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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 9 min 10 sec ago

Fast food workers reveal the menu items you should seriously avoid: 'The ice machine doesn't get cleaned as often as you’d hope'

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 15:00

This might make you think twice about the next time you're feeling lazy and decide to pop through a drive-thru window to pick up a quick bite to eat. According to these fast food workers, no restaurant joint is off-limits. From menu items that are made up of all of the leftovers corporate doesn't want to go to waste to the machines that are built so poorly that they are impossible to clean, you probably should know these gross facts before you go spending your hard-earned money at some of these places. Or you could look at it this way - we've made it this far after years of indulging at these places, maybe were just immune to these un-called-for fast-food norms. Maybe it's the price we pay to enjoy these places' low costs and convenient practices. Either way, you'll probably learn a thing or two from the workers below. After chiming into a Reddit thread asking, "Fast food workers, what menu item should everyone avoid from where you work?" tons of people replied, sharing similar experiences. Keep reading below.

'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 14:00

This caretaker had to wield that phrase that should be a warning to any boss: "Can I have that in writing, please?" As an employer, that should immediately make you do a double take. It should make you think, "Hmm, why does my employee want to document this order?" Perhaps they've already had some reservations about it, or they see something you've missed. No matter, though, because that type of boss dislikes listening to employees. They think that they're superior in their role, and that their lowly employees couldn't possibly be capable of good decision-making. 

The caretaker was also given the worst kind of employee instructions. He was basically told that he couldn't do his job, and this impacts the students and staffers at the school. Now, with all eyes on him, he's forced to tell everyone that he simply can't help them today in the way he does every other day. Awkward…At least the guy, u/Sir_Jimmothy's father, was able to talk to his boss after maliciously complying with her ridiculous order. You can check out the full story down below. 

After that, read about the silly customer questions that are making customer service reps roll their eyes, like one person who asked in full seriousness, "How many days do we have for a 45-day return?"

‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 13:00

When you're a kid, you constantly fear that your parents are going to embarrass you in public. For instance, I will never forget that one time when I was 11 years old and going to the movies with my whole family, an activity that led to major embarrassment when my Dad was grooving to the music during the previews. I was mortified that a friend or classmate from school was at the theater and would see my father dance like nobody was watching because everyone was watching.

Now, what kids don't realize is that parents also are afraid that their kids will embarrass them in public by blurting out a naive comment, insensitive remark, or revealing the truth about them in mixed company. 

These folks understand that embarrassment all too well. Keep scrolling below for their cringe-worthy stories and for the subsequent fallout. For more, check out this compilation of throwback starterpack memes.

'[She] showed up in pajamas and... thought she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 12:00

Getting fired within your first week or two of starting a new gig takes effort. You have to be so wildly unfit for the role that no one will take the chance to train you. There are a few thousand people who witnessed some of the worst first days of work ever, and they're telling the stories in the r/AskReddit community. 

Some folks just aren't suited to the job. For example, one courier driver went through the interview process and started work. He then told the person training him that he refuses to drive in the city. Buddy, what did you think was going to happen at that courier job? Other people tried to start fights or refused to actually do any work. 

There's also the guy who applied to be a security guard, only for his employers to find him sleeping on the job. Why? Because he's a narcoleptic! If you're constantly falling asleep, being a security guard is perhaps not the ideal job for you. He was just trying to fake it until he made it, but he'll have to look elsewhere for employment after that incident. 

Up next, these people have some interesting dating preferences, like one person who insists, "Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference." 

Manager promotes untrained hire after trusted employees quit, company tanks: 'The place is a ghost town'

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 11:00

One would think that a manager would make careful judgment calls after a group of high-performing employees quit. This is the opportunity to do some serious self-reflection about why they felt the need to leave and what changes can be implemented so that more hard-working, well-trained folks don't leave high and dry. Unfortunately, in order to make smart judgment calls in these scenarios, these managers need to develop an ounce of self-awareness and honesty so they can realistically admit where they might have gone wrong.

This manager, like so many bosses, refused to go there. Instead, he promoted the wrong person, refusing to take advice from one of his former employees (the Redditor). They had properly trained another new hire before their ultimate departure, but this manager had too much of an ego to promote him. So, you can guess what transpired next. Let's just say that business was not booming.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about an employee who learned that a new hire below him was getting paid more.

‘The kicker? You aren’t eligible for a bonus': Employee gets burned out of a $1,000 bonus when his greedy boss ‘revisits’ an old employee review

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 10:00

Bonuses keep the workplace afloat. After a grueling quarter, tired employees look through the glass ceiling at their bosses above, begging, hoping, and praying for a bone to be tossed down to their department. For most people living paycheck-to-paycheck, bonuses are truly their only source of fun money. So please, boss, don't mess with our favorite part of the year. 

Usually performance-based, oftentimes your boss will make you review your work, reach certain goals, or otherwise dance like a monkey for your bonus–and most employees are happy to do it! But if you're promised a bonus, do your due diligence, and still get denied, what then? The guy in our next story was flabbergasted when he received 5 stars all around on his employee review, only to get the rug pulled out from under him when it came time for payday. 

After a resounding round of applause from the higher-ups, this hardworking employee was thrilled to be receiving a $1,000 bonus for his labor. Except, a few months later, when it came time to cash in on his bonus check, suddenly his manager found a few 'mistakes' in his review. He unearthed the signed document and decidedly ripped apart his star employee. Not only was the guy insulted, but now that he was being placed on probation at work, he was no longer eligible for a bonus… Keep scrolling for the entire enraging tale of workplace drama that's sent this guy straight to the job market for a new position. 

HR demands employee take PTO instead of working remotely, sparking client outcry

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 09:00

As a participant in the industry, you are expected to follow the guidelines set forth by the business community. The story below is an account of a clever employee.

The original poster (OP) is employed by a company that offers services to oil and gas corporations. According to company rules, he is required to work from the office for three consecutive days per week. But after becoming ill approximately a month ago, OP decided that it would be best to remain in his hometown till he recovered. He therefore worked from home for two full weeks until HR called and demanded that he adhere to the policies of the firm and take a leave of absence instead of working remotely. Following some back-and-forth, OP ultimately agreed to comply and took the entire last week of the month off, leaving the company in a precarious situation with no one to finish the clients' pressing obligations.

Thus, make sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of the incident and what happens next! Furthermore, once you're finished, don't forget to read the account of the junior worker who humiliates his management by ditching the company and leaving it in chaos!

'Call me on my days off? Guess you're paying me': Energy employee gets even with boss who won't stop bugging them on their days off

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 08:00

One worker was accustomed to working 8 days on, then having 6 days off. That sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you can get it! By the 8th day of work, you must be very ready for a break, but you could plan all sorts of fun activities during those 6 days off in a row. 

This person, u/WyoPeeps, was actually trying to go "off grid" during one of their 6-day breaks. But their boss was continually interrupting them. When that happens, it makes you feel like you've sold your soul to the company. How can an employee ever relax and unwind if they're waiting for a call or email begging them to work? The company might wonder why an employee would want to stay in a work situation like that… That company must have an incredibly high turnover rate if they can't even let their workers have a single day to themselves. The employee is going to feel like they're living only to work, and they're going to race for the door. 

After checking out this story of workplace malicious compliance, check out the comments from people who applauded the original poster for their smart move. Then, check out some very funny and quite difficult-to-read signs.

‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 06:00

Unless you live in an ultra-rural area, you're going to hear your neighbors every now and then. A healthy neighborhood is full of lively sounds like lawnmowers, children playing, and the occasional dog bark, but if you have the misfortune of living next door to a yappy yapper pup who won't even take barking breaks to take a sip of water, your nerves can start to fray at the slightest bork. Even a dog lover of the highest order would find this barking pooch insufferable.

When the guy in our next story moved into his neighborhood, he had no idea that the dog next door would be such a problem. Naturally, like with all untrained animals, it's easy to point out the pitfalls of the untamed beast's handler–in this case, an entitled Karen who thought that her Fifi could do no wrong. Even after several complaints about the dog barking at all hours of the night, the man was dismissed by the dog owner when she claimed that "dogs will be dogs". 

Okay, Karen. We'll see how you like the sound of 'dogs being dogs' after a nightly wake-up call at 3 AM from your disgruntled neighbor blasting the sweet siren calls of dogs barking through his biggest speaker. After this, here's another story of unruly neighbors. 

Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Sun, 07/21/2024 - 05:00

Red-eye flights can be brutal, especially if you have a kid kicking the back of your seat and making your experience all the more difficult. 

When you're getting on a long flight and hoping for at least a good hour of sleep, the likelihood of a smooth, relaxing experience all comes down to your immediate surroundings. Are you stuck in the middle of two inconsiderate strangers? Are you next to a strange and overly talkative person? Is there a screaming child? 

Here, we have a passenger who was, at the very least, lucky enough to have a protective father. He stood up for his daughter after the annoying kid behind her kept incessantly kicking her seat. Now, this kid was about eight or nine years old. In other words, he was old enough to know better, and his mother (who was sitting right next to him) should have done more to stop him from continuing to be a nuisance. 

Keep scrolling below to see how the Redditor's Dad stepped in to teach him a lesson. For more stories like this, check out this list of odd circumstances that led to employees getting fired.

28 Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Email Inbox

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 16:00

We're constantly spammed with emails. Our work emails, our personal emails, and those inboxes we still have from the early 2000s with the embarrassing email address names that we can't seem to delete are all constantly filled with spam. When you buy something from a company nowadays, you have to be prepared to receive email promotions from them for the rest of your life, no matter how many times you try to unsubscribe. Even when you just do a quick search of a product, it's like you're suddenly receiving emails from companies trying to sell it to you. It never ends. It can be hard to find important emails when our inboxes are overcrowded with so many unnecessary emails. But when it comes to work, we'd much rather get an email than have a meeting put on our calendars. Don't you hate when you're in a meeting and realize they could have saved everyone time by just making it an email? So, we may have a love/hate relationship with emails, but they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. So, let's celebrate their trials and tribulations with these 28 hilarious memes below. 

'Put in a leave? Sure': Hybrid employee gets denied a WFH day while she's under-the-weather, scores a restful day off while the department scrambles

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 15:00

There are pros and cons to working from home. 

For starters, when you work from home, your commute is far easier, shortening a 1-hour drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic to a very manageable, 5-second slipper shuffle down the hall. You can wear pajama pants all day and your managers will be none the wiser. And your favorite coworker just became your fur baby who gives you doggie cuddles and snoot boops in between meetings!

This all sounds lovely until the first time you get sick. The biggest downside of working from home is that sick days are a thing of the past. Although your brain may be fried from the NyQuil you've been sipping to lower your temperature, most managers won't accept your 103 fever as an excuse to get out of your workload. But then again, this is a single 'con' to a long list of 'pros'.

Unfortunately for hybrid employees, they're usually the workers caught in limbo, catching the 'cons' from everyone's workplace pro/con list. The Redditor in our next story recently shared a tale from her own workplace, lamenting over the absurdities of remote work and a hybrid schedule, while using company policy to her advantage. Looks like this employee created her own new list of 'pros', and a win for hybrid employees everywhere–not to mention the free day off that she enjoyed. Keep scrolling for all the details of this workplace's malicious compliance.

'Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference': 20+ Dating rules that are utterly bizarre

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 14:00

Dating is not easy, even when you know exactly what you're looking for. There are a bajillion single souls out there, but most of them just aren't going to be the one for you. 

One of the biggest issues I've encountered while dating is that people love to profile you based on your astrological profile. This is not something I want, and yet a lot of people want to know this info to see if we're compatible. Sadly, that means we aren't, right off the bat. Other people just ask weird questions on the first date, or they start talking negatively about something they hate, which you happen to love. That can also put an end to a date pretty quickly. However, it seems like the people with the pickiest standards are often the ones who no one would really want to date anyway. Why would you want to date someone who gets super critical over the tiniest things? Let those people stay single if they're so superior. 

At least the people answering u/Urjanhai's question to r/AskReddit have a great sense of humor about the "most ridiculous dating preference" they've ever encountered while on the dating scene. You can check them all out down below. 

After that, read about the worst coworkers ever

Tenant gets back at insensitive neighbor for using loud laundry machine late at night: 'Ignore the sign and do your laundry late at night? I don't think so.'

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 13:00

Confronting a neighbor can be tricky. After all, you still have to live near this person for the foreseeable future, so it's not like you want to be burning any bridges. That being said, if your neighbor is actively harming your living experience, confrontation might be inevitable and unnecessary.

Now, if you can't confront someone directly, petty behavior is not necessarily ideal, but sometimes, it's the only option you have in your arsenal. That's what happened when this Redditor heard a tenant use the laundry room after 10pm (which was the latest you were supposed to use the room). It gets worse, though. There was one dryer everyone knew was particularly loud and would cause an intense shaking sound for all tenants living on that floor. This tenant decided that was the dryer to use after 10pm on a weeknight. 

Keep scrolling below to see what happened after the Redditor discontinued the dryer. For more stories like this, check out this post about the top choosing beggars of the week.

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 12:00

Graphic design is not these people's passion. And that's okay! They're just regular people making regular signs, for reasons such as "don't park in front of this trash can." Oh wait… we also have a few professional signs in here too. They're quite hard to read, yet they can be found in restaurants or in advertisements. 

I think sometimes the graphic designers will make a sign, and their client keeps picking at it. They want it to be prettier or more attention-grabbing. So the artist reworks it again and again, only to find that it looks like a botched mess after a while. 

Other people just didn't think things through. I really do feel for the person who got that tattoo (see #4) that was supposed to have the heartfelt message of, "If you stay, stay forever. If you go, go today." The first issue is that it's in the Rae Dunn font, so they'll have that on their body forever. They also chose a few cutesy "U" and "4ever" abbreviations, sure to make their tattoo appear young-at-heart forever. And finally, the message you get when you first glance at that tattoo is… definitely not the message they intended. 

Next up, this grocery store employee was bemused as they guarded a puddle for hours on end, all at their boss's direction. 

Entitled neighbor builds fence 10 feet over the property line before new residents move in: 'The neighbor knows exactly what he did'

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 11:00

This dude started neighborhood drama before the new family even moved in officially!

These new residents were under contract to buy a house when their male Karen neighbor took the opportunity to build a large fence 10 feet over the property line, using this moment to claim that those 10 feet were always a part of their property to begin with. Now, the new residents are not naive and they knew exactly what this guy was doing. Now, not to defend the wrong guy in this scenario, but if one did want to be shady and get away with adding a few more feet of property, this would theoretically be the right opportunity to be shady. Just saying…

The good news is that these new residents refused to be manipulated. Since they were under contract to buy said house, they were committed to making sure they were getting everything they deserved and would not cave to any intimidation tactics. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about some top choosing beggars this week. 

Overworked employee steps down from supervisor role after being denied a raise, company falls apart as a result: ‘I laughed as they crumbled’

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 10:00

What would you do if you were so overworked at your workplace but your manager kept denying your request for a raise? 

We would imagine that most people would understand that they should not overwork themselves in that place of work, and start looking for a new job. While the employee in this Reddit story also started looking for a new job when they were denied a raise, they took it one step further and requested a demotion. That is how OP (original poster) went from being the supervisor of their department to talking calls in another department. A move that allowed OP to watch as their manager and the entire department slowly fell apart without OP doing all the hard work. Now, with a new job lining up, OP has nothing left to do but to laugh from the sidelines.

Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a job candidate who missed an important interview because of the hiring manager.

'I was tired of the unfairness of it all': Call center worker decreases their output by 80% after workplace changes pay incentives

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 08:00

At this person's job, they were expected to make at least 120 calls per day. They're used to making more phone calls in a single day than I've made in my whole life. Despite all that hard work, their boss doesn't seem to appreciate how difficult it is to generate revenue off of them. At this person's job, they were expected to contact people who had debts, and try to get that person to pay them off. As you might imagine, the people who will answer a debt collector's call are usually the people who have decided they're ready to pay off that debt. The others just ignore the call. 

This person was shocked to discover that their job was skimming their bonuses, writing that they were "frustrated with this literal theft and underappreciation of successful collection." To get back at their boss and the poor pay incentive, they created a plan and stuck with it for quite a while. It's a great example of malicious compliance in the workplace. You get what you give, and if you give your employees disrespect, don't be surprised when that's what you get back in return. 

Next, these people had some really strange reasons for getting fired, like one dude who was canned because he "changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard." 


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