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Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Fail Blog - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 05:00

The only thing that can ruin a restaurant meal more than bad food is the presence of an unruly customer. Sometimes, they are clearly lonely and enjoy eavesdropping and inserting themselves into your dinner conversations. When this happens, you tend to indulge them with a few polite exchanges, only to realize that you are going to have to endure this for the next 45 minutes (at least) because you are simply too simply polite to ask them to leave you alone. Other times, your meal is interrupted by a conflict or loud patron nearby and you just can't hear yourself think.

In this scenario, an entitled Karen propped her phone up in a fancy restaurant and spoke to her friend loudly on speaker phone for the total duration of a nearby couple's meal. What this woman did not realize was that this Redditor was not the type to avoid a confrontation. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a bartender whose one week notice became zero weeks notice.

He's innocent!

LOL Cats - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 05:00

30 Purrfect Bonded Feline Pairs That'll Make You Want the Two-for-One Special

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 21:00

Two floofs are better than one floof

'[She's a] snuggly baby': Woman goes to drop off her dog at the groomers, gets chosen by a stray pregnant calico cat in the parking lot

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 20:00

It doesn't matter if you're usually a dog person, when a stray cat chooses you, you better listen!

Tough choices

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 17:00

Purrfect joke

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 16:00

22 Energetic Feline Funnies to Fill your Afternoon with Awwdorable Agitated Cats

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:00

As the afternoon sets in, it can feel that the work flow is taking a big hit. And it is totally understandable, you have worked hard all morning and no one has time for working a whole day. Well, technically we do, but in terms of mental energy it is questionable. So instead of solely depending on your caffeinated coffee to prop you up, we made this list to support your energizing endeavors with this list of energetic feline funnies to fill your afternoon with awwdorable and agitated cats who are bouncing off the walls.

From the knitted chacla wearing catto who is ready to take down any child of the family who steps out of line, to the clawminal cat duo who decided to air their dirty laundry right in the middle of getting photos taken with Santa and their cat mom, to the fluffy feline hoard who are ready to take on any challenger to their dominance.


'[He] kicked the fire marshall out...they never did open the building': 25+ People who made terrible business decisions

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 14:00

Bad business decisions? These people have seen that once or twice, and they told their stories to r/AskReddit

Running a business seems like common sense, but there are a million little decisions that go into it. There's only a certain amount of money to cover all the costs, and only a specific amount of people who can be working at any given time. Still, some managers will decide that money matters more than other things, like customer experience or staff retention, and will start shifting their funds around. There are consequences to this, of course. 

One person revealed that their boss lost a major sale because he was padding the client's costs by a few hundred dollars. Making money unethically is bound to backfire on you eventually! Another person revealed that their company decided to stop granting any refunds at all, no matter what the situation was. The policy was so rigid that it caused a bunch of employees to quit all at once! It's incredible how a little decision can turn into a company's biggest regret in no time at all. 

Next up, this hourly contractor found themself making the "most expensive phone calls on the planet" after their bosses forced them into answering the 24/7 phone lines. 

22 Purrfect Feline Pet Pictures for Pawrents Missing their Fur Babies while Working

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 14:00

The difficult thing about going to work every day, more so than the pain of working for the 'man' and giving up all your free time, is leaving your feline fur baby behind at home to roam your house for hours on end with no one to randomly attack, no one to pester, and no one to deliver doting bite kisses to. So to help you cope with the ginormous missing piece of your soul, we made this list of purrfect feline pet pictures for pawrents whoa re missing their fur babies while working at the office.

From laundry angel cattos sprinkling their fur all over our freshly washed clothes so that everyone and every cat knows that this hooman is owned by this cat, to the burger bun filler feline who looks to be utterly content with his position as a nummy nummy catto, to the pawdorable feline donning its cutest reindeer themed knitter hat in honor of its pawrents being home.


20+ Sign Fails Filled With Unintentionally Hilarious Mistakes

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 13:00

Have you ever seen a sign out in public that caused you to do a double-take and wonder if someone is playing a trick on you? The unique aspect of funny sign errors, when you come across them out in the wild, is that you often will never know what the sign maker's intent was. Perhaps it was an egregious mistake or perhaps they were trying to see if they could get away with a harmless prank. Here's hoping it's the latter because wouldn't we all like to think that humans are more intelligent than this nonsense? 

Furthermore, if these sign fails are, in fact, pranks, then we'd like to thank these sign makers for generously putting a smile on our faces whilst we deal with the monotony of everyday life. After all, there is a certain kind of satisfaction that comes with discovering a sign fail. First, you wonder if you read that right. Then, you read it again and realize you totally read that right, and finally, you take a picture and document it for everyone else's enjoyment. We'd like to think of it as a form of philanthropy.

For more content like this, check out these stories of entitled house guests.

36 Cat Memes That Capture Cat Ownership in a Nutshell

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 13:00

Owning a cat is like living with a comedian 24/7. It's no secret that cats are masters of the unexpected and their antics can turn even the dullest day into a fun adventure. Ever tried working from home, only for your cat to decide your keyboard is the purrrfect place for a nap?

Cats are the perfect balance of independence and affection. One minute, they're aloof and mysterious, giving you that "I'm too cool for you" look. The next, they're curling up in your lap, purring and making you feel like the most important person in the world. The purrrfect balance, if you ask me. 

At the end of the day, owning a cat means a constant source of entertainment, companionship, and love. They keep us guessing, make us laugh, and melt our hearts with their quirky little personalities. Life with cats is never boring, and that's the best part about it all! 


'The most expensive phone calls on the planet': Hourly contractor makes thousands of extra dollars after bosses force them to answer the phones

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:00

You can ignore a contract all you want, but that doesn't stop the contract from existing. It's a pitfall that many a worker has fallen into… and a few bosses have had this problem too, especially u/Altrissa's boss at an oil and gas automation company

At this job, many of the coworkers had one shared responsibility. They had to take turns working a 24/7 phone line. This usually wasn't an issue, because as the original poster shared, there were so many people that they only had to answer the phone every once in a blue moon. Easy! Well, almost easy… This person usually wasn't put on phone-answering duty, but in a tale as old as time, their reliable boss left and a new manager appeared in the role. From there, things went downhill. 

A new manager who won't listen to the current employees can be such a pain. They want to prove that they're the smartest person in the room, but by refusing to listen to those with experience, they're proving the exact opposite. 

Up next, this construction worker tried to warn his boss that a rain storm was brewing, but his boss wouldn't let him move anything, and the result was… "The concrete bags… began to harden into just big rocks." 

30 Fluffy Fierce Feline Voids Who Can Easily Replace Toothless in How To Train Your Dragon 4

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:00

Do you hear it? It's the call of the void. Not just any 'waiting endlessly for How To Train Your Dragon 4' void in your soul, but a fluffy fierce feline void vying for the top tier Toothless resemblance.

We know waiting for a fan favorite movie can be tough. The hype from a previous entry is down, you wait a long time for some news, you might get a glimpse or a trailer, and there's nothing to do but to basically wait it out. But with How To Train Your Dragon 4? You don't need to worry - we got you.

We've gathered the best entries of a variety of void feline friends competing for the best Toothless cosplay, and listed them down below for you. Now you don't have to sit still and woefully wait for the next movie - you can see some cutesy patootsie voids trying to train themselves to become fierce and daring dragons in the meantime.


Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 11:00

Why is the kids menu always the best? There should not be an age restriction for eating tater tots, chicken tenders, and pigs in a blanket. Those are objectively great-tasting dishes that all humans are entitled to enjoy, and yet, in this instance, we have a coffee shop that denied service to an adult customer simply because he wanted an item on the kids menu. 

Look, one might assume that there are more important issues than a 29-year-old adult getting denied the right to a bagel because of his age, but shouldn't we be able to walk into an establishment and order whatever food we want off the menu provided that we can afford it and it's still available? Sure, there are plenty of age-related restrictions that make sense, but they should not extend to the concept of food. Here's hoping for some real justice and the end of kids menus. 

Keep scrolling below for this customer's story. For more, check out this post about a group of construction workers and their conflict with their boss.

27 Foodie Feline Memes to Satiate Your Meownstrous Midweek Hunger for Humorous Cats

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 11:00

With big floof, comes great hunger. And with great hunger, comes great responsibility. A floof-feeding responsibility that should not be neglected, or else the ferocious fury will replace your friendly feline. As you probably already know, a hungry cat means a hissterical cat. And as you also probably know, a hungry cat is a frequently found feline status. What should you do about it? We cannot say we have the best advice, because what we do is simply giving the desired extra treato to our magnificent feline overlords.

This common occurrence with our cat masters inspired us to list some foodie feline memes for you. If your very own kitty lord cannot stop demanding their hourly nom nom tithe and all you have left to do is comply with their command - we're here for you. Scroll down the list so we can share the big-feel burden with you, and who knows - you might find a foodie inspiration for your next gourmet recipe you'll make for your fine feline friend.


24 Feisty Feline Fugitives Wanted for Hissterical Hooliganisms and Clawful "Crimes"

LOL Cats - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 10:00

We love our cats. We love them more than anything in this world. But, we must say that the crime rate in our house went up 1000% as soon as we started getting more and more cats. There's always something. We've either woken up to find our entire stash of toilet paper ripped to shreds or they've made a new hole in the wall that wasn't there before for whatever reason they decided was good enough to create a literal hole in the wall.

We found a funny feline thread on Reddit about feline enthusiasts making wanted posters for their feisty feline fugitives who were engaging in hissterical hooliganisms and clawful "crimes", and the results are just as silly as you would expect them to be. From passing gas on mom after meowing incessantly for cuddles to bringing live cicadas into the bedroom at 3 AM, these silly kitties are enjoying annoying their hoomans in the funniest ways pawssible. Scroll down to see all these criminals with cattitude, and have a great day!


'They were £65k short': Night shift employee creates a cash-filled confetti cannon worth £165,000 after getting forced by new management to do a job with no training

Fail Blog - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 09:00

Management only has themselves to blame when employees aren't trained properly. Nobody is born inherently knowing how to do their jobs–we need to be trained (at least a little bit) to tackle projects at work with efficacy. However, when managers try to cut corners on training, ultimately they're shooting themselves in the foot, because we all know that if an employee is never trained to do their job, all eyes turn to management as things fall apart in the workplace. 

This cash center employee in our next story proved to be the bane of his manager's existence, but not because he was in the wrong. After a new manager came into town, he decided to switch up all of their employee's tasks, assigning the night shift worker in our next story to a job he had no training for: Cash sorting. Ultimately, because of his lack of training, the job went sideways and left the regulars wondering why their cash boxes were £65k short. Well, when they all had to stay overtime to do a full recount, the new manager discovered why a little bit of training and explanation would have gone a long way.

After a lengthy night on the job, this shift of employees witnessed the most epic cash-filled confetti cannon as one of the cash boxes exploded with the missing £65,000 dollars. Scroll onward to read the full tale of malicious compliance that made the cash warehouse rain money. 


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