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'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 09:00

Every restaurant or store has to deal with people attempting to leave without paying. In stores, it is easier to prevent people from doing it, because they have to leave the premises with a physical item at hand, and it is pretty simple to track the items and make sure they are not stolen. In restaurants, is it a bit more complicated, since a customer consumes the food before they actually pay for it, so they can just up and leave when no one is looking, and never pay a dime.

Surely every restaurant has dealt with a few 'dine and dashers' in their history, and sometimes they have to accept it as it is. But if a customer dares to go back to a restaurant that they once left without paying, they are risking getting recognized and having to face their actions.

Much like the family in this Reddit story, who came back to a restaurant 6 months after they dined and dashed in, thinking they would go unnoticed. Scroll down to read the full story of what happened. After that, click here for a story of a hotel guest who demanded to be allowed to sleep in the lobby. 

34 Furnomenal Feline Funnies and Cat Memes to Meow Through The Madness of Being an Adult

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 09:00

Hey, I Can Has-ers. Thursday is here, and that means we're one toe bean closer to Caturday. We still have a day or two to go until we make it to the weekend, and boy, are we tired of adulting already. Couldn't we just stay as cute, playful kittens all our lives? We may not be able to go back to being a kid, but we do have something that helps us meow through the madness of being an adult - and that thing is cat memes!

Instead of paying our bills and replying to our emails like a normal adult, we're going to scroll through some feline funnies instead. After we've had our break of comedic kitties, then we'll have the strength to give away our hard-earned money. You have to take the good with the bad, right? So let's get some good in our systems with these purrfectly funny cats in meme form and meow through the madness together!


Expectation vs. Reality: 25+ Botched products that didn't meet expectations

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 08:00

Things don't always turn out exactly as you'd hoped. Sometimes things are a little better than you thought it would be, and that's a lovely surprise. Other times, the circumstances are a bit worse than you anticipated, which is a bit of a letdown. There's nowhere that's more obvious than online shopping, where people are constantly finding the coolest clothing or toys of their dreams, only to have their hopes dashed when the item actually arrives. 

Ordering clothes on the internet consistently has some of the worst results for the buyer. It's easy to fake how clothes look in their pictures online—they fit the model perfectly and look completely stunning. But then when they show up in the mail, they're a polyester nightmare that looks like it cost $2 to make. But it's not just online stuff. A lot of people have issues with the cakes they've ordered from bakeries! It's clear when a baker doesn't have the skills to make the promised dessert, but they try anyway, and the cake just looks… rough. 

Have a laugh at these times when products failed to meet expectations. Up next, read about the funniest 1-star reviews people have left of our country's great national parks, like the person who was upset that "the squirrels were wildly untrained." 

'She lets my cats know that she's the boss': Jealous Bunny Has No Patience For Cats (Video)

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 08:00

In our time writing for ICanHasCheezburger, we have come to a simple conclusion - bunnies and cats can be best friends. It makes sense, doesn't it? They're both small and playful. They're both adorable and fluffy. They're both mischievous spawns of- you know what we mean. Cats and bunnies like playing together. Cats and bunnies help each other out when they get in trouble. We have convinced ourselves that these two species make sense as friends. 

But what we forgot to think about is that… both cats and bunnies have insanely strong personalities, and while it does make sense for them to be friends, it also makes sense for them to clash sometimes. Which is what happened here. This jealous bunny has no patience for cats and their shenanigans, and yes, the bunny's jealousy and rage is indeed the cutest thing you will see today - or ever. 


'You can kiss your weekend hiking trips goodbye': Manager maliciously decries worker's desire for their weekends ordering them to work 6 days a week

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 07:00

Requiring your workers to work time that they weren't scheduled to work or weren't contracted to work, while sometimes legal, isn't necessarily fair or the right thing to do. Even if the business has needs for additional coverage or is experiencing an emergency period of high load and you did need your workers to work an additional day… it would be best to—no, anyone in their right mind would—approach the subject delicately, respectfully, and tactfully. 

Coming out and declaring to your workers that they should "Kiss their weekend hiking trips goodbye" or anything of that nature would be downright inadvisable… Especially when that comment is intended as a reference to personal information that was shared far earlier in the working relationship.

This manager found themselves in a situation exactly as described above when they were approached by their supervisor advising them that they and their team would be working six days a week going forward. Of course, they were worried about their staff, and they predicted that there would be a hemorrhaging of staffing levels when their workers began leaving due to what they were experiencing from the organization. This, of course, would push even higher workloads onto the remaining team, resulting in a feedback loop that would cripple their team and the organization.

The manager shared their experience with this popular online workplace community, telling of the conversation they had with their supervisor and discussing how disillusioned and worried they were about both the directive and the attitude of the management above them.

See selected screenshots of their original post below, along with the discussion with readers that followed.

A Spectacularly Spicy Soirée of Ferociously Feisty and Fluffy Felines to Warm Your Hooman Hearts

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 07:00

Hey, pals. Greetings and salutations. If you're just tuning in to our page for the first time, allow us to introduce ourselves. We're ICanHasCheezburger and we are obsessed with all things feline. We boast the biggest community-based cat meme collection on the internet, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Our cats are a constant source of beauty, serotonin, and pure humor. So we have decided to take a minute today to compile this spectacularly spicy soirée of ferociously feisty and fluffy felines to warm human hearts near and far.

In their bursts of lively playfulness, these charming beings far exceed any semblance of feistiness with their irresistible charm and delightful antics. The core of a cat's nature is a delightful fusion of independence, curiosity, and a dash of mischievousness, and it is within these qualities that their irresistible allure truly shines. Now, go ahead and get ready to pawty with an abundance of feline goodness and awesome cat pics! Enjoy! 


'I sat in my car in disbelief: Employee shares why they got fired in LinkedIn post where they describe sleeping in their car to avoid commuting to work

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 06:00

You put years into your career, sacrificing your own happiness to get ahead, hoping someday to save enough money for an early retirement. You volunteer at work, get to your shift on time, and even take on projects that have nothing to do with your job description or department… what don't you do to make it? Then, one fateful day, the company announced layoffs. That is, if you're lucky. If you aren't, you just show up at work to find your keycard doesn't work anymore. Then the security guard informs you that you were actually fired. Wow, that's awkward. 

But that's apparently what happened to this employee who shared a viral LinkedIn post where they described everything they did for their company, only to get fired. Of course, they painted a nice pretty picture of what a good worker they were so that they would be hired by someone else. Honestly, that's pretty smart. Not something I could fathom doing, but still. Scroll down to read the full post and story, and then check out this guest who didn't care about a hotel's policy, expecting a full refund after they checked in for 45 minutes.

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (April 25, 2024)

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 06:00

Hello there, friends and cat enthusiasts! We are reporting live from the ICanHasCheezburger editorial office, and we'd like just like to say… live from HQ it's time for the freshest and funniest feline tweets of the week!  Every single week, we scour through the dusty corners of the Twittersphere to find the best and silliest feline Twitter nuggets of comedy gold. And we never come up empty-handed. The internet keeps giving, and we are here to happily accept all of the feline goodness it brings into our lives and computer screens. 

This collection was curated with lots of love and a hefty dose of humor. These tweets serve as a testament to the widespread adoration and prominence of our four-legged feline friends in the vast online realm. Get ready to indulge in the ultimate cat tweet extravaganza, because when it comes to feline brilliance, Twitter never fails to deliver.


'Micromanage me? Go ahead': Fast food workers band together to get micromanaging shift supervisor fired

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 05:00

Sure, it takes a detail-oriented person to manage a restaurant, but some supervisors are not cut out for it simply because they are too intense. These micromanagers tend to be unable to pivot if unforeseen circumstances arise. They also tend to be extremely frustrated when employees make judgment calls and handle their tasks differently. In other words, micromanagers rarely make genuinely good bosses. Instead, the only thing they are successful at is making enemies out of the people who work for them.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/mattimeomeg, who worked at a certain well-known fast food establishment that uses "a giant M" for its logo. The original poster's manager was particularly a stickler when it came to closing down the restaurant. Hs very specific way of doing things often meant that employees had to leave at 1:00 in the morning as a result of his obsessiveness. Eventually, he and his coworker could not take it anymore and decided to enact some much-deserved petty revenge.

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more, check out this post about a job applicant who was asked to donate to the company that rejected her.

'Never gonna happen': Micromanager assigns overworked employee more responsibilities, then cuts his pay in half, leading employee to leave company high and dry

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 04:00

The world of business isn't always fair. People would do whatever it took to succeed and build a name for themselves in the industry. That being stated, how would you react if your employers, who were strapped for cash, decided to offer you a fake promotion along with a pay cut?

The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same company for over a year. A few weeks ago, OP's managers approached him and said they would like to give him a greater role within the company. However, even with the kind offer, they added that they were interested in lowering his pay for the duration of the project rather than raising it due to budgetary restrictions. OP was offended by this disrespectful offer and promptly called management to let them know how he felt.

Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened between OP and his supervisors and how they sugar-coated the offer! After you're done reading, don't forget to read the account of the inexperienced new hire who quits the IT company unexpectedly because a senior employee failed to assist him get used to the job!

25 Coworker Memes to Enjoy on Your Lunch Break

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 16:00

There's nothing better than getting along with your coworkers. After all, you're together a lot, and there's nothing like bonding with your coworkers over the shared misery of sitting in a cubicle for eight hours a day. You've got someone to share your coffee breaks with, someone to help you with that pesky Excel spreadsheet, and someone to vent to when your boss schedules a meeting on Friday afternoon. It's like having a built-in support system, except instead of therapy sessions, you just go out for a work happy hour. 

Of course, you can't always get so lucky. There are always those coworkers who make you want to pull your hair out. You know the ones - the guy who talks too loudly on the phone, the girl who leaves her dirty dishes in the sink, and the boss who thinks "urgent" means "whenever you get around to it." But at least they give you something to gossip about with your work besties, right? So here are some memes to celebrate the coworkers who make the workday a little brighter and the coworkers who make you appreciate your days off even more. Because without them, work would just

20+ Exasperated tech savvy people share the most computer illiterate individuals they've ever encountered: 'Send both files in one email, so you don't have to pay twice'

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:00

There was a certain point in time in the not-so-distant past when plenty of people had never encountered a "Personal Computer" before—a time when listing your basic typing and computer skills on a CV would make you a strong candidate for a varying degree of roles and not raise eyebrows. At this time, it was perfectly understandable when you encountered someone, particularly someone older, who had no way of conceptualizing what the darn thing was, resulting in a degree of bizarrely hilarious interactions as people struggled to come to grips with this wondrous new machine. 

Nowadays, Windows 95 is almost 30 years old—and thus, the widespread establishment of the Personal Computer (PC) in people's homes happened some time ago… So there's really not all that much of an excuse when you don't know how to use a mouse and keyboard. But technology has progressed since, and it's only a matter of time before there's something new that all of us can't get our heads around—and it's just not going to come in the form of something we anticipate.

Yet, where there is the possibility of something in this world, there's someone fulfilling the prophecy of probability. These tech-savvy persons gathered in this online community to share their stories about the most computer-illiterate people they had ever encountered, making for a good collection of relevant tales. 

'It was... very petty of me: Project manager sends massive 600+ page email to spite finance department

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 14:00

The finance department at this company learned exactly who they shouldn't be messing with. U/thelastword4343 shared their story of some very petty revenge within their job as a project manager for a small company. 

Project managers have a lot to take on, and they need to be very organized. This person claims they are, but the company's finance department just doesn't see eye to eye with them. That can happen in companies: different departments feel territorial or hold petty grudges, and it can affect the communication between groups after a while. That's even clearer with cases like this. The employee writes that the finance department threw a pretty big accusation their way, even though they were completely wrong about it. 

The worker decided that if everyone wants to waste time, two can play at that game. They had a brilliant idea that is an inspiration to office workers everywhere. As an employee, if you can play by the rules and still win your intra-office battles, you're a hero in our books. 

After you read this person's petty revenge story, read about these tech-illiterate folks who do things like refusing to send multiple emails "so you don't have to pay twice." 

Purrpetually hungry

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 14:00

'Driver ate my food': Top Food Delivery Fiascos of the Week (April 24, 2024)

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 13:00

There is a plethora of ways in which a food delivery order can go wrong. Sometimes, it's an honest mistake. Sometimes, it's the customer's fault. And sometimes the person delivering your food is a bit too eager and bizarre. You know, the kind of guy who messages you after the delivery is complete. Perhaps it's about getting an extra tip or maybe it's even a flirtation no one asked for.

Regardless, customers and delivery drivers alike are human, which means the capacity for errors and misjudgments is just as possible as a flawless delivery. For me, a flawless delivery means minimal contact. It's not about sanitation necessarily. It's about not having to look at another human in the face at two in the morning after impulsively ordering wings yet again.

Keep scrolling below for this fresh collection of delivery fiascos. They range from the wholesome to the audacious, from the typical to the outlandish, and from sweet to savory. For more stories like this, check out this post about an entitled Karen neighbor who kept having her packages delivered to someone else on purpose.

'Lesson learned': Couple ruin hundreds of dollars worth of clothing with hostel request gone wrong

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 12:00

This couple managed to ruin a bunch of their clothing while traveling.

There's some good travel advice about how to ensure you'll always have a clean outfit with you. If you're flying, you should pack your clothes in your checked luggage, but make sure to leave at least one pair of clothing in your carry-on luggage, too. That way if your luggage gets lost or you're not able to get that suitcase right away, you'll still have a fresh set of clothes for the next day. 

This couple had a similar issue involving their clothing. They entrusted a bunch of "expensive high-tech hiking clothes" to strangers at the hostel they were staying at. I hope they left at least a few sets of clothing out of that wash cycle, because otherwise, they'll have to add a big shopping trip into their vacation. 

Although it seems like a miscommunication with hostel staffers, this traveler left this information in the hostel's review. At least they gave their trip a 7/10… not that any of it was really the hostel's fault in the first place. 

After you check out this interesting hostel review/laundry disaster, read about the freelance artists who revealed their worst clients, like one poor soul who "had a guy try to pay me with pottery." 

24 Funny Furry Felines For A Purrfect Dose Of Midweek Cat Cuteness

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 12:00

It's Whisker Wednesday and we are all about whisking out those midweek blues courtesy of awwdorable cats, these felines are all set to sprinkle our day with a purrfect dose of cuteness!

These awwdorable whiskered companions are full of light and fun ensuring that we have a day full of excitement,  and delight. Whether they are chasing laser beams or sleeping in the sun, their playful purrsonalities never fail to bring smiles to our faces. From fluffy kittens exploring new adventures to wise old cats lounging in regal repose, each whisker and tail flick reminds us to embrace the magic of the present moment. These felines are full of fun energy and curiosity that leaves us feeling entertained. So, let's raise a toast to these whisker wonders as they transform our Wednesday into a whimsical wonderland of furry fun. Let their playful purrs and charming purrsonalities warm our hearts and brighten our spirits.

'Thou shalt not cut in line': Line-cutting Male Karen gets his comeuppance in the Drive-Thru pharmacy line

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 11:00

Karma can rear its head just about anywhere, even if it's in a long line at the local drive-thru pharmacy. 

Here, we have a customer who was patiently waiting third in line at a drive-thru in order to pick up a prescription. Because of the structural layout on the street, there had to be a small gap between the third and fourth positions in line so that regular drivers could pass. Well, one SUV line-cutting male Karen thought that gap could be an opportunity to sneak in and completely cut the line. After a dispute between him and the lady who had previously been fourth in line, the male Karen refused to move to the back. That's when the customer who was third in line decided to step in and help the lady out. He told her to park her car and to get in the passenger's seat of his vehicle so that they could pick up both of their prescriptions together. This clever workaround clearly upset the line-cutter, who was so ticked off that he furiously drove away. 

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. When you're done, check out this post about another Karen who got upset over having to actually do her job.

Whimsical Wednesday With 25 Purrfectly Funny Feline Memes To Pounce On The Midweek Blues

LOL Cats - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 11:00

We have finally made it to the middle of the week, getting here may have felt like a struggle but we have conquered all the way to midweek which means it's time to shake off any midweek blues with a dose of laughter and our favorite furry friends. So let's get ready to dive into a hissterical journey of cat memes.

Cats have this incredible talent for being charming and entertaining These memes capture the essence of their awwdorable quirks, from their love for cardboard boxes to their amusing reactions to everyday things. It's a celebration of the randomness that makes our feline companions so endearing. So, let's embrace Wednesday with these purrfectly funny cat moments. These memes are like a virtual hug from our feline pals, leaving us with smiles that will push us through until the arrival of Caturday.  Because when it comes to brightening our day, cats are the true masters of the art!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

25 Random Fails That Show We All Have Our Moments

Fail Blog - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 10:00

We all have those days when life seems to be playing a cruel joke on us. You know, the kind of day where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. We've all been there, from spilling coffee on your white shirt to getting splashed by a passing car on a rainy day. But what separates the truly unlucky from the rest of us is their ability to laugh it off. These folks know that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Or in their case, take a hilarious picture and share it with the world. And boy, are we glad they do. Who knew that a bird stealing ice cream or a drink getting stuck in a vending machine could be so funny? After all, if we can't laugh at ourselves, then who can we laugh at? So, the next time you find yourself in a less-than-ideal situation, take a page out of these folks' book. Snap a pic, share it with your friends, and remember that laughter is the best medicine. To keep the laughs rollin', check out these next: 24 Epic Workplace Fails That Led to These Employees Getting Fired


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