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Hooman’s Hissterical ‘Loud Cat’ Adoption Post Captures the Heart of Fluffy Feline Enthusiasts on the Internet, They Band Together to Find Adorable Void a Loving Home

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 20:00

Some cat lovers really happen to have a way with words, and this one in particular created the funniest fluffy feline adoption post I've seen by far!

The hooman in question was trying to find a home for a stray black void they had. This cute void's name was 'Mr. Skinny Legs', and to say he had a big personality would be an understatement. The hooman posted a cute photo of the cat who looked very grumpy, but also absolutely adorable. Along with the photo was a post that described the kitty's hissterical antics, as well as things they loved to do, and things they loved to do less. Apparently other cats misunderstood this poor fluffy fella, because he was very loud, which came across as aggressive. But all Mr. Skinny Legs wanted was fluffy feline friends. Scroll down to read this amusing post along with what fellow cat enthusiasts had to say about it. Mr. Skinny Legs became a total hit on Reddit.

Next up, a purrfect pot roast of fluffy feline memes to add some goofiness to your day.


A Cute Cup of 30 Comedic Cat Memes to Quench Your Fluffy Feline Thirst

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 19:00

If you are a lazy hooman, you understand how grateful one can be towards winter, because winter gives you the excuse to stay inside and never set foot in the great outdoors. Every time a friend asks you to go out with them for a walk, you can simply say - "I would love to, but I just recovered from a cold / It seems like it is going to rain / I just got a perm / It is simply too cold". Now, with the sun fully shining and the weather thriving, these excuses do not work anymore, and you are going to have to face the outside as bravely as you can.

The one thing that can make the whole outdoor exercise business a bit more tolerable, is all the great cats you can meet on the way. Think of all the potential petting you could be giving during an hour-long walk outside, and all the furry friends you could encounter. We assure you that can turn any frown upside down.

To further improve your mood while you are adjusting to this new weather, scroll down to enjoy some hissterical cat memes. After that, click here for a sweet story of lovely hoomans who adopted 9 furry felines.

New boss ruins everything, derails a high-functioning team, leading to key employee's departure: 'For a 0% raise I'm giving 0% effort'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 15:00

Working with a team that you really enjoy being a part of is one of the smallest graces you can hope for in what's otherwise deep, begrudging resignation to your working life. Unfortunately, like most of the good things in life, the balance is delicately struck, and one small change can turn them on their heads. 

After spending almost seven years at this tech company working with a true leader of a manager who always stood up for his workers and encouraged autonomy and a healthy work-life balance, the nightmare that everyone who loves their jobs has became a reality… A change in senior leadership resulted in the boss facing off with a new VP who had unrealistic ideals about the team's performance goals, and the VP proceeded to make the boss's role challenging at every step. After dealing with this for longer than he could handle, the boss departed his role, and a newly appointed manager took his place, quickly introducing new policies that turned a once great working life on its head. A steep decline in the team's morale led to this worker's strategic departure, which caused a cascade of chaos.

Entitled boss won't accept employee's two-week notice, instead demands he stay at least six weeks: 'He kept saying this is so unprofessional and I am handling this so inconsiderately'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 14:00

When you decide to leave a job, it's the norm to give a two-week notice to your employer. This provides management with a heads-up and helps them prepare for your departure. Although two weeks is obviously not enough time for your employer to hire and fill your position, it is enough for you to wrap up any remaining work and prepare your role for someone else. There are tons of reasons for leaving a job, and it is not always personal. Sometimes, people want to take some time off to spend with their family, or a better opportunity comes along, or they are just tired of their current industry and need a change of pace. But, in some cases, resigning is personal, just like in the story below. In this story, the OP's boss insists on a six-week notice instead of the typical two weeks. And the boss has even threatened the OP, saying that he is making a terrible mistake and ruining his career by leaving. Ouch. Keep reading to find out what happened next. And then, check out this entitled boss next: Entitled boss furious when employee doesn't come in for work after instructing employee to stay home: 'I was joking' 

Nice and lorge

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 14:00

Stylist confronts bride's mother after overhearing her gossiping in Spanish: 'I heard and understood the entire hour of her ripping me to shreds'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 13:00

Sometimes, the only way to get back at an entitled customer is to speak their own language. In this case, that idea manifested itself quite literally.

This bridal stylist, who shared her story via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, had been working with a bride for over an hour and unfortunately, none of the dresses seemed to be working. Naturally, this happens all the time. Not every decision is easy to make, especially for events like weddings. The only person who seemed to be upset about the process was the mother of the bride, who decided it was appropriate to badmouth the stylist for a long period of time in Spanish. Naturally, she assumed that the stylist wouldn't understand a word she was saying, but oh was she wrong.

Keep scrolling below to learn how the mother of the bride reacted when the stylist broke out into nearly fluent Spanish just to get a rise out of her. For more stories like this, check out this post about some top wedding debacles.

Kiss Goodbye

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 13:00

'My 19 topping pizza': 20 Frightfully flavored pizza pies

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 12:00

Pizza is one of the most universally beloved foods (with the exception of these 20 pizzas, which are not loved). Sorry not sorry, there's just no saving most of these pies from their fate: the garbage can. 

I'm happy for the person who ordered the 19-topping pizza (first photo!). I really am. If you want to turn your pizza into a chopped salad of sorts, that should be your prerogative. Even better, this person got all of those extra toppings for free! That's the kind of order that makes the owner of the pizza parlor think twice about what they're charging for their pies. At least most people don't order such monstrosities, but it's cool to know it can be done. 

Other people shared their own pizza mistakes, some of which were homemade, and others that came from a real pizza shop. In almost any gross food list we make here, we almost always come across people sharing their experiences with the famous Altoona pizza (see #8). It hails from the Altoona, Pennsylvania area, and it's… well… you just have to see it to believe it. Lots of people buy these slices, so maybe it doesn't taste like how it looks, which is like a 3-hour old school cafeteria pizza. 

Next up, read some interesting stories of neighbors who stopped at nothing in their pursuit of pettiness

A Parade of Pawsitively Precious Felines For A Day Full of Purrfection

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 12:00

There is no room here for any midweek blues especially if we surrounded by awwdorable cats and kittens. These cute felines have arrived to sprinkle our day with the purrfect amount of cat cuteness. After all is there anything better than a collection of charming cats to lift our mood?

These awwdorable whiskered companions are full of fun, adding cute entertainment to our lives. Whether they're exploring every nook and cranny or chasing the light, their playful purrsonalities never fail to bring smiles to our faces. From fluffy kittens exploring new adventures to wise old cats lounging around, each awwdorable feline brings their uniqueness into our lives. With their infectious energy and boundless curiosity, they teach us to find joy in the simplest of pleasures. So, let's raise a toast to these whisker wonders as they transform our Wednesday into an exciting world of feline fun!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'[Neighbor] put a camera facing into my backyard': Resident stuck in years-long feud with nosy neighbor

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 11:00

Whatever happened to minding your own business? Sure, we may stalk celebrities and acquaintances on social media, but that's entirely separate from legitimately spying on the people in your life.

In this instance, we have a nosy neighbor who had been feuding with this Redditor for years. It all started when the neighbor built a fence that went two feet into the Redditor's property, and after they were forced to correct their mistake, they never forgave the Redditor.

The Redditor subsequently built a seven-foot property fence surrounding their backyard, but that wasn't going to keep the neighbor from staying out of their business. They ended up raising their fence by two feet and planting a camera facing directly into the Redditor's backyard. This person clearly has no shame and needs to be stopped.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more, check out this post about an HOA board member's feud with the son of a resident in the neighborhood.

Midweek Purrfection With 24 Cute Cats Bringing Bundles Of Brightness To The Day

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 11:00

We made it to Wednesday and we are all about whisking away those midweek blues and celebrating the fact we made it to the midweek. What better way to add a purrfect element to our day than diving into a collection of awwdorable charming cats. Who wouldn't want a day filled with fabulous feline fun

These awwdorable cats each with their unique purrsonalities, ready to sprinkle our day with a purrfect dose of cuteness! They are little bundles of entertainment, keeping us amused with everything! Whether they're chasing laser beams or snoozing in their favorite box, these whisker wonders are the purrfect addition to our day. From curious kittens hanging out in the refrigerator to felines in the bathroom sink, every whisker and tail flick is a gentle reminder to find joy in the simplest pleasures. So let's celebrate these furry friends who transform our Wednesday into a whimsical wonderland of fun! 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

20 Spicy Black Cat Memes To Awaken The Facetious Feline Within You And Unleash It Upon The Office

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 10:00

We hope you have awoken to what will be a happy and wholesome hump day dear feline loving hoomans. However, seeing as it is still the work week and there is a lot of drama left to contend with, there is a chance that you could do with some spicy feline content to help you steel your resolve and make it through another day of inane inquisitions and mindless meetings. And as per usual we are here to provide you with that which you need, spicy black cat memes to awaken the facetious feline within you and unleash it upon the office. Because why shouldn't others suffer for their transgressions against you?

From the fed up feline who has been consumed internally by his job, to the vivacious void who identifies as danger itself, to the funny feline whose love for you is like a hairball that cannot stay in, to the romeowantic catto who wants you to know you are his favorite bite. These varied and very spicy cat memes are the purrfect protection from the troubles of the day.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Movers try to scam a guy with a hidden $400 fee, then get caught in a tight spot of petty revenge: 'They had him over a barrel'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 09:00

Moving day looked a lot different when we were in our 20s. Back then, we would "pay" our gym buddies with a case of beer and free pizza after moving a 2-ton hand-me-down couch and our prized record collection up 7 flights of stairs, but now, nobody wants to risk a herniated disk over a sliver of pepperoni and cheese. Thus, moving companies were born. 

However, strong men for hire aren't immune to the sinister ways of scammy business, which the guy in our next story learned the hard way on moving day. After the moving company loaded all of this man's belongings into the back of their truck, suddenly they changed their tune on their pricing. With his valuables in the back of box truck, the tough guy mover tried to scam him out of $400 to unload the stuff on the other end, claiming it would take two hours longer than expected to off-load the truck. Okay.

Because this thrifty mover had no choice but to pay, he decided to get his money's worth with a boxful of petty revenge. 

Cute And Clawminal Cats Make For The Cuddliest And Laziest Coworkers Who’ve Purrfected Procrastinating The Day Away (Video)

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 09:00

Happy hump day you feline lovers. The middle of the week has arrived, and finally we can start looking forward to the coming of the weekend. And today we celebrate the coming of Caturday with a list that might help explain why your feline fathering colleagues who work from home are struggling to keep up with their work load. You see while cats can be great chill out companions they are less amenable to being supportive of work related behaviors which usually results in protests, hostage situations and in the most extreme of cases clawminal calamity.

The hooman in this video tested out the cat-astrophe work theory by trying to get some work done from a cat café. Sounds ideal right? Well, the reality as you will come to see is far from ideal, and even strays from the path of cat cuteness and straight into facetious feline territory. After all, we know all too well what happens when cats do not receive the attention that they demand. So perhaps the next time your cat pawrent colleague is a little behind on their work, try to help them out, for they are trying their best, it's just that cats are much better at stopping us from working.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'Charged for dinner?': Friend insists on "$7 per person" for last-minute dinner invite

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 08:00

Have you ever, in your whole life, had a friend charge you money to eat at their house? I really haven't, with the exception being takeout food. If you order takeout with your friend group, someone's going to have to send out those Venmo requests for that pad thai. But that's different than inviting your friends over for an off-the-cuff dinner, and then insisting they need to pay for it the next day

It's not always cheap to host a party: all those ingredients, beverages, and decorations can really add up. A good way to offset the cost is to ask your friends to bring a dish or some drinks. Another suggestion is to note in the invitation that for a small charge, your friends can have unlimited drinks, and if not, they can bring their own beverages to sip on. 

This person, u/Pinkishrabbit, had a friend invite them over and then request money for it the next day. They took to the r/etiquette subreddit to ask for advice, and the internet basically told them that their friend was being pretty weird and tacky. If you're broke, just say that; if you're a millennial, the chances are all your friends are broke, too. You can all be broke together, ordering the cheapest Chinese food around and splitting the cost as a group, instead of acting rather miserly the day after your homemade meal. 

Next up, these siblings were trying not to argue in front of the kids, but they cannot agree on who owes who money

A Quick Mid-Week Feline Meme, Pic And Quote Dump To Boost Your Mood

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 08:00

Good morning you wonderful cat curious hooman. The middle of the week has officially arrived and while it might mean that deadlines are nearing and your mind is already burnt out, there is some good in it, that the weekend is almost here! So to help you pick up your mood and set off on the right paw today we fixed up a quick collection of mid-week feline memes, pics and quotes to help boost your mood ahead of the impending doom of the day.

From the best feline related feeling in the world - sleeping with your cat, to a reminder that cats are indeed their pawrent's biological offspring, to the most pawdorable puff machine dressed in her christmas best, to the fluffy feline patiently waiting to be served her favorite hooman food, to the ungodly power that is bestowed upon any hooman who is chosen to be sat on by a cat over everyone else in the room. We have got more than enough wholesome cat content to get your feline motor up and running for the rest of the day.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

New manager fires on-site team member and orders remote worker to work on-site instead: 'I said no'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 07:00

Being the longest-standing member of your workgroup usually means that you have memories of how things "used" to be… Possessing memories of the "before times" that probably stretch back long before even your manager worked here. The problem with this is organizations almost always trend in a negative direction when it comes to working conditions and benefits for workers; after all, there are only two ways to maximize profit, and cutting costs is far easier than increasing revenue generation. As a result, you'll remember when things used to be better: When your team had more staff, was less overworked, and when you could actually take time off and generally enjoyed working there. New workers joining without the knowledge of how things used to be just accept the new worse conditions, further solidifying the new policies. 

That's sort of what this remote worker witnessed happening in a more rapid fashion as their team that once had five to seven members working on site dwindled down to just two other on-site members on the team, leaving the final remaining members overworked and burned out. Luckily, the remote worker managed to remain somewhat isolated from the increasing workload demands that their on-site team members had been experiencing since it was physically impossible for them to pick up that work. Enter a new manager who foolishly misread this situation, firing one of the two remaining stressed workers on-site, with their solution being that the remote worker should be a "team player" and work on-site instead.

The frustrated worker shared their experience with this popular online workplace community, detailing their experience and feelings. Readers shared their thoughts in the comments and offered their advice.

Cute Kitty Requests a Hug from Their Heartwarming Hooman in an Emotional Embrace of Wholesome Pawrent-Cat Connection (Video)

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 07:00

Hey, wholesome hoomans and feline enthusiasts! We all know that cats can be awwdorable snuggle bugs, but there are a lot of people who see cats as cold and unemotional. It's our job as cat connoisseurs and feline fanatics to break this myth with the world and show them that cats are just as loving and affectionate as any other pet, and this video below proves it! Behold, a cat acting like a meowrvelously cute fur baby, as they request to be held like the baby they are as their pawrent is in the middle of making himself a fruit salad.

Some people will say cats aren't allowed on the counter - but we would let our cats represent us in court if we could! This cute kitty approaches their father while he's chopping fruit and just wants to be held. Their feline father agrees and the sweetest hug we've ever seen happens right in front of our eyes. Scroll down to see the meowgic happen below!



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