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'I quit. Karen reported me to HR for it': Sales ops director leaves after HR sides with lazy Karen, now Karen is furious that she has to work

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 05:00

There is no positive trajectory for a company that caters to a Karen employee. This time, the Karen in question did not even have any real power. She had been shirking her responsibilities at work long after a minor neck injury from which she had fully recovered. Her coworkers had even seen that she was partying on the weekends, but she managed to find a doctor who could get her out of coming to work as much as she wanted. 

Finally, her boss, who ran the sales operations team, convinced HR to find a temp replacement. However, as soon as they started to confront the Karen about this, she threatened to sue despite having no real legal standing. Still, HR panicked and started letting this Karen get away with anything under the sun. Finally, the Redditor had enough of this nonsense and put in his notice. One would think this is what the lazy Karen wanted all along. However, when the team started to fall apart and a new leader was hired, suddenly Karen realized she needed to actually show up to work and get something done. 

Keep scrolling below to see what happened when she tried to report her former boss for leaving the company. Talk about grasping at straws, Karen! For more stories like this, here are some top Karen anecdotes.


LOL Cats - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 05:00

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 04:00

This might sound completely ridiculous, but before anyone thinks of buying a car, they should really consider whether or not they have a space to park it where they live. If they don't, then they simply should not buy a car.

Another thing they should absolutely not do is assign a random public area in their neighborhood to be their own personal parking space because A. It's illegal, and B. It is just going to create an uncomfortable situation with the neighbors. But still, some people buy cars when they don't have anywhere to park, and that results in them claiming a public area to be their personal parking space.

This is exactly the problem OP (original poster) has to deal with in this Reddit story. OP posted pictures of a sign her neighbor put up that declares a public area in their neighborhood to be her personal parking space. OP is at a loss with what to do about it, so she turns to the trusty people of Reddit for advice about payback.

Scroll down to read the full story and some of the helpful advice. After that, click here for a story of an employee who quit but still had to train their replacement.

Pet Owner Bars Chaotic Cat From Causing Fluffy Feline Mischief by Increasing Security at Home, Hissterical Discussion Ensues

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 20:00

My cats are so naughty that I have had to install all kinds of things in my home to keep them from wreaking fluffy feline havoc. If they so much as find a piece of toilet paper that they can get their claws on, they will tear it into a thousand pieces and spread it across the entire apartment. My couch is unrecognizable, my food is their food, my home is… their playground. And the worst part? This is all completely willful on my part. They are my babies, and their happiness takes precedence over my own.

They can do whatever they want, and simply look at me with those adorable eyes of theirs, and be immediately forgiven. One person took to r/blackcats to share some hissterical pictures of their own fluffy feline who caused chaos around the house. But I won't spoil it all for you… Scroll down and really about it! Next, check out this hooman who was kicked out of their home and went looking for someone to foster their cats. Luckily, the internet banded together and helped them.


'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 16:00

At 5:30 am, one person was enjoying some sleep on their weekend, when they heard a 'ding' from their phone. Who on earth would text at this hour? Well, lots of people, if it were an emergency. But it wasn't… it was a recruiter, and they were offering the person a job. This job sounded enticing indeed, as it was part-time, and it was $250 per hour. Or… was it?

I can smell a scam from a mile away, and anyone who texts me that isn't on my contact list raises my immediate suspicion. Who are you, how did you get my number, and why are you asking me to apply for a job that sounds too good to be true? Scroll down to read the full story and what people had to say about it, and then when you're done, here is a story about an office manager who was fed up with the employees who left their spoiled food in the fridge.

Five minutes late to breakfast

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 15:00

'Threaten to sue me? Go for it!': Divorce goes bad when ex-wife threatens to sue after squandering her finances

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 15:00

It's usually best to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions. Unfortunately, when you have a propensity for making bad ones, you're also more likely to not want to take responsibility for them, instead casting them off on the other people who had the misfortune of being in your immediate proverbial vicinity. Being eternally financially bound to one of these liabilities through other accountabilities is not a great situation to be in. But, as with anything in life, the best you can do is make the most of where you're at.

After an amicable divorce from his ex-wife, which seemed to be being handled with levelheaded reasoning and a positive outlook, this guy was surprised by his ex-wife's repeated poor choices that put her in increasingly adverse financial situations. Things began to take a turn for the worse between the pair before his ex-wife sought to level a lawsuit against him, seeking to rewrite the financial decisions that had been made in their separation. A move that was going to backfire spectacularly.

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 14:00

This person is completely blind to the consequences of their impatience. Luckily for the rest of us, their story is an unintentionally funny tale of workplace ignorance. 

There's always that one coworker that just doesn't pick up on the job. They could have all the training in the world, but they still don't understand basic tasks. They're the person who needs your help ten times per day when you're not even their supervisor. Other times, "that one coworker" will do their job so badly that everyone else is left picking up the slack. 

This dude sounds like a hilariously inept communicator, and a nightmare to work with. The non-suspended account u/Familiar-Jacket wrote that they worked for a large company of 10,000+ people, but they noticed that it was hard to communicate via email in such a large company. They write that they've taken to finding people in person to address their issues, but during remote work days, that solution just won't cut it. They revealed their newest solution to getting their work done, and commenters let them know just how irritating they were being to everyone around them. 

Next up, this tech support worker was told by their bosses to "smile more," so they decided to grin and bear it by refusing to stop smiling

Kitty will teach hooman

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 14:00

Top 25+ Exam Mistakes From Immature Students Who Didn’t Study

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 13:00

Sometimes, there is no point in pretending you know the answer on a test. 

Perhaps you didn't study or perhaps you're just drawing a blank. For whatever reason, you have absolutely no idea what to say and you can't even venture an educated guess. At this point, you know you're not getting any points on this question (and maybe even on the whole test). So, what does one do in this situation? Do you leave the question blank? Do you waste time trying to fabricate an educated guess despite the fact that you know it will be totally wrong? Or do you just accept that you don't know it and lean into that fact, so to speak?

Now, for those of you who don't know what it's like to not know the answer to a question on a test, leaning into your lack of knowledge might sound foreign to you, but we promise it is not the end of your academic career. In fact, some teachers responded favorably to their clueless students' honesty. Well, only a few responded that way but still. You're at the very least likely to give your teacher a laugh with your transparency. 

Keep scrolling below for these top exam mistakes. When you're done, feel free to check out these server memes. 

Sunday Snuggles With 24 Cute Cuddly Kittens To Fill The Weekend With Fuzzy Feline Fun

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 13:00

We love waking up on Sunday mornings because really Sundays mean one thing! It's time for some cozy cuddles with our awwdorable kitties. Wasn't the weekend meant to be filled with cuddles, especially from our awwdorable feline friends?

Kittens are like purrfect fluffy balls of happiness, with their tiny paws and twitching whiskers. Their innocent eyes and playful purrsonalities make them irresistibly cute and lovable. We can't imagine a more purrfect weekend than one that involves snuggling up with these pawsitively purrfect felines. Their soft fur and gentle purrs are like instant stress relievers, whisking away any stresses we may have, because how could one be stressed when we get to hang out with such cute animals? These cute cuddly kittens are another reminder that weekends are meant to be indulged with some fluffy, furry fun and embrace the joy that these little furballs bring into our lives!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'Ended up putting in a two week notice... they acted surprised': Worker gives workplace 6 months notice, company avoids finding a replacement

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 12:00

This person gave their company half a year to replace them, and that still wasn't enough time. That's a generous offer! Most people give the usual two weeks' notice when switching jobs. It's the common courtesy to let your employer know that you're heading for the door, while also giving them time to strategize and start the hiring process for your replacement. 

U/Knowslittle wrote that their employer was making them do the jobs of three people. This worker was stretched so thin that it was becoming an unpleasant work environment. They proved that they cared about their company by giving them six whole months to figure out how to handle their departure. But still, the company just didn't move fast enough. Oh well, they did all they could to prepare their employers!

Commenters enjoyed the tale, and left stories of their own. Plus, in an edit to the post, the original poster shared their appreciation for the malicious compliance community, adding that workers should "value yourself and what you do." Sage advice for all of the workers of the world. 

Up next, if you're a Gen Xer who's ever programmed a VCR or rocked out to The Cure, you'll find these throwback memes totally relatable

25 Weird And Wild Cat Memes And Pics To Perk Up Your Weekend And Get You Ready For The Working Week

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 12:00

Meow, meow feline lovers, we hope you have had a weekend full of feline love and the best naps you have ever had. However, if you have not had the best of weekends and are dreading the return to the work week, then you have most certainly found yourself in the right place. Today, we are taking a stroll on the weird and wild side of the feline spectrum to perk up your weekend and get you mentally prepared for the coming work week. Because what better way is there to fill your heart with feline goodness?

We have scoured the contents of the interwebs to find you some of the most oddball cattos to fill you with the feline funnies. In today's list, we have everyone from the Calvin Klein underwear sporting chonker living his best lazy life, to the kitten who has suffered quite the setback but is ready for a shocking comeback, to the silly sphinx cat who almost got his pawrent evicted, to the kitten who permanently has bite mode activated when he is awake. These strange cats are the pawfect way to shake things up and get ready for the work week.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'Employee quit because he got bit by a squirrel a customer threw at him': 20 business owners share their most bizarre quitting and firing stories

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 11:00

People have their own personal reasons for quitting jobs. Sometimes it's justified, and sometimes it's not, Sometimes it's planned, and sometimes it's impulsive. And every so often, the reason behind someone's departure at a company is so bonkers and unexpected that it almost feels like you're living in a movie or some heightened version of reality.

This time, instead of telling these anecdotes from the perspectives of those who got fired or quit, we're going to see how things went down from the points of view of the head honchos. Perhaps they learned a lesson or two and their employee was completely in the right. Or perhaps for once, these bosses were not all that bad and they were legitimately dealing with ridiculous employees. Even in this heated cultural moment with respect to how we view the workplace, that dynamic may still exist as well. 

Keep scrolling below for these bizarre Reddit stories. When you're done, check out this post about a recruiter's unhinged response to a job candidate's choice to decline an opportunity.

Saddest Cat At The Shelter Gets Adopted And Ends Up Living The Happiest Life Full Of Love And Cuddles (Video)

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 11:00

Happy Sunday dearest feline loving hooman, we hope you are enjoying your last day of feline filled freedom. With the work week just around the corner, we figured that you could do with a big old dose of dopamine to help you ease into the idea of going back to work. And as such, today we get to take in the heartwarming story of the cute catto who had almost given up on finding its forever home and had resigned itself to sadness in its cubby. That is until this wholesome hooman came to the shelter for a visit and fell in love. Day after day the hooman came back to visit the frustrated feline and before she knew it she had adopted it and was ready to bring the cat home with her.

Together they found boundless happiness, full of cuddles and purrs, and the cat was never unhappy again. That is until his new hooman did not give it the right kind of wet food, but we do not have that footage, so for today the moral of the story is that you never know when your life will change forever, but you should always hold out hope that your moment will come.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

23 Memes to Keep Nighttime Employees Awake During the Graveyard Shift

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 10:00

The night shift is not for the weak. Whether you're working the third shift at a factory or a hospital, the real task is just staying awake. It takes a certain kind of grit and determination to work through the wee hours of the night while the rest of the world is fast asleep. It is possible shift your sleeping schedule, but it's tough when everyone around you is working different hours than you. You have to be willing to make some serious sacrifices to live the night shift life: no more daytime Netflix binges or lunchtime naps in the sun. Instead, you're forced to sleep during the day, like a vampire, and wake up groggy and disoriented, praying you don't sleep through your alarm and miss your shift. But it's not all doom and gloom. There are some perks to working the night shift, like higher wages and a slower pace of work. You just have to be prepared to miss out on brunch dates and daytime activities - unless you're into midnight breakfast and moonlit hikes, that is. 

33 Cute Kitty Cats Sporting Some Pretty Pawesome Patterns and Meowrvelous Markings

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 10:00

Good meowrning, internet cat lovers and people interested in all things feline. We hope you're have a purrfect weekend so far, full of bonding time with your cats, maybe a few games of "hooman get the crinkled paper ball out from under the couch so we can push it under again", and some snuggle puddles with your favorite felines. We were looking at our cats today, and we noticed something we had never seen before. If you look at one of them from the right angle, it looks like they have a marking in the shape of a bunny! 

It turns out our cat isn't the only one with some pawesome patterns and meowrvelous markings, as you will see below. The world is large, and there are many cats inside, so that means that there must be some cats born with some furtastic fur patterns that are one of a kind. Each one is cuter than the last, so scroll down to soak up all this purffectly unique cuteness below!


37 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 09:00

Getting the Monday Blues is in employees' DNA. Nobody likes going back to work after having a nice, long relaxing weekend spent by doing absolutely zilch. Maybe some micromanagers enjoy the prospect of coming back to psychoanalyze their employees' work, but for the most part, everyone likes the weekend.

I don't know who came up with the 5 day work week, but it feels a bit extreme. Why do we only get 2 days to chill? After the Industrial Revolution, employees' work time was cut into 2, but we still work the same amount of time. It's not like bosses were like, 'Oh, productivity skyrocketed, let's give workers a break'. No, instead, we get to work 40 hrs a week. Yay, capitalism.

Scroll down for the funniest and most enjoyable posts of the week for employees who have caught the Monday Blues. Then check out this employee who quit on the spot after being chastised by their boss for sitting down during a 12-hour shift.

30 Purrfect Cat Memes for Feline Folks in Need of a Slow and Silly Sunday Before the Work Week Begins

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 09:00

Happy Sunday, cat lovers. We hope you had a great Caturday, full of feline fun and cat memes galore. Now it's Sunday and we're not ready to start the work week, but we have to keep going on just like a cat must keep giving themselves a bath no matter how clean they already are. Caturdays may be for embracing pawsitively silly shenanigans, but Sundays are for slowing down and enjoying your last minutes of freedom before the work week begins. So, let's have a nice relaxing scroll through some purrfect cat memes to savor our Sunday to its fullest!

This is the time to find your furrvorite spot in the sun, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and take a deep breath. Inhale all of these feline funnies in their finest furry form, and breathe out all your work worries. Cat memes really are the best cure for everything, aren't they?


'I was instructed to smile more': Tech support worker weirds out customers by maliciously complying with supervisor's instructions

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/21/2024 - 08:00

This employee was confused by their boss's latest comments, and they decided to comply to the best of their abilities. 

For many women, being told to smile more is an unfortunate rite of passage. It's usually said by some older dude as the woman is working or just walking around, minding her own business. There's no winning in this situation. If you smile back on request, you feel degraded, and definitely not smiley. If you don't smile, they'll say something about kids these days, and why can't anyone just lighten up? There's no reason anyone needs anyone else to smile at them. If you have to ask for it, it's telling of your personality. Do you mean to tell me you can't get people to smile for you organically? You have to request it? That just makes me feel bad for you. 

It's also difficult when the person demanding you smile more is your boss. Some people just have resting B face, but that doesn't mean they're actually grumpy or unhappy with their work. At least this tech support employee got their employer to regret ever giving that feedback. It was truly a win for them — that boss is never going to tell someone to smile ever again. 

Next up, check out some of these great memes for the Gen Xers of the world (or anyone who's set up a VCR!). 


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