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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 11 hours 20 min ago

'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 08:00

People tend to have some patience for the new person, but there are a few things they can do that will get them fired ASAP. In fact, if you were looking for ways to get out of a job the fastest, this is a great list of ideas. 

When a coworker gets fired, word spreads like wildfire. It quickly becomes the water cooler gossip of the day. The crazier the offense, the better the story is! After all, you have to be doing something majorly wrong if you're fired within hours of signing your onboarding paperwork. 

This person, u/mango-chocolate, asked r/AskReddit to share the "quickest way you saw a coworker get fired," and the answers didn't disappoint. Some workers didn't understand the company culture, like one woman who started her job, then spent the next afternoon shopping instead of working. Fired! Another person began working at a paper press, then decided to hit the emergency stop button "for fun." That was not the start the company was hoping for, and after losing 3-4 hours of productivity, they gave that dude the boot, too. There are some mistakes that make the business realize you're just not cut out for their company, and these people made some incredibly dumb moves. 

Check them all out below. Then, read about the behind-the-scenes world of influencers, like the person who thinks she's a Kardashian, but all of her followers are bought and paid for by her BF

'Congratulations!': HR gives worker letter congratulating them on their 4.75% raise but then says they will still be paid the same amount

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 07:00

There are plenty of times in life where things just don't make sense and where people try and lead you to believe that 1+1=3 which doesn't really line up with the figure that you might have expected or the actual truth of the situation. A lot of these situations will probably take place at work under the supervision of someone who has no business being in charge. 

Let's do a little math equation as an example. I know—I know…. you didn't think you were signing up for homework when you clicked on this post in your Google Discover feed. (Or on our website. Bless you, our loyal readers.) But bear with me; this is an easy one: If you were making $19.75 as an hourly rate and your employer gave you a raise of, say… 4.75%, what would you expect your new pay to be? I'll save you the brain work because the actual figure doesn't matter. (It's $20.69.) What matters is that you'd expect to be getting paid a higher amount… right?

Well. Not the case for this worker, who was given a letter by their employer's HR department congratulating them on their 4.75% raise but calculating their new rate to be exactly the same as the old one. Now, no one expects their HR rep to be a math wiz, but you'd at least expect them to be able to use Google as a calculator like the rest of us. They queried the letter with their boss and were told that they would not be receiving the raise that the rest of the team was receiving because they had been with the company for less than a year, despite having been told in a meeting prior to receiving the letter that they would be receiving the raise along with the rest of the team. It's the kind of thing that is so ridiculous that it would make you laugh if it wasn't so depressing.

See their post below, which they shared with this popular online workplace community, along with the advice that readers shared.

Dad turns salty when the ‘fruit fairy’ next door builds a net around their guava tree: ‘I said he could buy some [fruit] off me if he wanted’

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 06:00

Humans like to delineate their property. For lack of better reasoning, it's simply because we don't trust our neighbors not to encroach on our space, take our stuff, or assume our property–it's not pretty, but it's human nature! And especially when your business and livelihood is derived from your lands, it's hard not to get a little overprotective of your things. 

In our next story, a guy gets a little tight-fisted over something that wasn't his in the first place when his neighbor draws a hard line in the sand. After years of living next door to a fruitful guava tree, the guy got used to having the 'fruit fairy' drop delicious tropical delights over the side of the fence, but when the neighbor started a business selling the fruits, he (rightfully) built a net to catch all the wayward fruits that would fall from the tree. 

Although it may seem petty to some that the guava man was unwilling to share the fruits of his labor, you can be the judge on who is entitled to the tumbling spoils of an ancient tropical tree. 

Boss won't stop contacting former employee after she rejects his counteroffer: 'He proceeded to comment on 30 posts praising my work'

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 05:00

Why can't people just take "no" for an answer? Sure, this applies to many aspects of life from relationships to friendships to family dynamics. However, it also applies to one's professional relationships.

This part-time worker politely turned down an offer for a full-time position, and her General Manager simply would not have it. An hour after the meeting, he followed up over email apologizing for pressuring her in any way, but of course in sending said email, he was doing the exact opposite and only adding more tension. The Redditor proceeded to quit right then and there, but the desperate energy from her GM did not stop there.

Her former GM proceeded to contact on her virtually every social media platform known to humankind, including making public comments praising her work on around 30 social media posts. If he really thought all of this excessive energy was going to make matters better for him, then he must have a deluded sense of reality.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. We have included the original post and its update in the screenshots below. For more content like this, feel free to take a look at this story about a coworker who kept shirking their responsibilities.

‘They fired me without even telling me’: Woman gets fired while on maternity leave, finds out about it from coworker who has been informed she quit

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 04:00

It can be alarming to think that some employers have no issue with firing employees while they are on maternity leave. Even though most countries have laws against exactly that, unfortunately, it still happens to a lot of employees.

Which is exactly what happened to the woman in this Reddit story (OP, original poster). A few months after going on maternity leave, she contacts her boss to talk about her return to her job, with accommodation to her now being a new mother. Her boss probably didn't love the fact that the company had to make the changes, and even though she promised OP that she would be fine, that wasn't the case. A few weeks before her plan to come back, OP is visited by a coworker who tells her the boss informed the office that OP quit, with no call whatsoever to OP to let her know about the decision. 

Scroll down to read what happened next. After that, click here for a story of a customer who tries to blame a car wash for his car damage.

'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 22:00

It's one thing when a Karen throws their usual tantrum trying to play the victim, it's another thing when they come up with the most generic name in the world to use as a threat—THAT'S when it goes from annoying to comical. 

'She hated making small talk with people': 25 Managers reveal ridiculous reasons that their employees have quit

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 21:00

Quitting a bad job for a good reason is the best feeling in the world. After enduring the trenches in the workplace and slogging through trash tasks and terrible management, sometimes you just need to cut your losses and cut loose. For some employees, however, they don't always have the best reasons to quit their day job. Fortunately, we've come across a conveniently weird list of reasons that managers have found their employees lacking… lacking employment that is. 

When an employee has really reached their limit in the workplace, it doesn't take much to set them off and push them to quit. According to the managers in this popular Reddit thread, it turns out a lot of workers are willing to throw their paycheck away over the most trivial things–like parking spots and tummy aches. 

Scroll for some inspiration for your next two-week notice–at least, if you want to go out with a confused look and a bad recommendation. 

A Happy Hour Menu Full of 43 Friday-Feeling Memes to Help You Procrastinate at Work Until 5PM

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 20:00

There's nothing better than that 'Friday at 5' feeling. After a long week of pushing papers, waking up early, lifting heavy things, and being an adult, it's about time you and your coworkers get a hold of your bad selves and let down your hair a bit. Untuck your shirt and dash to your nearest cantina to get 4 rounds of $2 off margaritas! Blow off some steam and forget about all the silliness of the office. 

Once you're in weekend mode, your boss has no hold over you. You're free. 

So if you're just wasting time in the last few hours of your work day, wondering how you're going to make it until the end of your shift, I've got the perfect solution for you: Procrastinate! There's no better way to laugh away the hours than by checking out some nifty work memes that you and your favorite coworker will find amusing enough to make it through the day. 

Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 18:00

No one wants to get fired. A lot of times, getting fired is entirely out of our control. Lots of employees have found themselves in this situation recently, with companies doing mass layoffs and inflation continuing to rise. In this one employee's case, their boss changed their workweek from 40 hours to 42.5 hours, causing rage amongst the workforce, while many outside perspectives speculated that this was the employer's way of weeding out employees without having to do mass layoffs. Whatever the reason, losing a job is tough, but it's even tougher when it's your own fault. Yet, in the cases of these ex-employees below, their ridiculous actions were 100% to blame for being fired. Some of these stories were completely uncalled for and wouldn't have resulted in anything else except getting fired. And these managers are here to share the hilarious, unexpected stories with us. Keep reading below. Maybe everyone needs to take a note from this retired employee who shared 4 important rules he's learned in the workforce.

‘I was NOT on mute’: Guy gets caught in 4k cursing his coworkers when he forgets to mute his mic during a meeting

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 17:00

Back in the day, people with stage fright could conquer their fears by imagining the crowd in a more vulnerable state than themselves. Picturing an audience of strangers in their whitey-tighties is far more embarrassing than stumbling over your words into the mic, right? But nowadays, stage-scared people can no longer use this timeless tactic because we have a new beast to tackle: Zoom calls. 

If you're anything like me, live video calls with your coworkers are the zenith of your stage fright woes. To prepare for a meeting, you need at least 30 minutes of anxiety and must always prepare at least a 2-hour decompression to wash away the cold sweats of the call after it's all over. Why are Zoom meetings so unnerving? Well, you can never really trust your mic. 

The guy in our next story lived out every employee's worst fear after exclaiming his frustrations on a video call and accidentally broadcasting his annoyance to the entire company. Scroll for the entire hair-raising story of workplace cringe.

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 16:00

It doesn't take much to realize you don't want to work somewhere. It could be that their lack of morals is obvious from the moment you start your first shift. Or maybe you're lucky and figure it out beforehand, during the interview process. You think, 'Nope, this is not for me', and either don't continue, or immediately quit. Back when I was working as a waitress, I did a couple of shifts at different places. Once, I interviewed at a fast food restaurant chain where the employees looked (surprise, surprise) absolutely miserable. Now, I know that minimum wage workers aren't exactly the happiest bunch, but there was something off about this place. The manager was creepy and asked me a bunch of personal questions that at the time, I answered because I was 17 and naive. Today, I would have laughed in their face and told them nicely to get a life.

After one shift I realized why everyone hated it so much. We were forced to work overtime for no extra pay, and many employees shared that they weren't allowed to take vacations. I noped out of there real fast. Below you will find a thread where people share times they quit on the spot.

Then, check out these hilarious memes for workers with the Monday blues.

'It's worth A LOT more than $10': Spring cleaning turns profitable when a guy discovers a rare treasure in his childhood bedroom

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 15:00

It's spring cleaning season so you know what that means–it's time to dig through the treasures deep in your bedroom that haven't seen the light of day since your high school years. With the New Year's Eve glasses from the turn of the millennium on your face, you peep through the center 0's of '2000' and shuffle through yearbooks, old costumes, and miscellaneous junk that you once thought held value. While most of it is probably overdue to be tossed in the trash, sometimes you can find some hidden treasures that hold more than just sentimental value. 

The guy in our next story was knee-deep in his mother's spring cleaning at his childhood home when he discovered a janky old coin in the depths of his drawers. At face value, the gold coin was printed to be worth $10, but as he would discover–at the mercy of the knowledge of a kind stranger–the coin was worth far more than that

Scroll for the entire story of a man who scored the spring cleaning jackpot when he discovered a rare coin worth hundreds of dollars. 

'None of my manager's rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 14:00

One barista is confused and annoyed by the rules their manager is making up. They took to r/mildlyinfuriating to share the story. But commenters informed them that they might be looking at things all wrong. 

Their issue revolves around making custom drinks for the patrons of their coffee shop. Some chains embrace the custom drink trend, including all of the Tiktok drinks with names like "Strawberry Cheesecake Frappucino" or "Chocolate Covered Strawberry Drink". (Baristas hate making these, apparently). 

But smaller mom-and-pop places often have strict rules about making drinks that aren't on the menu. These rules might not make much sense to employees: after all, why shouldn't they be able to put a drink in the blender if that's what the customer wants? But that doesn't matter much to the store owners, who just want their employees to blindly follow the rules and stop questioning them. 

Check out the full story, as well as the commentary from folks who wanted the barista to know a few important things about their industry. Then, read about a spare parts estimator who took on a million-dollar job… only to wait two years as the company kept refusing to take the next steps and pay up

'I was asked to take a 30%+ cut in pay': Top employee quits and company goes under after boss pressured him to be a "team player"

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 13:00

This boss had a whole lot of audacity asking his already underpaid top employee to take a 30% pay cut. One has to wonder if the boss himself was willing to cut his own pay too. Somehow, we doubt it. 

Clearly, this dude should not be running a business, starting with the fact that he spent a large sum of money on business consultants who told him nothing particularly innovative about the state of his company. Unfortunately, his top employee had to suffer the consequences of his boss's total mismanagement. He had been clamoring for a raise for a long time now, especially given his expanded role and increased level of responsibility since he started at the company. Well, instead of granting him a 30% raise, his boss requested that he take a 30% pay cut instead, with no promise of making up for that cut in subsequent months. 

This was the final straw for the employee, who put in his notice and found a far better-paying job elsewhere. Well, guess what happened to the company in the next six months? Well, after 100 years of service, it only took the top employee's departure for the company to completely tank. Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about a boss who forced his employee to stay late no matter what.

'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 12:00

The facility manager here knows that their job is to keep things running smoothly—not to bow to the wishes of every single tenant and employee. 

As a facility manager, u/ImTheWh0 knows that they're responsible for the entire building, and they take that role seriously. It's the kind of job that means that everything happening in that building is the manager's responsibility, including maintaining the key cards for their tenants. In my experience, building managers also tend to build relationships with the people in the building they manage. They might be the person who gives them their packages from the mail room, grabs them an umbrella when it's raining, or takes care of simple errands. It's supposed to be all about the clients, but this manager has been having an issue with one of their employees, who is taking up a lot of their mental space with her constant complaining.

The woman is their building's Karen. "The name stereotype applies," the manager writes, because she loves to blabber on about whatever is bothering her that day. Nothing is ever good enough for her, and she has repeatedly let management know about it. 

After you read her story, check out these workers who got fired expeditiously, like the woman who got the boot for pushing the photocopier down a flight of stairs

Boss forces employee to take a red-eye home, he takes off the next day and leaves his boss scrambling: 'An $80 hotel stay could have avoided a far more costly loss'

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 11:00

Some people thrive on red-eye flights, while the rest of us are left trying to figure out how they do it. 

Personally speaking, I have never been able to get enough sleep on long flights especially red-eyes. Part of that is because for whatever reason, I am always seated next to a bathroom, a screaming child, or a sick passenger who will not stop sneezing or coughing. The fact that this boss thought it was a good idea to force his employee to take a red-eye says a whole lot about how he values the Redditor. Of course, the boss was mostly only thinking about not having to pay for another night at the hotel. 

So although the Redditor was forced to take a red-eye that night, he was able to be ever so slightly petty by taking the next day off to rest. The consequences? His boss lost his mind as well as a day of productivity trying to handle work that the Redditor would have been willing and able to do if he was able to stay at the hotel for one more night.

Keep scrolling below for the full story in the Redditor's words. For more, check out this post about a boss who forced his employee to stay late despite having zero work to do.

'Fortunately, I didn't have anything urgent at work that day, so I kept calling': Man gets petty revenge against scammer after falling for fake invoice

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 10:00

There are so many scams out there nowadays. And with AI, they are becoming more and more believable, too. There are AI scams where scammers use relatives' voices to make it sound like they need money urgently and ask for card information, most often prying upon grandparents. There's also the infamous work gift card scam, fake charity scams, overpayment scams, and so many more. A lot of us experience the agony of getting multiple calls to our cell phones from random numbers. It can be pretty irritating, especially if you're someone who regularly gets calls for work from unknown numbers. It can be annoying to pick up a call only to have to dodge a scam and try to get them to leave you alone.

In this man's case, his scam started over email. He received an invoice in his inbox that turned out to be fake. After calling the number and speaking to various people over the phone, he was fortunate to realize he was being scammed. So what did he do? He got his revenge. He called them over and over. And over again. It may be petty, but it was a win. Did you know there are actually people out there who fight scammers like this? They're called scam baiters. There are even Subreddits, social media channels, and TED talks dedicated to these subtle heroes. Keep reading to see this man's entire interaction with his scammers. 

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 09:00

Getting fired is not a good feeling. The knot that forms in your stomach makes you want to bend over a toilet, and you dread the moment your boss invites you into their office for a 'discussion.' In my case, it happened via a phone call. I was waitressing at a tiny restaurant in my hometown, and granted, I wasn't very good at it. The reason I got fired was that two days in, I had failed to inform the kitchen that one customer's steak was 'too well done.' The customer had complained to management that I was unfocused and dreamy, and instead of giving me another chance, I was dismissed. I wouldn't be so bitter if they hadn't withheld my pay for those two days, but they did, and I'm bitter.

Back then, I didn't have the guts to report them because I was, well, an insecure teenager. Today, on the other hand… In any case, today, I have an entertaining thread to show you where people share the fastest ways their coworkers got fired.

For more laughs, you can check out these funny memes for employees with the Monday blues.

'Literally no amount of money... would convince me to say yes': Neighbor refuses to compromise on shared fence, regrets it one year later

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 08:00

These neighbors may share a fence, but they certainly aren't friends. They can barely be friendly towards each other! 

You can't choose your neighbors, unfortunately. You may love your home, your yard, and your neighborhood in general, but if you have bad blood with the next-doors, you're never going to be 100% comfortable. There are so many cases of neighbor disputes growing over time to become full-scale feuds. 

No matter how nice you are, there are some people who just can't be reasoned with. They want to be left alone, and they also want to get their way all the time. Compromise? What's that? Nope, it has to be their way or the highway. 

It seems like u/sea0351 and their husband weren't trying to antagonize their neighbors, but they ended up getting into a spat with them anyway. The neighbors had some truly appalling reactions to the people they had brought in to survey their land. The whole time they were working, this crabby neighbor hovered around, trying to get in their faces. He's just looking for a confrontation at that point. 

Next up, this person turned to Reddit for support after their mom botched their birthday, but the message from commenters was loud and clear: "[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child." 

Worker told they're not going to be paid for overtime because they "volunteered": 'I [didn't] get paid'

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 07:00

Overtime, by definition, is still time on the clock, and voluntarily staying to work that time doesn't automatically mean that your employer is now a charity. You can't just "volunteer" for your employer. The very premise itself is silly. Sure, if you're on a salary that is exempt from overtime pay, you'll probably have to work some extra hours during times of high workload, but it's expected that, in turn, during times when there is less work to be done you'll still get paid your full salary. But, if you're a waged worker who is recording your time, you're going to get paid for your overtime. Unless your manager is prone to the silliness I mentioned earlier and thinks that "voluntary" is the operative word in the phrase "voluntary overtime" and thinks that, as a result, they can somehow regard your increased time at work as a charitable act. 

It seems outrageous, but that's what this worker reported experiencing when they were asked to help out another department at the university where they worked with a large event that they were organizing. They agreed to help, but when they went to submit their timesheet at the end of the pay period, their manager denied them the additional hours because they had "volunteered" for the event. See their post and account of events below, along with reactions from readers in the online workplace community where they shared their story.


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