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When Your Cute Cat Is A Ten, But She Is A Lazy Feline Who Does Not Help You With Anything (Video)

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 10:00

Happy hump day you fluffy cat lovers! The middle of the week is upon us, and we are blessed to be at the point where the weekend feels closer than ever, and that means that Caturday is officially coming. However, we cannot discount the supporting role of our precious feline fur babies, who have been supporting us through the worries and woes of the working week. Without them, we would likely be in a puddle on the floor, questioning our very existence.

And today we are taking a moment to celebrate our wholesome cattos' hard work with this video from a very fortunate feline pawrent who rather relatably and purrfectly summed up what it is like to have a cat who is a ten, but is lazy and so does not really help out with anything around the house. We've all been there, wishing that our cat could at least pick up the litter it flung on the floor, and this funny cat video sure does sum up that feeling.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Mid-Week Motivation: Hilarious Cute Cat Teaches Us Humans What It Means To Be A Facetious Feline (Video)

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 09:00

Meow, meow, dear feline loving hoomans the middle of the week has arrived and that means that the weekend is just around the corner, thank goodness. It has been a trying week and while you have been doing your best to be a well-behaved hooman who does not take their frustrations out on others, it is likely time to let that go, so that you can spare some of your sanity for the coming weekend.

So it is lucky for you that we foresaw this happening and brought forth today's cute cat video, where a facetious feline teaches us hoomans what it means and takes to be a clawminal cat. It is not an easy job, but it is one that lets you take out what ever aggressions or frustrations you have on those around you in the most careless of fashions. So, we recommend you pay close attention to the valuable lesson that this spicy cat has to teach us and put it to good use throughout the rest of the week.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'[I] had a guy try to pay me with pottery': 30+ Freelance artists who had the most entitled clients ever

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 08:00

These artists aren't staying quiet anymore about their commission nightmares. 

While freelancing online, you may have to jump through a lot of hoops before you can find a good client. Many people will head to an artist's DMs and start brainstorming about the artwork they want to buy. But right off the bat, a lot of people aren't prepared to actually pay for the art. They say things like, "Well, weren't you going to draw that anyway?" or "I think it should be free because it only took you a little while to draw." Artists are constantly forced to explain to people that yes, drawing can be work, and no, exposure doesn't pay the bills.

At least on X, formerly known as Twitter, these artists have an outlet to vent a bit about their most unbelievable client requests. Some people have the gall to claim, "I could do that," when shown the artwork. Well, if you can do that, go ahead! Almost any artist will tell you that if you have the nerve to say such a thing. You can literally make art whenever you feel like it, you don't need to hire an artist. All you need is all of the necessary tools, like paint, brushes, pencils, or digital software, plus talent, plus years of schooling or training, plus practice. See? Anyone can do it! 

After you check out these wild tales of entitled clients, read about the cafe worker who was so incompetent that he got fired after a single disastrous shift

A Purrfectly Fresh Fancy Feast of Cat Memes for Kitty Connoisseurs Hungry for a Good Time

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 08:00

Hey, kitty connoisseurs and cat meme maniacs. We hope you woke up with a craving for something funny and feline today because that's what's on the menu! For breakfast today, we'll be having a healthy helping of feline funnies. For second breakfast, we'll be having a plate or two of hissterical cats in meme form, and for lunch we'll be serving a purrfectly fresh fancy feast of cat memes! Sounds tasty, right? 

You should purrobably do that thing with your napkin where you tuck it into your shirt because these memes can get a little messy. We're talking 'that cat that really loves corn' messy. If you haven't seen that video, it will be the purrfect dessert to round out your meal of funny felines today. So scroll down and get your giggle on. We hope you leave this post both happy and satisfied!


Overachieving employee raises KPI averages higher just so their boss misses a promotion: 'The entire sector didn't get raises that year'

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 07:00

They say the best revenge in life is success… That teacher who said you'd never make it? That bully in high school? Anyone who doubted you or tried to keep you down. Well, the best thing you can do is go on to prove that you're not as weak or insignificant as they're telling you you are. Of course, although not as often discussed, going on to leave a peaceable existence of mediocrity is also an acceptable option if that's what you prefer, though decidedly less exciting of a story.

This employee had their life turned upside down when their new supervisor decided to change their schedule on a whim to bring it in line with the rest of the team. The employee had been working an adjusted schedule where they came in and left an hour earlier than "normal" in order to properly manage the care of their son. "That's what babysitters are for," their new supervisor declared when he asked her about his previous arrangement.  Already a top performer, the employee decided to get back at their boss the best way they could… See, their workgroup KPIs were based on average performance, so by excessively exceeding their own performance; they could raise the group averages to a point where the group as a whole wouldn't ever be able to meet it… When their boss missed out on a KPI target, it would put them permanently behind on the pay scale.

Comical Collection of 'Not My Cat' Moments When Humans Were Delighted To Welcome An Unexpected Feline Visitor

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 07:00

Hey there, cat lovers and entertainment enthusiasts. We're ICanHasCheezburger, your go-to internet spot for all things feline goodness. Allow us to introduce you to the 'not my cat' phenomenon. Have you ever come across a cat who was indefinitely not yours? Perhaps they were in close quarters, even somehow appearing in your bathroom while you were busy taking care of business. Perhaps they slipped into your home through the cat door you had meant to close years ago but promptly abandoned. It happens more frequently than one would think!

Encountering a 'not my cat' is a uniquely charming experience. It's heartwarming– a sense of being chosen and esteemed as the feline's favorite haven. Now go ahead and indulge in the delightful chronicles of these whimsical "not my cat" moments – a series that captures the evolution from a transient visitor to an endearing companion.


'I want to enjoy a campfire from my porch': Guest wants to light a campfire in the middle of a forest, hotel employee refuses to sell him firewood

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 06:00

Rules are rules, and at hotels, they exist for a reason. One guest checked into a hotel in the middle of a forest, and a while later, came up to the front desk clerk to enquire about campfires. This guest thought it would be a brilliant idea to light a campfire right outside his cabin so that he could enjoy it from his porch. Dude… do you know anything about fire safety? The front desk clerk stared at him and informed him that 20 yards away, were a bunch of leaves, dry as the desert. He couldn't light a fire anywhere near there. That's when things took a turn, leading to an amusing series of events that you can read all about below in a series of screenshots. Afterward, check out another story about safety, but this time, about an employee who refused to work for a company that didn't give him the proper safety equipment for work. Tsk, tsk, when will people learn?

'Sir, there are babies in her uterus': Man Loudly Argues With Vet That It's Impossible His Cat Is Pregnant Because He Doesn't Have A Male Cat

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 06:00

Kittens are adorable. We think we can all agree on that. And nothing makes us smile quite as hard as seeing pics of cute kittens and looking at videos of precious kittens on the internet. In fact, we go out searching for them. We want them. Kittens make us happy. But… we admit that we probably wouldn't want our house cat to show up pregnant our of nowhere, even if it meant a whole bunch of new and adorable kittens for us to look at all day every day. 

If it did happen, we would probably be just as in denial as the man in this thread. No, this is impossible. Only in our case, it really would be impossible, because our cats are spayed, but in his case… listen, having no males inside the house has never stopped a determined cat from getting pregnant. Lesson learned. The hard way. 


'I don't have $60 to attend your fundraising event': Job applicant asked to donate to the company that rejected her

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 05:00

Imagine reaching out to a former employer for a full-time opportunity, getting flat-out rejected, and then being asked to give money to the organization. You have to admire the audacity of these people. 

This Redditor shared that after successful contracted work, she sought a salaried position at the same company and put a ton of work into her application. When she was rejected, she wound up receiving what was clearly a copy-and-paste rejection email. She ended up reaching out to her contact at the company to see if her former employer knew she had applied for the position or if it was some low-level intern who rejected her. As it turns out, her boss was aware of the Redditor's application and still chose to send the impersonal rejection letter without any acknowledgment of the work the Redditor had done for the company in the past.

But wait, it only gets worse. The former boss's next move was to invite the Redditor to a fundraising event for the organization in the same email. Furthermore, the price of admission was $60 per ticket, as if the Redditor would be willing to spend her funds during unemployment on the company that just rejected her.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and the best reactions in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a teacher's final act before leaving their job for good.


LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 05:00

‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 04:00

Congrats, you got a new job! You go over the contract, notice the 40-hour work week, say 'Cool' to yourself, sign, and move on. A month later you begin training, and everything is falling into place… except for one thing. Deadlines. The company expects you to work way more than 40 hours a week… but you're only getting paid for 40. Basically, the managers don't know how to manage their time very well, leading to a big workload. Then they work overtime to complete the projects they've been given. Worst of all, they expect you to pick up the slack, and it doesn't matter that it isn't your fault that they are short-staffed.

This was the case for one Redditor, who took to a work sub to complain, asking other employees for advice on what to tell his boss. See, his boss had told him that he wasn't being as committed as he could be. Ugh, it's already firing me up. Time for the weekend. Next up, check out this office manager who promised to make their coworkers' lives very inconvenient if they didn't begin cleaning up after themselves.

27 Retail Memes for Customer Service Workers Who Are Checked Out

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 16:00

Working in the retail and customer service industry is not for the faint of heart. One minute you're helping a sweet old lady find the perfect pair of shoes; the next, you're dealing with a Karen who's demanding to speak to the manager. And returns are a whole other adventure. It's like some people think the store is their personal rental service. Despite the challenges, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of helping someone find exactly what they're looking for...or maybe it's just the feeling of relief when a customer finally leaves. But at the end of the day, I think we can all we can all agree that retail workers deserve a gold medal for their patience and perseverance. They've got endless aisles to stock, coupons to decipher, and enough existential questions about the meaning of "lightly used" to fuel a philosophical thesis. And don't even get them started on cleaning up fitting rooms. But on the bright side, they also have hilarious memes. So, enjoy these 27 memes below that sum up the circus of customer service.

Manager insists on personally reviewing every job candidate Recruiter finds, lives to regret it: 'I never received pushback again'

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 15:00

When you have someone in your organization, or externally who your organization is paying, specifically to do a task… It makes sense to let them do that task; if you insist on your involvement and time being spent on that same task, all you're doing is double handling and wasting your own time and the organization's money. And, yet, so many managers struggle with this simple concept, refusing to relinquish even the smallest, most important things to those who should be responsible for them, bogging down the entire operation with the bottleneck effect that is created by everything needing to pass across their desk. 

You see this all the time, especially from entry-level managers who proved testament to the "Peter principle" and were never able to rise further through the ranks past their initial management position. Stuck, forever in that level of the organization, they begin clutching tighter at the few straws they have hold of, hoping that holding tighter and tighter may one day see their rise to that promotion that they so crave… 

It also happens with small business owners who have found success that they attribute to their micromanagement, and as their organization grows, they find it impossible to relinquish any of the hold they have until a critical point is reached.

Put in your requests meow

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 15:00

'The squirrels were wildly untrained': 25+ Hilarious 1-star reviews of national parks and forests

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:00

"It's just trees," lamented one unhappy 1-star reviewer who was writing about… a national forest. Don't you hate when you visit the outdoors, and the outdoors are there? Crazy how that works. 

These people decided to visit our nation's many great national parks, and they then proceeded to leave very funny, and very unhinged 1-star reviews about them. The funniest to me are the ones where people get the location entirely wrong. For example, one reviewer was frustrated because their "Milkshake was disappointing, ordered jalapeños on my chicken sandwich but didn't get them :/." Too bad they were reviewing the Croatan National Forest in North Carolina… not a disappointing restaurant. These types of reviews aren't helpful, but they make us laugh with their absurdity nevertheless. 

Below, we have a great collection of one-star reviews about the USA's most popular tourist attractions. As you can imagine, there are quite a lot of people who are just joking around with their reviews. But some distraught reviewers really do seem upset about the Grand Canyon's lack of WiFi, or the Croatan National Forest's tree problem (there are too many trees. In the forest. Yep.) The first 15 reviews are all about the Grand Canyon, #16-#26 are regarding Croatan National Forest, and there's a bonus review of Zion National Park on the last slide. 

After you have a peek inside the minds of these silly tourists, these tattoo artists got caught talking about their clients behind their backs. 


LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:00

'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 13:00

This manager may have been irritated, but the rest of us can applaud this customer's success at bending the rules for his own gain. Sure, finding loopholes and using them to one's advantage can sometimes lead to unruly behavior, but this time, the customer achieved something most shoppers can only dream of: a loophole within a store's strict return policy.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/dubilendar, who shared that he had just bought a series of items from a nearby store only to learn from his wife that he should go back and return a few of the items he purchased. It had been less than 20 minutes since he bought them, but apparently, because he physically left the store, he couldn't return the items. Instead, he could only get a voucher to buy something else for the same price, despite the fact that he didn't need anything else. 

We have all been here before. However, not all of us are able to think on our feet like this customer. Keep scrolling below to see how he managed to get his money back in spite of the bogus return policy. For more stories like this, check out this post about an entitled Karen's comeuppance within an apartment complex.

Siamese Celebration With 24 Cute And Curious Cats For A Tuesday Full Of Purrfection

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 13:00

Tuesdays were made for champions because it really takes a champion to survive Monday and here we are ready to continue tackling the work week. Our plan to conquering involves lots of after-work cozy cuddles with our Siamese cat squad. These fluffy buddies are the snuggle masters. They're all about the charm and cuteness overload!

These Siamese cats bring buckets of charm with their awwdorable ways. They're like fluffy clouds of happiness, ready to make our Tuesday the best one yet. Who needs more than some warm blankets and purring cats to make a day purrfect? So, let's dive into the snuggle fest with our Siamese cat crew. It's like a fluffy, cuddly paradise waiting for us. Is there anything better than cozying up with our feline friends, soaking in their warmth, and forgetting about the world outside? Let's make this Tuesday the ultimate cat appreciation day with these Siamese cats.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'She hasn't booked with me again... whoops': 10+ Tattoo artists who got caught talking about their clients behind their backs

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 12:00

If you're in a customer service position, you deal with all types of people. You meet some folks who are super friendly and bubbly, especially if you're working at a tattoo studio, like these people are. Many people are thrilled to be getting tattooed—they might have planned out their design for quite some time, so they're excited to finally be putting the ink on/under their skin. 

Other people have a bit of an attitude problem, as the folks on r/TattooArtists will tell you. Instead of being excited and grateful about their new skin artwork, some people show up and feel entitled to treat the artist however they want. Some act bossy or impolite, while others think it's okay to show up a half hour late to their appointment. 

A bunch of artists shared that they've had their fair share of annoying customers. Sometimes the artists couldn't hold in their frustration, and the customer heard! At least in many of these stories, the client didn't seem too perturbed. I think some customers realize that they're being a little over the top, but then they don't know how to back down while also saving face. These artists have the patience of saints! 

After you check out these anecdotes below, read about the wedding rules that would make at least one person "simply not go" to the event at all


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