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A Freshly Baked Cat Meme Cake Frosted With Giggles And Diligently Decorated With Feline Goodness

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 09:00

Greetings, fellow feline enthusiasts! Big yawn. As the sun rose this morning, hunger greeted us like an old friend, only to be echoed by the not-so-subtle meows of our beloved cats. Thus began our ritual of rising from our slumber to ensure our felines companions were fed, all the while acknowledging our own rumbling stomachs. Breakfast, a steaming cup of coffee, and crispy sourdough toast adorned with a perfectly fried egg, awaited us at the table, accompanied by a side of delectable cat memes.

A dilemma becomes imminent. Do we hunger more for the savory delights of breakfast or the delightful humor of cat memes? It's a culinary conundrum we face each day, both equally satisfying to our senses. We are sure that many of you faithful readers can relate to this silly sentiment. Take a moment to unwind, kick back, and immerse yourself in the world of feline whimsy. Not everyone has the pleasure of such indulgence, but for us fortunate few, let's savor every meme-worthy moment. Enjoy the feast of cat-themed delights! Tasty and humorous. 


'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 08:00

This couple got some exceptionally good revenge on their petty HOA manager

What are HOAs good for? Well, they're supposed to be used for things like telling your neighbors not to leave their trash cans on the street 24/7, or telling people not to park on the sidewalks. Instead, a lot of HOA organizations try to enact their own petty rules. These rules don't benefit anyone but them! 

This person, u/houseofnim, has been having an issue with fitting their vehicles on their property. With two pickup trucks, they'd been having trouble finding a way to park them without stepping on the HOA's toes. Instead of finding, like, actual problems in the neighborhood to address, the HOA has fixated on their truck parking. However, one person in the comments noted that as a wheelchair user, having clear access to sidewalks is paramount. So at least the HOA is preventing that by insisting the trucks be parked in a specific way. 

Next up, this corporal got shipped out to the Arizona desert, got into a tiff with their commanding officer, and suddenly found themself having to do all night shifts

Wholesome Pics Of Ravenous Kitties Diving Into Delectable Feline Feasts with Messy Gusto

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 08:00

Hey there, cat lovers and feline enthusiasts. Have you ever seen a cat diving into their food with messy gusto? We have. It's no surprise that cats and kittens often end up with food smeared across their faces. After all, lacking thumbs makes mastering the art of eating a messy endeavor. And as for napkin etiquette? Well, let's just say they haven't quite grasped that concept yet, leaving them at a bit of a disadvantage in the manners department.

Despite all that, we can still appreciate the silliness of our favorite messy eaters. Caught in the aftermath, they sport expressions ranging from confusion to guilt, showcasing their adorable yet clumsy antics. Today, as our stomachs growl in unison, it seems we're not alone in our hunger. The cats featured in this endearing collection share our sentiments. For any cat owner, navigating the complexities of feline behavior is a daily adventure. Despite their occasional jerk-like behavior, there's an undeniable allure to fulfilling their whims. And when it comes to food, well, let's just say they're not shy about expressing their cravings. 


Worker asks for a raise, gets fired instead: 'We're terminating your contract'

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 07:00

"The worst they can say is no." A piece of advice oft given to someone teetering on the precipice of uncertainty, deciding whether or not to make a request of someone from whom rejection is almost certain. It's the sort of tip that a friend gives you when you're agonizing about whether or not to ask out your crush who is way out of your league; they probably know you have no shot but they just want you to get it over and done with, and realize that the fact that you're going to be rejected isn't reason enough to not ask at all…

Of course, as it turns out, there are a whole lot of worse and more humiliating responses that you could get that stretch beyond a simple no. When you actually stop to think about it "No." is almost one of the better results. In the case of the workplace, this advice is often given to friends or family who are thinking about asking for a raise at their place of work. Heck, it's advice that I've more than likely given myself. You never know until you ask and what are they going to do… fire you?

Unfortunately, yes. Ask the wrong employer for a raise and they might think of any number of possible reasons why they think you're overreaching, ungrateful, or at risk of leaving anyways. No matter, while getting fired undoubtably stinks, you probably didn't want to work there anyways. 

25 Uplifting Funny Memes Of Cats Being Complete And Total Derps

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 07:00

If there is one thing that we learn very quickly as cat owners, it's that cats are complete and total derps. Yes, each and every one of them. Even the most intelligent cats will, every once in a while, run into a wall or get mad at themselves for getting stuck in something they should not have been touching in the first place. Every cat has its derpy moments, and we, as their owners, live for these moments. 

Say whatever you want about having cats, but they bring nothing but joy into our lives, and every meowment of complete and utter chaos is worth it. We miss our cats each and every moment that we are not with them. The only thing that comes anywhere near second to spending time with our cats… is laughing at funny cat memes behind our coworkers' backs while we're sitting in the office and should be working. Which is what we're doing right meow. And what you're about to do in a moment. Have a pawnderful day, everyone! 


‘No, it's mine': Teenager wins $1000 in town raffle, father and new wife demand she give it all to them

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 06:00

As a teenager, winning prizes in a raffle is super cool. You get to buy all those things your parents won't give you or the clothes and jewelry they can't afford. But what if your parents need the money more than you do? What then? Well, I guess it really depends on the situation. And this particular situation feels really unfair considering adults need to own up to their actions and face the consequences.

One teenager won $1000 in a town raffle, which she was really excited about. Her biological mother urged her to spend it to her heart's content. But her stepmother, aka her father's new wife, thought otherwise. Scroll down to read the unfortunate series of events that left the teenager feeling very guilty and at a loss for what to do. Then when you're finished reading the audacity of this woman, check out these hilarious work memes for overworked employees with the Monday blues…

Cringeworthy Cat Names That Are Actually Totally Adorable And Not Strange At All: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 06:00

One of the most beautiful things that we get to experience every time we adopt a new cat is… getting to name them. A meowgical moment. A moment that will have ramifications for the rest of the cat's life. A moment… that needs to be taken as non-seriously as possible. Oh yeah, naming a cat is something that you should do with nothing but joy. Follow your heart. Give your cat the best name that you can think of, whether it's a name that makes sense or not. 

We, as cat owners, give our cats the funniest names possible - we give cats the most absurd names, and we give them aggressively human names, and sometimes, we give them inappropriate names, and no matter what happens, we do not regret it. Because you know what, silly as it may be, spending an entire cat's lifetime walking around, yelling for Rue McClawdahand and Sal Minmeow to stop eating plastic is worth every second. 


'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 05:00

It's not easy for the Karens of the world to follow rules. They tend to operate according to their own flawed and delusional sense of reality and ethics. So when this Karen employee was told to follow a specific set of rules when setting up her new work email and she didn't like the fact that she couldn't name her password after her generic dog's name, she decided to do away with the rules entirely and do what she wanted instead.

Unfortunately for her, she would learn the consequences of those actions. Unfortunately for the company, their entire inbox of confidential information would be put at risk. That's because it did not take long for Karen's emails to be hacked. She tried to place blame on anyone else that she could, especially the IT worker who tried to walk her through the problem. He shared his side of the story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. 

Keep scrolling below for the fallout and for the subsequent update about what this Karen is up to now. For more stories like this, check out this post about a manager who disrespected a student worker's hours. 

A purrfessional model

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 05:00

''Please return home and shave [your beard]'… I never went back': 15 Employees who quit a new job faster than you can say 'OSHA'

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 04:00

There are moments in our lives when we have pristine clarity about our careers. It's rare, but when you get that gut feeling to run away from the workplace (not the dreaded, 'I don't feel like going to work today' feeling, but a REAL gut feeling), it's time to listen up. They say that our instincts are designed to protect us from harm, so when the red flags are waving, the managers are screaming, and our coworkers give us a sheepish look, perhaps it's time to quit onsite. 

Working folks in our next few stories are some of the few who got outta dodge just in time to avoid a toxic workplace, quitting the second they smelled trouble brewing at the office, in the store, or even on the streets. Scroll to read some entertaining work tales of people who quit their jobs almost the moment they stepped through the threshold, simply because vibes were abysmally terrible. 


LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 18:00

Friends furrever

LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 17:00

The Purrfect Package Of Feline Fun Featuring 24 Cute Cats Turning Boxes Into Their Cozy Kingdom

LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 16:00

Cats are the true masters at bringing cuddly joy into our lives, but their mastery doesn't end there, when it comes to cats and boxes they take this artistry to a whole new level.  No matter how soft and comfy the bed we provide, they'll always choose the cardboard castle over luxury linens!

It's just like an endless game of hide-and-seek, where each box is a potential fun zone. Whether it's a tiny shoebox or a giant moving box, none are safe from their curiosity and creativity. They'll wiggle into the tightest spots, twisting themselves into funny shapes just to rule their cardboard castle. And let's not forget the sheer determination they exhibit when it comes to conquering a new box. It's a sight to behold as they pounce, wiggle, and wiggle some more until they've claimed their cozy spot. So here's to celebrating these cute and cuddly champions of cardboard comfort, reminding us that sometimes the simplest pleasures in life are our awwdorable feline friends.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Employee gets passed over for promotion in favor of a coworker they trained: 'I'm baffled, I have many years [of] experience'

Fail Blog - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 15:00

When you've shown your superiors how well you can train new hires, you'd usually expect that you would be first up for promotion—after all, one can only train and teach effectively once they have mastery over that which they are teaching. But this isn't always the case… There are a number of untold reasons why your boss might not consider you for an open management position or even to be future management material. Some of these reasons might have substance, while some of them might be completely unfair and off base. 

Without a doubt, the journey to promotion is murky, doesn't have any clear path, and usually has more to do with your relationships than actual aptitude or proficiency. Those who ascend the fastest up the management structure will usually be the ones who go out of their way to build relationships within the team and management… Sometimes, prioritizing this over doing any of their actual work. Still, as long as their communication is valued and their lack of work ethic goes unregnized you can probably count on them being your boss the next time a position up the chain opens up. 

This worker shared their frustration at having been passed up for promotion in favor of someone they had trained with this popular online workplace community. Readers shared their sympathies, thoughts, and advice in the comments, which you can see in the images below.

Invasive And In Your Face Cat Memes To Get You Ready For The Work Week

LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 15:00

Welp, there is little denying it at this point in the day, we are well and truly on our way to the work week. So in lieu of keeping those intrusive work-related thoughts at bay, we are leaning in with this list of invasive and in your face cat memes to get you ready for the working week. Because, as we all know, invasive and in your face is the only way the working world knows how to operate.

From the kooky kitten who has consumed too many energy drinks and is now going to go on a rampage through the office, to the all too honest cat doing his best impression of that one person in the office who has no filter, to the facetious feline doing his best toxic boss impression, to the curious cat lurking in the background of the office watching the drama unfold. These funny and feisty felines are the purrfect lighthearted preparation for the coming work week.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Guy gets spicy revenge on thieving neighbors stealing his peaches by boobytrapping the fruit: 'Carolina Reaper, you know, to deter pests'

Fail Blog - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 14:00

Being a gardener is tough work. While the fruits of your labor are always the sweetest, it goes without saying that edible gardens are fickle beasts. That's why, once your trees start to sprout some delicious fruits, home gardeners can get a little protective. Well, the guy in our next story surpassed 'protective' and went completely nuclear on a family of thieves that he found were repeatedly coming onto his property to steal his peaches. 

Can we blame him?

At first, he thought he had ordinary pests like squirrels, birds, or other vermin, but when he found out it was the lady next door (along with a gaggle of kids) robbing him of his hard-earned sweet peaches, he decided to get a little revenge. By boobytrapping the peaches with the juice of a Carolina Reaper pepper, he'll effectively teach the thieves a spicy lesson. 

Scroll for the entire story of how one man used guerrilla tactics to stop a thief in their tracks–most likely by making them scrounge for a cold glass of milk.

25 Cute Cat Pictures To Ensure You Have A Super Sweet Sunday

LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 14:00

Meow, purr, you lovely feline aficionados. The weekend is still upon us, technically, and while the worries of the work week might be starting to slowly seep in, it is not time to give into them just yet. So to help you stay on course of a wonderful weekend, we have got this collection of 25 cute cat pics to ensure you have a super sweet Sunday. That way, you will get to start Monday with a sugary sweet taste in your mouth.

From the white fluff ball living its best box life, to the single brain celled orange catto showing off his hilarious hipster hat, to the brave Bengal stopping to smell the flowers in the cherry blossom tree, to the cute cuddling cat couple, to the very confused void who tried to drink a bucket hat. These sweet and funny felines are the purrfect antidote to the incoming and invasive thoughts of the work week, so take a moment to keep them at bay for a little while longer.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

Fail Blog - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 13:00

Of course, we want our friends' weddings to be joyful and stress-free, but the reality of the matter is there's always something unexpected. Most of the time, it's minor and something everyone can laugh at in the moment or a few weeks down the road. However, every so often, some revelatory piece of information is uncovered that becomes a point of no return for the couple.

Luckily, I have yet to witness this kind of madness occur at a friend's wedding. However, last year, I had the great fortune (or misfortune, depending on how you look at it) of having to attend seven weddings all across the country. It felt like Seven Weddings and My Funeral, though somehow I came out alive and so did all of the couples. There were a few dramatic moments: family drama, weird uncles, poor organizing, etc. However, based on the following wedding stories, I never realized how lucky all my friends were that their weddings did not end up like these did.

Keep scrolling below for the full anecdotes. When you're done, check out these top Dad Jokes of the week.

Clawminal Video Of Karate Cat Trying To Teach Martial Arts For Your Sunday Scroll

LOL Cats - Sun, 05/05/2024 - 13:00

A sweet Sunday to you, our dear feline loving readers. We are glad to have you back with us once again from some calamitous cat content and today, as you might have guessed from the title, we have got quite the special feline for you to feast your eyes on. This clawminal video of a karate cat trying to teach his hooman martial arts is the purrfect addition to your Sunday scroll. Combining the cuteness of a cat getting kung-fuy and the clawmianl-ness of the cat taking things too far, as per usual.

It is a complex situation to say the least, as the cat in question had good intentions, trying to help his hooman get in shape. However, as often happens with best laid plans, they go awry and upon giving his hooman a little demonstration clawminality erupts. We will let you enjoy this hilarious cat video without further spoilers and hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!


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