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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 18 hours 52 min ago

'Teach that girl some manners!’: Grocery store karen offers father daughter duo unwelcome ‘advice’ while they wait in line for checkout, resulting in grocery store face off

Tue, 03/19/2024 - 04:00

Some folks enjoy stirring up strife and mayhem. We all know who these folks are, even though it may sound harsh. However, what do you do if you encounter those people? Do you give in so as to avoid a confrontation, or do you approach the Karen head-on with courage and confidence?

The story that follows relates to the account of a clever father who decides to confront the grocery store Karen directly. The Original Poster (OP) had visited a grocery store with his baby daughter. To pass the time while the small girl was in the store, they engaged in a harmless game of cart racing. However, Karen, an impatient grocery store client, heard and decided to chastise the father-daughter duo for their reckless conduct. But instead of keeping his cool in order to appease the conceited Karen, OP decided to take matters into his own hands and teach the challenging Karen a lesson!

That being said, if you're curious to find out how OP exacted revenge, be sure to check out the story below! Once you're finished, don't forget to read the story of the company that sent a random guy a client's personal information, only for the guy to cancel all of their scheduled appointments as payback for the inconvenience!

'Hand over all my tasks so you can get rid of me? Ok!': IT Manager successfully lands $200k payout when new boss plots their redundancy

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 15:00

Getting fired stinks, but tricking your new manager into firing you so that you can walk away to your new job with a generous redundancy payout has to be the best way to get let go from a position. That's what this employee managed to do, playing along with their new boss's apparent plot to get rid of them and ensuring that they qualified for a cushy redundancy payout that would see them well compensated.

When their new boss started, this IT Manager found themself the target, quickly realizing that their boss was plotting their removal from the company in order to put one of their cronies into their role. Since they anticipated trouble, they began to look for new jobs, quickly finding one just as their boss made their move. Luckily for the manager and unluckily for their boss, the reasons given for their firing qualified them for the company's generous redundancy package. 

'Brittany, you're beautiful-ish': 25+ Hilarious conversations people overheard

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 14:00

These people could hardly hold back their laughter after overhearing some odd conversations.

They say that kids say the darndest things, but so do adults who are chatting in public, thinking  that no one can hear them. It's one of life's joys to yap a little while you're on the subway or in an elevator. Maybe there are people around you, but they're strangers, so who cares if they overhear you?

When I am that stranger, I always listen in to other people's conversations. Maybe I'll never see you again, but now I know all about how your boyfriend told his mom that he isn't really that into you. Other times I've learned highly specific details about someone's terrible first date where she could barely get a word in edgewise. It's so tempting to listen in!

These people shared the funniest scraps of conversations they've ever overheard. From parents with their kids to teens gossiping with each other, hundreds of commenters shared their funniest tales.

Read through these hilarious anecdotes. Then, this hotel guest got the surprise of a lifetime when a maid entered their room and refused to leave without being paid

'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 13:00

They say every breakup is unique. That would be true if these anecdotes serve as any indication. 

Sure, there are the standard reasons why people split up: infidelity, different life goals, timing, location, etc. And then there are these folks who shared their breakup stories via the following r/AskReddit thread. Some of my favorites include the girl who was dumped because her now ex-boyfriend got a dog and realized he couldn't balance the two. Then, there is the person who got dumped because they were just 90 seconds late to dinner on a night of terrible traffic. And then there's the guy who was threatened by how intelligent his now ex-girlfriend was, so he broke up with her. And how could you forget the one who was dumped because they had bad posture?

Keep scrolling below for the full list. For more, check out these ridiculous things people actually said out loud.

'Millionaire CEO thinks hiring 3 nannies is relatable': 20+ Out of touch people who think they're normal

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 12:00

A lot of folks are not in touch with reality. They just live in their own blissful little bubble, unaware of life's hardships. These people are usually wealthy. Money can help you solve any problem, or ignore almost anything. Got kids? Hire three nannies! You're working too hard? Just take a long vacation and then earn more money! See, it's so easy!

On r/askreddit, u/mouldygoldie asked people to share the most severe cases of being out of touch with the world. There were some hilarious examples from people of all ages. One great one is the kid who was sent off to college in the 90s, and she started spending money left and right. She kept writing out check after check to pay for all of her bills. But apparently nobody told her what happened after a business owner cashed her check. She just thought she had unlimited funds since she was paying by check! Someone's going to need some financial education courses, stat. 

After you read through these very funny tales, check out the dude who explained that they hiked to the top of a mountain with their GF, left her there, and then watched a football game in their car while she climbed down the mountain

Employee finds manager's misspelled note about him in the printer: 'I called HR to report the absorbance'

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:00

Discovering your manager's failed attempt at disciplining you has got to be satisfying. Not only was this employee already over it and clearly prepared to find another job, but he also found his manager's write-up about him because it was left in the company printer. Let's just say that this so-called write-up was about as unintentionally comical as it could get.

First of all, it was full of typos. Second of all, it was full of malapropisms. For instance, when the manager wrote, "I called HR to report the absorbance," we assume he meant insubordination. Who really knows, though? It would be hard for HR to take this letter seriously even remotely because of how indecipherable the language is. The employee shared the letter via the following Reddit thread for our collective amusement.

Keep scrolling below to have a look for yourself. For more content like this, check out this post about an HOA Karen's annoying letter. 

'Fine, you wanna play rough? Let's do this': Entitled parents try to micromanage the Little League snack stand worker before getting a taste of sweet, sugary revenge

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 10:00

Parents always claim that they're rationing their kiddo's sugar intake for the sake of their child's dental health. It's for their own good, right? Well, we see right through you, Mom and Dad, the real reason you're cutting sugar from your kid's diet is because kids are completely insufferable when they're on a sugar high and unbearably cranky when they're on the come-down. 

Nobody knows this better than the seasoned worker at the Little League snack stand. In our next story, the wise ol' employee manning the delicious delights on the field gets a little bit of sweet revenge when the entitled parents in the league start to challenge their advice. 

You can scroll for the entire story that reminded a handful of mouthy goons that they don't always know what's best for their kiddo. Sometimes, saying 'no' to a kid in a candy store really is the wisest call. After this, here's another story of entitlement where a snarky mom decides to take advantage of her neighbor, assuming she'll get free childcare over the summer just because the lady next door is a teacher

'Just taking out the trash...': Man executes cunning plan to get back at neighbor who stole his parking space

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 09:00

A parking space can make or break your day. Because of this, there is no limit to the amount of effort one is ready to put in order to score a decent parking spot. Having said that, how would you react if someone tried to take over your parking spot? Would you fight to reclaim what is rightfully yours, or would you just accept defeat?

The next story tells the tale of a displeased man who has had his parking space snatched away. For more than a year, the Original Poster (OP) has been parked in the same spot. After a year, a new neighbor takes up residence in the building. The new neighbor didn't initially appear to be causing any issues, and everything was comparatively peaceful. But when OP's new neighbor began utilizing his parking space, everything changed. OP initially tried to talk sense into the neighbor's ear by pointing out that his car was parked in his space. However, after a number of fruitless attempts, OP decided to take matters into his own hands and exacted revenge on the entitled neighbor.

That being said, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning what happened between OP and the entitled neighbor as well as how OP got revenge! Additionally, after you're through, remember to read the story about the grocery store Karen that offers the father-daughter duo unwelcome 'advice' while they wait in line for check out!

'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 08:00

"I could not miss this game," admitted the guy who's probably about to get dumped.

This guy decided to post to r/AmItheA****** with a question: "AITA for abandoning my girlfriend on top of a mountain?" In case commenters felt hasty to judge, u/moneytreesplease clarified that they know their summary sounded bad, but "it wasn't even a big mountain." Well in that case, carry on. 

As a weekend hiker, this dude thought it'd be fun to get a quick hike in. Usually, they go alone, while their GF stays in. But on this Sunday, the GF decided to tag along. The main problem was that she wasn't really prepared to go on such a vigorous journey. This was no walk in the park: the original poster (OP) was going to hike to the peak of the mountain and back. And because this area was elevated, there was less oxygen the higher up the couple got, making the GF even more tired during the hike. 

While commenters had a variety of opinions, almost nobody wanted to side with the OP. Most people sided with the GF, and none of us would be surprised if she dumped the OP as fast as possible. 

Next up, this boss was so keen to flex his power to his employees that he ended up costing the company $6,000 in a single day

Boss demands insanely detailed leave requests before approving leave: 'If we're traveling he wants flight numbers and times'

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 07:00

It's only natural for your employer to be interested in what you spend your time doing while you're at work; after all, they're paying you for your time. Even then, there are reasonable limits to this, and some employers get carried away and happily track any and every bit of data possible to help them prove you're wasting time. It started with mouse trackers, which track the activity of the mouse and keyboard on your laptop; now, programs are even able to track where your eyes are on the screen thanks to constant video monitoring. Enthusiastic micromanagers may even keep track of how many times a day they use the bathroom and for how long. Before long, they'll be making you scan in to use the restroom, weighing you as you enter and exit to see if you've actually taken care of any "business."

Still, it stands to logical reasoning that your employer should not monitor your activities in your own time. Some try to do so anyway, attempting to monitor what employees are doing at home or attempting to block any leave requests they submit. 

This manager is a prime example, demanding that employees give intricate details about their plans when submitting requests for leave. Here's the thing about leave… you accrue and earn it, so you're entitled to take it—the whole point of the approval process isn't to monitor what workers are doing, but rather so that you know when workers are going to be gone.

See this short post, which was shared with this popular online community, below. 

Entitled mother gets shut down when the teacher next door refuses to babysit for free: ‘Just because I’m not AT school over the summer doesn't mean I'm your free childcare'

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 06:00

Teachers spend 9 months of the year drowning in screaming children, disciplinary action, and ungraded tests. By the time summer rolls along, they're just looking for a break from kids, a bit of peace n' quiet, and an incredibly stiff martini. With thin patience, thinning hair, and a dwindling sense of self, the last thing a teacher wants to hear is that they've been signed up to offer free childcare to their entitled neighbor. 

Sorry sweetie, but summer is sacred. 

'[I made] his plane ride as unpleasant as possible': Passenger gets back at the Kevin in front of him for yelling at a crying baby

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 05:00

People can get easily annoyed on flights, but some things are simply out of everyone's control. If you're stuck in the middle seat, people are going to have to use the bathroom and you will inevitably have to move. It's no one's fault; it's literally human nature. Similarly, if there is a baby on a plane, the baby is bound to get upset and cry. That's what babies do and it's not necessarily the parents' fault. You would be just like them in their situation, so keep that in mind before you start audibly sighing and getting upset yourself.

Just last month, I was seated directly behind two young parents and their one-year-old, who was on his first flight. There was shrieking, it was unpleasant, but we all did our best. On my return flight, guess who was seated just a few rows ahead? Of course, it was the same family, who tried their best to be gracious despite their child's tantrums. Sure, it was hard not to be annoyed but it is way easier to avoid starting fights than starting them. This Kevin could have learned this lesson before he turned multiple passengers on his flight against him.

Keep scrolling below to see how the woman behind him got her petty revenge. For more stories like this, check out this post about an HOA Karen who threw a fit over a tree house.

'She thought I wouldn't quit, but she was wrong': Employees Share Most Entertaining Micromanagement Stories

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 04:00

'I'm out of here!' — Or at least, that's what some brave employees say when their manager comes up with the next 'best' micromanaging thing to say. It's almost like managers don't get how they're hurting the company. They think that 'nobody wants to work these days' but they couldn't be further from the truth. See, people do want to work these days… They just don't want to work for you. Maybe if you'd be nicer and take your employees into consideration, they would. But that's too hard, right? Ego matters more for these managers. Do you have a manager like this, or are these posters alone in their misery?

Lots of people had unfortunate workplace experiences, which they shared on Reddit. Some people had managers tell them to come in on the day of a family member's funeral, while others denied them a vacation… There is something for everyone here. When you're done scrolling through this eye-rolling collection of micromanaging stories, you can check out these hilarious legal loopholes that may help you out one day when you're stuck in a rut.

'She fired me today [for bringing] this up': Boss reads employee's emails, writes responses impersonating them, fires them for calling her out

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 15:00

Agency is important in the workplace; people typically need to feel as if they have responsibility over a task in order to derive satisfaction from doing it. This is one of the most basic facts that someone managing a team should be aware of.

Sure, it's important that you know what's going on with your team, but that doesn't extend to the level of having comprehensive direct access to every last bit of their personal workplace communications. 

The point is that you have a certain level of trust that the people you've hired to do a job have the capability of doing that job. And, at a certain point, you need to be able to take a step back and accept that they have things handled. Still, this doesn't stop some micromanaging bosses from demanding full access to their employee's emails, interjecting their own thoughts on when and how an employee should be responding. 

This boss took things a step further, responding to their employee's emails and impersonating them—without telling the employee that they were doing so. Things came to a head when the worker called them out, seeking to resolve the issue along with others they had been experiencing. Instead of partaking in a constructive conversation, the boss fired them on the spot… See the employee's brief account of events below from a thread that they shared with a popular online community.

'Arguing with customers online always leaves a bad taste': Customer writes snarky BBQ review after owner insists they write one

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 14:00

A lot of diners only leave reviews for restaurants when things go wrong. Unless you're an avid foodie who documents their day-to-day eating via review writing, you probably only leave reviews when a place has wronged you. Maybe you leave one star for the Italian restaurant that served you microwaved noodles, or leave a warning for the next person to order from the coffee shop that gave you spoiled milk in your beverage. There are lots of times people have exceptional meals, but don't think to leave a five-star review. 

That can put restaurants at a disadvantage, and it's understandable why it would frustrate a restaurant owner to only receive negative feedback. However, it seems like the owner of one BBQ joint is notorious for squabbling with customers who leave negative reviews of his place. But he's also the one demanding they leave a review in the first place… Commenters found the situation very funny, and noted that this owner will have to learn some etiquette at some point. Until then, he'll just keep on arguing with customers who are certainly never going back to that BBQ place. 

Next up, check out these fashionable flops, like some custom slug boots or some nails painted and designed to look just like realistic teeth. 

'They always say that daylight savings is such a great idea. I give it six months': Top Dad Jokes of the Week (March 17, 2024)

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 13:00

Sometimes, you have to give your dad the benefit of the doubt. Most of the time, he is just trying to get a rise out of you, so don't be too annoyed when his humor doesn't exactly land. He's trying. Much like Ken from Barbie, he's just Dad.

This one goes out to all the fathers who are just trying to be more than the chauffeur who takes his kids to soccer practice. He knows his role but he wants to find a little bit of agency by cracking a corny joke he's been workshopping in his head over the last couple of days. He asks if he can tell his little joke and everyone rolls their eyes, but he decides to go for it anyway. Of course, it's a classic Dad joke: a slightly dated play on words that's so cheesy it elicits a guffaw or two from his family, despite their vehement desire not to chuckle. 

Keep scrolling below for this brand new collection of Dad jokes. For more content like this, check out these crazy things people actually said out loud.

'Yet another new manager facing the consequences': New boss costs company $6000 in one day after making employees listen to long-winded speech

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 12:00

Some people just love to hear the sound of their own voices. Doesn't matter what the topic is, or if it's even appropriate for them to be yapping: some people just can't help themselves. 

These days, lots of offices are switching from remote work back to office work. For micromanagers, not having their employees in the office is a missed opportunity to boss them around. They get to feel empowered as they peer over your shoulder every few minutes. But many employees love to work remotely (for the exact opposite reason). They can work in the privacy of their own home, without ever having to worry about Greg from finance popping over to make sure they're still working hard while eating a microwaved lunch. 

This manager not only told his team to come into the office instead of Zooming in, but he then made them listen to eight hours' worth of speeches about himself. What a bore! That might be the fastest and easiest way to become the office workers' #1 nemesis. 

Read the entire tale from u/Absurd-n-Nihilistic below. Then, these people had a few questions that left the people around them speechless, like one customer who requested to "pay cash over the phone." 

Boss insists employee stay late for no reason, employee gets paid overtime to do nothing: 'There was literally nothing left for me to do'

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 11:00

It should not be revelatory that the number of hours one spends at the office is completely separate from the amount of work one completes. Productivity and efficiency are relative to the individual worker, and there is something to be said for leaving employees alone when it comes to how they get their work done, provided that no other team members are negatively impacted by their process.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Fun-Pin9061, whose boss insisted that he stay late despite the fact that the employee already completed all of his tasks and responsibilities. However, instead of arguing with his boss, the employee decided to mess with this rule a little. After all, if he was staying after hours, he was going to get paid overtime. And if he had to stay late for "optics" rather than due to an actual work issue, he might as well get paid overtime to do absolutely nothing. So, he took out the book he had been meaning to read, stocked up on the office free snacks, and got paid extra to barely pretend he was working at all. 

Keep scrolling below to see what happened when his boss found out. For more stories like this, here is another one about three overworked employees who all quit and left their company in shambles. 

'I don't want your teller fired over this': Bank teller gives $3,000 to a random customer, good Samaritan restores faith in humanity

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 10:00

There are a few moments in every person's life where they're given the opportunity to do the right thing. Unbeknownst to sleeper-agent good Samaritans, these moments are usually veiled with the guise of self-serving outcomes, the 'finders keepers' principal, or, in the case of the guy in our next story, accidentally earning $3,000 cash.

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

Sun, 03/17/2024 - 09:00

Airbnb used to be way cheaper, but thanks to inflation (among other things), it's almost better to check into a hotel. Also, hosts can be frustrating to deal with. I'm not saying guests are angels, but let's just say it's a double-edged sword. This poster (OP) was attending a friend's wedding and opted to stay in an Airbnb. They had to make sure that pets were welcome, because they were bringing along their dog. Luckily they found just the place but upon arrival, the Airbnb owner showed up unannounced. This is very much against policy… But OP was okay with that… at first.

The owner told them that there was a pet fee, which OP completely forgot about and offered to pay immediately. The owner said it was okay and didn't take their money… Later, things became complicated, because as it turned out, the owner did care, but instead of being upfront about it, they wrote a scathing review. Scroll down to read what happened, and then check out this dude who accidentally turned off his mobile data and demanded the company compensate him. For 20 minutes.


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