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Silly and Scrumptious Cat Memes to Get You to Friday By Adding Some Hissterical Fuel to Your Feisty Fire

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 10:00

Hey, kitty connoisseurs. It's Wednesday, which means that we're officially halfway through the week, but if we're being purrfectly honest, we wish it was already Friday! We're yearning like a cat yearns for tuna for the sweet smell of Friday, meaning that the weekend is only a few hours away. These two days ahead of us seem like a lifetime, but lucky for us, we've got a whiskery treat for anyone in need (including us) - some silly and scrumptious cat memes to get us to Friday by adding some hissterical fuel to our feisty fire!

These super silly feline funnies are here to renew your energy and get you to the end of the week without so much as a scratch. Feel the serotonin flowing through your veins as you scroll through cat meme after cat meme, giggling the day away and making you smile so you can tackle anything life throws at you. You can do it - we believe in you! And if you can't, there are always cat memes to help!


'[The seller] shrugged, laughed, and said it wasn't his problem': Yard sale turns dramatic when a shopper's 'pile' gets sold to someone else, so he de-fames the entire operation as revenge

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 09:00

If you're an upcycler, a trinket-lover, or an antique aficionado, you've probably perused a garage sale or two. The thrill of a real-life treasure hunt is a visceral experience and the satisfaction you feel when you find just the perfect item is priceless. However, there are rules in the scavenging business–and when garage sale etiquette is breached, there could be some expensive consequences. 

The garage sale shopper in our next story was confronted with a dilemma after shopping around a decent yard sale. Buried deep in the sticks away from the street, the original poster (OP) only found the garage sale because of a series of signs leading from the street. Once he arrived, he noticed a few shoppers and a lot of great finds to purchase, so he started a pile of things he was going to buy. 

Well, even after being asked to protect those items from being sold off to someone else, the seller decided to get a quick buck from another buyer, selling the man's pile with no remorse. Keep scrolling to read the entire story of how this petty neighbor got some good revenge on a seller who didn't respect the rules of the yard sale.

Cats With Jobs: Functional Fluffy Felines Putting in the Work to Bring Home the Fancy Feast

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 09:00

Hey, pals. When I was a kid, my parents taught me that if there are goals in this life I want to achieve or material goods I want to buy, I would have to work hard to create this reality for myself. Hard work is a value lost on a lot of today's kids, as the world gets easier and more accessible, the value of good old-fashioned work has been pushed to the side, somewhat.

Well, not for the fancy felines we are featuring today. These cute cats most definitely learned a thing or two about an honest day's work from their parents, or should we say 'purrents' too. Hard work is the key to success, of course, it does not hurt to have a helping hand or two along the way. But at the end of the day, we all want nice things. Not all of us want to do the work towards attaining those nice things. The functional fluffy felines we are featuring today are here to teach today's youth a lesson about privilege! 


'Out of touch with reality': Customer tries to order 800 pieces of chicken and 5 sheet cakes with zero advance notice

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 08:00

Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my end, as a wise person once said. That won't stop some people from doing that anyway, as this bakery worker was surprised to discover. 

While event planning, there's a lot to consider. Who should be invited? Where will the venue be? What kinds of decorations will we need? And of course, what will everyone be eating? That last one is pretty important. Having quality food can make or break an event. I'm sure we all remember a wedding we went to where the food was inedible, and everyone had to get fast food on the way home from the event. Sometimes people don't bring enough food, meaning that the first people in line have a healthy serving of dinner, while people at the back of the line are stuck with scraps. 

This person seemingly forgot to order her food until the very, very last minute. It's one thing to run out to the store to grab a last-minute container of ice cream or a birthday cake. It's another to request that a grocery store fulfill your massive order on the spot. Hopefully this person will learn her lesson, and the next time she has an event, she can plan her menu month or two in advance. 

After you check out this quick story below, have a laugh at these stories of pranks that people pulled on their most gullible coworkers

Purrfectly Feline Friendly Cat Memes and Gifs For A Meowrific Good Time

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 08:00

Hey, cool cats. Life is tough, aint it? Why can't we get paid to sit pretty and pet cats? Darn bills, darn expenses, and darn capitalism! Over here at the ICanHasCheezbuger editorial office, our talented staff of editors lovingly refer to themselves as 'crazy cat people' and I think we should get paid for carrying this title alone. But hey, I don't make the rules around here, it's probably for the best. 

Anyway, after a long day of sifting through cat memes, we head home and give our cats a million little forehead kisses before settling down on the couch for our evening routine- more cat memes and hilarious cat videos. All we've got to do is whip out our trust phones and head on over to the site that we've spent the better part of the day writing content for, and indulge in all of the feline goodness present. Then we turn the TV on and pull up YouTube. We type in 'funny cat videos' and yeah we are entertained for the evening until it's time for bed. Get into it. 


Popular MMORPG account hacker learns a valuable lesson: 'An hour later my friend had his account back'

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 07:00

It's hard to think that anyone who played Runescape in the 00s walked away without ever having their account hacked. It was kind of a given that one day you'd log on and find your character in an unfamiliar place completely stripped of all their possessions.

It was a fitting thing to have happen in game set itself apart from other MMOs with the brutality of your character losing everything they were holding upon death. The social dynamics of the game itself with it's untethered player to player trading taught valuable lessons in trusting strangers when the internet was still in it's infancy… While we might have lost our first set of Rune Plate armor, I promise you that no one who fell for an "armor trimming" scam in 2005 is ever going to fall for a phone or email phishing scam in 2024.

So having your account hacked was a rite of passage of sorts, a bleeding of the games unforgiving mechanics and social dynamics out into the real world. But that didn't stop us from wanting to teach the little jerks who had hacked our accounts some very valuable lessons too… 

This poster claims to have done exactly that, turning the tables on the kid who hacked his account and teaching him the reason of real life consequences.

Person Finds Out That They Were Unknowingly Underfeeding Their Cat, Causing Him To Be Aggressive Around Food, Now Feels Guilty And Conflicted

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 07:00

People look at cats and think that they are low-maintenance animals. All they need is for you to give them some food and water, clean their litterbox, and pet them every once in a while, whenever they deem you worthy of such an act. And while, to an extent, that's true, cats do love their independence, you, as their owner, have so, so much that you need to know. 

Over time, as a cat owner, you learn things like the importance of playing with your cat, and you learn why using squirt bottles can be harmful sometimes, and you learn why cats bite their humans and what it means. Really, there is a whole lot to know, and although, we want to be as as purrfect as our cats, chances are that we will learn some of these things through mistakes. And that's okay. The most impurrtant thing is that we do our best and love our cats as hard as they deserve to be loved. 


‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 06:00

Indeed, family is precious, and you should make every effort to love and support them during good times and bad. But when will you be able to acknowledge that your family members might be taking advantage of you with their constant barrage of absurd demands?

The story that follows is written from the viewpoint of an angry sibling. The original poster (OP) and his brother did not share a close bond. Perhaps they were tight as children, but since OP embarked on his journey to adulthood, they've grown apart. At first, no one seemed to be concerned about the turbulent relationship between the two brothers, but things took a major turn for the worse once OP purchased his very first home. OP refused to live in the same household as his younger brother going forward, despite the intense pressure from his family to take care of him.

For this reason,  read the story below to learn why OP and his brother are no longer close and the specifics of what happened when OP declined his brother's offer! Lastly, don't forget to read the story about the recruiting manager who gets upset when a candidate doesn't beg him for the position!

Funny Cat Memes To Scroll Through While Ignoring Your Alarm Ringing This Morning

LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 06:00

Ugh, another day, another morning, and the sound of the alarm clock going off is hurting our eardrums. Really, there is nothing that we want more than to stay in our beds for a little while longer and just stare at funny cat memes all day long. Nothing. Going to work? Yeah, no, thank you. But we have to. And we will. Because we are grown responsible adults, and grown responsible adults have to go out of the house to make money to make sure that their cats stay as spoiled as they deserve to be. After five more minutes of scrolling through cat memes in bed. 

Hey, staying in bed for another five minutes to laugh at silly cat memes counts as productive in our minds! It means getting out of bed with a smile and a laugh and feeling pawsitive about the rest of the day. It means starting the day on the right paw, and that's heckin' impurrtant. 


'Take 1.5 month's rent from me? Lose a year's rent!': Landlord tries to evict tenant to turn his apartment into an office, tenant uncovers scheme

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 05:00

Standing up to your landlord is not an easy task. Most of us give in because we have no other option. However, every so often in a landlord-tenant dispute, the tenant comes out on top, and it's usually because of two reasons. The first is that the tenant was admirably relentless in their pursuit of at least some semblance of justice. The second is that the landlord was clumsy and incompetent.

This tenant was kicked out of their apartment wrongfully because the landlord's wife wanted to use that unit as an office. The tenant knew this was wrong but gave in anyway and ended up renting another unit in the same building. During the move-out process, the landlord kept insisting that the tenant clean up certain areas of the apartment, and after complying, the tenant still received very little money back from their security deposit. Again, the tenant caved and let the landlord win. However, as time went on, the tenant started to notice that their old apartment was not being kept in a strong condition at all. This became the straw that broke the camel's back after having to do so much clean-up for the landlord's wife. Cue petty revenge!

Keep scrolling below to see how the other tenants in the building found out about the landlord's behavior and how he ended up losing a full year's worth of rent. For more stories like this, check out this post about an entitled Karen's comeuppance.


LOL Cats - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 05:00

‘Either move or I’ll move you': Woman on flight demands passenger give up his seat after learning the airline double-booked the spot, leading to a dispute when flight attendant steps in

Fail Blog - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 04:00

When people find themselves in an unfortunate position in which they have to deal with an entitled person while being stuck in the air with them, it is always intriguing to see what they do to manage the situation. On the one hand, some people make it impossible to talk to them, because they think they are always in the right and refuse to listen to other people. But on the other hand, you are going to be stuck on a plane with these people for probably hours, and if they are unhappy, they can make sure every single person on that plane is unhappy as well.

The person who wrote this Reddit story had to deal with an entitled lady but he did it so gracefully it was actually inspiring. While boarding the plane, OP (original poster) and this lady realized they were both assigned the same seat. Even though it wasn't the fault of either one of them, the lady demanded OP to get up and give her the seat. Not wanting to cause issues OP complied, only to have karma take care of the rest.

 Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a dad who learned a valuable lesson from his stepkid.

Pet Owners Warn Hooman to Cat Proof Their Balcony to Stop Fluffy Feline From Escaping, Amusing Discussion Regarding Kitty Safety Ensues

LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 20:00

Cats need a hooman babysitter to stop them from getting into trouble. If one allows their cute kitty out on the balcony, or in their backyard, they better make sure it is safe, because cats are one of the most agile critters that walk the planet. They can jump ridiculously high — much higher than you would assume. They can also turn themselves into goo — that's how they climb through small spaces. Or at least, that's what I assume. How else do they fit their big belly underneath a door?

One hooman took to r/blackcats to express their concern regarding their fluffy feline who loved the balcony, and looked like they were doing the math… you know which math. How far the ground is from the balcony. Luckily, the balcony is just two stories, but nonetheless, it's quite dangerous. Pet owners urged the hooman to cat-proof the balcony before letting the kitty out. Scroll down for the full amusing thread, and then check out these new parents who decided to get a puppy to grow up with their newborn. This resulted in a wholesome fluffy friendship.


A Whiskery Wonderland Full of Fluffy Feline Memes for Goofy Cats Who Love Their Hoomans

LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 19:00

Howdy hoomans! We hope you had a wonderful weekend with your cuddly little kitten and that you are now well-rested and prepared to take on the week that lies ahead.

With our cute little cat curled up beneath the covers and not a care in the world, we had an incredible weekend. As a way to pay tribute to our little fuzzball, the pinnacle of perfection, we have decided to gather some of the cutest cat memes we could possible get our paws on. As a result, if you're like us, and need a good laugh or two as you get ready for the demanding workweek, make sure to check out the memes below! Additionally, when everything is said and done, if you feel like you could use a little lighthearted fun after perusing the memes, don't forget to check out some more amusing cat memes that are sure to make your fluffy feline smile!


Fill'r up or else...

LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 18:00

And accurate

LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 17:00

26 Persian Purrfectionists Posing With Pawsitively Pawsome Playfulness For A Day Full Of Fluffy Furry Fun

LOL Cats - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 16:00

We have almost survived another weekday and what better way to celebrate than diving into the enchanting world of Persian cats and the delightful charm they bring to our lives? Our awwdorable feline friends are the masters of so many things including melting our hearts. Persian cats, in particular, have a special charm. From their cute faces to their thick, cuddly fur, they always manage to steal our hearts. 

Imagine waking up to charming kitties ready to snuggle up and make the day even cozier. Their fluffy coats and gentle purrs create a world of pure relaxation. As we sink into an awwdorable pile of fur and whiskers, all worries seem to fade away. These purrfectly precious moments of warmth and affection remind us of the simple joys in life. So, why wait for the weekend for cuddles when these Persian pals, have arrived to fill our day with feline charm?

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Hiking guide gets called out by her new boss for wearing only a sports bra, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Is it inappropriate to hike in a sports bra?'

Fail Blog - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 15:00

Appearance is important when it comes to your working life—well, really any time you're relying heavily on first impressions and social perception. It's an unfortunate fact that remains one all the same: The book is often judged by its cover. This extends past basic aesthetics of dress and into body language and the way we communicate, giving others a wholly inaccurate impression of our trustworthiness and competency for a role or task. To make matters worse, everyone has their own understanding of what is and isn't the norm and acceptable, as exemplified in this post and the discussion that followed… What some people might take to be the appropriate attire of a guide, others might see as inappropriate for the workplace. I guess the question is: Is she hiking or working? Or both? It stands to reason that one dresses appropriately for the activity they're partaking in.

This worker is employed by an outdoor adventure company that leads various outdoor excursions for groups, ranging from hiking to whitewater rafting. She usually guides hikes in the warm southeast US where she lives while wearing just a sports bra, which had never been an issue previously. However, recently, a new manager deemed her attire to be "inappropriate," leaving her uncertain about whether or not to make an issue of the new manager's comments or whether they might have a point.

She posted her story to this popular online workplace community where readers and community members weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.


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