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Diesel The Cattorney Is Waiting For Your Call To Issue A Complaint About Having To Go Into Work Today (Video)

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 11:00

Well, we hope you have managed to land with the grace of a falling feline on your feet this new working week. However, if you have not and are in need of compensation then you have most certainly found yourself in the right place as today we step into the world of Diesel the Cattorney. As you will see from Diesel's infomercial below, he does generally specialize in accident claims, but our inside sources tell us that in Diesel's world, the term accident stretches far and wide.

From one's hooman forgetting to feed them, all the way to issuing complaints about accidentally waking up on time and having to go to work, Diesel will take on any accident related case with furry fury. So you can rest easy and call Diesel to get compensation for the terror that is having to commit to a working life and wake up every morning to drag yourself into the office.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Lioness Mom Gently Teaches Her Tiny Brave Cubs To Climb A Tree (Video)

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 10:00

As we grow up, there are many things that we have to learn. We have to learn how to walk and how to speak and how to open canned food so that we could serve our cat overlords as early as pawssible. That's true for cats as well. Cats, independent as they may be, have a lot that they need to learn as well. And the same way that our mothers teach us, cat moms have to teach their babies too. 

Cat moms have to teach their kittens how to walk, and cat moms need to teach their kittens how to communicate, and of course, cat moms have to teach their kittens how to drink water because that's a hard thing to do! Have you ever thought about how cats have to stop water from going up their nose when drinking from a bowl? We bet you haven't. But cat moms have to think about it. And we mean all cat moms - big cat moms too. You can't just expect your fierce cubs to know how to climb trees on their own. You have to teach them. 


‘His lonely recognizes my lonely’: Wholesome Woman Gets Adopted By Boastful Barn Cat After Losing Her Son, Shares Heartwarming Connection Story

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 09:00

Oh jeez, I Can Has-ers, get your tissues ready! This wholesome story thanks to the Cat Distribution System is one for the books. A woman started a new job on a farm after leaving her corporate job of 10+ years and losing her son last year. According to her, the cat who she has named "Sawyer" immediately ran up to her and fell asleep on her lap. Sawyer lost his mom and his littermates last year, just like the woman. Needless to say, Sawyer seems to have chosen her for the benefit of both of them.

Anyone who says cats aren't empathetic has clearly never seen a story like this. The woman and her husband are going to adopt this beautiful black cat, and we couldn't be happier for both of them. Scroll down to see more pictures and read the full story below - let this wholesome adoption story fill your heart with purrfectly sweet feline feelings!


'Let the newbie fail': Finance worker stunned that new hire refuses to learn because they're "not the boss"

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 08:00

If this new hire doesn't shape up, she's going to lose that brand-new job. Imagine fumbling the ball that badly!

They say you get one chance to make a first impression, and there are few times in life when that's more important than your first weeks at a new gig. If a company has just hired you, you should probably be acting happy to be there, ready to learn, and eager to get to know how the team operates. You're learning where you fit into the bigger picture of the company. During this period, you're supposed to be getting to know your coworkers, and you're still freshly excited to have this new job. 

That's why this new hire's behavior is so baffling to their coworker, u/Striking-Quiet_. They're tasked with training her before they leave their senior associate role. But for some reason, the new hire is acting weirdly hostile towards them. It's not like the original poster is going to be their competition, right? This worker expressed their frustration at the situation, and commenters told them some great ways they could deal with this hostile coworker. 

After that, read about the funniest times people forgot words and just made up new ones, like the guy who "couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead." 

18 Purrfectly Imperfect Kitten Glow Ups Proving Even Smol Beans Can Become Supreme Beings

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 08:00

Happy Monday, cat lovers. We don't know about you, but we were looking through some childhood photos this weekend, and we realized how awkward we were as kids. The weird haircut, ill-fitting clothes, all that 90's fashion that seems so silly in retrospect. But, look at us now! We're full-grown adults with a partner, four cats, and feel like we're pawsitively winning at life. We had a real glow up, and so did all of the cute kittens in this post! Sometimes even cute kittens can looks awwdorably silly, but they can still turn from smol beans into supreme beings!

We love to see what a lot of love and a furrever home can do for a kitten in need. These floofy fuzzballs really went from teeny-tiny babies to rulers of the house and we couldn't be happier that they are enjoying their lives. Scroll down to see these purrfectly imperfect transformations below!


Coworker annoyingly claims shared desk, employee gets even by unplugging things: '[IT] pointed out that her power chord was loose'

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 07:00

It's weird to think that at one point, workers derided the cubicle, the confines of those grey-carpeted walls symbolizing their oppression. Whereas now, anyone in open-plan hot-desking office spaces would trade anything for the privacy that those same grey walls offered—a space to call your own outside of the immediate watchful gaze of your micromanaging boss where you can keep your things and not have to cart them around with you every day.

So, in a way, it's easy to see where this coworker was coming from… desperately clinging to the remnants of a time since passed. But at the same time, that doesn't excuse her from claiming a desk that is supposed to be shared with the entire team and defending it as if her life depended on it while setting it up with all of her personal belongings. Obstinate coworkers like this make the rigors of working even more unbearable, and this employee couldn't help but exact a little harmless petty revenge to get even.

Benevolent Bodega Cats Pictured Taking Over Your Local Deli And Bringing Fierce Feline Energy To New York City

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 07:00

Hey, pals! Are there any NYC residents in the house? We grew up in Queens. And we are extremely familiar with the adorable phenomenon of bodega cats. First of all, for those who don't know a bodega is like a New York City convenience store that also has a deli where you can snag some tasty sandwiches and subs for a nice price. I'd always pass by a bodega on the way to school, walk in, grab a sandwich, give the local bodega cat a pet, and then continue on my way. Oh man, we are tugging on some nostalgic strings over here. 

Anyway, over time, bodega cats have become more than just mousers. They add a friendly vibe to the store, and many customers enjoy their presence. Some cats even become local celebrities, attracting customers who come in just to say hello to the feline fixture. Cats are natural hunters, and their presence deters rodents from setting up shop in the store. So that's a win for the bodega owners. I can't imagine going back to Queens and frequenting a bodega without a bodega cat. They go hand in hand. Now, without further ado, check out these benevolent bodega cats pictured taking over your local delis and bringing fierce feline energy to the Big Apple! 


'I thought it was a prank': Couple Reunites With Cat That They Accidentally Shipped With Amazon Return, But The Internet Tears Into Them

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 06:00

If you're like us, and you have had to experience losing your cat in the past, then you know the intense pain you feel when that happens. And you know the joy of reuniting with your cat. You cry, you laugh, you want to tell everyone about your cat coming back to you. And people tend to be happy alongside you, because our cats are a part of our families, and we treat them as such. What you wouldn't expect to happen after you're reunited with your cat and are telling people about it is for people to get mad at you, but that's what happened here.

A Utah couple got reunited with the cat that they… accidentally shipped to a different state in an Amazon return bag. And while we are so, so happy to know that the cat has been found and is medically fine, the story is a bit sus, and the internet thinks so too.   


'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employees discover their boss fires female coworkers when they get married, HR fiasco ensues

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 05:00

Imagine having to clean up this boss's mess! 

This employee compared notes with some of the other women on her team and realized that something strange was afoot. Essentially, 13 female employees either quit or were fired as they were approaching their late 20s. All of them were newly engaged, recently married, are about to start a family. 

The way HR attempted to get away with this nonsense was to give these women "disciplinary action" months in advance and to accuse them of not pulling their weight. Meanwhile, the women were not being given any more projects or responsibilities, so the accusations were frankly empty. Eventually, the Redditor, who chose to share this story on r/antiwork, decided to take matters into her own hands.

Keep scrolling below to see what happened as her wedding day approached and her tolerance for this nonsense was getting thinner and thinner. For more stories like this, check out this post about bosses who came to regret their newest hires.

You're a cat. Act like one.

LOL Cats - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 05:00

Boss refuses to give in to employee's demands until they quit: 'He is scrambling. He has no one to fill my position'

Fail Blog - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 04:00

You never know what you've got until it's gone… An old philosophical adage that rings true throughout all areas of our lives, speaking to the fact that we don't really appreciate something's worth until we no longer have it, whether that be a time in our lives, an object, or even an individual. It's easy to take things for granted when they're right in front of you, and it's easy to think that how things are now is how they will be forever, evoking a resigned, almost begrudging feeling towards what seems like an endless daily pattern that's taking place in endless span time, stretching out all around you... Fast forward five, ten, fifteen, twenty (and so on and so forth) years, and you'll soon find that nothing is really quite the same as you feared it to be at that point. Finding further that you actually miss some of the things they once were.

Anyways, this is all a really unnecessary, lengthy philosophical intro that is now segueing into the point: Employers will never appreciate your work until you're not there. Only then will they realize that some things they took for granted as being easy or easy to replicate were actually quite a bit more complex and hard to nail down than they might have imagined. They'll never admit this to you, of course, but they sure as heck will have moments when they miss you when you're gone.

This dynamic will often result in situations where your bosses are reluctant to give you a raise—and why should they? You're here now and doing your job already, so why should they pay you more to do it? Only after they deny you a raise and you subsequently leave will they reconsider and suddenly realize that you are worth what you were asking for… That's what this worker reported experiencing when their boss was suddenly willing to grant all their requests once they had handed in their notice.

Cats Make Everything Better

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 16:00

'I'm not cleaning this up...': Customer demands restaurant staff let her in before opening time, then leaves a mess in bathroom when they refuse

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 15:00

There are numerous challenges in the customer service sector, as we have all stated at some point. The obstacles could vary from challenging to exceedingly challenging, depending on the client in front of you. The irony of it all is that if you want to advance in your line of work, you need to be able to handle any situation with poise and maturity.

The story below is of a dumbfounded restaurant employee. Given that the original poster (OP) has worked in the food sector for a significant period of time, it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers. However, nothing could have prepared him for the 'gift' that a disgruntled customer left for him in the women's restroom.

Well, if you're thinking, 'No, there's no way someone would go that far', the answer is yes, absolutely they would. So, make sure to read the story below if you want to know the specifics of what happened! And when you're done, don't forget to read the story of the micromanager who gives a stressed-out worker more tasks and then tries to cut his salary in half!

Rightfully mine

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 15:00

In 5 easy steps

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 14:00

'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 13:00

One has to wonder if this entitled choosing beggar felt like this odyssey was worth it in the end.

This Redditor was selling tires that were originally sold at $2K for $1K on Marketplace when he started to get a barrage of messages from our story's choosing beggar demanding to have the tires for $250. At first, the original poster (OP) rejected the offer and blocked the guy because it seemed like he wouldn't quit. Well, he didn't. Instead, he messaged OP from a second and third account and refused to stop until he got what he wanted. OP seemingly caved but decided to put him to the test.

They arranged a meet-up to exchange the "first come first serve" tires at a pub near where OP lived. This was already two hours away for the choosing beggar, and little did he know, the spot OP picked would be nearly impossible to find parking. The result was a 3+ hour saga for the choosing beggar until he finally gave up. Keep scrolling below to see what happened to the tires. For more stories like this, check out this post about a misguided guy's Tic-Tacs mistake.

Nothing like an old friend.

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 13:00

'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 12:00

We all have that one childhood memory that was so funny it turned into a legend. 

Being a kid is one of the most fun times in life. You wake up in the morning and get to play all day long. It's a time of endless creativity as kids learn how to interact with the world around them and the people in their lives. And, if you've ever interacted with a toddler for more than five minutes, you know that kids get into trouble like it's their job. They're like little whirlwinds of chaos. They find an open marker and start scribbling on the walls and the couch. Time to eat? Nah, it's actually time to smear spaghetti all over their own face and hair. 

These people shared the childhood stories that still make them cry with laughter to this day. Some of them got in big trouble in public, like one kiddo who accidentally knocked over nearly ever clothing rack at a store! Other people shared the times their siblings or grandparents laughed at their crazy antics. Check these great anecdotes out below! 

Up next, these people were underrated geniuses for their creative solutions to everyday problems, like one person who created a perfect shower with just a hose and a bucket with holes in it. 

26 Hissterical Cat Memes To Make This Sunday A Feline Frenzy Full Of Fun

LOL Cats - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 12:00

Sundays are all about embracing weekend mode. Our favorite things to embrace are cute cats and filling our weekend with their company, especially if that involves cozying up with our furry pals, wrapped in blankets, and just taking it easy. Cats are experts at being lazy and cuddly, making our Sundays extra special with their playful charming ways and unique personalities.

Cats are worth celebrating because not only are they fun to spend time with but they are entertaining, that's why there is nothing more entertaining than laughing our way through a collection of hissterical cat memes. These funny memes capture cats' unique and lovable nature, bringing smiles to our faces as we scroll through them. It's a fun way to express our love for our feline friends and share a laugh with fellow cat lovers around the world. So here's to lazy Sundays filled with cat cuddles and laughter, thanks to our awwdorable fur babies and the endless entertainment of cat memes!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

Fail Blog - Sun, 04/28/2024 - 11:00

Rarely has favoritism been so blatantly obvious. 

This father can try to rationalize his logic as much as he wants, but the truth of the matter is that he does not value his artistic daughter's talents and sensibilities as much as he values his more STEM-leaning daughter's gifts. In the case of the latter, he and his wife made sure to invest in their eldest's academic prospects by sending her to a private school. Meanwhile, their younger daughter had been secretly hoping that she could attend the same institution when it was her turn to apply to high school.

However, her father felt that her lack of interest in math and science meant that private school would not be a good fit for her and that she wasn't gifted enough academically and intellectually for the tuition to be worth it. Like many of the Redditors in the comments section, we felt that this was an insane confrontation to have with your middle school-aged daughter. Not only did plenty of folks find his lack of appreciation for his younger daughter's interest to be insulting, but also one has to wonder how he came to the conclusion that she would not study hard. A middle school student's work ethic is not entirely indicative of how they will behave in high school. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the Redditor's update afterward. For more stories like this, check out this post about advice you should not give to incoming high school students.


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