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'A cat is going to cat': Mountain Lion Plays Just Like A Kitty Cat When She Discovers A Swing (Video)

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 12:00

No matter the size of the cat, some things simply do not change. All cats - no matter how big or small - are lazy, love naps, love food, and love, more than anything, to be annoying as heck whenever possible. Seriously, big cats do housecat things all the time. Whether it's cheetahs meowing just like house cats, or if it's black leopards playfully spooking people at the beach, the same way your cat tries to spook you from around a corner, or if it's caracals nagging their humans when they're trying to work because apparently not a single cat out there can resist sitting on a keyboard, not one. 

And if a mountain lion encounters a swing out in the wild? Do you think that it's going to be normal about it? Heck no! A cat is going to cat, and this cat did exactly what you would expect a house cat to do in this situation. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

A Gold Star of 36 Hissterical Memes of Cats for Succesfully Avoiding the Snooze Button This Moody Monday Meowrning

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 11:00

Good meowrning, fellow cat lovers and I Can Has-ers. We know you just want to stay in bed this Monday morning, but the grind doesn't sleep, so neither shall we. In order to afford our cats' lavish lifestyles (you should see the purrfessional and exuberant cat trees we have in our house), we have to get to work on time so we can continue to buy our cats nice things. So, we're saying you "Bravo!" and providing you with some hissterical cat memes for successfully avoiding the snooze button this moody Monday meowrning. 

We know how tempting it is to hit snooze and get a few more minutes of sleep. Those extra few minutes are crucial between us being a grumpy cat and a not-so-grumpy cat, but unfortunately, our boss doesn't care if we are grumpy or not. So roll out of bed, put your work clothes on, and let's get this day started with some furbulously funny cat memes!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Cute Chonky Cat "Pastrami" Protects His Hooman Beans From Raiding Reptiles, Proves Big Kitties Can Be Big Heroes In Hissterical Story

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 10:00

Good meowrning, I Can Hasers. We all get cats for different reasons - some people get cats for comfort, some get them as a companion to another pet, and others get them for work purrposes (being a mouser, etc). Well, the author of this hissterical cat story has three cats, and it turned out that the chonkiest one saved the day. Purrsonally, we love chonky cats, but they often get a bad rap! This cute chonky cat named "Pastrami" is here to show you that big kitties can also be big heroes!

A lizard got into Pastrami's house, and although the other two cats were absolutely useless during this reptilian debacle, Pastrami jumped in to catch the critter and save his hooman beans from a long, sleepless night of looking for the reptile rapscallion. Scroll down to read the whole hilarious story below, and give a big kiss to your nearest chonky cat!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

24 Chaotic Cat Memes Hilariously Depicting Feline Fiascos

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 09:00

Hey, feline enthusiasts. If you have a smol feline baby at home, then you probably know that living with cats tends to result in occasional chaos. Occasional meaning frequent, and chaos meaning chaos! These little troublemakers find themselves in some sticky situations, and that is what we are dedicating this listicle to; the feline fiascos that result from existing with beings of the cat variety!

Cats are truly independent creatures, they march to the beats of their own drums and no amount of human guidance or interference will disrupt them from accomplishing whatever their cute little hearts are set out to accomplish. That could be anything from trying to reach the highest most point in the entire household, only to cry when not presented with a simple way to get back down to the kitchen counter, a much more comfortable spot to lounge. The funny feline memes we are featuring today sum up all of the chaos that comes with living with a cat! The chaos never ends, enjoy! 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

After Human Baby Outgrows Toys, Adorable Black Cat 'Shadow' Declares All Baby Stuff His And Only His

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 08:00

Hey there, ICanHasCheezburger enthusiasts! Today we came across arguably the most adorable series of posts we had seen yet, and we had to stop and appreciate all of the wholesome goodness contained in it for a bit. The series of posts we are featuring today follows an adorable void named 'Shadow' who has a human baby sibling. As soon as his baby sibling grew out of her baby toys, Shadow promptly decided that those now belonged to him. That includes her crib, her toys, her bassinet, just about everything that once belonged to the human baby, Shadow adopted. 

And we must admit, seeing the hilariously adorable pictures of Shadow cuddled up in a baby's crib just prove our point once and for all that cats are our babies. Even if they are a little fluffier than human babies, they are babies just the same. Now let's take a look at this baby's experience conquering his human sister's baby hand me downs. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

People Discover The Meowrvelous Norwegian Forest Cats, And Their Reactions Are Hissterical

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 07:00

The more cats we discover, the happier we are as human beings. And there really are a whole lot of cats to discover. Everyone knows the classics - the house cats, the lions, the tiger, and all the rest of the big cats. But not everyone knows about small wild cats and just how many species of small wild cats there are. 

Like… did you know about the perpetually grumpy Pallas' cat that sits on its own tail to warm up its paws? And what about the fluffy and giant Maine Coon cats who way bigger than whatever it is you're imagining right now? And what about the pawdorable sand cats whose ears are way to big for their heads? And the itty bitty Black Footed kitty who is one of the smallest but most lethal cats in the world? There is an endless number of ameowzing small wild cats to discover, and today, twitter discovered a new one - the Norwegian forest cat, and twitter's reactions… were hissterical. 

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Majestic Snow Leopards Acting Purrcisely As Itty Bitty House Cats: I.e. Being Derpy As Heck

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 06:00

Cats will be cats. That is a statement of fact that will never, ever change, and it is true for every single cat. Including big cats. Yes, you may look at lions and tigers and think that these are extremely dangerous creatures, and they are, but they are also cats. And that means that they will do cat-like things. Like when caracals nag their humans when they're trying to work, just like house cats do. Or when black leopards learn to follow commands, just like house cats can but don't want to do. Or like when cheetahs meow and purr like house cats

Cats will cat, and we think that is the most awwdorable thing in the whole friggin' world. We will fawn over that each and every day for the rest of our lives. Cats will cat, and this big cat - the snow leopard - is about to do his part by showing everyone that big cats are just as goofy as itty bitty house cats. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Who do you think you are?

Mon, 04/15/2024 - 05:00

More noms please

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 16:00


Sun, 04/14/2024 - 15:00

24 Snuggle Worthy Cat Memes To Send Off The Weekend With A Smile

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 14:00

Sunday is all about laid back cozy vibes with our fluffy felines, is there anything better than just staying in and relaxing with our cute cats, and enjoying their company as we relax and unwind. It's all about making the most of our weekend, even if that means being lazy. Cats are experts at being lazy and cuddly, They have a way of making our Sundays extra special with their playful charming ways and unique personalities.

What better way to celebrate a fluffy feling weekend than with a collection of  hissterical cat memes. These funny memes capture the quirky and lovable nature of cats, bringing smiles to our faces as we scroll through them. It's a fun way to celebrate feline friends and share a laugh with fellow cat lovers around the world. So here's to lazy Sundays filled with cat cuddles and laughter, thanks to our awwdorable fur babies and the endless entertainment of cat memes!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

20 Funny Feline Memes Of Cute Cat Couples To Sweeten Your Sunday

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 13:00

If Sunday is not for curling with cute cat content then we may as well pack the day in and call it a week, because if we are not taking this precious moment to cuddle with the fluffiest toe beaned creatures on this planet then what have we been working for all week long, right? So with little further ado, we introduce today's collection of funny feline memes of cute cat couples to sweeten your Sunday.

From the pawdorable felines all cosied up in their new ramen themed beds, to the long haired duo who look less than impressed at being put in a feline tumble dryer after being forced to have a bath (talk about feline offenses stacking on top of each other), to the ingenious hooman who turned an antique TV into the most heartwarming cat viewing station, to the jealous older cat sibling who gets his kicks pushing his younger brother into the trash can. These feisty and wholesome feline couples are the pawfect way to get your kicks in and unwind before the work week starts all over again.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Cat Shelter Shares The Weird And Funny Names They Give Their Fluffy Residents

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 12:00

Thank fluff, it is Sunday and we still have one more day to decompress from the maelstrom of the week. And as usual, we are fully stocked with feline funnies of the furriest quality, to keep you entertained and hanging with your favorite felines all weekend long. Today we are kicking back with a hilarious cat video from the Cal Poly Cat Program, which is a student led organization helping cats find their forever homes, and as anyone who has adopted from a shelter will know, cat shelters like to come up with some furry funny names for their feline residents.

So find yourself a cozy spot to curl up in, and get ready for some wacky feline name inspiration from some of the feline world's best, and worst named cats. Just avoid viewing this next to your facetious feline, as you risk offending them with the absolutely clawful names these fluffy felines have to live with every day.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'No TP is safe in this house': Cat Pawrents of the Internet Share Their Cats' Most Hissterical Horrible Habits That Became Comical Cat-astrophes

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 11:00

Hey, I Can Has-ers and cat connoisseurs of the internet. Happy Sunday! We aren't sure how you started your day, but purrsonally, we woke up to a graveyard of shredded toilet paper all throughout our house. It seems that our cat found our hidden stash of TP and had a feisty feline fiesta while we were sleeping. This just goes to show that you never know what you're going to get when you adopt a pet. Some cats lay on your face while you sleep, others try to jump in the toilet bowl, and some get into crazy shenanigans that you would never even dream of. What can you do except laugh about it?

We found a super silly thread of cat pawrents sharing their cats' most hissterical horrible habits that turned into comical cat-astrophes, and we figured that if you can't beat them, join them! Laugh your pain away while cleaning up all that toilet paper by scrolling through this hissterical series of kitties that make their hoomans' lives one chaotic day after another. You're not alone!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

33 After-Caturday Feline Funnies in the Form of Cat Memes to Congratulate Yourself on Being a Functional Hooman Bean Today

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 10:00

Hey, cat lovers and I Can Has-ers, we hope you had a pawsitively furtastic Caturday yesterday. Purrsonally, we're still riding those post-Caturday happiness vibes and we're feeling generous to ourselves. Some days you get a lot done, and some days, you should be purroud of yourself for simply being a functional hooman bean. Today is one of those days. As long as you got up, washed your face, made your bed, and ate something today, you're doing a great job in our books. So, let's scroll through some feline funnies in the form of cat memes to celebrate this meownumental achievement!

Did you get at least one thing done today, no matter how small? Great job! You deserve a hissterical cat meme. Did you remember to brush your teeth today? Ameowzing! Here, have another cat meme! Basically anything you did today, you deserve to take a break and have a good laugh. So, what are you waiting for? Your present of feline funnies is waiting for you below!

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

17 Hilariously Misplaced Kitteh Cats That Are Too Cool For School

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 09:00

When it comes to cats, one thing's for sure: they're the ultimate rule-breakers. They always find a way to defy our expectations. In the spirit of feline hilarity and all things wholesome goodness, we've rounded up a whole bunch of hilarious misplaced kittehs who are way too cool 

From cats hidden in everyday household spots like filing cabinets all the way to even more random locations such as helmets, in the toilet paper packaging, among others.  this collection was curated with lots of love and a hefty dose of humor. Cats are gonna cat, and there's no changing that. But hey, we wouldn't have it any other way. Our felines are our babies and we encourage them to be themselves, fortunately, they do not need much encouragement from us. They march to the beats of their own drums and hide in the most random spots, waiting for us humans to find them misplaced and in the midst of mischief. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Comedic Compilation of Lifeguard Kitties On Duty Protecting Their Humans From The Big Bad Bathtub

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 08:00

Hey, friends! Are you familiar with the phenomenon of 'lifeguard kitties'? Cats are curious creatures and think of the bathroom as like their private detective office. They're intrigued by the sound of running water and love exploring the mysterious bathtub terrain. Plus, they're natural guardians, so when they see their human vulnerable in the tub, they feel the need to stand guard. It's like they're saying, "Don't worry, I've got your back, even in the weirdest of places!"

They tend to do the same while humans use the bathroom. I can't be in the bathroom for more than 30 seconds before I hear a cute little pitter-patter of paws swiping at the bathroom door. Of course, I then allow the cats in to protect me for the duration of my bathroom break. and the cuties we are featuring today are adopting the same pattern of behavior towards the bathtub breaks, we love it!

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"Most responsible kitten in the world": Kitten Found In A Box Watching Over 3 Orphaned Kittens, Trying To Take Care Of Them As Best As He Could

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 07:00

There is this myth - something entirely made up and unbelievable - that cats are selfish creatures, that cats don't care, that cats only love when they can get something out of that love. But we know better. We, cat owners, we know that cats love, and they love hard. The story that you are about to read today, it is not the first story that we have seen of a cat taking care of a kitten that is not its own. We have seen it countless times. We have seen everything from cats adopting kittens from other litters to cats saving babies from freezing to cats adopting lynxes and raising them alongside their kittens

Cats care. They're just picky about who they care for. But when you are chosen by a cat, nothing can undo it. And Binx, the hero of this story, has clearly chosen his new family. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

27 Meowrvelous Funny Cat Snaps To Start Your Sunday Off With A Smile

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 06:00

Happy Sunday, everyone! Yes, we agree, it's been a heck of a long week, but we are here now. It's time to take a deep breath. Take in this nice weather before it starts getting hot again, hug your cats while they're sleepy enough to not be bothered about it, and enjoy some fresh uplifting cat memes. That's what mornings should be like all the time, not just on Sunday.

We don't know about you, but we try to start each and every one of our mornings with funny cat memes. It's nourishment for our soul. Sometimes, snorting at cat memes first thing in the morning and sending them to every person we care about is the only thing that gets us through the day, and we know the same is true for you. We hope you have a lovely Sunday, friends, and that these memes give you the pawsitivity that you need to start the next week on the right paw.

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

A gentleman

Sun, 04/14/2024 - 05:00


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