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‘Cancel [your] wedding… show up to work instead’: Employee gets told to ‘prepare to cancel or reschedule’ their wedding after getting PTO denied by management

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 14:00

When you think of a successful marriage, you think of love, sacrifices, partnership, and a spouse that ultimately has your marriage's well-being in mind. All good n' healthy things right? In juxtaposition, when you think of your employer, you imagine unpaid time off, 'shareholder value',  and corporate burnout that leaves employees mentally bankrupt. Which is more important to you? One day of work or the love of your life? 

Well, the employer in our next story seemed to think that their employee would have their 'priorities straightened out' when it came to asking for the day off for their wedding. Although the original poster requested the day off with HR over a year in advance, when it came down to the day of their nuptials, management was so short-staffed and desperately deluded that they told them to 'prepare to cancel or reschedule' the wedding to meet operational needs. 

Oh, I'm sorry, did management think that their employee attending their own wedding was 'optional'? A manager imagining that one work day is more important than someone's future spouse has 'delusion' written all over it.

Feline Pawrent Tries To Scam Their Fur Baby Into Cuddling With Them On Caturday (Video)

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 14:00

Ah now this is what you could call a quintessential fur baby-pawrent situation. Unlike dogs, cats have a very strict time limit on how long they are willing to let you cuddle them. It varies a lot from cat to cat, but there is always a limit and when that limit is reached things turn almost immediately clawminal. However, this clever hooman has found a way to circumnavigate the limit by attempting to scam their fur baby.

Now, we do not know quite how well this worked, but under the threat of having the pawlice called on them, as well as the fictitious account of the cat who was indeed arrested for not cuddling enough, this hooman seemingly manages to manipulate her feline fur baby into sticking around for more cuddles, under the threat of imprisonment. And while this does not sound incredibly wholesome, it must be taken into account that cats hold us hoomans and everything we own, hostage all the time. In fact, whenever they want something that we are not willing to give. So in that sense, this idea is not too shabby at all…

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

25+ eyebrow-raising Tinder pickup lines: 'You look exactly like my future ex-husband'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 13:00

Who doesn't love a bold swing on the dating apps? It could be a home run or a big swing and a miss, but you can't help but appreciate the attempt at the very least. 

Dating apps have become so ubiquitous in our culture of "courtship" that we have made swiping left and right a passive part of our daily routines, like brushing our teeth or checking our emails. This portion of the dating process has lost most of its flair and excitement, so when you do receive a message that genuinely catches your eye, you can't help but blink twice to make sure you actually read that right. Sometimes, it's a clever pickup line, and sometimes it's a message so direct you might blush. Regardless, even if these moments don't lead to successful in-person dates down the line, at least swiping became ever so slightly entertaining, even if it was for an all-too-brief moment.

Keep scrolling below for this collection of Tinder pickup lines. For more content like this, feel free to take a look at this compilation of construction and DIY flaws.

23 Purrfectly Pawsome Felines Spreading Caturday Charm For A Day Full Of Meow Magic

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 13:00

Welcome to the purrfectly pawsome world of Caturday, where every day is filled with meow magic and feline fun! It's that special day when you wake up with a grin from ear to ear, ready to embrace all the cozy cuddles and entertaining antics that our furry friends have to offer.

Felines are the masters of bringing joy and amusement into our lives. With their playful nature and awwdorable purrs, there's never a dull moment when a cat is around. From chasing shadows to batting at toys, they keep us entertained with their endless energy and charm. But it's not just their playful side that makes cats so special. They also have sassy purrsonalities that add an extra layer of fun to our days. Whether they're giving us the "cat stare" or demanding attention with a loud meow, they always keep us on our toes and laughing along the way.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Update: 'Should I just tell her [to] go sue me?': Woman insists friend pay $2700 for accidentally sitting on her MacBook

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 12:00

This person tried to do the right thing after making a major mistake, but their friend is acting strangely about the whole thing. 

It all started when tragedy struck: u/QualityProof visited their friend's home, plopped down on the couch, and realized they were sitting on a laptop. And not just any laptop, but a MacBook, one of the more expensive PCs out there. My immediate question is this: who leaves a computer on the couch when people are coming to visit? It's risky to do that in your own home, just in case you forget it's there and squish it. But when people are coming to hang out at your house, why would you ever leave your computer on the couch? It makes me wonder if this friend secretly wanted the original poster (OP) to damage the laptop.

The friend had an odd reaction to the whole thing. The OP writes that they offered to pay her for the broken electronic on the spot. But later, the friend sent an email and did the whole "as we discussed" thing. She lied about what they discussed, and tried to charge her friend an extra $500, on top of what they already owed her. 

Up next, check out these products that did not meet expectations

Classic Cat Memes To Fill Your Cozy Caturday Scrolling With Funny, Spicy And Silly Cat Content

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 12:00

We hope you have been having a splendid Caturday so far dear feline aficionados, and if not then get ready to have your day turned around by the classic cat memes we have got lined up for you in this list. There is a lot to be said for the comforting effect that classic memes have on our psyche. The memory of a previous laugh, a light moment, is second to none when it comes to boosting our moods and this list has been specifically designed to fill your cozy Caturday with funny, spicy and silly cat content.

From the cool catto who stretched the truth about his ability to work under pressure at his job interview, to the hapless hooman who made a mess of putting the anti bite cone on his fur baby, to the curious cat who was shocked and appalled at how many pics his pawrent had of him on their phone. These timeless feline memes are the pawfect cozy comforter.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'You get out when it's your turn': Passenger gets back at entitled line cutters on flight, makes deplaning last longer

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 11:00

Common courtesy is not exactly something that strangers on airplanes seem to exhibit anymore. These days, people are taking their shoes off and parading around in their bare feet. They're hogging the shared arm rests. They're extending their legs beyond their own personal space. Whatever happened to even the slightest sliver of respect people used to show for one another on flights?

This passenger had it with one particular phenomenon, and it was at the end of the travel experience. Yes, we're talking about how people are supposed to wait for the folks in front of them to grab their suitcases and deplane before it's their turn. Sure, there are exceptions for folks who may be in a hurry to make a connecting flight, but most of the time, the "early standers" and line cutters are simply impatient and entitled. The reality of the matter is that everyone wants to get off the plane, and while the wait may feel interminable, it really isn't. This passenger noticed some overeager line cutters behind him and decided to make it all the more difficult for them.

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. When you're done, check out this post about a project manager's own petty revenge.

The Cat Distribution System Didn’t Provide For This Hooman So He Took Matters Into His Own Hands And Treats His Adopted Feline Like The Princess She Is (Video)

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 11:00

The cat distribution system, for those of you who do not know, is a complex network of universal powers that deliver cats in need of a home to hoomans in need of a cat. Working in a similar scarcity to miracles, the system can only provide so many cats to so many hoomans, and while many hoomans would rather be chosen by this mystical system. Sometimes, action needs to be taken. And that is exactly what this wholesome hooman ended up doing.

While some might fault him for not going to a shelter, there is something to be said for the fact that love is love and the way he and his forever feline friend fell in love with each other is undeniable. Though as you will find out, things did not go all too smoothly at first and this hooman had to prove to the feline gods that he deserved his kitty and would do whatever it took to make sure they would spend a happy and wholesome life together, which is exactly what he did. It just goes to show that no matter what, love conquers all.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

21 Landlord Special Memes for Renters On Their Last Coat of Paint

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 10:00

So like… Are the roaches the landlord painted over gonna pay rent too or what?

Comforting Caturday Memes For All You Introvert Hoomans And Cats Chilling Under The Covers Today

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 10:00

Meow, meow dear feline obsessed hoomans, Cautrday is upon us and for the introverts among us, that means it is time to quietly party under a weighted blanket with your favorite bingeworthy series on the TV and your faithful feline friend by your side. Oh, and snacks, tons of snacks for both of you. And while you take a break from your binge-watching we figured you might enjoy a little trip to the world of comforting cat memes. Today's collection of comforting Caturday memes has been meticulously designed for all you introvert hoomans and your cats to maximize your time under the covers.

From the white catto working on her pawformance of amazing grace for the next camp fire sing-along, to the fluffy feline who knows where the best sun spot is in her apartment, to the kooky cat who simply loves eating bread, to the facetious feline who has resorted to learning to play the horn in order to wake up his pawrents for his three am feeding. These sweet cat memes are the pawfect reason to stay put, cozy under the covers for a few more minutes.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'People should get paid for interviews': People Share Most Entertaining Unpopular Opinions

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 09:00

You aren't going to agree with everything everyone says all the time, and not only is that a fact, but it's also okay. We don't need to have the same opinions, although my mother would disagree. Just yesterday I was at a friend's birthday party. Amidst the laughter and clinking glasses, I found myself inadvertently eavesdropping on conversation brewing in corners. People said all kinds of things that made me inwardly gag, and the more I listened, the more I disagreed. Some nodded in agreement while others shifted uncomfortably, shuffling their feet.

Despite my own unease, I couldn't help but think of the irony. If I were to state my own opinions on certain things, I'd assume a lot of people would think 'What's she on?' so honestly, who is right? Is there even a correct opinion, or is everything perspective? In the end, I think it's important that we can all say what we think… freedom of speech and all that. We need to be exposed to different opinions in order to evolve, otherwise we're just in an echo chamber. So scroll down and check out some of the most unpopular opinions ever.

Then check out this hotel guest who wanted to light a campfire in a no-fire zone.

'I found him abandoned by a river': Tiny Orange Kitten Found By Heartfelt Hooman Bean Near a River, Nurses the Fuzzball Back to Health in Furbulous Foster Story

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 09:00

Happy Caturday, I Can Has-ers and lovers of all things feline. We know that Caturdays are usually for funny feline pics and hissterical cat memes, but we want to warm your hearts today with a heartwarmingly wholesome rescue story! Picture this, you went out for an adventure into the nature and find yourself sitting calmly by the edge of a river. You start to hear something that doesn't sound like gurgling water, so you look around, and find a tiny, fluffy kitten just on the other side of the water!

The heartfelt hooman bean in this story quickly picked up this little kitten, took him home, and immediately began nursing him back to health. He got him scheduled for a vet appointment, gave him a huge bed to sleep on, and gave him all the love his little heart could bear. Scroll down to see more pictures and read the full story below!


'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 08:00

Another day in retail work, another entitled customer. That's the way of the world for the brave souls who work at retail shops, including u/CmdrGrayson, an assistant manager at a clothing store. 

There are customers who treat retail workers like people. Maybe they've worked in retail themselves, and know how grueling that job can be. But other customers do not care about the thoughts or feelings of the workers at all. They're happy to belittle them or mock them for no reason at all. It makes you wonder how they would act if they met that same employee outside of the workplace. That part of the social contract would be gone, and it would just be two random people instead of an employee and a customer. Would the customer still treat the worker as lesser-than? 

This person in u/CmdrGrayson's story was acting as if the employee had no feelings. He was treating them like they were a robot or something! Instead of getting the help he wanted, this customer just kept trying to annoy them. At least the original poster got the last laugh in the end! 

Next up, these siblings just can't agree on who owes who money, especially after the brothers' kids ruined a bunch of expensive art supplies

30 Purrfect Memes for Whiskered Wizards Ready to Start the Weekend Full of Feline Pawsitivity and Caturday Giggles

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 08:00

Good meowrning, Caturday pals and I Can Has-ers. We're very thankful we made it to the weekend, but we're having some trouble de-stressing from the work week. It was tough (like always), but now isn't the time to dwell on what was, especially on our favorite day of the week! We're going to shake it off like Taylor Swift and embrace some funny feline pawsitivity and Caturday giggles with the help of some purrfectly silly cat memes for whiskered wizards. That's you, in case you were wondering. 

They say that laughter is the best medicine, but we also think it's the best pastime. What better way to start your weekend than with some feline funnies that make you giggle so hard you have to run to the litter box? So curl up on your favorite chair, invite your feline friend(s) to join you, and enjoy your Caturday with these memes below!


'The company dangled an unreachable carrot': Employee laments their impossible targets that were only designed to make their team work harder for nothing

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 07:00

There's this interesting thing that happens with KPIs, targets, and business focus. Sure, putting impetus into these areas will usually result in increasing them, creating the image of a larger, healthier, more profitable business. But what is the cost? More, importantly, where is the cost? You're not looking for it, you're not tracking it, and you won't know what it is and probably won't even know where it was or how to measure it until it's too late.

This happens all the time in businesses where leaders are focusing on a singular target through performance indicators and incentives, encouraging their staff to improve and move the bar for this one singular metric. Improvements will be taken as proof that there were inefficiencies in the way workers were doing their roles that they've now figured out or that they weren't working hard enough. When in reality, the truth is that other priorities have fallen by the wayside. Now, management expects the workers to keep up with these impossible standards they have set for themselves, resulting in a vicious feedback cycle that self-perpetuates as management pushes to improve this one metric.

You eventually end up with this really nice-looking facade of a business when presented from this one angle, while the rest of the structure has rotted away… right down to the foundations.

Old School Feline Funnies For Gen X Folks Who Witnessed The Rise of Cat Memes As A Viral Internet Phenomenon

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 07:00

Hey there, cool cats!  Calling all Gen X cat lovers who remember dial-up and "ain't nobody got time for that"! Dust off your floppy disks and get ready to take a scenic trip down memory lane with these classic feline funnies. Remember the days before endless cat content? We barely survived. We've got some serious nostalgia stacked up for you all today. 

And we over here at the ICanHasCheezburger editorial headquarters know a thing or two about nostalgia. After all, we've been providing the internet with hilarious original cat memes since 2007. It all started when one hungry kitty cat asked the million dollar question in kitteh language- I Can Haz Cheezburger? We are ready to celebrate the OG era of online cat memes. Let's reminisce about the good ol' days of the internet, one hilarious kitty pic at a time!


Teacher sticks up for a star student by unleashing her rambunctious classroom on a control-freak librarian: 'Complete chaos [erupted]'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 06:00

Everyone remembers a rule-bound teacher they had growing up who was such a stickler for order that they came off as mean or cold-hearted. While rules are important at school, at a certain point, the needs of the children are far more important. The school's library is sometimes a safe-haven from the hard n' fast mandates of the classroom, but in this next story, it's more of a military camp than a children's library. However, a compassionate teacher came to the aid of her student against the likes of a very, very mean librarian. 

After losing the worksheet for a class assignment in the library, the star student started to worry. Coyly, they approached the gnashing librarian with piercing eyes and asked politely for a replacement page so that they could keep up on the classwork, but the Karen behind the counter sorely refused. Scroll onward for the entire story of how an anxious student got fully backed up by their entire class after a heroic teacher stepped up to the plate in their honor. 

Mood Lifting Cat Memes For A Purrfect Start To Caturday

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 06:00

Holy heck, Caturday is here, and we don't know about you, but we are feeling heckin' good. That's right. The work week was exhausting, and we don't feel like doing anything - anything at all - for the next one hundred years, but at least Caturday is here. And with Caturday, comes a whole lot of cheer. And time for naps. And for snacks. And for the most impurrtant thing of all - time to laugh at cat memes

We don't know about you, but we think that starting Caturday with the funniest cat memes of the week is essential. It's necessary. Tiredly snorting at cat memes first thing in the meowrning means starting the day on the right paw. Because even though we don't have one hundred years to rest right now, we do have the most purrfect 24 hours this Caturday to make the best our of this ameowzing day.


15+ Technologically incompetent coworker stories: 'Old coworker used to print out 100+ page PDF just to scan it all back into email one by one'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 05:00

Every office has a technologically incompetent coworker. The truth of the matter is that some people simply should not be allowed to have phones or computers, and sometimes, I will include myself in this category. The number of times in which I have accidentally texted the wrong person is proof alone that I am not the most careful when it comes to technology. This is also proof that it is not always the oldest coworker in the office who is the technologically challenged one. In fact, I have had many older coworkers explain to me how to connect my computer to the conference room TV, and every single time, I still get it wrong. 

Still, there are several Boomer stories that Redditors included in their coworker venting stories, and there are a few instances of the reverse as well. It's further proof that while technology is usually intended to bridge people closer together and to make productivity easier, sometimes, the exact opposite result ends up happening. The best thing you can do in these situations is to laugh it off and not let it frustrate you too much because new technology isn't going anywhere.

Keep scrolling below for this fresh collection of coworker stories. When you're done, check out this post about a regrettable micromanager.

That's no bull.

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/27/2024 - 05:00


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