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Cats Make Everything Better

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 16:00

'I'm not cleaning this up...': Customer demands restaurant staff let her in before opening time, then leaves a mess in bathroom when they refuse

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 15:00

There are numerous challenges in the customer service sector, as we have all stated at some point. The obstacles could vary from challenging to exceedingly challenging, depending on the client in front of you. The irony of it all is that if you want to advance in your line of work, you need to be able to handle any situation with poise and maturity.

The story below is of a dumbfounded restaurant employee. Given that the original poster (OP) has worked in the food sector for a significant period of time, it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers. However, nothing could have prepared him for the 'gift' that a disgruntled customer left for him in the women's restroom.

Well, if you're thinking, 'No, there's no way someone would go that far', the answer is yes, absolutely they would. So, make sure to read the story below if you want to know the specifics of what happened! And when you're done, don't forget to read the story of the micromanager who gives a stressed-out worker more tasks and then tries to cut his salary in half!

Rightfully mine

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 15:00

In 5 easy steps

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 14:00

'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 13:00

One has to wonder if this entitled choosing beggar felt like this odyssey was worth it in the end.

This Redditor was selling tires that were originally sold at $2K for $1K on Marketplace when he started to get a barrage of messages from our story's choosing beggar demanding to have the tires for $250. At first, the original poster (OP) rejected the offer and blocked the guy because it seemed like he wouldn't quit. Well, he didn't. Instead, he messaged OP from a second and third account and refused to stop until he got what he wanted. OP seemingly caved but decided to put him to the test.

They arranged a meet-up to exchange the "first come first serve" tires at a pub near where OP lived. This was already two hours away for the choosing beggar, and little did he know, the spot OP picked would be nearly impossible to find parking. The result was a 3+ hour saga for the choosing beggar until he finally gave up. Keep scrolling below to see what happened to the tires. For more stories like this, check out this post about a misguided guy's Tic-Tacs mistake.

Nothing like an old friend.

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 13:00

'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 12:00

We all have that one childhood memory that was so funny it turned into a legend. 

Being a kid is one of the most fun times in life. You wake up in the morning and get to play all day long. It's a time of endless creativity as kids learn how to interact with the world around them and the people in their lives. And, if you've ever interacted with a toddler for more than five minutes, you know that kids get into trouble like it's their job. They're like little whirlwinds of chaos. They find an open marker and start scribbling on the walls and the couch. Time to eat? Nah, it's actually time to smear spaghetti all over their own face and hair. 

These people shared the childhood stories that still make them cry with laughter to this day. Some of them got in big trouble in public, like one kiddo who accidentally knocked over nearly ever clothing rack at a store! Other people shared the times their siblings or grandparents laughed at their crazy antics. Check these great anecdotes out below! 

Up next, these people were underrated geniuses for their creative solutions to everyday problems, like one person who created a perfect shower with just a hose and a bucket with holes in it. 

26 Hissterical Cat Memes To Make This Sunday A Feline Frenzy Full Of Fun

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 12:00

Sundays are all about embracing weekend mode. Our favorite things to embrace are cute cats and filling our weekend with their company, especially if that involves cozying up with our furry pals, wrapped in blankets, and just taking it easy. Cats are experts at being lazy and cuddly, making our Sundays extra special with their playful charming ways and unique personalities.

Cats are worth celebrating because not only are they fun to spend time with but they are entertaining, that's why there is nothing more entertaining than laughing our way through a collection of hissterical cat memes. These funny memes capture cats' unique and lovable nature, bringing smiles to our faces as we scroll through them. It's a fun way to express our love for our feline friends and share a laugh with fellow cat lovers around the world. So here's to lazy Sundays filled with cat cuddles and laughter, thanks to our awwdorable fur babies and the endless entertainment of cat memes!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 11:00

Rarely has favoritism been so blatantly obvious. 

This father can try to rationalize his logic as much as he wants, but the truth of the matter is that he does not value his artistic daughter's talents and sensibilities as much as he values his more STEM-leaning daughter's gifts. In the case of the latter, he and his wife made sure to invest in their eldest's academic prospects by sending her to a private school. Meanwhile, their younger daughter had been secretly hoping that she could attend the same institution when it was her turn to apply to high school.

However, her father felt that her lack of interest in math and science meant that private school would not be a good fit for her and that she wasn't gifted enough academically and intellectually for the tuition to be worth it. Like many of the Redditors in the comments section, we felt that this was an insane confrontation to have with your middle school-aged daughter. Not only did plenty of folks find his lack of appreciation for his younger daughter's interest to be insulting, but also one has to wonder how he came to the conclusion that she would not study hard. A middle school student's work ethic is not entirely indicative of how they will behave in high school. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the Redditor's update afterward. For more stories like this, check out this post about advice you should not give to incoming high school students.

We’re Cats, Of Course We Are Going To Bite You If You Touch Our Bellies: Facetious Feline Explains Why Cats Are So Spicy (Video)

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 11:00

Hello, our fantastical feline favoring hoomans, we hope you have been enjoying your weekend as best as you can. Ideally with lots of feline cuddles, purrs and playtime. However, if you happen to be the less-lucky pawrent of a clawminal cat, there is a good chance your weekend has been a bit more dramatic than that, and for you, dear hooman, we have made this list. Becuase sometimes you just need to hear from the cat's mouth, why on earth they need to be so dang facetious.

The cats in this feisty feline video give us a helpful rundown of why they do the unpleasant things they do. From ruining us financially when they decide they no longer like the food you bought 100 packs of, to messing up your home with their litter sprinkled in every conceivable corner even though they very loudly spent ten minutes cleaning their paws, to their rather hurtful opinion of us making the pspsps sound. This video sure does clear up a lot of things, whether or not it will make you feel any better is a different matter, but it is worth a good laugh.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'You're about to be real short-staffed': Overworked employees take on extra shifts only for management to announce they are cutting the bonus pay so they can hire more staff

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 10:00

This advice might be obvious to every employee out there, but just in case there is someone who wasn't aware of this crucial piece of information, here it is written down – Always have things written down. 

This advice means that you should always have written proof of anything you talk about verbally with anyone related to your job. For example, if you talk with your boss about an upcoming raise, and your boss tells you - 'You are going to get a raise in May', as soon as you step out of their office, you send your boss an email saying something along the lines of - 'Hey boss, just wanted to put in writing that we agreed that I will get a raise in May' and have your boss confirm in return. This way, you have documentation for everything, and it is extremely hard for people to back out of anything they have discussed with you.

The benefits of having stuff written down are also significant the other way around, so if your boss sends you an email about something that does not seem right to you, you can always take that written proof to the right people to ensure you are being treated right. Much like the nurse in this Reddit story, who got an email from her management that suggested illegal actions towards employees, and having that email as proof is enough to ensure management cannot actually go through with what they planned.

Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for another story of a new business owner who brought his business down.

Sweet And Silly Feline Memes To Inspire Some Restful Relaxation Before The Work Week

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 10:00

Good Sunday to thee dear feline loving hooman, the weekend is still in full swing and that means you had better be in relax mode before the working week rolls around once again. Because before you know it, your life will be back in the  maelstrom of Monday and meetings. So to help you optimize your relaxation we have put together this collection of sweet and silly feline memes that will hopefully inspire some resful relaxation in your tired hooman mind before the working week comes for you.

From the sweet kitten who proudly presents her pawrents with leaves she has 'hunted', to the cool catto who has mastered the 'one leg out of the covers pose' for when his sleeping situation gets a little too warm, to the lazy cat finally putting his feet up after a long day of catting it up outside, to the funny feline who found himself in quite the compromising situation tackling the back end of a pinata. These funny and wholesome cat memes are your ticket to a relaxing rest of your weekend.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 09:00

Living with roommates is such a dice roll… are you gonna land on a good number or are you gonna lose the game?

This woman was renting a house with a single mother and her son. She stated she didn't actually mind living with the pair, as they didn't interact much due to colliding work schedules, but over time, things got ugly anyway. The single mother was struggling financially, but the woman telling the story said that she didn't make a good salary either… so it's not a Robin Hood story. The woman liked to cook, and put her leftovers in their shared fridge. She began noticing her food was disappearing, which annoyed her, as she put a lot of work and effort into making it. Plus, groceries are expensive. When she confronted her roommate, the single mother about it, the response she got was 'I'll talk to my son'. Well, she didn't, and things just got progressively worse.

So, the woman came up with a clever plan to get even with her, and boy did the roommate not appreciate that.

Next up, a dude who paid for a hotel only to tell the clerk he wanted to light a campfire on the grounds when they were in the middle of a forest. Let's just say that didn't go over too well.

'It's getting everywhere!': Hissterical Cat Owner Hopes for an Internet Intervention with her Cat Turning Her Apartment Into a Purrsonal Porta-Potty

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 09:00

Hey, cool cats and feline pawrents. Having a cat is like opening a mystery present every day. Some days you wake up and have a beautiful, snuggly kitty that is the best pet ever, and other days, you have a chaotic furball that makes your life a giant drama. Whether it's getting their heads stuck in a wall, climbing and tearing down the curtains, or in this case, or peeing on everything in sight, cats usually find their way into some serious shenanigans whenever you least expect it.

This hissterical (and not in the good way) cat owner turned to Reddit for an internet intervention with her cat that was turning her apartment into a purrsonal porta-potty! Having your cat not use the litter box is incredibly frustrating, so we understand her dilemma and desire to change this as quickly as pawssible. Scroll down to read the full feline story below!


'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 08:00

If you've only ever snuck candy into a movie theater, you haven't lived. These people have snuck in full meals! 

For many of us, sneaking candy into the movie theater is a way of life. At least in my town, it almost seemed designed that way. The movie theater was in a strip mall, and just two stores down was a dollar store that had a massive candy section at the entrance. It was such a blatant candy display that I wondered if they'd partnered with the theater or something. In reality, they were probably just racking in the cash with the amount of teens who'd come in to purchase sweets. After all, why would you ever want to pay like $6 for a small candy, if you could pay $1 for the exact same thing? 

U/AMosquitoBitMe asked the r/AskReddit world about the "most outrageous snack that you snuck into the theater," and more than 2,400 people chimed in. A lot of them really stretched the definition of the word "snack" by bringing in entire dinners, complete with drinks or desserts. It's a truly impressive read, and very funny to boot. The best part is that in most stories, no one got caught, and a lot of people even shared their ill-gotten snacks with the moviegoers around them. Win-win situation! 

Up next, check out the hair stylists who got requests that were so bad they almost refused service, like the one girl who insisted on "jellyfish hair." 

Catnip Concoction of 37 Comedic Cat Snaps to Make Sure You're Feline Fine and Purrfectly Prepare for the Week Ahead

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 08:00

Good meowrning, I Can Has-ers. We're sitting over here on our couch, surrounded by our cats, and we can't help but feel like we want to stay here furrever. But alas, time goes on and so must we. We don't want to leave our comfy spot surrounded by our four-legged friends, but we need to start prepurring ourselves for the week ahead! There is only one thing that gets us feline fine when we're thinking about waking up on Monday meowrning, and that thing is some comedic cat snaps! We've made the purrfect concoction of feline funnies to make a catnip-like experience for even hoomans to enjoy.

You know what? We could learn a lesson or two from these hissterical cats - they don't care if it's Monday and they don't let anything get them down. Don't let those Sunday scaries get in your way of a great week, your cats certainly won't. Enjoy these funny felines below and have a great week!


Entitled roommate uses student's dishes without permission, refuses to clean them because they're "not her's": 'Those are your dishes'

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 07:00

Living with roommates isn't easy. We, especially as grown adults, simply were never meant to be sharing living spaces and close quarters with other grown human beings. 

This is especially true when you're young and move out of your parent's house for the first time. It turns out many of us at that point have yet to learn the essential basic skills that make a functioning human and half-decent roommate. It's generally appealing how many people don't understand the basics of being respectful of other people, their things, and shared spaces.

Of course, things are simultaneously worse when you're still living with a roommate in your 30s and up. (Thanks, rental prices, and real estate market.) Now, everyone is older, more stubborn, and more cantankerous, and some of these same people still haven't learned the basic lessons that they should have when they first started flatting 10+ years prior. Oh, and did I mention that everyone is way more stubborn?

The Cutest, Most Heartwarmingly Wholesome Cat Memes And Posts Of This Week

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 07:00

It's been a long work week, but you have made it. Funday is here, and that means that you can do whatever the heck you want all day long. You want to get up and go for a run, see your family, work on your hobbies - be productive? Pawsome. But if you're like us, and all you want is to stay in bed and look at cute cat pics and smile at wholesome cat memes all day long, then you know what? Not only are we not going to judge you for it, we are going to purrvide the memes that you need right here. 

We know, here at ICanHas, that the best cure for anything and everything is cute cat memes, and the best way to get ready for the following week is the same. So, really, if you think about it, scrolling through adorable cat memes first thing in the morning is productive in an of itself. Take that, haters. 


'We bid $45k over asking... [but] personal connections mattered more': Influential realtor closes the deal for a first time home buyer, even though they weren't the highest bidder

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 06:00

When you're not born into wealth, it's easy to be skeptical of the whole 'it's who you know, not what you know' philosophy in the working world. Although we've all seen nepo-babies rise to the top with nothing but a silver spoon and a pair of coattails to ride, most working folks don't fully realize the power of connections until we witness it in action. 

The first-time home buyers in our next story got to experience a glimmer into the world of the 1% when they picked a realtor who had a foot in the door of the ivory tower. Although they bid $45k over asking on a bidding war for a house, it was the social connections their realtor was cultivating that pushed through the sale. Scroll for the full story of how one couple scored their dream house because they picked the right guy to back them up, demonstrating how in an unfair world, it feels good to have the scales occasionally tip in your favor.

A little nepotism goes a long way…

The Most Accurate And Useful (And Funniest) Pieces Of Advice For New Cat Owners

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 06:00

Back when we were new cat owners many, many years ago, we went out searching for advice. We asked more experienced cat owners all kinds of questions. We asked them how much water should cats drink, and how much we should play with our cats, and should cats go outside, and is it possible to train cats? Every question that we could think of. And everyone gave us slightly different answers based on their own experiences with their own cats. We didn't know it at the time, but that was the key.

Every cat is different, and really, the best advice that you can give to any new cat owner is… follow your cat's lead. Watch them, make sure they eat and clean themselves, notice if their patterns of behavior change drastically at any point, but otherwise… they'll let you know what they need when they need it.  



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