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Stray Cat Learns To Trust His New Hooman Pawrents And Turns Into A Wholesome House Cat, Living His Best Life In His Forever Home (Video)

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 12:00

Welcome back dear work avoiding hooman, we have been awaiting your return to the purrcrastination nation and to celebrate your return we have one heck of a sweet cat story for you. Today we are celebrating the life of the stray cat who learned to trust his chosen hooman pawrents, and became the most pampered house cat in the neighborhood, living his best life in his forever home. A story as old as time, yet every time it rolls around it is fresher and more enticing than the last.

Perhaps what entities us each and every time is the wholesome journey involved in a stray outdoor cat, learning to trust in hoomans who might have been less than kind to it in the past. It is a journey that reminds us that even in the darkest moments, everything can change for the better and lives can be flipped upside down in mere moments. Oh, the drama of cats.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 11:00

It turns out that entitled customers are willing to go far for their extra ketchup! This Karen had the audacity to throw two ridiculous tantrums at the same McDonald's establishment within a short amount of time, as if the people who witnessed the first outburst would have suddenly forgotten. The result? She ended up in the back of a police car and wound up getting into way more trouble than she anticipated.

The first temper tantrum involved not having the right amount of change to pay for her food. This McDonald's was in a European country where euros were only accepted in bills and not coins. This was apparently standard throughout the country, but the Karen customer decided to take an entire country's policy out on an unfortunate employee. Her second outburst involved not getting the extra ketchup she asked for. In the process, she ended up accusing an employee of outlandish behavior simply because he misheard her. And, of course, she made a scene and held up the line.

Keep scrolling below for the full consequences of her actions. For more stories like this, check out this post about an entitled Karen neighbor in an apartment complex.

25 Hissterical And Funny Cat Memes To Help You Cope With This Temperamental Tuesday

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 11:00

Welcome to another day of the working week dear feline loving hoomans. The week is now in full swing, and is it tumbles and tosses our fragile psyches around in its tumble dryer of tension, it is important that we actively seek solutions to the maelstrom. And lucky for you, you had the forethought to get stuck into some hilarious feline content, which we have lined up for you today. This list of 25 hissterical and funny cat memes are the pawfect solution to coping with yet another temperamental Tuesday.

From the facetious felines who keep pushing each other into their pawrent's trash can, to the neutered catto who said heck no to not having children of its own and adopted a kitten from the street, to the chonker living his best life in his feline sized beach chair, to the kitten who is busy working on blooming. These funny and feisty felines are simply the best way to avoid work for a few more minutes and to get your mindset right.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'$1,000 in water has literally gone down the drain': New landlord refuses to do repairs, so tenant refuses to fix leaky sink even though he's a plumber

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 10:00

"My lease clearly states that all water-related issues are management's problem. I don't pay for water or gas utility, it's included in my rent... I'm perfectly capable of fixing the issue, but out of spite, I refuse to. I had a small leak at my house once, and it drove my bill almost $100 for the month over normal. I figure at least $1000 in water has literally gone down the drain, not to mention, the water is also being heated by the gas water heater."

34 Cat Snaps Highlighting Hissterical Hooligans, Fuzzy Funnies, and an Overall Vibe of Purrfect Pawsitivity

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 10:00

Top of the meowrning to you, fellow cat lovers. If there's one thing we love in this crazy world, it's cats. We can't help it, we love everything about them! From their purrfect purrs to their silly shenanigans, cats bring us endless joy and make our lives better overall. That is also true for all the joy they gift to us on the internet in the form of hissterical memes, silly cat videos, and of course, comical cat snaps!

Prepurr to have your whiskers and funny bones tickled because these funny felines in the form of silly snaps are about to make you giggle until your eyes water. They've got everything - fuzzy felines that you just want to snuggle, hissterical hooligans embracing their full shenaniganry, and an overall pawsitive vibe that helps us get through the day with a smile on our faces. Scroll down to dive into this purrfeclty feline world of hilarity and have a great day!


'You can't stay here': Hotel guest demands to sleep in the lobby after she arrives a day early, front desk refuses and cancels her reservation

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 09:00

Some people think that feigning ignorance and waving their entitlement around would get them far when in reality, it just makes them look bad, or even worse, it simply encourages people to write stories about them on Reddit. Much like this hotel guest, who tried getting her way even when she absolutely knew she was in the wrong. 

The hotel's front desk clerk was working a night shift when a woman approached and asked to check-in. When the clerk tried to do so, they saw that the woman's reservation wasn't until the next day. The woman, unfazed, said she would just stay the night right there in the lobby and refused to listen to the clerk when they told her it was simply not possible. This led to a whole dispute between the two and resulted in the woman being forced to leave.

Scroll down to read the full tale. After you are done, click here for a story of customers at a restaurant who got themselves kicked out.

Heartwarming Hoomans Adopt "Fixed" Cat, Only to Realize Their Sterilized Superstar Secretly Stashed Some Stinkin' Cute Stowaways

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 09:00

Hey, I Can Has superstars! We love reading heartwarming cat adoption stories, we just can't get enough of them. There are so many kitties out there that need our help and we appreciate every hooman who comes to take one and give them a furrever home. This purrticular story involves a cute couple who adopted a cat and were assured that she was "fixed". They took her home and she started gaining some weight….a little too much weight!

As you will see below, her belly is bursting with love, and probably some cute kittens. Well, you know what they say, if the universe really wants you to have five cats instead of one, five it is. Scroll down to see this awwdorable momma purrfectly ready to bring some new life into the world, as well as the full story below!


'Yeah, I thought that was odd': Cafe manager fires clueless employee after single day on the job

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 08:00

This dude had the worst first day at work ever, as his manager can tell you. I mean, you have to be a memorably bad worker to get the boot after a single eight-hour shift. 

Poor u/LazerMoonCentaur was a manager at a cafe, and one day, they got stuck with the least competent employee ever. They write that this dude made a bad first impression by showing up to a shift at a cafe a whole 90 minutes after his shift started. I'd think at many places, being that late on your first day would be enough to let someone go. But this person kindly let the new employee work despite his tardiness. That was a big mistake, as you can check out in the story below. This guy couldn't do a single thing right! 

Some commenters speculated that this new employee was acting out on purpose, and that he was trying to lose the job on the first day. If that's so, he's not just dumb, he's totally uncaring about other people! The cafe's customers deserve better than Kevin's zero-effort work ethic. 

Next up, these people shared stories of the most tech-illiterate people they know like the person who had to show someone "multiple times how to open Excel." 

Code Midnight: A Vibrant Rendezvous of Voluminous Voids Flaunting Their Luminous Black Cat Mystique

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 08:00

Hey, friends! Calling all cat lovers! We are utterly captivated by the sleek grace of black cats. This is nothing new, but every so often we need to reemphasize this fact. Their inky fur and enigmatic eyes, sparkling with secrets, hold us in thrall. The nickname "void" suits them perfectly – adorable black holes stealing our hearts. Like furry ninjas, they stalk the house, leaving us to guess at their next mischievous move. Mysterious, cute, and utterly captivating, voids of purrfect chaos reign supreme. 

We, their devoted humans, can't resist gazing at them and being instantly transported to a world of feline enchantment. Sometimes, we even imagine ourselves as witches, casting spells with our loyal black feline companions at our side. The ultimate familiars, these ebony enigmas hold us under their spell and we are totally okay with being forever in their trance. The current situation calls for a code midnight alert, prepare for a vibrant rendezvous of voluminous voids flaunting their luminous black cat mystique. 


Worker reprimanded when their coworker who was supposed to cover their shift no-shows: 'I got in trouble for it'

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 07:00

In jobs and industries that operate off of shift work "The Schedule" is hailed by management as an ancient relic of extreme importance—and not as if it's a document they threw together at the end of last week, days after it was supposed to be posted. 

No, there wasn't a lot of thought or effort that went into drafting that schedule, but there sure as heck is a lot of thought and effort put in to make sure you and your coworkers keep to it… Since making this schedule is part of the manager's job, you'd probably expect that it would also be their job to find coverage for it when workers can't make a shift or call out sick. Yet, somehow, nearly every shift manager sees fit to force the workers themselves to call around and find coverage.

As a rule of thumb, once you've traded a shift with another worker, or they've agreed to otherwise cover that shift, that shift is no longer yours and no longer your responsibility. Still, there will inevitably be some murky situations where the coworker who was supposed to cover the shift forgets about it and claims that it was not, in fact, their responsibility, leaving a disgruntled manager who displaces their wrath onto the original shift owner.

That's basically what's happening in this thread, which was originally posted to a popular online workplace community. This young worker traded their shift with a coworker who no-showed to the shift, landing them in hot water with their manager.

Hilariously Wholesome Cat Memes Celebrating The Stupefying Superiority Of All Things Feline

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 07:00

Hey, homies. Ever get tired of the whole "crazy cat lady" stereotype? Us too! Let's debunk that myth right meow. Cat lovers, and yes, that includes women who adore these felines, are perfectly rational beings. Sure, we might concede that our feline overlords hold a certain sway in our lives. They orchestrate feeding times with a well-timed meow, and let's be honest, who can resist those pleading eyes? Not us, nope not now not ever. 

Cats are the most curious and cute creatures we human feline enthusiasts could be so thrilled to get to know. They march to the beats of their own little independent drums and we have a feeling they could run things a lot better than those goofballs we've got in government right now. Now, to celebrate these magnificent creatures, behold! A collection of hissterical cat memes that purrfectly capture their feline superiority. Prepare to be amused!


‘I don’t care about your policy': Guest checks into hotel for 45 minutes, then leaves, demanding a full refund which employee refuses

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 06:00

Hotel disputes aren't uncommon, and dare I say it's usually the guest who starts them? Imagine working your shift, minding your own business, when a guest comes right up to you and demands a full refund because they are in fact, leaving now. The thing is, you just checked them in, 45 minutes ago. You know you can't give them a refund… It's against the hotel's policy. On the other hand, you don't really want to start an argument, and anyway, it's late.

What would you do? Well, this front desk worker who also happened to be the manager, didn't give in to an entitled guest's demands for a full refund. They had checked in barely an hour ago and had used the facilities. If you use the product, it's yours, or however the saying goes. Scroll down to read a very messy tale of events, and then check out this employee who quit after the company failed to provide them with safety equipment.

Chonky Cat Dives After Lizard That Got Under Owner's Desk, Emerges Having Successfully Caught It (And Accidentally Saves Its Life)

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 06:00

If this story is proof of anything, it's that nothing should hold you back from chasing your dreams, even if you are a very chocky cat whose dream is to catch a lizard that got underneath your owner's desk. See, chonky cats do not care about their chonkiness. They do not try to de-chonk-fy. They accept themselves as they are, and more than that, they continue asking for more food even half a minute after they finish a fresh meal. 

Being chonky does not stop these cats. And it should not stop you either. Because chonky cats just means that there's more cat to love, and we love each and every inch of our cats. And if those inches somehow manage to get under the desk and fulfill their dream of catching a lizard, well… thankfully, this person caught the lizard fast enough to release it and ensure a happy ending to this story. 


'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 05:00

This is what happens when teachers are not paid fairly. It's no secret that your average teacher is forced to take on a number of tasks and responsibilities that go well beyond their job description and salary. The reality of the matter is that without their extra free labor, students and teachers alike will not have the proper materials for class to run smoothly. 

Naturally, this lack of fairness can lead to a whole lot of resentment from teachers who are taking way too much time out of their already busy schedules to do even more work and, in many cases, spend their own money to get it all done. Here, we have a teacher who was expected to install software on each of his students' computers so that lab could run smoothly. This meant three extra days of unpaid work each time the software needed to be installed. IT refused to pitch in, and the administration was, of course, no help at all.

Eventually, this professor had enough after 17 years of this madness and decided to enact some well-deserved malicious compliance before leaving this institution forever. Keep scrolling below to see what happened to that software. For more stories like this, take a look at this post about a sales ops director who left because of a lazy Karen.

He'll catch one for us

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 05:00

‘I’m just doing my job': Guest tries to get hotel employee fired during work trip, guest's boss finds out and fires them instead

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 04:00

Working at the front desk, you get to see a lot of different guests in your lifetime. It's hard to keep up with the complaints that people have, it's ridiculous. Some people want a discount because the room wasn't the right temperature when they entered. Other people want a discount because you didn't smile enough. Then again, some people don't even want a discount, they just want to make you miserable. Honestly, I'm so glad my customer days are behind me… I don't know if I could put up with it anymore.

This hotel employee met the type of person you try very hard to stay away from when working a shift… this guest was a liar, and also a thief. She tried to get the employee fired under false pretenses, but luckily, the employee was able to bait her into being honest about her intentions.

You can read the full story below, and when you're done, check out these wholesome posts for overworked employees who really need a vacation.

A Hairball of Humor in the Form of 30 Hissterical Cat Memes

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 21:00

Hi there, hoomans!

We have a dilemma for you today, and we would love to hear your take on it. So in our new place, we have two cats and a big balcony with lots of space to hang out and enjoy the sun. We have absolutely no doubt that our cats would love to just chill out on the balcony whenever they can. The problem is, that one of our cats is orange. Yes, we know, big problem. He is incredibly unpredictable and we fear that one day, his brain cell will not work and he will give in to his curiosity and just jump off the balcony. So now we are too scared to let them out, and we genuinely do not know what to do.

Any suggestions would be gladly welcomed in the comments down below, and while you are on your way there, make sure to enjoy a collection of hissterical cat memes. Once you are done, click here for a collection of witty Google searches made by funny felines.


A Purrfect Pot Roast of 41 Cat Memes for Fluffy Felines Who Love to Feast

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 20:00

This morning was very eventful, to say the least. See, my two cats, Spock and Leo, decided that at 7 am sharp, they were going to tackle one of my big, beautiful plants. I had just rescued the plant because it wasn't doing very well in a certain spot in my backyard, so I took it in to give it some extra love and care. After feeding the cute critters, I was busy making myself a yummy morning coffee. That's when both of my fluffy felines got the zoomies, and practically ran up the walls.

Unfortunately, while Spock was tackling Leo, they bumped into my gorgeous plant, just when it was getting better. It toppled over and the entire living room was filled with dirt. I wanted to yell, but I didn't, opting instead to sigh loudly, plop myself onto my couch, and start drinking my coffee. I wasn't awake enough to start cleaning up yet. Of course, my cats showed no remorse, and I am weak, so I gave them some delicious treats anyway. Scroll down for the funniest fluffy feline memes of the week, and then check out these hissterically humorous cats for all you cat experts out there.


A Heartwarming Bowl of Smol Kitten Soup to Feed the Cat Lover's Soul (April 22, 2024)

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 19:00

Meowdy fellow cat lovers! Have you ever held a newborn kitten in the palm of your hand? No larger than an underripe avocado, tiny kittens have a captivating hold on hoomans. Carefully we cradle them in our hands as if the wind could blow them away, squinting at the fine whiskers, globe-like eyes, and that skinny floofy tail. Just when you feel as if you're in control of your emotions, they let out the tiniest mew–and just like that, you're hooked. 

Kittens just have this gravitational pull about them. Cute as a button and ready to star in their own cat calendar, baby felines are simply irresistible to hoomanity and they can lift our spirits in an instant. Warm like the sun they bask in and delicate as a flower petal, kittens can refuel any cat lover's need for cuteness. So if you're looking for a pick-me-up or just a cuddle-worthy cutie collection, scroll onward to enjoy this week's smol kitten soup to warm the heart. 


'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 16:00

Your time in college can be the best of your life. That said, a lot of it relies on how well you get along with your roommates because living in peace in an apartment is essential to the experience.

The roommate who has been driven to the point of no return is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) is a student who shares an apartment with multiple other people. Since everyone tried their best not to step on each other's toes, everything went smoothly at first. But as time passed and people grew accustomed to their new circumstances, the harmony within the household broke, and an 'every man for himself' mentality took hold.

So, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning what happened to push OP over the edge! After you're done, don't forget to read about the construction worker who, after years of mistreatment, offers his old micromanager a job!


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