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20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest, Most Irresistibly Awwdorable Criminals (April 20, 2024)

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 07:00

Kittens. These itty bitty creatures that are so cute and so precious and so very far away from anything resembling innocence. Yes, teeny weeny kittens are the cutest thing in the world, but don't let that fool you. They are criminals! Yes. Yes, they are. These kitties may be smol, but their crimes are much greater than they are. All you need to do is look at their pictures, and before you know it, you will be awwing, smiling, and the need to adopt one of them will be so strong that your legs will carry you to the nearest shelter before your brain even gave them the command to do so.

These kittens even make us, the ICanHas editors, create this listicle each and every week. Here, we showcase the smallest kittens - i.e. the biggest criminals. This was your warning, friends, continue into this listicle only if you are ready for the consequences. 


31 Teacher Memes for Educators Skipping Class More Than Their Students

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 06:00

You take a deep breath as the projector hums to life, bathing the room in the soft glow of a colonial map. You push aside the stack of ungraded essays threatening to topple over on your desk. Today you are going to talk about the American Revolution, a topic drier than yesterday's whiteboard marker. You clear your throat and ignore the confused murmurs and glares of students who probably wish they were anywhere else.

'Imagine yourselves transported back to 1775, Boston' you begin to ramble on, even boring yourself. Every few minutes one of your students starts to talk, and you find yourself repeating yourself, going over questions, and once again, repeating yourself. If only they would listen. As the bell rings, signaling the end of class, you can't help but smile. They may not memorize every detail from the textbook but they are, in the end, good kids.

Scroll down for the funniest teacher memes of the week and then check out this employee who cleaned the printer… with water. Then she approached IT and failed to mention she had completely soaked it.

Start This Caturday With Some Serious Self-Care By Smiling At The Silliest Cat Memes Of This Week

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 06:00

Everyone, take a deep, deep breath. Can you smell that? It's the smell of freedom. It's the smell of no alarm clocks, of sleeping in, of having snacks and of spending the day doing nothing but cuddling our cats and gently snorting at cat memes. It's the smell of Caturday. Thank goodness we have made it. For a moment there, we weren't sure we would. Time was moving so slowly, and no matter how many funny cat memes we scrolled through each and every day, it wasn't quite enough to get us through the madness of the world.

But we have made it to the most purrfect day of the week, and the only way – the purrfect day to start this pawfect day is, of course, with the best cat memes of the week. Forget getting out of bed. Stay in a little while longer. We won't judge you. Have a meowrvelous day, everyone! 


'If you have a problem with my direction, you come to me': Entire team complies with boss's vague instructions, putting her job in jeopardy

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 05:00

Don't you just love it when your boss is on thin ice and decides to take it out on the entire team? You know, as if it's their fault that she's an incompetent manager? That seems to be a frequent occurrence in the workplace. It's certainly nothing new that people in high-pressure situations act out unfairly, but it can be difficult to stomach when the person acting out is also the one who signs your paychecks.

Let's start with one obvious truth that always needs to be restated: your boss's tantrum is not the fault of anyone else besides your boss. Here, we have a manager who sent an aggressive email with vague instructions to her entire team. As soon as she heard rumblings that people were confused, she ended up throwing a fit in front of everyone. Well, despite her outburst, the confusion remained, so her team decided to comply, albeit maliciously.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions. For more tales of workplace malicious compliance, check out this post about a wild interaction after a job candidate declined an offer.

Too easy

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 05:00

19 Life tips that are so smart, they feel illegal: 'Professional house cleaning is cheaper than you think'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 04:00

It's hard to learn the cheat codes of real life. Turns out, the world isn't like a video game where we can just type 'motherlode' on the loading screen to earn ourselves 50,000 Simoleons. In the real world, there aren't any easy shortcuts or simple hacks that can get us living more comfortably, but there are some tips n' tricks that can get us a little closer to the ideal. 

For those of us who didn't grow up with a wise old guru at our side teaching us the ancient ways of freezing rubber bands to make them last longer or giving us insight on the perfect baby shower gift, I present to you something far wiser: The Internet! Keep scrolling for this month's greatest and most insightful life hacks that'll surely become a normal practice in your daily life. You can thank kind strangers online for these gems of wisdom–it may not be $50k, but it just might protect you from the woes of a stinky trashcan! 

Hooman Seeks Fosters for Fluffy Felines After Landlord Kicks Them Out, Forcing Family to Live in Shelter, Internet Bands Together to Help Cats

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 20:00

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you have to do your best to dodge it. In this case, a hooman, alongside their family, was kicked out of their home, forcing them to go to a shelter. The thing is, they had 2 adorable cats who they couldn't take with them. The hooman took to r/cats to express their fear and frustration, asking if anyone who be able to help foster the kitties until their life was more stable. 

They got an overwhelmingly positive response, and the internet immediately banded together to help the fluffy family in need. It's so nice to see the good parts of humanity in a story like this… especially when the landlord is so awful. Scroll down to read the full detailed series of events, and check out the comments, and the outcome. For more like this, here is a story about a pet owner who built a $12,000 fence for their cats, hoping it would keep them safe in their backyard. People laughed at the pictures they uploaded and informed them that their fluffy felines would escape anyway.


Deaf Cat Becomes Hissterical When Hooman Turns Vaccum Cleaner On, Internet Instantly Falls in Love with Funny Fluffy Feline

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 18:00

My cats think that the vacuum cleaner is Godzilla. Whenever I head over to the closet to take it out, Spock and Leo begin yowling. I'm always afraid my neighbors will think I'm a terrible person so I try to shush them with treats but it doesn't always work. I know it's not nice, but it's almost amusing watching them clamor under the sofa for 'protection' against this big beast. They find it utterly terrifying and I feel bad for laughing. Of course they are completely safe, and you would think after years of living with a vacuum cleaner they would know that, but no…

In any case, this fluffy feline named Chmurka is deaf, so their owner thought they wouldn't be scared of a vacuum cleaner, since they would only feel its vibrations and not actually hear it. But nope, Chmurka is your regular fluffy feline in that regard. Scroll down for the hissterical thread, pictures and comments.

Check out these pet owners who built their cats a $12,000 fence so they could go outside, only to be told by the internet that their kitties would escape anyway.



LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 16:00

Apologize to him right meow

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 15:00

'The case was hopeless...': Lawyer saves restaurant owner from a rapacious landlord's iron-clad contract

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 15:00

Landlords are just about one of the only things that could make us root for lawyers. The lesser of two evils really comes into play when those two parties are in the same room together.

The powerful preying on the weak is one of the oldest tropes in storytelling. What's not to love about a story like this? A wily lawyer who wants to do the right thing—but still doesn't work for free—coming to the aid of a desperate owner of a local restaurant (that happens to be the lawyer's favorite.) The cartoonish antagonist coming in the form of a jowl-quivering rapacious landlord certainly does its part to give this story a driving purpose. It's for these reasons that this story, written and shared by u/Calledinthe90s to a popular online community, definitely deserves its place in the annals of internet storytelling. 

Friday Feline Laughs With 24 Hilarious Cat Memes For Some Whisker Weekend Fun

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 14:00

Happy Friday, fellow feline fans. We have finally made it to Friday, after a long week and we can almost taste the weekend.  We are at the doorstep of lazy mode and we cannot wait to dive full in but before we do lets sprinkle some joy with a dose of feline fun!

Yes, it's time for those purrfectly hilarious cat memes that never fail to bring smiles. Cats, with their majestic yet goofy charm, are the ultimate mood-lifters. Fridays are meant to be filled with feline laughter and what better way than a collection of cat memes. From strategic escape plans to their yoga-worthy moves, these furballs know how to tickle our funny bones. So, let's kickstart the feline fun and welcome the weekend with open arms. Here's to a fantastic Friday and a weekend ahead filled with joy and relaxation! Cheers to the whiskered wonders who make us smile.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I saw red, but then I had an idea': Woman engineer punishes her coworkers by agreeing to "get coffee" for them

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 14:00

If you do something badly enough, you might not get asked to do it again. In the workplace, you've got to do this strategically. You want to mess up some basic chores in order to get out of them, but you also don't want to be viewed as being bad at your job. 

This is common in many workplaces. Even though we all do dishes every day, in the office, everyone conveniently "forgets" how to load the dishwasher. Other people will pretend they can't figure out how to work the printer, and someone else will just have to load in new paper or ink. If you don't have enough interns, someone is going to get stuck doing the office dirty work. 

This woman, u/CatfancyBunnyMom, had an additional hurdle at her job in the early 1980s. It was a different time, and the workplace functioned in a vastly different manner. Upon gaining a new engineering job, she realized that her boss and coworkers didn't take kindly to new engineers. They also, in her words, "hated women in the workplace." They were soon trying to get her down, but she didn't let them. Her results were fabulous, and you can check them all out below. 

Then, check out these online marketplace sellers with one goal: try to take a single photo of a mirror they want to sell

Sweet Cat Just Wants To Find Its Forever Home, But No One Wanted To Adopt Him Until His Rescuers Made This Wholesome Video

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 13:00

While we hear so many stories about cats being rescued from trash cans, public roads, plastic bags and more decrepit places. The cats that make it to shelters are often overlooked. These cattos, in some ways, are more in need of adoption than their wild counterparts, as their lives are often limited by time. The time that the shelter can afford to play host to their feline friends. Which is why this video from the RSPC in the United Kingdom is all the more touching because they wanted to do what ever could be done to save their feline guest after several heartbreaking failed attempts.

Luckily, one of the feline loving hoomans who works there had the genius idea to create this wholesome and heartwarming video which had people from all over the country applying to take this fluffy feline home and give him all the love and attention that he deserves. After a thorough vetting process, Tommy was handed over to his forever pawrents and now gets to live his life to the fullest.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

25 tell-tale signs that a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 13:00

When you know, you know. This is, of course, what everyone says when they find the partner with whom they may want to share the rest of their lives. However, this sentiment very much applies to couples who are on the verge of falling apart.

As a third party, you can often see the signs that two people are not meant to be. Sure, there are the obvious signs: fighting, infidelity, etc, but when it comes to the subtle red flags, that's when side remarks, body language, and social media posting become relevant. These folks shared the red flags they have spotted via the following r/AskReddit thread. Some highlights include people who post about their partner when they just started dating a second ago, people who like to toss around the concept of divorce casually, and people who interrupt their partners to correct minor details. Keep scrolling below to see if you agree, and if you've gathered some more red flags of your own, feel free to share them in the comments section. 

For more content like this, take a look at this collection of unhinged online customer reviews.

This Collection Of Awwdorable Twitter Threads About The Everyday Lives Of Cats Is Just What You Need For Your Midday Mood Booster

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 12:00

If you have already forgotten that it is Friday due to the already deeply set in burn out, we cannot blame you. Alas, the end of the week has arrived and in just a few short hours you will be freer than a dog who got let off the leash at the beach. And until that hallowed time, we have a collection of awwdorable twitter threads about the everyday lives of cats for your midday mood booster.

From the cat who cannot be taken down on board game night, to the felines who found themselves hilariously distorted by glass, to the sweet thieving feline whose clawminal acts have been warned about at the local cafe. These short cat stories are a wholesome reminder of all the fun and facetiousness that awaits us feline pawrents on Caturday. And if you are feline-less then enjoy the freedom that comes with that, because it ain't always a bed of roses. In fact, sometimes it is more like kitty litter in the eye.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I feel bad for your neighbor': New tenant shares neighbors' note online, internet blasts them for being inconsiderate

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 12:00

This person's just moved in, and their neighbors are already irritated with them… That's never a good sign! 

When you first move into a new building, chances are you'll meet your neighbors at some point. And even if you don't meet them, you'll definitely hear them. In many apartments, the walls are thin enough to allow in sounds and smells. So you might not know your neighbor by name, but you know that he and his kids eat a roast for dinner, since you can smell it cooking and hear the dishes clinking.

 Ideally, none of us would have to hear our neighbors, but we can't all live in mansions and penthouses. The best you can do is become friendly with your neighbors. And you can also give a loud cough or two when they're being noisy, just as a little reminder of how that noise travels. 

This person has barely unpacked their belongings, and their neighbors are already leaving them notes. U/boughsmoresilent shared that they have quite a few sources of noise in their apartment. But they also seem used to the sounds. And they insist that it's really not noisy most of the time. But still, that didn't stop the internet from roasting them for their choices. 

Up next, read about the "belligerent customer" who wouldn't leave a teenage cashier alone, so they got some excellent payback on him. 

'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 11:00

It's always a risk when you're buying something from Marketplace. Like anything you purchase, you have to do your due diligence and assess the product carefully before going for it and making the purchase. Sometimes, we're overwhelmed and we forget to be careful when we buy products that appear to be perfectly fine.

This Redditor certainly acknowledges his own part in that when he bought a broken ottoman. That being said, when he tried to return said item, it became clear that the previous owner was well aware that it was falling apart. Furthermore, she made it increasingly difficult for the Redditor to return the item before canceling on him and then giving him a rough time over their direct messages. Well, what this scammer did not realize was that two can play this game. That's when the original poster (OP) enlisted a friend to try to buy the item in order to get the original owner intrigued and money-hungry.

Keep scrolling below to see how the scammer managed to finally get the ottoman off his hands while enacting perfectly petty revenge on its original owner. For more stories like this, check out this post about the top HOA horror stories this week.

A Funny Fumble of Feline Fails Proving That Cats Aren't Always Full of Fancy Finesse

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 11:00

Hey, cat lovers of the internet. If you know at least one thing about cats, it's that they are the most graceful and beautiful creatures on the planet, 100% of the time. Sike! It's actually completely the opposite. Cats are just big goofballs, always getting themselves stuck in this place of that, sitting in supremely silly pawsitions, or just being generally feisty and funny. If only there was a place for us to post all of our pictures of our cats doing silly things….oh wait! There is! (It's here).

We found a comical collection of cat lovers posting their cats in the middle of funny feline fails, and we have to say, these purrfectly exemplify the goofy nature of our favorite felines. Scroll down to see cats splooting like spiders (you'll understand it when you see it), orange cats being orange, and all sorts of other shenanigans. Enjoy!



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