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Goofy Cat Pics to Start Your Friday With Some Fluffy Feline Fabulosity

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 07:00

Hey, friends and cat lovers! We are coming back to you live from the ICanHasCheezburger editorial headquarters. Ever wonder what goes on in your cat's head? One minute they're stalking a feathery toy, the next they're laser-focused on a delivery truck from the window. These goofy goofballs are more than just adorable companions – they're undercover agents, biding their time until the kitten uprising begins! (Just kidding... mostly.) 

We keep saying how honestly, our cats could do a much better job running things than our current elected officials, but for whatever reason the world isn't ready to vote for feline politicians. I know, bizarre. Cats are goofballs. They know when to be playful and when to be serious. They just choose to ignore this knowledge and do whatever the heck they want, and we appreciate that. In the meantime, enjoy their hilarious antics and those adorable belly flops. Just watch out for those playful ankle attacks!


Client micromanages truck driver over delivery, trucker sends dozens of pointless photos for revenge: 'You want updates, I will give you all the updates'

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 06:00

No one wants to be micromanaged. Whether by a boss, a coworker, a partner, or even a family member, as an adult, we can handle things on our own. There is nothing more insulting than having someone constantly checking in on you to make sure you are getting things done. Well, that's just what happened to this truck driver when he was making a delivery to a client. He had to drive only a few hours and was running way ahead of schedule. As a trucker, sometimes the client has you install a tracking app so they can keep track of where their delivery is. But this entitled client took it even further. They wanted constant updates and photos of where their delivery was. The delivery in question? Six pallets of onions. That's it. But that didn't stop them from harassing their driver to make sure he was en route. So, the trucker decided to maliciously compile with their request for constant updates. After dealing with him, I bet they wished they never bothered in the first place. 

Top 20 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #342

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 06:00

Another week bites the dust, and what better way to unwind than by diving headfirst into the purrfect world of lolcats? Here at ICanHasCheezburger HQ, feline frivolity fuels our very existence. We practically subsist on a steady diet of LOLcat memes, liberally sprinkled with the joy of sharing them with loved ones. After all, laughter is the universal language, and who doesn't need a healthy dose of that?

With nearly three decades under our collar, we've witnessed the internet's evolution firsthand. And through it all, one thing remains constant: our incredible community that continues to churn out fresh, hilarious cat memes. We're endlessly impressed by your creativity, dear readers. You are the backbone of Lolcats, the undisputed heavyweight champion of online cat meme galleries. Day after day, our viewers demonstrate unwavering dedication to the art of the cat meme. Feeling inspired? Unleash your inner purr-asso and craft your own masterpieces using our user-friendly meme builder. Let the weekend revelry commence, ICanHas enthusiasts! The internet awaits your latest feline masterpiece.


25+ bosses who instantly regretted taking on their new hires: '[She] started crying as soon as the phone rang saying she couldn't handle it'

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 05:00

Every new hire deserves time to adjust to their new workflow, but sometimes it becomes instantly obvious that hiring someone was a mistake. There are several ways in which this can happen. For starters, the new hire could be one of those rare unicorns who is actually good at interviewing for positions despite being remarkably unqualified. On the other hand, it's quite possible that it was the company's fault. Perhaps the job requirements and expectations were unclear, and the only people to blame were the recruiters and hiring managers who did not clarify anything. Or perhaps this new employer-employee dynamic is simply not working socially, culturally, or financially. 

Here, we have a number of stories in which bosses instantly regretted fighting for a certain job candidate. Whether it was an inappropriate remark made by the employee during their first week or an unforeseen circumstance getting in the way of their work, most of these employees did not last at their respective companies for very long.

Keep scrolling below for the full stories. For more, check out this post about a job candidate who was asked to donate to the company that just rejected her.

I don't smile wherever I'm at.

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 05:00

‘You do you, I’m happy to split': Friendship ends after double date turns awkward when one friend offers to split the check and the other insists 'It's always the gentlemen who pay'

Fail Blog - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 04:00

"I'm now not a 'girls girl' because I didn't back her, without being told I should or given any kind of heads up. I responded that if I want to pay for myself (especially because I didn't see myself and the blind date friend having a second date) was happy to put in for my portion. Friendship is effectively over, and I am looking to move out."

Spayed Cat Named Cletus Becomes a Feline GodMEOWther by Stealing Abandoned Kittens

LOL Cats - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 01:00

In the hooman world, it seems like the people who want to have babies struggle the hardest to get pregnant, but in the cat world, that's not the case. Kitties breed like rabbits, and because of that cat mothers aren't exactly notorious for being the most empathetic and wholesome of the animal kingdom, often abandoning their kittens to the elements at a moment's notice. They've got another litter lined up after this one…

Fortunately for all of those motherless kitties out there, there's a surprisingly wholesome kitten-napper out there named Cletus. This lady cat was spayed nearly two years ago and can't have a litter of her own, so she's resorted to feline kleptomania to fill that gap in her soul. By stealing these forgotten cat babies, she effectively saves their lives and becomes their lawful feline godmother. Scroll for the entire story of kitty crime turned adorable where this sterile cat becomes the mother she always wanted to be. 


34 Fiery Hearted Feline Memes for Ferociously Funny Cats With a Whiskery Sense of Humor

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 20:00

You hear a loud grumbling kind of whine coming from the other room and instantly recognize the not-so-hidden meaning behind it… your cat is hungry. They can smell the chicken wings you've got cooking in a pan and are intrigued by the spicy aroma. Of course, seconds later they come sauntering in, curiously sticking their nose into the air, hoping you'll look away long enough for them to snag a bite. 

You stare at your cute fluffy feline and shake your head. Why they think they have any chance of taking your food, you don't know. You barely finish that thought and boom, they swiftly leap up onto the counter and begin pawing the pan which has luckily only just begun heating up. You quickly grab them despite their loud yowls, hoping the neighbors don't think you're a bad cat parent. You tell your cute critter off, but later give them a small piece, even though they were naughty and don't deserve it.

Scroll down for a funny bite of cat memes and then check out this hooman who was forced to amp up their security at home after they cat got into too much mischief.

38 Hissterical Tweets About Fluffy Felines That Are Pure Catnip for the Hooman Soul

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 19:00

People say that ginger cats lack a braincell or two, and I think that my cat Tumbledum is the purrfect example of that. See, Tumbledum is as orange as the color can get, and he is also not the smartest pea in the pod. He will sleep face down, and when he wakes up his whiskers are all crinkled, giving him a unique look that is also very cute. Staring into walls is his favorite hobby, especially if there is really nothing there. He also likes to act like he's stuck outside in the backyard when the reality is that the door is wide open. He is so silly, and I love him to bits. 

I often give him scrumptious treats to prove it to him, although no number of treats is ever enough for him. Today, in honor of my little critter, I present to you a hissterical helping of cat tweets that are pure catnip for the hooman soul. After you're done scrolling, check out these funny felines who are doing what cats do…


FelineRX: A Double Dose of 32 Funny Cat Memes for Cat Lovers Who Need Meowdical Attention ASAP

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 18:00

When true cat lovers go too long without cuddling a kitty, there may be health implications that occur. Fortunately, we have just the thing to get you through the day with your heart and soul intact: Cat memes. A mini dose of daily cat content is all a cat lover needs to live a long, healthy existence!

Do you have shortness of breath when you're missing your kitty? Do you have mild to severe headaches when thinking of the time it'll take you to commute back home to your cat? Ask a meowdical purrfessional today if FelineRX is right for you! Here at the I Can Has Headquarters, we know that we all need a daily dose of kitties, so scroll onward if you'd like a double dose of feline funnies in the form of a collection of relatable cat memes that'll boost your spirits and make you a healthier, happier cat person. 


44 Scrubby Nurse Memes for Snarky RN's Working Another 12-Hour Shift at the Hospital

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 16:00

On paper, working a couple of 12-hour shifts in a row sounds doable. After 5 minutes in the ICU debating pain levels with a sassy patient who claims they're allergic to cold air, those shifts start to feel more like a prison sentence. That's why nurses are an entirely different breed in the workforce. Although they're nearly as experienced as a doctor, they do twice the work with zero glory, taking out bedpans, flipping patients, and taking vitals like there's no tomorrow. We may look ergonomic in our scrubs and our Crocs, but nurses are suffering from carrying the entire hospital on their backs! 

So if you're in desperate need of an IV drip of humor on your day off or just need a second to yourself in the utility closet, scroll through this collection of scrubby nurse memes that'll surely reanimate your heart and invigorate your senses. Because at the end of the day, when the nurses are in their best mood, so is everybody else.

'I gave her exactly what she asked for': Micromanager boss scolds employee for lateness, regrets it when employee stops working long hours

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 14:00

You know your work environment is toxic if you have to describe your supervisor as a "tyrant." This employee had one of those bosses that no one likes. Not a single person in the company is happy to see that boss when she walks in the door, probably because she had a habit of flipping out over any and everything.

No one wants to have a micromanager boss, especially not one who is constantly flipping out. It's not good to have to be in a constant state of fight or flight over office work! And this employee was used to having chill managers that weren't even around half the time, so starting work with this overbearing boss was surprising, to say the least. 

Instead of offering flexible hours, this boss decided it was more important to demand her employees be in the office from 8-4 every day, no exceptions. Hey, if you don't have to work late, those hours are pretty sweet, as this person found out through their own crafty malicious compliance. 

Up next, these hair stylists shared the rather interesting haircut requests they've gotten over the years, like one person who "wanted a legit bowl cut." 

'The mullet is totally coming back': 25+ worst pieces of advice that former high school students regret taking

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 13:00

People love giving unsolicited advice to high school students, even if that advice is unfounded, misguided, and totally unproductive. 

For instance, the concept that these four years will determine how you end up spending the rest of your life is not only incredibly false but also potentially damaging to a teenager. Most of these nuggets of so-called "advice" likely stem from adults who have complex relationships with their own high school experiences. Perhaps they regret their approach to their school work or social lives. Or perhaps they are burdened with such delusion that they have fully convinced themselves that everything they did in high school was correct and that's why they're so "successful" today. 

Essentially, if you're currently a high school student or you know someone who is in the midst of those scarring but sometimes formative years, it would behoove you to take all of this unsolicited advice with a grain of salt. People love to project. Only occasionally are they able to find useful takeaways from their experiences that could be beneficial to someone else, so don't take this advice too seriously, kids.

Keep scrolling below for this collection of comically flawed advice for budding high school students. When you're done, check out this compilation of stories about technologically incompetent humans.

'[She] wanted a legit bowl cut': 20+ Comical haircuts that hair stylists were hesitant to do

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 12:00

Many of us bring a photo of our ideal haircut to an appointment at a hair salon. It's a good way to show the hairstylist what you're looking for, and to direct them towards the right color or hairdo. But sometimes you show that picture to the stylist and they make a face. They might tell you that with your hair texture or length, your ideal cut may look way better on the model than it would on you. Some barbers will warn you multiple times that the look you're demanding isn't going to frame your face or look remotely stylish. But according to these hair stylists, a few of their wackier customers will insist on getting the most bizarre hairstyles possible.

Here's your fun fact of the day: did you know there's a style called the "jellyfish haircut"? If I had to see it, so do you. Apparently, a lot of people have been wanting this haircut. Other people insisted on getting mullets, which are sort of in fashion at the moment. You can just tell some of these hairdressers have seen some things in their many years of barbering. They can't deny their guest's most ridiculous requests, but they also may tell them not to tell anyone who gave them that haircut in the first place. 

Up next, read about these freelance artists who had super entitled clients, like one person who "had a guy try to pay me with pottery." 

21 Saucy And Spicy Cat Memes To Fill You With Funny And Feisty Energy To See You Through Lunch

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 12:00

Thank goodness it is Thursday lunchtime, that means that there is only one more lunchtime break to go until your lunch is your own to-do with as you please. But until such a time we have got a little something to help you keep on going and to cope with the end of the week, as we all know it is the toughest part of the week. As such we have a collection of 21 saucy and spicy cat memes to fill you with funny and feisty energy to see you through lunch.

That way you will be able to giggle and fend off any pesky coworkers in the blink of an eye. From the catto who is mad at his hooman for relaxing in the bath while his food bowl is still half full, to the orange cat who rather pawfectly depicting what our arrival home will look like. We hope that these funny felines will help you cope until the weekend.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

20 Construction and DIY Flaws That Lack All Common Sense

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 11:00

If you pay attention to your surroundings, you are likely to discover a series of design choices that make absolutely no sense. You know, the kind of aesthetic decisions that make you wonder who in their right mind signed off on this? You might stumble upon these design and structural flaws on the street, in a public restroom, or even in your friend's house.

Sometimes, these flaws are too hard to ignore. I distinctly remember touring the so-called "perfect apartment" and informing my roommate that there was no way we could move in there because of the bizarre bathroom layout. Perhaps some folks present thought I was being too critical, but once I demonstrated that there was barely any leg room once you sat on the toilet, everyone quickly agreed with me. Some of these flaws are not obvious at first but once they become clear, they are instant dealbreakers. 

That being said, these construction and DIY mishaps are pretty impossible to miss. Keep scrolling below for the full list. When you're done, check out these tattoo artist stories.

Hilarious Cat Video Mashup Of Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ Set To Cat Pics, Memes And Clips To Fill You With The Feline Funnies

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 11:00

Good morrow, dear feline fanatics, the weekend is almost here and that means it is time to shout and cheer, just as today's funny cat video will cause you to do. It is not often that our funny felines get involved with music, unless that is you consider their screams at three in the morning music. But judging by this hilarious cat video, they should do it more often. And what better way is there to boost your mood on a Thursday morning than with one of the most pawfect feline musical mashups?

The clever hooman behind this video, collected the most pawfect cat pics, memes and clips to match up each line of Eminem's - Lose Yourself and the combination of intensity and cat-infused comedy is simply sublime. It is a rare look at our feline friends from a lens that removes their serious and sassy nature and instead makes them giggle-worthy goobers.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

Fail Blog - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:00

Coffee mugs rattle, silverware clinks, and the grill is sizzling. You weave your way through the packed tables, refilling customers' water and delivering steaming hot plates piled with burgers and fries. Ten years in the biz, and you've got this dance down to a T. Your muscle memory serves you well as the crowd thickens. You juggle orders, argue with the kitchen, and wish your coworkers cared about their tips as much as you do. Why does it seem like you're doing everything alone? By closing time, your legs ache, your voice is hoarse, and your smile feels permanently etched on your face.

Ugh, to be a server. Can you relate? Scroll down to read an amusing and accurate thread about what it's like to wait tables in a restaurant based on stories by servers who are, frankly, tired. Next, check out this guest who checked into a hotel for 45 minutes, then demanded a full refund and argued with the staff. Customer service, huh.

26 Hilarious Whiskery Wake Up Calls From Adorable Alarm Clock Cats That Just Won't Let You Sleep In

LOL Cats - Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:00

Hey, I Can Has-ers. If you're reading this, you purrobably also have no need for a real alarm clock because your cat acts as the purrfect alarm clock every meowrning! No matter if it's Caturday or Monday, you can bet your bottom dollar that your cat will wake you up for breakfast right at breakfast time. They don't care if breakfast time is at 6 AM, they're hongry, hongry kitties and they need food ASAP! Who knows what will happen to them if they eat one minute later than normal??

You might these cute cats purrfectly relatable in the most awwdorable way because it is probably what you wake up to every morning as well. Scroll down to see some funny felines giving their hoomans whiskery wake up calls (some nicer than others), and we hope they at least let you go back to sleep for a bit after they're full!



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