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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 14 hours 49 min ago

‘I paid $100,000 for this pool’: Entitled girlfriend complains that a homeowner's kids are splashing too much in their private pool, Super Dad comes to their defense by telling her to kick rocks

16 hours 1 min ago

My house, my rules–it's that simple. 

Dads everywhere all used to say this when their kids messed with the thermostat in the summertime, invited over our boisterous friends, and dealt with unruly in-laws at the family barbecue. As adults, and especially once you're a homeowner, this private living space you call your own is your domain and any outsiders must adhere to your laws. It's your house, they have to respect your rules. 

The dad in this next story taught an outsider this lesson very quickly. Over the weekend, and during one of the most massive heat waves of the summer, u/Empty-Wash-4761 thought he'd be merciful, inviting his brother and his girlfriend over to enjoy their pool and escape the 120-degree heat (~49C). However, once the girlfriend set foot in his house, she had plenty of notes on how his kids should behave in their own pool. 

Sorry lady, but you're a guest in this house and in this home, we SPLASH at the pool. Read on for all the details of how a dad came to the defense of his rambunctious kids who will get dibs over the pool any day–regardless of the heatwave. 

‘The least you could do is repay me’: Student is left to do the heavy lifting for a school project, decides to trick his group mate into getting him a 10/10 on their next project and ends up on top

17 hours 1 min ago

I'm sure you remember group projects. If you were the overachiever (or simply got your work done), you were fearful that you'd be partnered up with a fella who couldn't care less about their grade. Especially if you had a booksmart reputation, you made sure to prepare yourself for the possibility of being milked by every student who thinks they can get away with passing your work as their own. 

If you were part of the other group, the ones who decided from the jump that they would not be adding anything of substance to the project at hand, I'm sure you actually looked forward to non-independent projects. Hey, if there's some sort of agreement you can come to in your group, no judgment there. The two buddies in this story ended up having a wholesome, beneficial exchange of academic power.

The original poster (OP) of this story was partnered up with one of their buddies for a geography group project. His friend was not a fan of geography and expected OP to do all of the work, almost threatening him with a bad grade if he decided to work on the project with him. After the project was completed, their teacher pulled OP aside and questioned if he had done all of the work himself. Fellas have each other's backs, and OP covered for the friend (yet had a petty motivation). What's the saying? "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours"?

Scroll to read the entire story to get an unusual dose of wholesome revenge.

'We have to fire you because you are too expensive': Employee gets fired, demands compensation for a full year then starts working for competitor

18 hours 1 min ago

Imagine getting told by your boss that you're too expensive for your job and then costing them way more money to fire you. Let this story serve as a warning sign for some of the higher-ups out there that firing someone just might end up with more expensive consequences than keeping that person onboard.

Here, we have a Technical Director at a company in Southern Europe who managed to get full compensation for a year after his dismissal before signing on to work for his former company's biggest competitor. After being told he was "too expensive" to keep on the payroll, the employee gently reminded his boss about an agreement he signed designating that if he wanted to leave he would need to give notice a full year in advance. In that same agreement, the employee managed to convince his boss to allow for the same arrangement if the roles were reversed. You have to hand it to this guy because he clearly knew how to negotiate his contracts and how to gain leverage even when he was getting fired.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a lieutenant who embarrassed his incompetent boss at an important meeting.

Your Honor, 21 Courtroom Memes That the Jury Unanimously Finds Hilarious

19 hours 1 min ago

All of the evidence is in and the jury is out, courtroom memes are hilarious! Puns that are so funny they should be a crime. Lawyer and client humor that will cause new laws to be created. Whether you work in a courtroom or have found yourself in peril in one, these memes will make you laugh. Well, if it's not too soon. But for those going to court and who love to laugh at their misfortunes, then these courtroom memes are for you! Have you ever read a ridiculous courtroom transcript? People really do get sassy on the stand. Maybe it's because they know they're guilty, so what do they have to lose? They might as well make a joke about the defendant having no brain or how they looked fresh AF pulling off that crime. You know what isn't illegal? Laughing at memes. You can laugh at any meme you want, it's perfectly legal! Maybe start with the ones below?

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 15:00

Most people would not be helping out their neighbors if they came to ask for something. We've all found ourselves in need of something that we didn't have and had no way of getting and ended up having to knock on someone's door and ask for their help. So whether it's asking for a glass of milk, an egg, or even a ladder, we've all landed a helping hand at some point or another.

However, some requests are going a bit too far, which might lead us to say 'no' to people when they come knocking at our door. For example, if my neighbor would come and ask me for my Wi-Fi password, just because they don't want to pay for Wi-Fi themselves, I would definitely turn them away, much like what happened in this Reddit story. 

Unfortunately, the demanding neighbor in this story did not like when she was refused when she asked for a resident's wi-fi password, and she decided to let everyone know that, so scroll down to read the rest of the story. After you are done, click here for a story of home buyers who had to fire their lying agent.

'Nobody at my gym cleans the dumbbells': 20 Gym gripes for people who don't hog the machines

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 14:00

These people just want to work out, but they're having trouble due to… the other people at the gym. 

Going to the gym can be really motivating. You can go with a friend so that you can talk while you work out. Some people like to go alone and listen to a podcast while they run or some music while they lift weights. There's often a community of dedicated gymgoers who come in every morning or night hoping to become healthier. But it's not all fun and games, because some people are not versed in gym etiquette, and they're making it a worse experience for everyone else around them. 

One major red flag is people who refuse to wipe down the machines when they're done. Lots of gyms keep spray bottles and paper towels around so that you don't have to sit in the previous person's sweat. However, some folks will just ignore that, blissfully going from machine to machine, leaving other people to clean up after them. Some people hog the weights---instead of leaving them for other people, they'll steal them for hours while they do their reps. And still others love to sit on the various machines, not working out, just chilling and texting. (If you're reading this article, I know you don't do that, because you're a cool chill person who gets how gyms work. But if not… just keep scrolling below to see exactly what you shouldn't be doing!)

After that, this mom is wondering if she made the right choice by letting her forgetful daughter miss out on a school trip abroad. 

Top 15+ Embarrassing Spelling Mistakes: 'Looks can be this evening boy I tell ya'

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 13:00

No matter how old or young you are, making a spelling mistake has the potential to make you feel like a complete and total buffoon.

As someone who writes for a living, I can attest to the fact that I still have that age-old fear of being misunderstood and embarrassed by a grammatical or spelling error. If it happens to you once, you never really forget that feeling. In an ideal world, making these errors should help you think twice before messaging someone or posting something online for the world to see. Use spell check or give your concerned word a quick search to see if you're making an innocent mistake. 

Of course, like any mistake in life, making a spelling error is a sign that you're only human. That being said, some of these folks made such egregious errors that it's almost as if they should not be allowed to have access to a keyboard. Keep scrolling below for this collection of embarrassing spelling flubs. For more content like this, take a look at this compilation of petty reasons why people got fired.

'He hits the Aston Martin in front of him — hard. I was... dying of laughter': 20+ Drivers who got instant karma

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 12:00

Let's read about some heartwarming stories of instant karma doled out to the worst drivers on the road. I'm sure you know the type, because the roads are full of crazy drivers. Some people love to tailgate, which is just baffling. What do they think is going to happen if that person they're tailgating slams on the breaks? Why are they so insistent on getting to their destination 2 minutes sooner that they're willing to make the road less safe? 

The crazy drivers of the world aren't considering the other drivers when they're swerving down the highway at 90 miles per hour. They've decided they want to go fast, and everyone else needs to get out of their way ASAP. Others seem to delight in bothering other drivers by honking at them, revving, or taunting them. They're messing with strangers, though. It could be anyone in that car they're mocking… even a police officer. They're taking a bet that the driver isn't equally as crazy as they are. Check out these excellent stories about instant karma on the road by scrolling below! 

Next, read about the ultra-petty reasons people got fired, like one person who made a computer backup, and was fired for insubordination

Candidate shares nonsensical job application from toxic recruiter: 'Are you normal?'

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 11:00

No, potential employer: none of us are "normal." 

Here is yet another example of why recruiters and human resources folks should simply not be allowed free rein to ask whatever they like. In an ideal world, job applications should be solely about one's resume and qualifications, and there should be an equal exchange of information. That means that on the other side, there should be transparency about expectations, salary, benefits, and workplace culture. I suppose the fact that the question of "are you normal?" signals exactly what kind of work environment this is: a toxic one.

Many folks in the comments section also pointed out exactly why this question is problematic. For instance, one has to wonder what they are getting at by asking about an applicant's ability to "act normal" and pick up the phone. Are they really asking about mental health? Are tey asking about an applicant's "cool" or "chill" persona like this is Greek life? 

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions. For more, check out this post about an employee's malicious compliance five years in the making.

Client disregards advice resulting in faulty $10k order of embroidered company t-shirts: 'Have fun refunding a $10k order!'

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:00

It's amazing how often a person or an organization will pay for services, products, and the expertise that comes along with them, only to refuse to accept the advice that they're paying for. In a moment of ego-fueled hubris, they suddenly decide that they know what's best, expert advice be damned. 

This happens at all levels of design, technology, retail, and manufacturing and is something that comes up now and again in online discourse that anyone offering specialized services to clients will certainly resonate with. 

The old adages might tell us that "The customer knows best" and that "The customer is always right in matters of taste," but working with them, it quickly becomes apparent that this is not really ever the case. The problem is that they'll insist that they have the right to things, meaning the success of your services will hinge on your ability to convince them otherwise, engaging in wizardry and convoluted scrips that only Christopher Nolan could follow in order to incept the idea that your ideas were actually your client's ideas in the first place.

Of course, if your client is obscenely impolite to you in the first instance that you try to save them from folly, you might forgo the idea of inception and instead leave them to meet their own own fate…

28 Nostalgic Latchkey Kids Reveal the First Meal They Learned to Cook Solo: 'That chicken cheese broccoli rice that came in a bag'

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 09:00

Kraft mac and cheese. 

That was the first meal I ever learned to cook on my own. Blue box in hand, water boiling on the stove, and the ingredients lined up on the countertop made me feel like a queen in my own kitchen, ruler of the spoon, and chef of my own life.

There's a certain empowerment to making your own meals, especially when you're a kid. Although many latchkey kids and Gen X survivors would admit that they always preferred a homemade meal from Mom, just knowing that you COULD feed yourself encouraged independence. So even if you were just microwaving a quesadilla, pouring soup over rice, or eating melted-cheese Doritos by the handful, you could survive our on your own if you wanted to–or had to because your parents worked late. 

Latchkey kids were sort of forced to learn how to cook simple meals at a young age because of this. However, as adults, we can all look fondly at the overly simple home-cooked meals we made when we were youngins, not because they were gourmet or memorable, but because those dishes unlock a core memory and take us on a trip down memory lane

Read on for some of the tried-and-true staples from elder millennials and Gen X kids who grew up on English muffin pizzas, canned meats, and Kraft products. 

'It is perfectly legal for the rancher to write a check on ANYTHING': Rancher loses court battle, pays damages in the most petty way possible

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 08:00

You know how some people will pay off big fines with massive bags of pennies? This is in a similar vein… except 10x crazier. 

When people get involved in court battles, it can quickly become petty and contentious. The two parties are in court because they're trying to litigate an issue, and it's going to cost one of them a lot of money in the end. What the court rules is what you have to do, whether you like it or not, and even if you appeal the verdict, you may still have to pay that big fine anyway. That's why when people are ordered to pay thousands to someone they despise, they get creative with it. Some will turn thousands of dollars into pennies. They'll then use wheelbarrows to drop it at that person's home or at the bank. It's all about the principle of the matter. 

This rancher had an absolutely crazy way to pay off a check (though some people believed this person was telling tall tales… you'll just have to decide for yourself after reading the story down below). 

Up next, this retail management team decided that customers should never have to wait more than 15 seconds to be helped by a cashier, but they didn't realize the actual impact it was going to have on their employees

‘She kept lying to us’: Home buyers fire agent after she refuses to submit their application to a seller despite their wishes, nearly costing them their dream house

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 07:00

When you are a kid, there are many things adults do that just seem impossible for your little brain to comprehend. How do adults understand every road sign they see while they are driving? How do they know where to go when they are abroad? How do they pay taxes? How do they buy a house? 

Granted, as a 26-year-old woman, I still have absolutely no idea how adults do most of the stuff they do, and I am sure I am not the only one. How really does one even begin the process of looking for a house to buy? Such a mystery to me.

I support the first step would be to hire a real estate agent who'll guide you through the process, but then you might end up with someone like the agent in this Reddit story. OP (original poster), had to let go of their agent after she kept asserting her opinion on the houses they wanted, and downright refusing to make offers in their names. The situation reached a boiling point when the agent lied about submitting an application for a house OP and their partner really wanted, which they only discovered by chance. This led them to fire the agent, and now they might even report her…

Scroll down for the full story. Then, click here for another story of kids who cut off all contact with their parents for vlogging their entire lives.

'Hun, I'm trying to help you': Karen tries to get a retail employee fired for calling her 'hun', instead managers praise their all-star employee for maintaining excellent customer service

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 06:00

If you've ever worked in retail, you've probably fantasized about telling off a customer. 

The daughter of a woman who worked in retail recently went to r/RantsFromRetail to vent, fantasizing about mincing words with a textbook Karen who harassed her mother at work all week. Any employee working the pickup register for online orders has spent their fair share of energy troubleshooting mistakes, but although u/confusedra2476's mom had endured retail's most entitled customer base, she was still shocked at the level of insanity that this particular Karen brought into the store.

Since they were northerners who'd moved down to the South, they were still growing accustomed to the southern traditions of addressing someone as 'ma'am' or 'sir', but as we all know, pet names can also be an excellent way to get feral beasts to calm down. So when the Karen in this story was busy complaining about the cashier's 'incompetence', the woman naturally resorted to soothing her the old-fashioned way–with a lovely, sweet-intentioned nickname. Except, this Karen was far from normal, and with her nostrils flaring, she lost her cool and went straight up the corporate ladder to file a vicious complaint. 

Read on for all of the details of the Karen-incident fallout and the amazing managers who backed up an employee, praising her for keeping her cool against a formidable adversary.

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 05:00

There is nothing like a Karen ruining a gas station pit stop experience!

Picture this: you're on a long road trip and it's time to make a brief trip to the gas station so you can fill up your car and grab some snacks. These trips should, in theory, be quick and painless, but leave it to the Karens of the world to make the experience completely and utterly insufferable. For starters, this Karen assumed that another customer was the gas station attendant. Now, he clearly did not work there, especially given that he was holding snacks in his hands. However, to make matters worse, she doubled down and said his ignorance was why he worked at a gas station, a comment that the actual attendant overheard.

Keep scrolling below to see what happened when the other customer gave the Karen a piece of his mind. For more stories like this, check out this post about a wronged homeowner's revenge.

Hobbyist mechanic taunts his duplex neighbor, turning the landlord against a car-vandal Karen by following their rules to a tee: ‘The vehicle runs… there was nothing they could do’

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 04:00

Hobby cars are a lot of work. While you eventually dream of driving that vintage Monte Carlo around town, dazzling your neighbors with a shiny new paint job, stuntin' rims, and a pair of dice on the rearview mirror, the first thing every hobbyist mechanic needs to do is get that ol' bucket of bolts running again. So while they have shimmering dreams of grandeur when they look at the rusting frame of their dream car, all the neighbors see is a steel trap of spider webs and oil stains. 

So if you're an unlucky hobbyist living next to a person who doesn't share your love for cars, they'll likely never understand the time, energy, and money that goes into your passion project. And if you've got a Karen living next door, you can pretty much kiss your dream car goodbye…

…Unless you're the snarky dad in this next story. 

After years of working on a vintage jeep in his front yard, this dad was nearly finished and looking forward to taking his iron baby for a spin. But the Karenish neighbor who shared the duplex with him didn't see the value in his project car and sought only to destroy him for it. So instead of letting her stomp all over him, hitting his car door with hers on her way in, and snitching to the landlord about his 'abandoned' vehicle, he decided to taunt her by toeing the line of the rules. 

Read on to get all the juicy details of this neighborly dispute that came through as a win for a guy who's nearly built his own dream car from scratch. 

'We had nobody in our corner': Kids cut off contact with parents after 10 years of them being a ‘vlog family’, claiming parents had taken away their childhood

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 15:00

Even though 'vlogging' has become a popular career path for many people, it does not mean we should overlook the dangers and red flags this so-called profession poses. Filming your life does not permit you to do whatever you want, and becoming 'internet famous' has many cons alongside the pros, so this career might not actually be as glamorous as it might appear.

Parents who decide to share their kids' entire lives on the internet, should definitely not be allowed or accepted, especially when the kids are too young to say no. I find it disturbing when families become downright commercial and advertise their everyday lives like a TV show. I do not need to know what their kids had for dinner, nor do I need to see a day in their life. Not everything needs to be filmed, and making money out of your kids that way just seems wrong.

The woman who wrote this Reddit story would agree with these statements, as she and her siblings all cut off contact with their parents for making them into a 'vlog family'. They all resent their parents for filming their entire childhood and claim that this lifestyle has caused a lot of problems for them as kids and as adults.

Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a resident who got back at his entitled neighbors with the help of the HOA.

'[The] candidate arrived in rollerblades': 20+ Unexpected ways that job interview candidates immediately disqualified themselves

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 14:00

No matter how poorly you performed in a job interview, at least you never brought handfuls of jellybeans to eat during the interview! 

Interviewers know that job candidates are super nervous during the interview. No matter how many times you interview for a job, whether you're 20 years old or 60, there's bound to be some anxiety surrounding your performance. Every interviewer is looking for something different, but there are a few key things that can make someone immediately unhirable. 

U/ecogeek asked the hiring managers of the world about the "unexpected ways a candidate has disqualified themselves from/decreased their odds of getting a position they applied for?" Thousands of people answered, with some disclosing some shocking reasons they had to show a candidate the door. One person had a candidate refer to themself as a "valid victorian" instead of valedictorian, which is just hilarious. Another person had to watch as their nervous interviewee started stuffing his face with jellybeans! It turns out there are dozens of unexpected ways you can botch an interview badly. 

Up next, these people had a discussion about the pettiest, most meaningless hills they're willing to die on, like one person who insists everyone should "throw away your trash at the movie theater." 

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time?': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:00

This Karen parked in a spot that was clearly designated for wheelchair users and did not have a placard. She was not a wheelchair user herself but felt that her proximity to the entrance of the local grocery store was more important than someone who actually deserved the right to that spot.

When another shopper noticed her little bending of the rules, they decided it was worth an extra 20 minutes to ensure that her shopping experience was a nightmare. The Redditor then embarked on a mission to block the Karen from accessing certain foods and to take an insanely long amount of time browsing different items so as to get her more and more worked up. 

Let's just say that the plan worked swimmingly, and although she did not get properly fined for using that spot when it was certainly not her right to do so, at the very least, she had a painful experience in that grocery store. For more stories like this, check out this post about a different enraged Karen customer.

'It's super unprofessional': Boss asks for help with employee's disruptive daily habit

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:00

This manager is wondering if they're acting too petty towards an employee with a disruptive habit. They decided to ask the internet to weigh in, and people actually had some great advice for the manager to try out on this employee. 

Many workplaces try to hire a diverse group of employees. It's good to have multiple minds working on the same problem, since everyone has their own unique thoughts to contribute. But if you've ever worked at a place like that, you know that a diverse group may not all get along. There will be different likes and dislikes, different conversational cues, and even differences of communication styles. This manager was struggling with that with one of their employees who can't seem to communicate appropriately. 

You can read u/sw9919's story below, as well as the helpful commenters who chimed in with solutions. (The person who suggested they just hold up a hand in the "stop" motion is a genius, and that probably is the best way to handle the situation. 

After that, read about the customer service rep who had an excellent 40 minute break while a ranting customer berated them, with this crazy dude declaring, "Do not interrupt me! I am the customer and the customer is always right." 


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