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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 9 hours 39 min ago

'That’s millions of pounds of [our] order you’ve lost us!': Spare parts estimator plays the long game after company refuses to pay up

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 12:00

This worker sure has a lot of patience. Imagine if you were promised a huge, well-paying order by a client… only for them to never complete the order! That's exactly what happened to this person, u/Jamespg614, who works as a spare parts estimator. 

The employee shared their malicious compliance story that comes with a few words of caution. Just because your boss or a client asks you to do something illegal, that doesn't make that action legal. In situations like that, the only thing you can do is try to get that information in writing (and don't do that thing, of course). You can try to tip off police officers too, but then you risk putting your job in jeopardy. This person didn't get immediate results, but at least they avoided breaking the law. They literally had to explain to their company why their request was so wrong! 

The entire saga took place over two years, which must have been a very satisfying outcome for the worker. After you check out their entire story below, read about these times the airport was the worst part of someone's trip, like the person who complained that a "girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section."

20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 11:00

When you move in with your partner, all their quirks and eccentricities come out. Perhaps they've been hiding that they like to trim their toenails on the couch without cleaning up the remains afterward. Perhaps they've been hiding their inability to clean dishes or their tendency to fold and put away wet towels. 

All of these strange habits are included in the screenshots below, which were compiled from the following Redditors who boldly shared their stories of what happened after moving in with their significant others. Look, when that big step occurs in a relationship, its importance cannot be underestimated. You start seeing your partner in a whole new way once you're sharing space like that. Perhaps you're noticing more flaws and fighting about the most insignificant garbage. Or perhaps your newfound concerns are completely valid and you can tell the relationship will not last. Or perhaps you're lucky and you're even more convinced that it's a match. If that last scenario is you, congratulations! You are among a rare group of individuals. 

Keep scrolling below for the full list. For more, check out this compilation of memes for hard-working employees.

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 10:00

"I blacked out," she wrote. "As a business owner, you do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe, and being an entrepreneur doesn't make any of us a doormat."

'Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine': 20+ Friends and spouses of influencers explain the behind-the-scenes drama of influencer life

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 08:00

If you ever wanted to know what a day in the life of an influencer is like, let us clue you in. Thanks to one person's question to r/AskReddit, more than 1,000 friends and spouses of influencers told their tales of what it's like. 

A lot of it depends on how many followers the person has. For influencers with hundreds of thousands, it can take over their whole life. Some people shared that they got tired of having to wait for every meal to be photographed, and every party documented in great detail. It takes away from the joy of the moment if you have to stop and take 100 photos just to get one that one friend likes. 

Even for people with fewer followers, the pressure is still on. One person shared that while they liked working with influencers, the wanna-be influencer types were often impolite and demanding. They wanted so badly to be seen as a celebrity that they apparently want everyone to treat them like VIPs, whether they've earned that or not. It sounds exhausting to keep up that kind of lifestyle, and a lot of people admitted that they've stopped keeping up with their influencer friends' lifestyle. 

Next, these people were stunned to find out they were fired for some pretty silly reasons, like the person who "left pool noodles outside on accident" and got fired for that one transgression. 

Coworker keeps pushing their work onto employee, they take leave and watch the project come to a standstill: 'I went to HR'

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 07:00

There's nothing that will make someone miss you more than your absence, and sometimes, you need to make yourself out of the situation in order for them to fully appreciate you… Especially when that someone is your coworker who has been making you do all their work for them. If you're not around, who's going to do their work? This employee wasn't about to put up with being pushed around for too long, and after putting up with their coworker pushing their workload onto them for the first two months of a six-month project, they decided to take some leave and watch things come to a standstill.

When these things happen, we—most of us, at least—tend to want to avoid conflict, quietly complying with the unfair conditions that have been pushed onto us for fear of broaching the hard conversation. The reality is that, most often, putting the hard conversation off is only going to make things more difficult for us in the long run, and standing up for ourselves in the short term will avoid a far worse confrontation that will eventuate down the road anyway, causing more conflict and suffering for ourselves than we were trying to avoid in the first place…

College graduate informs father she won't take care of him in old age, prompting him to move her monthly allowance of $1000 into a retirement plan instead: ‘You’ll be on your own'

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 06:00

People in their twenties who are receiving buckets of money from their parents should learn a thing or two about respect. For some reason, spoiled kids treat their parents worse than kids who actually have to work for what they earn. Call it entitlement, call it privilege, call it whatever you want… I think it's absurd. This college graduate was receiving a monthly allowance of $1000 from her father, who was remarried to a woman she hated.

The graduate, who we'll call Karen, was always being mean to her, mostly due to the fact they had very different personalities that didn't clash well. One day the graduate was in the kitchen, making a mess, when her father's wife told her to clean up after herself. This spiked a fight between the two, and when her father took his wife's side, the graduate told him that she would never help him in old age. Well, well, there goes your monthly allowance, kiddo. Way to go. Scroll down to read how it all unfolded, and then check out an entertaining thread where Gen X shares things they dislike about the newer generations. Oh, how times have changed.

'I told the head of HR that no one cares about his survey': Employee ruins his chance at a promotion by accidentally badmouthing company survey to HR's face

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 05:00

We all know that company surveys rarely result in any meaningful change, but perhaps it's a good idea not to say that directly to the head of HR.

In fairness, this employee did not realize that the strange man in the suit whom he had never seen before was technically the head of the Human Resources department. This alone is a tell-tale sign that this company was a toxic work environment. It's not the employee's fault if the head of HR is so mysterious and unknowable that no one recognizes his presence at the office. That kind of defeats the purpose of HR entirely. 

Regardless, this employee shared how his negative remarks about the company survey ended up backfiring majorly when he was up for a promotion in the ensuing weeks. Despite his qualifications and excellent interviews for the new position, guess who got in the way of finalizing the promotion at the last minute? That would be the mysterious and unknowable head of HR! 

Keep scrolling below for the full story in the employee's words. For more stories like this, check out this post about a worker who got fired for taking a computer mouse from the recycled electronics bin.

'[They] regret moving out': Freeloading family gets a taste of the real world after refusing to pitch in for groceries and bills

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 04:00

The only reason any of us are enduring our workday for the sake of a measly paycheck is because life is expensive. Watching our bills, groceries, car payments, and rent go up every month isn't exactly an encouraging reality, but only a deluded person would think that the luxuries in life (like a full fridge and gas in your car) would come without a price tag–but then again, perhaps delusional family members who take advantage of the people around them would argue otherwise.

For the family in our next story, the bloodlines ran thin when 4 foreign relatives moved in with their American counterparts and then refused to help pitch in to cover the bills. After Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and their two kiddos, Mary and Stacy crossed country lines to move into the US, they seemed to think that expensive luxuries came for free. After freeloading for months off of their hardworking family members, they became combative when they were asked to pull their weight on in-home costs–so instead, they felt entitled to move out, set off on their own, and fend for themselves entirely. 

Scroll for the prideful moment that led to this family fallout and an expensive stint of karmic justice.

'Thanks for wasting my time': Job applicant professionally goes off on hiring manager after they lose their cool on him when he rejects their lowball offer

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 15:00

Remember, when interviewing for a new job it's not just the employer seeing if the applicant is the right fit for the job, it is also the applicant seeing if the job is a right fit for them. 

'[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child': Only child flips out at mother for planning birthday celebration after their actual birthday

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 14:00

Have you ever had a birthday celebration so bad that you threw a fit over it? Maybe if you're a toddler strapped into your high chair and given a cupcake to destroy while your family laughs at how messy you're getting. But in this story, it's a person who has just turned 30 who is throwing a tantrum, and the internet is telling them just how childish they really are. 

Everyone has different expectations for their birthdays. You learn this as soon as you meet the first person in your life who wants to have a "birthday week," and expects people to celebrate them for a full week straight. It's over the top, sure, but it's all in good fun. Other people want a small party with friends and family, while others plan weekend getaways with their spouses. There's no right or wrong way to enjoy your special day as long as everyone involved is having a good time. 

This person was trying to celebrate their 30th birthday, though, and their mom was seemingly on a different page about the celebrations. U/vivrelavie shares that their mom kept bugging them about what to do on their big day. But with every idea the birthday person pitched, their mom vetoed it (too expensive, apparently). This led to a reasonable solution… followed by a full-scale meltdown. 

Check out the story, followed by a roasting from commenters. Then, read about the times that the airport was the worst part of people's travel plans

'You never have your wallet when I need it': Mooching coworker gets called out and fired, blocks her work wife on social media

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 13:00

If you're the mooching coworker in your office, don't expect other employees to have your back when the pressure is on. This lady had a ton of audacity when she told her coworker, with whom she frequently gets breakfast and/or lunch, "you never have your wallet when I need it!" For clarification, the moocher's coworker always ended up paying for her and never got her money back, so one day, she just stopped. She pretended she forgot her wallet, and the moocher had to pay for herself. After the moocher had the bonkers idea to act like this was all the coworker's fault, the two existed in quiet silence for the next few weeks and their working relationship never recovered. 

Then, the inevitable happened. It turns out that the moocher was also a reckless employee and was on thin ice with her boss. When she got fired, she was so embarrassed that she blocked her former work wife on all social media platforms. We interpret this as a blessing in disguise for the Redditor, whose two posts documenting the saga are included in the screenshots below.

Keep scrolling below for the full stories. When you're done, feel free to take a look at this post about an employee's malicious compliance regarding the company's OT policy.

'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 12:00

Airports are one of those necessary evils in life. Sometimes you want to be zipping down a ski slope or splashing in some clear blue water at a beach somewhere. But in order to get there, you'll have to endure a few hours of airport nightmares

I can't begin to tell you how many fake cell phone chargers there are in our country's airports. Judging by the folks at r/mildlyinfuriating who shared pics of their latest airport adventures, people absolutely love to get stickers that look like charging outlets, and slap them all over the walls. That means that from a distance, you think your dying phone will have another chance to refuel. Then you get closer to the wall and realize it's just a sticker! It's super annoying, and there were reports of this from dozens of airports. 

Other people had their breath taken away not by a beautiful sunset on the beach, but by the high prices of airport food. One person got to decide if they wanted to pay nearly $12 for a single bag of M&Ms. Another was hungry, but didn't want to pay $10 for one boiled egg and like five cubes of cheese. It seems like robbery! 

Check out all of the different ways the airport has irritated folks as they're on their way to their destination. Then, read about some of the worst interviews people have ever done, like one person whose interviewer quit in the middle of their talks

'He escaped consequences': 10+ court fails where lawyers found loopholes and judges threw out the cases

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 11:00

Most lawyers will tell you not to count on niche loopholes to get you out of trouble. However, every so often these lawyers worked on a case where the details and specifics were vague enough to get a case thrown out. These are obviously few and far between, but one would imagine that discovering said loopholes might make one feel like the next Elle Woods. As we know, she was able to protect Brooke Windham in the end because of a hole in Chutney's perm story. Whatever it takes to protect your client, I guess.

These stories were compiled from the following r/AskReddit thread and included surprising loopholes relating to parking signs, the precise definition of stealing, and poorly written tickets by police officers. Keep scrolling below for the full stories. When you're done, feel free to take a look at this collection of the top mildly infuriating moments of the week.

‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 10:00

There are many ways to calmly deal with an annoying roommate. What most people do, presumable, is just try and ignore that roommate as much as they can, and live as separately as they can. If that does not work, some people might try and work out their issues with their roommates, but knowing people, that is hardly ever the case. The last option is to find a way to get the roommate to move out, without causing much of a scene, and this Reddit story is the perfect example of such an option.

This story is told by one of three roommates in a small flat, we'll call her OP (Original Poster). One of OP's roommates, Chloe, was constantly complaining about everything and was simply really difficult to live with. So OP and the third roommate found a way to keep Chloe out of the flat for extensive periods at a time. They would shut off the power in the flat, and tell Chloe that the electric bill hasn't been paid. Chloe, who didn't want to pay for it herself. would leave the flat and go stay with friends, and then OP would turn the power back on. And this went out on and on…

Scroll down to read the rest of the story, and the hilarious punny comments that followed. After that, click here for a story of a boss who refused to give a server their hard-earned tip money.

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 09:00

Landlords could end up being your best friend or, in contrast, your biggest enemy. However, how would you respond if your landlord attempted to profit from the fruits of your labor? Would you silently submit or fight for what's right?

The story that follows is the story of a clever tenant. After residing in his apartment for some time, the Original Poster (OP) decided to remodel his yard in an effort to make his house feel more like a home. The garden was finally finished, with stunning foliage and blooms, after months of labor. When the landlord discovered what had been done to the once-horrible backyard, he decided to 'kick' the tenant out of the apartment and relist it for a higher fee because the magnificent garden that the tenant had been caring for had boosted the value of the house.

Having said that, it is clear that OP was not satisfied with the landlord's decision and decided to take matters into his own hands by exacting petty revenge. Therefore, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning how OP got even and whether the landlord was able to find new tenants. After you're done, don't forget to read the story of the housemate who settles the score with a cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire apartment with bubbles!

'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 08:00

Imagine getting the jitters as you show up to a job interview, only for the interviewer to barely ask you any questions about yourself. Or imagine if you arrived ready to explain your qualifications, but then the hiring manager decided to blabber on about his wife's career, and how you'd be better at her job instead! It sounds crazy, but a lot of people have had incredibly bad job interviews that let them know almost immediately that these roles weren't right for them. Some of them walked out, some told the interviewers off, and others just waited to tell their tale to the r/AskReddit community. 

One of the biggest tells of a company that's sketchy to work for is if they're over eager to hire you. The interviewer might only talk about the company, and how great it is to work there. They might show you around and brag about all the perks. But if they don't ask any questions about you, it might make you wonder if you're just going to be another cog in the machine. After all, if they barely care enough to get to know their candidate, why should you give them the time of day? The red flags are already waving, and it's time to keep looking for other career opportunities. 

After you check out u/geographygenius' post, read about the person who planted a sign in their yard just to spite their local HOA. 

Boss forces worker to stay and work late despite having nothing to do, gets paid to read: 'My boss was speechless'

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:00

"People who work hard work more hours…" This is probably something you've heard before and probably from your boss who wants everyone to know how many hours a week they work, wearing their overworkedness like a badge of honor—a testament to their dedication. The thing is… Is this even true? Where did this idea that sitting at your desk for more hours mean you're working harder even come from? It's not as if the simple amount of hours you work actually has any bearing on how much work you've done or what your production output is. For all we know, you're just sitting at your desk for half that time twiddling your thumbs while your counterparts manage as much productivity in half the time. It's not as if every worker is always going to have an infinite amount of work to do; at a certain point in the week during a slow period, you're stretching things out as much as possible to make it look like you're doing something. What office worker hasn't, at some point, experienced the standoff that is waiting for your old-fashioned boss to leave the office so that you can go home without being judged despite having finished your work sometime before?

And yet, this idea is one that a lot of managers and workplaces hold on to, like this manager who demanded that their workers stay and work overtime to show their mettle even when not necessary. This worker maliciously complied with the request, staying put at their desk, reading their book, and getting paid for it. 

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 06:00

When it comes to tipping culture, there are two types of customers: You either firmly believe that servers should be paid normally and not have to rely on tip money (and maybe because of that you don't even tip yourself, depending on where you live), or you feel for the serves who barely make enough money to exist, and probably overtip because of that. The main problem, regardless of how the customers themselves feel about tipping, is that many establishments still pay servers with the money that comes from tips, and that creates an entire dynamic that is simply unfair to the hardworking servers.

Much like the server in this Reddit story. On one of the days he was working, his boss came up to him out of the blue and informed him that he would not be getting his tip money for that day. The server tried to understand the reasoning for that decision and was met with poor excuses. Knowing that what his boss is doing is illegal, the server starts collecting proof of his boss's wrongdoings.

Keep scrolling to read the full story. Once you are done, click here for another story of an employee who got fired while on maternity leave.

'How do you like them apples?': Band gets even with cranky old neighbor, retrieving the apples he stole, and letting them rot

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 05:00

We love petty revenge in all forms, but we mourn the loss of perfectly ripe apples. These band members found themselves in a feud with a cranky old neighbor from a few houses down. At first, it was about the noise level of their jam sessions despite the fact that their house was far enough away and they were practicing during appropriate hours. In short, these were not selfish miscreants; they were at least trying to be respectful to the neighborhood. 

However, once the cranky neighbor escalated matters to the point that he tried to steal from their apple tree, it was time for some petty payback. First, they demanded the apples back before the old guy had his wife bake her pie, and then they taunted him by setting said apples on their windowsill until they rotted. That way, every time he passed by their house, he would see the apples he had to give back in a rotten state. 

Personally, we feel that the band members should have permitted the old guy's wife to bake the apple pie and then just take the pie for their own enjoyment. That was the real move. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions. For more, check out this post about an employee's payback for his company's lame overtime policy.


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