasn't going well. The boss was still irate if the original poster, so that employee decided to just be on time every day if possible. Still not good enough! Check out the full story below. 

Up next, this boss wanted a current employee to train their replacement, while also not correcting a single thing the newbie did wrong, with the result being, "Everyone finds out the trainee is actually incapable of doing the job." 

22 Cute Cat Pictures to Carry You Through This Chaotic Hump Day

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 12:00

Struggling to make it through this chaotic hump day? Don't worry, here is a brand-new collection of cat cuteness!

This collection features cats in all their goofy glory: perching on your desk with eyes wide open, trying to distract you from your work, resting their head on your shoulder while making eye contact, the classic stuck-in-a-cardboard-box look, and much, much more. Each picture reminds us of the pure, unfiltered joy our feline friends bring into our lives in so many ways. As you scroll through these images, let their contagious excitement elevate your mood and remember that even in the midst of a crazy week, a little playful kitty cuteness can make things seem a bit brighter. Embrace the cuteness, take a deep breath, and let these sweet furballs remind you that there is always a reason to smile. 

Sometimes, it's the best way to power through a crazy week with a little help from our purring friends.


'I noticed my pay getting shorter and shorter': Server exposes boss for putting a cap on his tips and trying to cover it up

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 11:00

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to be generous to your servers because you really do not know what shady behavior they have had to deal with on the job. Of course, this includes entitled customers and Karens who make their shifts a living nightmare by starting drama, sending food back and forth, and tipping poorly. However, it does not necessarily stop there.

Every server has also encountered shady management at some point as well. In this case, we have a server who worked for a small, local restaurant that served authentic Thai food. Although things seemed to be off to a good start, the Redditor started to notice that his pay was getting smaller and smaller, eventually discovering that his manager was putting a cap on his tips and was attempting to disguise this change as decreased hourly pay.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. When you're done, check out this story about a boss and his feud with his team over a stereo. 

26 Nom Worthy Memes of Full-Bellied Feline Friends That'll Make You Want to Give Tasty Treatos to Your Cute Cat

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 11:00

If you own a cat you know the drill - you feed your fluffy feline friend, for some unforeseeable reason your cat deems it not enough, and your fluffy master demands a thousand treatos as compensation. It's the natural state of being, the circle of life of a cat owner. This is exactly why all feline nom nom memes are so relatable - they hit such a true cord, they play on the heart strings of all of us coocoo cat people.

If all of this sounds true to you, and you care about your fluffy feline friends as much as we do, you will love this hilarious set of nom nom memes. Because let's be honest - you know we've all been woken up at 3am by our personal domestic cat overlords, commanding us to gib treatos. We know the feeling, we understand. And what better way is there to laugh it all off other than a complete buffet of foodie feline memes?


'It cost Kyle $200 and an 'I told you so'': Guy chickens out of a DIY fishing injury hack from his experienced brother-in-law, pays the price at the emergency room instead

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:00

In America, one upside to having subpar healthcare coverage is that you get really good at taking care of minor scrapes, bruises, and breaks. For many of us, a trip to the emergency room is truly a last resort and would never be considered unless your life is on the line. However, the man in our next story, was willing to rush into the arms of a pricey hospital at the drop of a hat, never considering that his experienced brother-in-law had the perfect health hack to save him. 

On a boy's trip into the wilderness, these two men gathered for the sake of their wives. With almost nothing in common, they agreed to get to know each other a little better since their wives were sisters, so these in-laws took to the lake to get in some quality time together over a fishing rod and some fresh brewskies. Their little bonding trip took a turn for the worse when one of the guys got a fishing hook lodged in his thumb. Horrified at the spike jutting from his finger, he fearfully screamed for his bro-in-law to take him to the ER immediately! Little did he know, this experienced fisherman had mended his fair share of fishing hook injuries over the years and was prepared to perform backwoods surgery on the thumb to save him the trouble. 

He refused, insisting on getting rushed to the emergency room. 

After a procedure that went down exactly how his brother-in-law intended to take care of the wound, the guy was branded a chicken and received a  whopping 'I told you so' from his new favorite bro alongside a hefty hospital bill. Keep scrolling to read the entire story of a summer boy's trip gone wrong and a funny memory that'll last a lifetime.

27 Meowing Memes of Fantastic Feline Quality to Quench Your Daily Online Cat Quota

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:00

We love cats. We love memes. If you're reading this, we can say in almost 100% certainty that you also love cats. And memes. But especially cat memes. That's understandable - you love the floof and chaos of your feline friends, and you love the wholesomeness and relatability of the online cattosphere. We get it. We're the same. This is exactly why we've taken the time to scour the interwebs and present you with the fluffiest of midweek memes for you to relate to.

Down this list you will find cats gifting you with their furrbulous presence. Some will gift you cat hair on your clothes, some will step on your freshly made food, some will wake you up in the middle of the night for no reason, and some will brag about their Tinder matches because they're absolutely ameowzing! A true plethora of petting worthy pawsitively precious fluffy catto memes.


Manager cancels company's social benefit to boost sales, employees foil plan and outmaneuver the managerial team

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 09:00

The business world is calculated and vicious. Whether on purpose or not, there are always some who want to take advantage of your hardship and struggle. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee.

For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. The social perks that the company provided, such as the number of vacation days that could be carried over to the following year, were among its most notable benefits. Every worker received a total of thirty vacation days, which they could potentially carry over into the next year depending on how many days they utilized. This worked wonderfully at first until the workers began taking advantage of the generous vacation time, using it as a kind of getaway when they were unhappy and needed to start a new position as quickly as possible.

HR immediately realized what was going on and made the decision to find a quick fix, cutting the number of vacation days in half and eliminating the ability to carry over days to the following year. The whole company was thrown off balance by this, and the workers were furious with the managerial team. So, make sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened following the shocking declaration! Additionally, after you're done, don't forget to read the story about the business that says an employee spent too much on his business travel expenditures and won't pay him back!

25 Funny Felines That Have a Complicated Relationship With Their Cozy Cat Bed

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 09:00

Cats are many things: cute, fuzzy, fluffy, and purrfect in every way (our cat made us write that). But one thing they are not is predictable. You might buy a can of new cat food one day, they love it, so you go out and buy a whole case of it, and suddenly they don't like it anymore. You can get them the fanciest cat tree in the world, and all they want to play in is the new box. Well, we've given up on trying to understand our funny felines, but we haven't given up on taking hissterical pictures of their strange choices.

All of the cute kitties in this listicle have a…let's call it "complicated", relationship with their cat beds. We're sure they love them, but they would rather sleep somewhere completely different. Who knows why. We honestly don't care, we're just here for the funny pictures, so scroll down and see them all for yourself!


'Everyone finds out the trainee is actually incapable of doing the job': Boss insists employee stop blaming new hire for any mistakes, employee maliciously complies

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 08:00

Training the new person requires an endless supply of patience. They're going to have lots of questions, make a ton of mistakes, and they'll take up a lot of the time that you've set aside to do your own work. 

It's also really rewarding to train a new person if they're learning at the right speed. But this person wasn't happy about their trainee. U/ForceAccomplished890 was training the person who was going to replace them! They knew that their boss really disliked them (never a good position to be in) and was hoping to push them out as soon as the new person was trained. So they threw up their hands and maliciously complied with their orders. People leave bad bosses, not bad jobs, and this person's story is a great example of that. 

Some people choose to stay at jobs where they don't get along with their bosses, but it's better to leave before it becomes intolerable. It seems like multiple people in the company were mentally checked out already. As for this person, they heard their ridiculous orders and agreed to go along with them, no matter how impractical they might be. 

After that, read about the tiny IT department that kept begging their bosses for new equipment, only to be told to rent it for thousands of dollars each month… whatever you say, boss! 

35 Fiery Feline Funnies in the Form of Ferociously Feisty Memes to Warm the Hooman Heart

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 08:00

Howdy, feline fanatics. We're not sure if it's the heat outside, or the fact that it's the middle of the week, but we're feeling pawsitively fiery today. One might even describe us as feisty. Maybe we're just taking a page out of our cat's playbook: if you don't like it, let the world know about it. The only thing that can soften our grumpy composure at this point is some fiery feline funnies in the form of ferociously feisty memes to warm our hooman heart. It's the only cure - what else are we supposed to do?

One of the reasons why we love cats so much is because we relate to them - we also generally dislike change, other people, and want to stay inside all day and not be bothered. But alas, we must go outside, sweat, work for money, and not sleep all day, so it makes sense that we're a little feisty today. Come with us as we scroll through these feline funnies and get ourselves a few memes closer to the weekend. Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride!


Employee brings cookies in for their coworkers, boss sells them instead, employee quits: '[He] decided to sell my gift to my coworkers for a profit'

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 07:00

Most people in this world fall into two camps: Those out to make things better for everyone and those in it for their own gain and to meet their own ends. 

Sure, this concept sounds quite reductive (it is), and the reality is things aren't quite so black and white… It's more than likely people will play to both sides depending on their current needs and motivations. Still, ultimately, I maintain that if you distilled people down to their true purpose and intention, you'd find the original statement to be true. 

This is the same reason why when you see someone flying up an open lane to dodge traffic—only to try and cut in at the last minute, you can't help but feel your gears grinding… They're taking advantage of a situation to get ahead while everyone else is suffering for order and the "greater good" (the greater good)—thinking they're clever all the while for their sheer willingness to go places others won't.

'The cat is gonna steal the baby's breath': Overprotective Parents Force Daughter to Get Rid of Her Cat Because Her Sister Had a Baby, She Refuses, and the Internet Comes to Her Defense

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 07:00

Look, when it comes to parents and cats… it can be a little bit of a struggle. Some parents love cats and are pawfectly happy when their kids bring one home, but that's not truly for everyone. Some moms will claim to hate cats… and when fall in love with the one you bring home. Some dads will say that they hate cats… and then yes, fall in love with the one you bring home. And some parents will ask their neighbors to get rid of their cat because their kids are allergic to it… no wholesomeness here, some parents are just weird about cats. 

And that's definitely the case here. This may be the first time that we have ever heard a parent say that a cat will 'steal the newborn baby's breath'. That's a weird one. And a new one. Thankfully, this cat owner looks to be doing the right thing and keeping their furbaby.  


'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 06:00

Your family should always come first. Conversely, setting boundaries and declining help when necessary is perfectly reasonable. The story below is an account of a confused sister.

Every year, the original poster (OP) and her family take trips together. OP, however, informed her family that neither she nor her spouse would be able to attend because of her current unemployment.  Things were going well at first, but when her brother insisted that she take care of his five dogs the entire journey, things took a bad turn. At first, OP made an effort to talk to her brother and explain that, given her own obligations, this would not be feasible. However, even though she thought she had sufficiently explained herself and made her point, she later found out that her brother had unexpectedly canceled his vacation and was blaming her for everything.

So be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened as well as how OP responded to her brother's childish behavior! After you're done, don't forget to read the story of the manager who, in an attempt to increase sales, removes the company's social benefits—only for his staff to outsmart him and foil the scheme!

30 Hissterical Cat Memes to Yowl With Laughter on This Sunny Summer Morning

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 06:00

Happy meowrning, cat people! Another day, another alarm clock, another time having to go to work, but you know what… we think that things are looking a little brighter than usual this morning. Maybe it's the sun that's out, maybe it's our cat letting us nap for a little while longer before starting her usual routine of morning yowling for food. Things are lookin' good, and they are about to be even better, because we have some hissterical cat mems for you to start your day with.

It's impawtant to start your day on the right paw, everyone knows that, and for that, you need funny cat memes. Yes, you do. Those few extra minutes in bed to giggle at cat memes will do you wonders throughout the day, and we are about to prove it to you. Please enjoy these memes, friends, and have a lovely day. 



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