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Stunning Series of Smiling Cats To Help Start Your Day With A Dose Of Wholesome Feline Goodness

LOL Cats - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 08:00

Hey, friends. Are you feeling a bit down in the dumps? Blues got your tongue? Well, fret no more! Here's a purrfect pick-me-up just for you: photos of the sweetest, most toothily-grinning cats! These photos showcase the entire feline spectrum of happiness, from the infectious glee of a wide-eyed kitten to the contented smirk of a regal Maine Coon. Each contented smile is guaranteed to melt away stress and replace it with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

There's a reason cats are internet superstars and beloved companions. Beyond their undeniable cuteness, they have an uncanny ability to radiate happiness, a sunshine they share with their human counterparts (even if that sunshine might involve a 3 am zoomie session through the living room). So, take a moment to reconnect with your love of felines. Scroll through these adorable pictures and bask in the pure, unadulterated joy radiating from these smiling feline faces. We guarantee you'll be feline fine in no time!


Job seeker gets flown out to an interview and meets the successful candidate who already started in the role: 'Dude has only been there about a week...'

Fail Blog - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 07:00

There are things in life that you'll encounter, and you'll find nothing you've encountered previously has properly prepared you for it. Usually, these things will be so off-the-wall that there's no way anything could have properly anticipated them.  

The very idea of being flown out to a final interview and accepting a position, enjoying lavish dinner with the company's owner, only to go into the office and meet the guy who has just started working in the role you thought you had been accepting, is so unreal. It makes you wonder if part of the plan might have been trying to get an insider involved in the purchase of this worker's current company. That's the only narrative that makes any logical sense in this entire thing. It is simply not like any organization to spend that sort of money without any sort of goal in mind, but maybe the sheer nonsensicalness of all of this just speaks to the gross incompetence of the son who was set to take over his father's company… "Tommy Boy" type situation indeed.

Purrfect Pawty Full Of Fluffy Feline Memes For Your Comical Caturday Pick-Me-Up

LOL Cats - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 07:00

Hey there, fellow cat lovers! We've got a purrfect treat for you to kickstart your Caturday with a decadent dose of feline cuteness. Purrpare to feel a slight tug on your heartstrings and your cheeks stretching into a wide grin because today, we're diving headfirst into the whimsical world of fluffy feline memes for a wonderful pick-me-up. In true ICanHasCheezburger spirit, we keep the fabulous feline content coming and we never slow down! Because this is what the world needs: more cat memes and humor. 

Honestly, we cannot think of a single thing that could make us smile faster than a bunch of wholesome cat memes, so we really hope you enjoy these. We hope you soak up all the good vibes in these precious and heartwarming cat memes and that you will have a pawtastic rest of the day and a fabulous weekend! 


Entitled Boomer calls neighbor 'lazy renter,' not knowing he's owned the house for 3 years: 'I told her to find the nearest retirement home'

Fail Blog - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 06:00

When you purchase a home, unfortunately, the neighbors come with it. And you never know what to expect. Are they going to be extremely friendly neighbors who bring over a welcome basket when you first move in, or are you going to get the neighbor who keeps to themselves, leading you to think they could be a possible secret spy but you'll never find out because they never come out of their house? Either way, either other is better than getting stuck next to an entitled Karen who will call the cops on you over your grass being too long. 

The Original Poster (OP) is dealing with that now. He's owned his house for three years now, and an entitled boomer moved into the neighborhood just about a year ago. You know, the kind that isn't afraid of confrontation or speaking their mind. And, well, she did. Let's say this witty Gen Xer's reply left her speechless and us nodding in approval on the sidelines. Keep reading to get the full scope. 

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest, Most Irresistibly Awwdorable Criminals (May 4, 2024)

LOL Cats - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 06:00

Oh. You're here. Again. Despite all of our warnings, the title seemed to have fooled you. Yes, this is a listicle full of the smallest kittens of the week, but do you know what that means?! Do you know the power that these itty bitty kitties have over us?! These kitties make us aww without any control whatsoever. They somehow fill our tummies with butterflies that we cannot get rid of. One look at them and suddenly, we are looking up shelters near us to go adopt yet another kitten.

And worst of all, these kittens have the power to make us write this listicle every single week. Without exception. We simply must showcase the smallest kittens - i.e. the biggest criminals, and fawn over them continuously. So, here it is, have another warning. Go into this listicle solely if you dare to do so.  


'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

Fail Blog - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 05:00

Cutting in line is always a dangerous game. Not only are you showing that you lack any sort of moral code, but also you are likely making enemies out of the other people in line, and their retaliation may be far more intense than just an eye roll. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/turtlesh0es, who was waiting to refill his tires at his local Wawa when an entitled Karen asked if she could go before him. The Redditor had already been waiting for some time and politely declined. You would think that would have been the end of the interaction, but then you'd be wholly incorrect. This woman proceeded to cut him off when it was his turn and risk a small accident in the process. Thankfully, no physical damage was done, but the emotional betrayal ran deep. So, the Redditor decided to pull out the air compressor from his trunk, pull up right next to her so she would be blocked in, and keep her blocked while he was filling his tires and those of the other patient folks in line.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're done, check out this post about a bridal stylist's petty payback on an entitled mother of the bride.

Stop right meow

LOL Cats - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 05:00

Guy puts in headphones to tune out grocery store Karen who's demanding to cut in line: 'Probably the greatest reaction to an entitled boomer I've seen in years'

Fail Blog - Sat, 05/04/2024 - 04:00

Going to the grocery store around rush hour is a universally dreadful experience. You have to maneuver your cart around the tens of people rushing in every which way direction, tired from a long day at work and just trying to get home for dinner. No one is having a pleasant experience. And then you get to the checkout lines. The lanes are never all open at once, with lines piled up at each open register. You think about going to the self-checkout, but those lines are even longer. 

So, imagine you're already irritated, and then an entitled Karen joins the line behind you, only to demand that you allow her to cut in front of you. Her reasoning? She has more items than you, and she has somewhere to be. Any reasonable person would understand that this request is ridiculous. But you have to be careful when you're dealing with a Karen; you never know what is going to put her into a full-blown rage. So what did this man do? He put his Airpods in while she continued on with her complaining. Once she realized that he couldn't hear her, she finally quieted down. This innocent bystander saw the whole ordeal and thought this man deserved recognition for his great reaction. Luckily for us, he detailed the full story below. 

Apparently, grocery store Karens are not a rare experience. Read this story next: '[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee 

They make the rules, not us

LOL Cats - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 16:00

Barista gets reprimanded by manager for not giving a customer her phone number: '

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 15:00

There's this weird thing that happens in customer service where sometimes customers begin to misunderstand the relationship.

To be fair, in jobs like retail and service, you're expected to wear a smile and put on a bubbly persona—as if you wouldn't rather be doing anything else than making an aging dead-eyed finance bro his daily latte. People, usually those who have never had the pleasure of working one of these jobs, don't appreciate this performance for what it is and tend to mistake the fact that you're being kind to them because you have to—not because you have any real personal interest or investment in them.

And let's be more realistic here: it's not as if you don't enjoy bantering with regulars and building little relationships with them. However, even outside of the customer/servant dynamic of customer service exchanges, it's important to remember, in all areas of life, that no one owes you anything or is contracted to any more meaningful relationship with you just because they're being pleasant towards you. 

These interactions are an original everyday example of "parasocial relationships," as we now discuss them when it comes to celebrities and other public personas. Just because someone's performance stirs up thoughts and feelings within you doesn't mean that there's any possibility of those feelings being reciprocated. The act is a means to generate wealth—a marketing ploy.

Just in case

LOL Cats - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 15:00

Hotel guest demands full refund after positive experience, boasting 'I always get my way'

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 14:00

It can't be simple to work in the hospitality sector. There's something about the entitled vacationers that never fails to stun the dedicated crew. Having said that, how would you respond if a haughty client barged into your establishment expecting to be taken advantage of and let down? Would you face the hard truth that this isn't a conflict worth waging, or would you try to prove him wrong and give him the trip of a lifetime?

The story that follows is the story of a confused hotel worker. The original poster (OP) works at the front desk of an upscale hotel. When a haughty guest storms into the hotel and demands to check out the room before deciding to stay the night, the story starts to take shape. The problem arises, though, when OP informs the couple that they booked their reservation through a third party and are therefore unable to cancel or receive a refund for their purchase.

That being said, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning more about what happened and whether OP was able to communicate with the haughty customer in a composed and orderly manner! After you've done reading, don't forget to check out the story of the helicopter company that is humiliated by a client who leaves a negative review!

Furry Friday Fun With 23 Feline Funny Memes For A Purrfect Start To The Weekend

LOL Cats - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 14:00

Happy Friday, fellow feline lovers. We can now breathe a sigh of relief as we survived another week, and guess what? The weekend is knocking on our doors, eager for us to step into relaxation mode. But before we dive into the weekend vibes, let's sprinkle some joy with a dose of feline fun!

Yes, it's time for those purrfectly hilarious cat memes that never fail to bring smiles. Cats, with their goofy charm, are the ultimate mood-lifters. Get ready for a laughter-filled journey as these fabulous feline memes unveil their quirky fun. From strategic escape plans to their yoga-worthy moves, these furballs know how to tickle our funny bones. So, let's kickstart the feline fun and welcome the weekend with open arms. Join us in sharing a good laugh and celebrating the delightful purrsonalities of our furry friends. Here's to a fantastic Friday and a weekend ahead filled with joy and relaxation!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I got just the cut for you': 30+ memorable haircuts and barber flops

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 13:00

No one forgets a horrendous haircut experience. It's the kind of story from your past that occasionally creeps its way into your memory out of nowhere and instantly causes you to cringe and shiver.

If you are lucky enough to have never had a bad haircut experience, imagine sitting in that chair and having your barber swivel you around so you can finally see yourself in the mirror. Then, imagine not being able to recognize yourself or anything you instructed your barber in what you see in the reflection. All you can think is what was this dude thinking? 

What's even more remarkable about some of these hairdos is that they actually were not accidental. That's right. Apparently, some customers genuinely walk into their barber shops asking to have their hair morphed into the shape and look of an uncooked hamburger patty. Keep scrolling below for this collection of barber flops. For more content like this, check out these ridiculous pizza flavors.

'I tried to warn someone... they never listen': Beach town tourist refuses to pay hotel bill, calls front desk to gloat

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 12:00

Hotel front desk workers are responsible for many things, but fixing poor customer decisions is not one of them. One hotel worker at a popular beach destination knows that all too well in the aftermath of an incident with one customer that really stood out. 

Taking a summer trip to the beach can be an amazing way to relax and unwind for a few days. You can start each morning with a hotel breakfast, then spend your days with your toes in the sand while the kids build sandcastles. After spending the day swimming in the ocean and strolling the boardwalk, you can return to your hotel to swim and get a good night's sleep. But you've got to book that hotel room early. Some beaches have their hotel rooms for the summer months get booked out months in advance. If you want that room for July, you may have to book in June. This person writes that at the hotel they worked at, room prices could hit nearly $300 per night during that busy season. 

One guest found out the hard way what happens if you book a pair of rooms and then just decide to not stay there, for some reason. The guest seems like a really unpleasant fellow. To their credit, the hotel worker was a complete professional every step of the way. In the end, their patience and calmness paid off in the best way. You can check out the whole story down below. 

Then, check out the story of the new Florida resident who's decided to rally against a strict HOA

25 Funny Pictures Of Fluffy Felines To Fill You With That Friyay Feeling

LOL Cats - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 12:00

It is almost time for your lunch break and that is something to cherish, for this will be your last lunch break without a cat trying to paw at your food or at the very least sit eagerly beside you, begging for a morsel of hooman nom noms. And while you take a precious moment to enjoy the peace and quiet that surrounds you, we thought you might enjoy taking in this collection of funny pictures of fluffy felines to fill you with that Friyay feeling. You know, the feeling that makes you think 'Yay it's Friday!'.

From the void who particularly enjoys sleeping like he has had a wild night out on the town, to the fangtastic feline who was caught mid-sneeze looking like a furry vampire, to the dramatic catto purrfectly caught on camera at the height of his drama, to the calico cat working on his finest italian hand gestures, to the facetious feline who has purrfected forcing his pawrent to pawcrastinate with him. These hilarious cats will pawfectly prime you for the sweet and not so sweet moments that await you on Caturday.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'We moved out without telling them': Intrusive landlord enforces monthly inspections, tenants move out, forcing him to scramble

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 11:00

Apartment drama is one of the few conflicts we can all relate to. Most adults starting out in their early twenties have had to deal with abysmal living situations. That could be nightmare roommates, noisy neighbors, unlivable conditions, and actively counterproductive landlords. 

The thing about landlords is they are never present when you need them to be but they are ever-present when they need more money from you. These tenants certainly learned the hard way what can happen when you're living under the roof of an intrusive landlord. He started enforcing mandatory monthly inspections, not because of anything the tenants were doing but because of other tenants in a different unit. Why should these guys have to suffer as a result of their landlord's total negligence with regard to someone else? 

Just when this landlord thought he had control of these Redditors, they remembered that at the end of the day, they could just leave, which is exactly what they did. Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more stories like this, here is one about another tenant's revenge on their neighbors.

Introducing ‘Kahu’, The Wholesome Hawaiian Word Replacing ‘Feline Pawrent’ We Have All Been Searching For (Video)

LOL Cats - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 11:00

Purr, purr dear feline loving hoomans Friday morning is slowly ticking along and that means that Caturday is inching ever closer. And with that in mind we have prepared this little treat for you, all you feline pawrents out there. For as we all know, being a feline pawrent has certain qualities to it that do not quite match up with traditional parenthood. As such, today we introduce you to the Hawaiian term - Kahu. A wholesome word used to describe much more than parenthood, and specifically in relation to parenting a cat.

Kahu speaks to the guardianship, protection, stewardship and being your feline fur baby's beloved attendant. It speaks to the trust that is put in someone to safeguard something as precious as a cute cat, and as we all know we would do anything for our precious cattos. So take a moment to understand and appreciate your new role as not just the doormat that your clawminal cat wipes their feet on, but as their guardian from the world.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

‘I called him out in front of the entire team’: Boomer delegates all tasks to his team, then calls young employees lazy because they enjoy working from home

Fail Blog - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:00

We all have a Harold at the office.

Harold grumbles, slams his stapler down with more force than necessary, and is practically a walking relic of the paper-pushing era. "Back in my day, we put in an honest day's work. Eight hours, no questions asked. Not this 'work-life balance' nonsense."

You're stuck collaborating with him while he shoots daggers at your laptop screen. He drones on about how working from home is for the lazy, and how it can't be possible to focus without the structure of an office. The dude is a dinosaur. You glance around the office and blink a few times, taking in the painfully bright fluorescent lights. You would much rather work from home. At least sometimes. Why is it better to work in a loud dungeon?

One employee took to r/pettyrevenge to discuss one such coworker (I told you, everyone knows a Harold) who was grumpy, mean, and also ironically lazy. He would talk about the younger employees slacking off because they were working from home, all while delegating all his tasks to them. Hmm, who is lazy, really? Scroll down to read what the employee did in response, and then check out this guest who checked into a hotel for 45 minutes, only to unsuccessfully demand a full refund.


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