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LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 05:00

‘I told you so’: Kid unplugs computer during a thunderstorm to prevent it from frying, stepdad demands he plugs it back, then blames kid when the computer stops working

Fail Blog - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 04:00

Living in an area prone to storms surely teaches you a lot of life hacks and survival skills that other people don't know. If you don't want to lose half of your possessions and unreal amounts of money, you need to educate yourself and learn how to keep everything safe even when something like a hurricane or a thunderstorm hits your area. Some people, simply would not listen to advice about these matters, and when the consequences happen, they also refuse to admit they were wrong, but no one feels bad for them by that point.

Much like OP's (original poster) stepdad in this Reddit story, who let his ego get the better of him and ended up damaging his computer because of that. During a thunderstorm, OP unplugged his stepdad's computer, to prevent it from frying up due to a bolt of lightning. Stepdad refused to let OP do it, and insisted on his computer being plugged back. Guess what happened when he tried to turn the computer on the next day…

Scroll down to read the rest of the story. After you are done, click here for a story of an overworked employee who quit without notice.

A Silly Selection of Feisty Felines Enjoying Their Favorite Types of 'Trash' in Hissterically Heartwarming Thread Where Cat Owners Laugh Together at Their Kitties' Antics

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 20:00

Cats are quite the funny bunnies in the sense that they love 'trash' more than the very expensive toys that their kindhearted hoomans got them. Exhibit A: My cats Spock and Leo have a huge variety of terrific toys, ranging from tall scratching posts to colorful plush mice, to a four-layer turntable. They ignore every single one of those things and choose instead, to go after Q tips, hairbands, scrunched-up pieces of paper, and the sofa. Everything except the things that I buy them! Give them a carton box and they will love you forever. What can I say? It's sort of annoying but also adorable. Everything they do is cute. I can't win.

Below you can read about a hissterical cat thread where pet owners share their funny feline's antics. If you have a cat, you are bound to relate. Next, you can check out these wholesome before and after pics of a cute stray that was collected by a kindhearted hooman.


37 Hissterical Cats Doing Funny Feline Things for Fluffy Feline Experts to Enjoy

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 19:00

Okay, we need to call up some fluffy feline experts because only they would know if these hissterical cat pictures portray typical kitty behavior.

My own smart critters, Spock and Leo, are probably the funniest cats in the entire world. Alright fine, I'm biased. But seriously, you should watch them go in my home. They sprint after each other like they're facing a tough deadline at work. Climbing the curtains is their idea of fun. Scooting around and toppling over furniture is their bread and butter. As for my couch, I don't even know what to do anymore… they love it way more than their (multiple) scratching posts. It's frustrating, but mostly, it's funny. These fluffy felines bring me so much joy into my otherwise quite grey life.

Scroll down for the funniest feline antics of the day, and then check out these parents who got a puppy for their newborn so that they could grow up with a fluffy friend! It worked out perfectly.



LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 18:00

Cwispy bacon

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 17:00

25 Meownificent Cat Memes To Kickstart The Week With Purrfect Pawsitivity

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 16:00

Just when we were getting into the whole relaxing mode Monday decided to appear again! Monday's can sometimes feel like ages away from those cozy weekend cuddles with our furry friends. We are all about shaking off those Monday blues and focusing on the pawsitiving things in our life! The purrfect Monday pick me up comes in the form of  feel-good cat memes. These funny feline pics are guaranteed to sprinkle some happiness into our Monday, wiping away any memories of the weekend.

Who needs a boring start to the week when we can kick things off with our lovable cat buddies  So, get set for a journey packed with laughs and moments that every cat owner can relate to. What better way to tackle Monday than with the adorable faces of our furry pals brightening up our screens? Let's soak up the good vibes and turn this Monday into one to remember! 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

30 People share the stupidest things they ever witnessed : 'I saw a woman ditch her stroller with the child inside because a bee was flying nearby'

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 15:00

During our time on this earth it's pretty safe to say that, even through sheer force of chance alone, we've each witnessed some darn ridiculous things. In the same way that an infinite number of monkeys hitting keys at random could reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare, meeting an infinite number of individuals in your life means that you'll inevitably witness something incredibly stupid. 

While these individuals might not be breaking any records or winning any awards (save but one) for their dazzling intellect, at least they've made their mark upon the world. There's a quote that gets attributed to all kinds of literary works and great minds, Ernest Hemingway among them, that goes something like this, "Every man has two deaths: when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name." These people have certainly left their mark, just maybe not in the way that they had pictured.

20 Fed Up Feline Memes And Pics For All You Hoomans Who Have Had Enough Of This Work Week

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 15:00

It might only be Monday, but with the way that life and the working week are, you would be wholly justified if you found yourself fed up with the working week already. The churn and burn of it all truly does lead to crushing burn out, but thankfully it is not without its respite and caveats. Namely, this list of 20 fed up feline memes and pics, the purrfect remedy for all you hoomans who have had enough of this work week.

From the catto who has given up on maintaining a pawsitive outlook and is entering his emo phase, to the burnt out feline passed out in the rafters, to the utterly ruined cat trying to cozy up in his blanket to spare himself from the ongoing tyranny of the world, to the angy kitten who simply had to let out his newly discovered frustrations, to the feline siblings who have resorted to clawminal behavior and will no longer be letting hoomans use the toilet. These frustrated felines are more than ready for the weekend to roll around again and we bet that you are too, so kick back for a bit and vibe with them.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'They left without me': Family leaves daughter behind when they go on vacation, texting photos of resort after weeks of radio silence

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 14:00

Forgetful parents are one thing, but when they fail to tell you they're going on vacation, that's a whole other can of worms.

I remember my parents once forgot to tell me that they were visiting my state. When I found out (via pictures on Facebook, mind you) I was absolutely livid. I could have taken time off to spend with them but instead, I was stuck on a big project and couldn't drop everything at the last second. Plus, I didn't even really want to see them at that point. How could they forget to mention such a big thing, or tell me when they arrived?

One person had a similar experience and posted the amusing (but also infuriating) story to r/mildlyinfuriating. Their parents had gone to a fancy resort, and texted some photos to the family group chat. The original poster was shocked. Scroll down to read how it all played out. 

Afterward, here are some hilarious memes for overworked employees with the Monday blues.

Hilarious Video Of Orange Cat Clawminality To Make You Grateful To Be In The Office Today

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 14:00

Monday is here, and it has landed like an orange cat who got in a fight with the ceiling fan. And lo and behold our dear feline loving friends, the orange cat in question is the very cat featured in this very list. We hope you have managed to seek shelter from the madness of Monday thus far and if not then we have got quite the clawminal cat video to help you appreciate your better fortune than this single brain celled cat's pawrent.

And with that, allow us to present you with this hilarious video of orange cat clawminality to make you grateful to be in the office today. From bullying bites, to tenacious terror upon all food items hung high or low, to lamp shade spelunking, to casual gardening and laundry services. This orange cat is quite the handful. Which makes sitting in your catless, temperature controlled office feel a bit better than being subjected to such madness.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Entitled Karen blocks dude's driveway during school pickup, he blocks her right back: 'Ma'am I live here and I'd like to get into my garage'

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 13:00

This lady was asking for trouble. She was picking up her kid from school and decided to park on a neighbor's driveway. Now according to the neighbor, who shared this thread on the r/pettyrevenge subreddit, it is quite common for parents to back into his driveway during pickup as it can get especially crowded at that time. He is normally ok with this, as it seems to come with the territory of living across the street from a school.

However, this time, the Original Poster was on his way home when he saw the entitled Karen blocking his garage. He politely asked her if she could move, at least temporarily, so he could park in his garage but she refused. Now, there was not much he could do at this point because he was blocking traffic so he decided to squeeze his car into his own driveway, blocking her car in the process. Then came the real petty revenge. At this point, the Original Poster went into his house for a "quick" bathroom trip and while he was using the facilities, the woman's kid arrived and she was ready to leave. Unfortunately, though, she couldn't because his cat was blocking hers from pulling out. She waited and waited and waited while he took his sweet time. That, folks, is what happens when you make things harder for someone else. You never know how they can make things harder for you in return.

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more tales of petty revenge, check out this story about a tenant's payback on an intrusive landlord.

Spicy And Relatable Memes Of Cats Who Can’t Catch A Break This Work Week

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 13:00

Welp, it is most certainly here dear feline loving hoomans, Monday hath arrived. The weekend is over and done with, and now we have to face up to the worries and woes, the to's and fro's of the working week. So to help you get things off to a hopefully slightly better start, we wanted to share with you this collection of spicy and relatable memes of cats who can't catch a break this work week, and it is only Monday.

From the sad kitty who wants to know if he can't catch a break because he is ugly, to the sweet feline who has been belittled, to the clawminal cat who has great plans to conquer the world, to the cute kitten who still has not quite grasped the concept of being on the internet, to the cat who lives the life of a fork in a soup bowl. These spicy cat memes are going to be either wholly relatable or a welcome reminder that you are doing ok so far this week, we wish you luck.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'You have decided to fire me? Miss your wedding dinner tasting then!': Phone kiosk worker makes their final day of work as annoying as possible for boss

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 12:00

This worker noticed a tiny mistake in their work schedule, but since it was their last day, there was no way they were going to tell the boss about it. 

Whether you've given your two weeks' notice to your job, or you've been let go by your company, those last few days or hours of work are special. You only have a few more hours where you'll be around your coworkers and bosses. You'd better make it count! This phone kiosk employee, u/Likawaii, knows that firsthand. 

The worker shared that not only were they fired, but to add insult to injury (literally) they were let go due to absences related to a hospital stay. They had to miss work for one day because they were in the hospital. Their bosses decided that since they were a new employee, it was time for them to go. Instead of giving them a chance to prove themself as an employee, those bosses decided it'd be easier to hire someone new. As this worker tells it, they managed to give their terrible manager an equally terrible final day at work

Next up, this tourist booked a couple of hotel rooms during the beach's busy season, then called the front desk to gloat about how he'd cancelled on them. 

Fluffy And Frazzled Giant Maine Coon Kittens Escape Confinement And Cause Complete Chaos (Video)

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 12:00

Maine Coon cats are majestic. They are large and in charge. Just look at them. Look at any photos of Maine Coon cats, and you will immediately see what we mean. These are the kind of cats that would rule a city with an iron fist, without mercy, and without any dissent. No one would dare say a word to defy them, because if they did, they would have to face the full magnitude of the fluff and the size and the deadly stare of the Maine Coon cat. 

But Main Coons don't start this way. It takes them a while to achieve this majestic status. They have to go through some stages. They start as frazzled, dazzled and befuddled Maine Coon kittens. Then, they go into the awkward teenage Maine Coon cat phase. Then, and only then, do they achieve their royal status. But not today. Today, we go back in time to enjoy their chaotic kitten stage of life. 


'My sugar free soda has sugar in it': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 6, 2024)

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 11:00

It's hard not to be affected by the many inconveniences life can throw in your general direction. It's not easy to go with the flow and to move on from something that totally thwarted your plans. Whether it's learning the subway has been delayed a fully 20 minutes or finding out that the gift you ordered for your Mom's birthday arrived with imperfections, these mildly infuriating moments can only be overcome with humor and commiseration. Otherwise, your head might explode from frustration alone.

This week's top mildly infuriating moments, according to these exasperated individuals, include folks who misbehave on public transit, lame fast food orders, bad parking jobs, and poorly installed hotel fixtures. Keep scrolling below for the full collections and feel free to share your own similar experiences in the comments section as well. 

For more content like this, take a look at this compilation of this past week's top Dad Jokes.

Crabby Collection of 30 Memes for Cranky Kitties With Cantankerous Purrsonalities Championing the Art of Being Purrfectly Grumpy

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 11:00

Hey, I Can Has-ers and grumpy cats - we know we don't need to tell you, but it's Monday meowrning. We can feel your crankiness from here, and we get you. We woke up on the wrong side of the litter box today and no amount of catnip and ear scratches can make our day better. Nobody likes Monday mornings, especially when we have to leave our kitties at home and go back to the office. Misery makes good company, so let's enjoy some hissterical memes for cranky kitties that are championing the art of being purrfectly grumpy!

These cantankerous kitties match our vibe purrfectly. You might even find yourself cracking a smile amidst your grumpy disposition! We can't stop Mondays from coming, but we can at least enjoy being around other fellow cats and their disdain for life. Have a very grumpy Monday!


Hiring manager expects employee to beg for the job, employee refuses, manager promises to ensure the candidate never works in the industry again

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 10:00

The business world is not always kind. In order to attract the attention of potential employers, you must not only stand out from the competition but also outperform every other application seeking the exact same position. In other words, your only options are to play and win the corporate game or to fail horribly. To put it plainly, the game is tedious and never-ending.

An employee who was taken aback is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) has been actively participating in the business game for some time now. So when a potential employer showed interest in his experience and qualifications, he thought he owed it to himself to at least hear what they had to say. However, following a brief conversation with the hiring manager, OP came to the conclusion that he wouldn't be a good fit and politely declined. Despite this, rather than receiving OP's rejection with grace, the recruiting manager took it personally and vowed to make his career as challenging as possible.

Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning more about what was actually said! Additionally, after reading the story, don't forget to read the one about the hotel guest who boasts of always getting his way and demands a complete refund following an enjoyable stay!

'That's no regular cat': Helpful Hooman Bean Rescues Homeless Kitten From the Highway, Turns Out the Wholesome Scrawny Stray is a Wild Fuzzy Firecracker

LOL Cats - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 10:00

Happy Monday, I Can Has-ers and feline enthusiasts. There are so many cats that need our help out there and we love writing about all the wholesome heroes who take time out of their days to rescue them. The helpful hooman bean in this post was cruising down the highway when he found none other than a tiny kitten in the middle of the lanes! Poor thing must have been so scared, so he scooped him up and took him to safety. However….

The more he looked at this cute kitten, the more he understood that something was strange. His wholesome, scrawny stray had a mighty roar, and he realized that this "not my cat" was not one to keep as a pet. He contacted the appropriate rescue agency and got this wild, fuzzy firecracker into the appropriate care. Scroll down to see the full story and see what surprise this tiny baby had in store!


'Mostly I just laugh and wave at the screen': Tech support employee shares ridiculous customer stories from the call center trenches

Fail Blog - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 09:00

Working at a call center that deals with computer support can be pretty tough. You get calls from all sorts of people throughout the day, and this employee has the stories to prove it. Once a customer gets transferred from customer support to him, his job in tech support allows him to access a customer's computer remotely to provide assistance on whatever they need. The guy who does this job has seen it all - from older customers who took 40 minutes just to set up a Gmail account to entitled customers who think they can fix the problem themselves, even while they're on a call with tech support. Can you imagine tapping into a stranger's laptop and the kinds of things you might accidentally stumble upon? It's a challenging job, to say the least, having to deal with frustrated customers who just want their computers to be up and running again. Keep scrolling below to read about some of the most ridiculous calls he's had while on the job. And if you want to read about other employee insights on the job, check out this next: 25+ Employees share what their job doesn't allow them to tell customers: 'Black Friday sales are not really sales.'


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