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'Thanks for nothing...': Part time employee fills in for full time coworker, boss chastises him for going the extra mile instead of thanking him

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 06:00

The world of business isn't always enjoyable. In the corporate hierarchy, there are those at the top and those at the bottom. Having said that, even if initiative may wind up being rewarded, some managers would prefer you stay in your lane and focus solely on your designated task.

The following story is from the point of view of a disgruntled part-time worker. The original poster (OP) works part-time for an organization that fulfills orders. At first, everything was going smoothly; OP was satisfied with his job and his managers acknowledged the quality of the work he was producing. However, all changed when a full-time employee called in sick. In such a situation, two things might take place. The first would be to take control of the current situation; the second would be to ask superiors for advice and support. So when he discovered that the supervisors had chastised him for trying to take on a role that was above his pay grade and for his supposed bad judgment, he was taken aback.

Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what transpired! When all is said and done, don't forget to read the story about the employee who confronts a gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy!

Immaculate Images of Cute Cool Cats Comfortably Engaging In "If I Fits I Sits" Behavior Around The House

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 06:00

Here, here! Calling all feline enthusiasts! Gather 'round and prepare to be charmed by the antics of our feline companions. These feline emperors have an undeniable desire to rule their domain, and let's be honest, our hearts. Their methods may be unconventional – stink-eyeing us for daring to exist, or casually yeeting cups off counters for their own amusement – their reign is undeniable.

But their quest for dominance extends beyond mere attitude. Cats possess a unique talent – the ability to contort their bodies and squeeze into the most bizarre, impractical spaces imaginable. No nook or cranny is safe from their fluffy invasion flaunting the epic 'if I fits, I sits' attitude. These cute kitty cat contortionists will claim every inch of your home as their personal throne, and honestly, we wouldn't have it any other way. Get ready to witness the hilarious spectacle of cats fitting, squeezing, and sitting in the wackiest places your home has to offer!


'Boss blames me for her forgetfulness': Healthcare worker calls out manager for never solving tech issues in front of entire team as payback

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 05:00

There is nothing worse at work than having to bother your manager every day to do a simple task that would make things exponentially easier. The lack of action can say a lot about the kind of manager you have. First, he could be intentionally making things difficult for you and playing mind games. That's the cynical take, but it's not an impossibility. Next, there's the slightly more generous take, which is that your manager is not the brightest bulb. Yes, that's the kinder interpretation of their inaction. Finally, there's a strong likelihood that your manager simply does not think or consider your experience, meaning that they're not good at their job. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/beebabeedabee, a traveling healthcare worker whose manager seems to refuse to solve their technological issues. After embarrassing the Redditor in front of the entire team, they decided to maliciously comply with their manager's instructions and to let them know every single day about these issues until they were resolved. The best part is that they would remind their manager in front of other coworkers to further embarrass them.

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. When you're done, check out this post about resume red flags.

Time to nap

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 05:00

‘While you're under my roof, you'll do what I say': College student lands herself a curfew after waking up sister's crying newborn, family picks sides, leaving college student to whine alone

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 04:00

Ah, to be a teenager and resist house rules… we've all been there.

One college student named Mia moved in with her sister after attending a university that was closer to where she lived. Mia was allowed to live with her sister under one condition… don't mess with the baby's bedtime. She could come home as late as she wanted, as long as she didn't make any noise. Alas, Mia was young, inconsiderate, and entitled, leading to a big family dispute. She would go out partying, and come home, make a ton of noise, and wake up the baby. All… the… time. Then, one night, Mia made an even bigger mistake.

Finally, her sister got fed up with it all, and decided to lay some new ground rules. Scroll down to read how all this parenting played out… you can imagine that a teenager doesn't exactly like rules. Next, check out the top unpopular opinions of the week shared by Redditors who aren't afraid to say what's on their mind. Kudos, seriously, even if I don't agree with everything being said.

A Shrimptastic Bowl of Kitten Fried Rice Purrfect for Any Cat Lover's Lunch Break

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 19:00

Hey all you cat lovers and kitten kissers! Today I have on our menu a delightfully cute chef's special: Kitten pics. We can all agree that there's never a bad time for kitten cuddling, but there are certainly moments when a cat lover is in desperate need of a kitten fix. For the starved cat person, they may have an insatiable appetite for adorableness and require a daily dose of kitty content! Fortunately, my furrmidable feline friends, I have a collection of cute kittens that will not disappoint. 

Boost your mood and feed your soul with this shrimp-flavored bowl of tiny smol cats who've barely just opened their peepers to the world. Their innocence and spectacular cuteness is sure to make anyone stifle a smile and flutter their heartstrings. So if you're hungry for cattos and just about to take your lunch break, scroll onward to enjoy this week's collection of kitty wonders fresh outta the kitchen!


Adventurous Cat Named Suki Goes Exploring in Nature With Hiking Hoomans, Showing Off Every Minute of Her Fluffy Feline Journey

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 18:00

Hey there, cat enthusiasts, we hope your weekend was as wholesome and happy as ours was! If it wasn't, fear not, for we have a daily dose of serotonin that is sure to fix you right up.

What better way to start off a week on a note of pawsitivity than to scroll through adorable pictures of a Bengal cat exploring their natural habitat? Fluffy felines may generally love the outdoors, but Bengals really live for going outside. One adventurous Bengal kitty named Suki loves adventuring around mountains, forests, and icy blue lakes. Her fluffy best friend, Killua, is her travel buddy. Killua is an adorable husky, and both of these critters are as cute as a button. Scroll down to check out their heartwarming adventures in the great outdoors, and then check out these feisty feline memes for an even better day.


Job applicant gets scheduled for an interview in 4 hours... a year after applying: 'Today at 2:00 p.m.'

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 15:00

These days, it's not unusual to hear back from a job you applied to months ago asking if you're still interested in that first-round interview, and—hey, things happen and there are any number of reasons why the hiring process for the position you applied to might have gotten delayed.

Sometimes, hiring gets sidelined in favor of more pressing concerns that the management team is dealing with. Sometimes, there is not quite as much room in the budget as management thought there was. Maybe they had already had a candidate or internal promotion in mind, and things didn't work out as planned. Even then, it's not unusual for hiring managers to keep candidates' applications on hand for subsequent hiring rounds of the same role.

Still, you might find it strange to suddenly receive an email out of the blue a full year after you had first applied, inviting you to sit down for an interview for that role with no other explanation on offer. You might find it even stranger still when that interview is scheduled that very same day… a mere four hours after the interview had been sent. 


LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 15:00

23 Funniest Work Memes for Employees Working a Short-Staffed Shift

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 14:00

Nothing like having to work the job of 2 other people, amiright??

Being a cat is hard work

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 14:00

'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 13:00

Customers with specific food demands should reconsider whether or not it's worth it to dine out. This customer clearly has a lot of anxiety around food ordering, which can be completely understandable if said customer were to have strict dietary restrictions. Still, to have the audacity to walk into a pizza spot with a typed list of instructions that includes no cheese or tomatoes is something else entirely. 

Yes, you read that right. No cheese or tomatoes at your average pizza spot. What did this person think they could possibly do with all these demands? Furthermore, the list included vague threats about what would happen if their demands were not met. These threats included everything from bodily reactions to verbal insults. The Redditor shared this story via this thread on Reddit's r/KitchenConfidential, and remarked that they ultimately charged the entitled customer $3 for a plate of onions because that seemed to be the only food item they liked.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're done, check out this post about another horrid customer, who left a mess in the restaurant's bathroom.

Clumsy Cats Caught On Camera To Remind You That We All Have Our Ungraceful Moments (Video)

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 13:00

As the day comes closer to its end, it is important that we cut ourselves some slack after a hardworking morning and hopefully what was a fun and fulfilling lunch. There is no way we can expect ourselves to be on top of our game after all of that, and we are not the only ones. Cats, also have their less finessed moments, and today we are taking a moment to indulge in the feline funnies that come from those moments and remind ourselves that it is ok to not always be at 100% working capacity. Sometimes, 30% is more than good enough.

In this hilarious cat video showing the clumsy cats that were caught on camera we have such trapeze worthy stars as the cat who rolled itself off of the bed, to the gymnastic hopeful kitten how just went too hard trying to copy his hooman, to the poor pawdorable feline whose fall from grace ended up in the swimming pool. These clumsy cattos are the purrfect example, for the fact that we cannot maintain our pawfect presence 100% of the time.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Funny Feline Frenzy With 24 Fabulously Funny Cat Memes For A Day Full Of Pawsitive Vibes

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 12:00

When we start our day with our fabulous feline friends we know it is going to be a good day! After all our lovable cats and their incredible ability to bring endless laughter into our lives can turn any day in the right direction. Today, it's all about honoring their unique personality and amusing moments that make them such purrfectly delightful companions.

Cats have become the masters of so many things, from being the ultimate entertainers to their random ways that sometimes have us asking questions as to what exactly they are doing, but for them, it's just another day of being their wonderfully wacky and unpredictable selves. Whether they're striking yoga poses or transforming into liquid to squeeze into the tiniest nooks, their playful ways bring so much joy to our hearts. We can't imagine a world without our furry friends! After all, who could resist spending a day filled with feline fun and laughter?

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I only work for ME and no one else!': 20+ resume red flags, according to hiring managers

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 11:00

There is a lot a job candidate can do to mess up their application. Sometimes, it's not exactly their fault. Job postings can be notoriously vague and shady. Who hasn't ended up in an interview where you suddenly realize that this so-called "great opportunity" is far beyond what you thought it would be? However, every so often, the interviewer is not at fault. Sometimes, and I know this may be hard to hear, we may be responsible for not getting hired.

These hiring managers shared what they believe to be the biggest red flags on resumes that they have come across throughout their professional careers. Some of these red flags include listing certificates of baptism under the "Awards" section of a resume, saying you have 5+ years of experience in a 2-year-old software, and good old-fashioned hyperbole that reveals itself in unfortunate ways. 

Keep scrolling below for this collection of resume red flags, and if any of these screenshots apply to you, you might consider updating your personal resume as well. For more stories like this, here is the tale of an employee who was fired two days before her wedding, and the HR fiasco that subsequently ensued.

20+ Heartwarming And Hilarious Cat Rescue Stories To Keep You Company Over Your Lunch Break

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 11:00

Good midday to you dear feline fanciful hoomans, the middle of the day hath come and that means it is the pawfect time to indulge in a little cat nap. However, if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation that means you have nowhere to suitably rest your weary head, then you have at least landed on the purrfect page to reinvigorate your wholesome feline reserves. This list contains over twenty of some of the  most heartwarming and hilarious cat rescue stories that Reddit has to offer to keep you company over your lunch break. Because, let's face it, there is hardly anything that can fill you with hope that everything is right with the world than a cat finding their forever home in the most dramatic of ways.

So find yourself a quiet spot where the other hoomans cannot bother you, while you whisk your mind away to the fantastically funny and philanthropic destination of cat rescue land.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

‘I work with a toddler’: Employee gets silent treatment from manager after they leave manager's team for a big promotion

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:00

If you can't be happy for your employees when they get a great promotion and manage to prove their worth inside or outside of the company, then you should probably not be a manager. This might sound harsh, but being a good manager is more than just about professional skills, a lot of it is simply being supportive of the people you actually manage, even when you don't feel like it.

The manager in this Reddit story is an example of a person who is not a great pick for a management position. OP (original poster), wrote to Reddit after they got a huge promotion they were super excited about. That promotion meant they would be leaving their manager's team, but would still work with her daily. When OP told their manager about the promotion, they expected her to be happy and proud of them, but they were actually met with a cold shoulder and even a full-on silent treatment.

Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of overworked employees who got their bonus cut so management can hire more staff.

A Comfy Couch of 26 Cute Cats Who Just Can’t Figure Out The Mystery Behind Purrfect Pawsture and Proper Sitting Protocol

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:00

Hey there, cat lovers. Whether you're reading this from the office, curled up in bed, or on the comfy spot of the couch, we hope you're comfortable and enjoying all of our furbulous feline content. We're coming to you today with a group of cats that seem to have solved every problem, yet one mystery eludes them. No, we're not talking about taking over the world, it's something much more complicated than that - it's sitting! Yes, the elusive sitting pawsture, the eternal question of how best to relax, and these cats haven't quite mastered it in the silliest of ways!

From kitties sitting like hoomans to relaxing like they pay all the bills, these cats have 99 problems, and figuring out how to sit is one of them. These funny felines make us laugh and we think they will bring a smile to your face as well. Scroll down to embrace all of this comedy that only cats can bring, and remember, sometimes "sit happens"!


Top 10 Cat Noises To Practice In The Office To Drive Your Boss And Coworkers Up The Wall (Video)

LOL Cats - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:00

Good morrow unto thee, you cool cat connoisseurs, the work week is well underway, and you are likely suffering from the growing frustration that comes with listening to the inane chatterings of your coworkers and bosses by now. And as you might have been able to tell by the title of this list, we have prepared a comprehensive solution to the noise pollution that you have been putting up with. Today, we get to go through the top 10 cat noises that you can practice in the office to drive your bosses and coworkers up the wall, just as they have been doing to you. 

Ranging from the subtle yet incrementally annoying 'wow' noise that rather pawfect sums up a disinterested and disheartened opinion of someone else's story, to the painfully annoying 'awewewewe' that can be used while eating in the communal dining hall to aggravate every single person in the building you work in. these noises can be used specifically and skillfully to systematically send everyone at work just a little more insane than they already were.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I'm not going to put up with this': Housemate stuffs his room with all his furniture after roommate overcharged him 6 dollars for rent

Fail Blog - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 09:00

Finding a good roommate is like searching for a needle in a haystack… it's difficult, to say the least.

Even if things are good for a while, they almost always end up going south. People don't know how to communicate, let alone clean, and they can owe you money they never intend to return. So if you're living with someone you can stand, count yourself lucky.

This housemate (OP) uploaded a few screenshots of a bizarre conversation he had with his roommate, who was livid after finding out he was charged $6 more for rent by accident. OP explained that it was an honest mistake and that he would send him the money right away, but his roommate wasn't having it. The roommate took some pretty drastic measures following the conversation, which you can read about below. Some people are so dramatic… he needs to grow up.

Scroll down for the full, detailed account of events, and then check out these hilarious unpopular opinions. So entertaining.


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