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'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 14:00

When you marry someone, you also marry their family. Nobody warns you, though, of the large network of friends you 'receive' as a direct result of your connection.

The story that follows describes the frustrations of a spouse dealing with his wife's 'friends'. The original poster (OP) finds himself in an extremely challenging predicament. His wife's friends are now just as much of a concern to him as his own, so he must entertain them in addition to devoting all of his time and attention to his issues of concern. Regretfully, OP is currently dealing with health concerns in his family and finds it extremely difficult to entertain folks he doesn't even like. As a result, OP posted a long list of things the entitled friends had done to annoy him on Reddit in an effort to unwind!

So, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning more about how the entitled friend used OP! Finally, don't forget to read the story of the part-time worker who covers for a full-time colleague and gets disciplined by his superior!

Cat Vs Potatoes: The Hissterical Mistake, A Husband Made Purrfectly Caught On Camera By His Wife (Video)

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 14:00

Thank goodness Thursday is almost over and then it is just one more short day left until the weekend makes landfall. We can all do with a break by this point in the week, and none more so than these feline pawrents who fell victim to the clawminal antics of their facetious feline. An all too familiar occurrence. However, this specific case of clawminality is a rather unique one. For instead of shredding the couch, climbing the curtains or knocking over the prize china, this cat decided to create its very own game using the spherical shape of a bag of potatoes.

Once the sack was timidly left on the counter overnight, all this funny feline had to do was make a hole and the game was on. By morning, his pawrents awoke to a house filled with cartoon like traps laid all over the floor in potato form. It is safe to say that the husband who left the potatoes within reach of his feline fur baby will not be making that mistake again.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!': Top Dad Jokes of the Week (May 2, 2024)

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 13:00

It's not easy being a father… sometimes, cheesy humor is the best that you can do.

And let's be honest: after your childhood and teenage years of being constantly embarrassed by literally anything your dad says, perhaps your adult years should be about appreciating all the typically eye-roll-inducing moments. Because whether or not we wanted to admit it when we were kids, every so often, dad jokes will make you involuntarily guffaw. Even if you try to stop yourself from laughing because you're trying to have a serious conversation with your father, a well-timed, mildly cringeworthy comment can cut through all that seriousness. That's the special power of the Dad Joke.

Keep scrolling below for this week's collection of top Dad Jokes, according to these folks on Reddit. Feel free to share some of your own in the comments section as well. For more content like this, check out these funny work memes to get you through Friday.

20 Hilarious And Heartwarming Pics Of Cats With Better Jobs Than Yours To Remind You Who’s Boss

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 13:00

Sometimes we need to be put in our place as hoomans. We have rather obviously developed past what is reasonably good for our species, and most certainly gotten too big for our britches. So today we are letting our facetious felines take over and demonstrate how much better they are than us at our jobs. A display that only goes to show that cats are purrfectly capable of taking over and running the world, they just do not feel like it at this present moment.

From the football fanatical feline who is next inline for the NFL draft, to the chef cat who has taken feline baking to new heights, to the senior mouser cat surpassing the effectiveness of any kind of hooman made mousetrap, to the feline doctor who is likely more concerned with the treat you will give him after your check-up than your medical results. These clever cats put us all to shame, and we could all stand to rise to the stellar example they have set out for us.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'I bought $40 wire elf ears. I have worn them zero times': 25+ Times people spent good money on terrible products

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 12:00

We all make a few big purchases in our lifetime that we end up regretting. Some people do this as teenagers, which makes sense because at that age you're new to budgeting and knowing the price of things. When you get that first paycheck from your retail job, it's hard not to blow it all at once!

The people of r/AskReddit shared their stories of the "absolute worst purchase" they've ever made, and there's a wide variety of items that people regret getting. For some people, buying a new vehicle (or jet ski in one dude's case) was a poor decision. The common wisdom that you shouldn't buy new vehicles since they instantly lose value still holds true. Instead, it's a good investment to purchase a used vehicle. But for people with a bunch of money burning a hole in their pockets, a new vehicle looked irresistible. 

Other people shared that they wasted their money on technology that aged quickly. It's easy to buy the newest gadget… but infuriating to watch it go on sale for 50% off just weeks later. Live and learn! 

Next up, check out these absolutely frightfully flavored pizza pies, like the dude who managed to put 19 toppings on a single pizza pie (for no extra charge!). 

20 Dominating And Derpy Cat Memes To Remind You That Your Bullying Boss Has A Dumb Side Too

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 12:00

Thursday morning got you in the mood to hiss at every single person who walks your way? Well, it is no surprise considering the abuse you have had to handle over the last few days of work from your bullying boss. But as per usual, we have got just the feline themed antidote to help you put those frustrated feelings in their place. Today we get to enjoy 20 dominating and derpy cat memes that will hopefully remind you that while your boss is indeed a boisterous bully, they, much like the cats in this list, have a dumb and derpy side too.

Thus, if they attempt to be mean before the week is out, you can simply imagine them as a cat who tried to steal hooman food only to realize it was super spicy, or as the clueless cat who tried to use it's hammock as a tent, or the confused cat who unwittingly became a pawrent to four chicks. Your boss is also capable of this level of derp and far more, so take their bullying with a pinch of salt.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

CEO gifts employees $25K after working for 25 years, coworker going on 27 years gets snubbed: 'I've been working here 27 years and all I got [...] was a plaque'

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 11:00

How can this employee not interpret this new bonus policy as a personal slight? This dude had been working at the company longer than literally everyone, but when he hit 25 years on the job, he only received a plaque. Now, two years have passed, and suddenly the CEO announces that two coworkers have just reached 25 years at the company and are each going to be rewarded with bonus packages of $25,000. Meanwhile, the other guy is still getting nothing more than his cheap plaque, which is probably collecting dust in the corner of his apartment. 

The employee shared his side of the story via this thread on Reddit, and folks in the comments section were quick to support him and his frustrations. It is personal, and if it wasn't, then the CEO is a fool. Keep scrolling below to see what other Redditors suggested the Redditor should do next. For more stories like this, check out this post about a healthcare worker who called out their so-called "forgetful" boss. 

A Spaghetti Salad Of Silly Cats In Purrfectly Pliant Pawsitions Proving Once And For All That Cats Have Noodles For Bones

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 11:00

Hey, feline fanatics and cat enthusiasts. We're happy to see you back here today, in our cute cardboard box of feline fun and all things cat. Let's take a break from the outside world and dive into something we can all appreciate and enjoy - and that, of course, is cats! We could pawsitively talk for hours about how much we love cats, their tiny little heads, soft fur, or purrfect little toe beans, but today, we're in more of a saucy mood. This sauce goes purrfectly with noodles, and we love how cats have noodles for bones!

This silly spaghetti salad of cats in purrfectly pliant pawsitions proves once and for all that cats do, in fact, have noodles for bones. We have wondered for years if cats are liquid or solid, and the answer is both! With the help of their flexible bones and feline grace, they can twist into the silliest and funniest pawsitions. Scroll down and enjoy all this feline flavor, it's the purrfect meal for feline fans!


Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 10:00

We prepare, we carry out, and we want the finest result. But what would you do if an associate decided they didn't feel like dealing with you after months of preparation for one of the most important events of your life?

The story below is an account of a frustrated individual. The original poster (OP) thought of a way to contribute to his brother's wedding, making it special and unforgettable. To ensure the bride and groom arrived at the venue with style and swagger, he had planned to charter a helicopter. But despite his best efforts, he encountered a number of challenges. Three weeks before the wedding, the helicopter man abruptly canceled their agreement, and OP realized that he needed to act and settle the score.

That being said, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened as well as how OP settles the score! After you're done reading, don't forget to read the account of the part-time worker who covers for a full-time colleague only to have his manager reprimand him for going above and beyond!

34 Hilarious Memes of Feisty Felines and Kitty Cats To Catapult You into the Pawsitively Purrfect Paradise of the Weekend

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 10:00

Hey, I Can Has-ers. It's Thursday and we couldn't be happier that we're finally in the second half of the week. We're ready to drop everything, run home to our cats, and sleep until Caturday. Even though we have two more days until freedom, we have a secret trick that helps us get through the last work days without a care in the world - and that trick is some hilarious cat memes. They're so funny, so silly, and so feisty that they purractically catapult us into the pawsitively purrfect paradise of the weekend!

Need some escape from your early Friday morning meetings? Just scroll through these feline funnies until it's over. We all know that cat memes are the cure for everything, but they can't get you out of trouble with your boss, so try not to giggle too much at work while enjoying your purrfect procrastination in the form of silly cats. That is, unless, your cat also likes cat memes. Then you're good to go!


‘The system makes no sense’: New hire refuses to accept company's payroll system, accusing manager of withholding his pay

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 09:00

It can be challenging to comprehend how someone can start working for a company and not get paid for their workdays for a while after they start the job. This means that while they drive to work every day, they have to spend money on gas and transportation, buy food, and still manage their everyday life, and they do it without yet seeing a penny from the company.

Of course, it does not happen for every company, but it does happen in the company from this Reddit story. A manager turned to Reddit after a conversation with a new hire who couldn't seem to understand the company's payment system. The manager tried to explain to both the new hire and Reddit about the system but was met with angry responses accusing the company of purposely withholding employees' paychecks.

Scroll down to read the full tale. After you are done, click here for a story of a home seller who had to deal with a buyer who moved into a house before actually buying it.

'What does your cat do to motivate you when you’re dragging your feet to feed them?': Cat Parents Share Hissterical Anecdotes

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 09:00

Hey, cat lovers! For anyone who has ever had or lived with a cat, you probably know that when cats get hungry, things can get ugly, fast. When I got my first cat, I would often get woken up around 6 am every day to my little tuxedo baby, Sushi, swatting my face and meowing like crazy to get me to get my booty up out of the bed and feed him. He would sit on my chest and take a swat at my face every ten seconds or so until he got his way. 

Shockingly enough, I am not the only one to have experienced such a rude awakening in an attempt by my cat to get himself food. In reality, just about every cat owner has a hissterical anecdote to share about their cats' desperate pleas for food. Let's get into it! 


'A guy proposed to his girlfriend of two weeks at my senior prom': 25+ Moments of cringe that happened in front of other people

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 08:00

Every friend group has at least one cringe friend. So if your friend group isn't cringe to you… you're the one! 

It's one thing to act goofy in front of your friends. It's a whole other story when people do stuff in public that's wildly embarrassing. There's a whole type of cringe where folks decide to propose in public, whether they're asking for a hand in marriage, or asking a date to prom. For some reason, a lot of people feel comfortable asking someone they've barely dated to prom publically. They're apparently so sure this person will say yes that they'll gather a crowd or make a scene! Then when the person says no, there are dozens of people around who will never forget that moment. 

Other people wrote about the different ways they tried to impress women. You can tell some people just blank out when they're near someone they find attractive. They just cannot think of anything to say, and so in a panic, they just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Instead of impressing their date, they end up repelling them. 

Next up, read about the micromanager boss who wanted her employee to work exactly 8-4 each day, something she soon came to regret. 

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (May 2, 2024)

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 08:00

Hello there, friends and cat enthusiasts! We are reporting live from the ICanHasCheezburger editorial office, and we'd like just like to say… live from HQ it's time for the freshest and funniest feline tweets of the week! We are knee-deep in cat content every single day and we do our darned best to sift through Twitter to find the silliest feline Twitter nuggets of comedy gold. And we never come up empty-handed. Never. The internet gives, and we stand with our hands open waiting to receive. 

This collection was curated with lots of love and a hefty dose of humor. These tweets serve as a testament to the widespread adoration and prominence of our four-legged feline friends in the vast online realm. It is not for no reason that cat memes have taken over the interwebs and continue to reign supreme as a viral internet phenomenon. Get ready to indulge in the ultimate cat tweet extravaganza, because when it comes to feline brilliance, Twitter never fails to deliver.


New boss accuses sick worker of scamming the company, backfires: 'They were absolutely NOT prepared for someone to know more about their claims than they did'

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 07:00

When enforcing strict adherence to company policy and legal employment obligations, it's probably important that you understand those obligations first. It's also incredibly likely that someone who has been navigating the ins and outs of those legal obligations out of necessity for their livelihood will know more about them than you, an average Joe manager, do. Just an important reminder of the fact that being in charge doesn't necessarily mean that you have the most experience in every given situation and know all the answers, and if you go to throw your weight around without having any knowledge of the situation, you're just going to look the fool.

While this worker was working with some chronic health issues, she became certified under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), an act that allows certified workers "to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons," essentially prohibiting employers from retaliating against eligible workers. 

As these stories often go, everything was going just fine until a new boss arrived on the scene. Despite receiving constant praise and good feedback from the new boss, the worker was blindsided by a sudden summoning from HR, where the HR rep and boss tried their best to accuse her of scamming the company through abuse of her FMLA certification. A move that wasn't going to go the way that they had pictured…

This story is a heck of a read, and you can see screen grabs of the original story as it was shared online by the Original Poster below. There are important lessons to be gleaned here for workers about always being prepared to back yourself with receipts, just in case an ill-intended new manager decides they have something against you.

Rescued Giant Lynx Adopts Little Cat And Becomes Its Best Friend

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 07:00

Cats have this unwarranted reputation for being unfriendly. Yes, unwarranted. It's true, yes, that some cats can take a while to warm up to someone, but that doesn't mean that they won't, and once they do - once cats choose you to be their friend - you can rest assured that this friendship will last a lifetime. And that's not true only for cats and humans. We have seen everything from kittens becoming best friends with pigs, to cats and cockatoos being best friends into their senior years, all the way to the classic cats befriending their archenemies - dogs

It's just a matter of being chosen, and these two cats have clearly chosen one another. A regular ol' kitty and a giant lynx cat, and the two of them treat each other as if they have known one another for their entire lives. We're not sure who adopted who in this situation, so we'll just go with: they adopted each other. 


‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 06:00

The general conception of a 'successful life' consists of a few things a person should achieve in their life, with the main ones unsurprisingly being – starting a family, having a successful career, and owning a home. While we can argue about all three of these concepts and their actual value to someone's life, let's take a moment to focus on the idea of owning a home.

Surely we can all understand the benefits of owning your own house – you don't have anyone to answer to, you can do whatever you please in your own space, it is a good investment that can benefit you in the future, and it simply secures you a space that is (hopefully) forever yours. But with all these great benefits, there are still some cons to the whole business, one of them being that the process of selling the house is a real pain, and can actually cost you more than you gained.

The woman in this Reddit story sure had a lot of pain when trying to sell her house to an extremely entitled lady. Scroll down to read the full story. After that, click here for a story of an employee who got a silent treatment from their manager. 

Boyfriend Refuses To Let Girlfriend's Friends Come Over Because They Hate Cats: 'I love my pets they are my children'

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 06:00

Cats, for their little itty bitty size, truly have an outstanding ability to cause insane amounts of drama in relationships. We don't get it purrsonally. If our partner had cats, we would fall even deeper in love with them, we're sure of it. But that's not how it works all the time. Seriously, we have heard some insane stories in our time writing for ICHC. Everything from girlfriends mistreating their boyfriend's cats, and the boyfriends taking the cat's side, to boyfriends saying that their girlfriends are 'unhygienic' for kissing their cats on their foreheads, all the way to ex-girlfriends kidnapping their ex's cat after cheating and then abandoning it. Really.  

But not all situations are quite as clear-cut. Like this one. What would you do if your partner's friends hated cats? Would you not let them come into your house like this person did or would you come up with some other solution?


'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

Fail Blog - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 05:00

Let's be real: very few audience members know how to behave at live events anymore. Perhaps it's partially our ever-dependence on technological devices, or perhaps it's just that we have set such low standards for ourselves and our attention spans. 

Here, we have a comedy show that had just started. This Redditor and her husband just got to their seats, and her husband took out his phone for ten seconds to send a quick text to his brother. He made sure to do this swiftly and with low brightness, and it seemed appropriate considering many audience members were still just getting to their seats. 

However, the Karen sitting next to them was ready to stir the pot. She threw a tantrum that was, of course, more disruptive, drawing the attention of practically every audience member in the surrounding area. The Karen tried to get the attention of the usher, but he ultimately sided with the Redditor and her husband as any sane person would do. 

Since karma is real (just ask Jojo Siwa), another much more disruptive couple subsequently sat down behind the Karen and bothered her even more. However, at that point, there was nothing she could do. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more stories like this, check out this post about a grad student's revenge on their Karen neighbor.

A purrfect fit

LOL Cats - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 05:00


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