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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 22 hours 4 min ago

'Neighbor said it wasn't any of the city's business what he did to his yard': Entitled homeowner faces heavy fines for outrageous landscaping despite neighbors warnings

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 09:00

This entitled neighbor had some extreme plans for his landscaping, which included removing massive trees, constructing a 10-foot fence, and leveling the ground extensively. However, his actions did not sit well with his neighbors, the HOA, or even city officials. Despite receiving multiple warnings from his well-meaning next-door neighbors, he refused to consider their advice, believing that his entitlement gave him the right to do as he pleased.

Little did he know that his next-door neighbor was a contractor who knew a lot of the city regulations, and that his neighbor was breaking all of them. Nonetheless, the entitled neighbor couldn't be bothered.

But the contractor didn't resort to ratting him out. He didn't need to because it was only a matter of time before someone else did. Whether it was the daily 7 a.m. construction racket, the piles of dirt obstructing the street, or the neighbor's entitled attitude, he was bound to get caught. And he did. Not only did he get some hefty fines, but he also had to stop construction and reverse his wrongdoing immediately. 

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Sneaky neighbors bring bags to 'grab and run' with their stolen veggies

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 08:00

This person already didn't love gardening, but then their neighbors started stealing from them… That just made the situation even worse. 

A lot of folks find gardening to be a peaceful way to connect with nature. The pros are that you get to watch living things grow, and if you're lucky, you'll get to eat the literal fruits of your labor. Even if all you grow is a handful of string beans or a few teensy tiny tomatoes, they taste better because you're the veggies' parent. You raised it from seed to sandwich topping, the full veggie life cycle. The cons of gardening are that you have to touch dirt and mulch, a caveat that some of us just can't get past. Yucky. 

This person is not actually a gardener. Their property was already equipped with a lovely lawn and a garden bursting with herbs and vegetables. However, it wasn't long before this person realized their neighbors were helping themselves to the herbs and veggies. Helpful Redditors spent quite a lot of time telling the original poster (OP) how they could get back at these thieving neighbors. I bet these ladies could've had all the herbs and veggies their hearts desired, if only they'd decided to talk to their neighbor instead of pilfering. 

Next up, check out some designs that flopped hard.

'Today the company operates with 35% remaining employees': Employer tells worker to "act their wage," they quit and tank the company

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 07:00

Being told that you should "know your place" by the person who has been benefiting from you not knowing your place is disheartening—and hypocritical at best. But that's what this worker experienced when they sought to provide critical feedback to their management's new direction.

This worker started in their first job working at a startup as a web developer, they immersed themselves fully in the company's vision, working well beyond their contracted hours and required responsibilities. Their work, of course, was appreciated until the day that the company sought to implement a new feature that they had concerns about. Often times management doesn't really want to hear dissension—or sensible feedback which they perceive as dissension… preferring instead to remain blissfully unaware of the problems with their half-baked ideas. So, rather than considering the feedback of this worker who had done so much for them, they instead were told to "act their wage" by the CEO, who brushed aside their concerns. 

They followed the CEO's advice and afterward stuck firmly to their contracted hours, soon afterward resigning, which pulled a thread that caused the entire company to unravel, ultimately having to lay off almost 30% of its workforce, leaving it operating with only 35% of its employees.

'Ma'am, you are consuming mold': Karmic airport Karen dismisses a food kiosk employee, ends up eating a plate of moldy food despite multiple warnings

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 06:00

Anyone who has worked in the food industry knows that a lot can go wrong with your meal. Between food deliveries, kitchen mishaps, and server errors, it's a miracle that any customer gets food that's uncontaminated by shenaniganry, but the Karen in our next story got the short end of the stick when it came to health and safety guidelines. 

After crossing through TSA at the airport, this particular Karen was craving a fresh plate of vegetables and hummus to clear her palate and fill her stomach before the flight. However, everything went wrong when one of the food kiosk employees discovered mold on all of the 'freshly' prepared veggie trays. Seeing the Karen happily making her way to her gate with a moldy tray of vegetables, one heroic employee decided to fall on his sword, approaching the dismissive Karen with multiple warnings and apologies– only to be ignored entirely. 

Scroll for the entire off-putting story of how an employee admitted their mistake and atoned for serving moldy food, only to be completely disregarded by an entitled Karen who didn't care to hear them out. I guess this is a story that reminds us all to heed the warnings of anyone who serves us food… they know what's going on behind the curtain.

'Why don't you just live off of your savings?': 20 out-of-touch comments from bosses, parents, and Karens

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 05:00

One of the common threads that unite the horrible bosses, entitled parents, and over-the-top Karens of the world is the wildly out-of-touch remark they are wont to make on a daily basis. Nine times out of ten, these comments have something to do with privilege and/or money because of course they do. It's remarkable how people with all the opportunities at their fingertips can forget what it's like to not have those opportunities. Surely, not all of these individuals have had that level of wealth and privilege their entire lives (though I'm sure we've got a few nepo-babies on this list).

This list was compiled from the following r/AskReddit thread and varies from comments by your boss's out-of-touch spouse, your spoiled and rich friend, and even your parent who can't seem to understand the plight of your generation. Keep scrolling below and feel free to share your own stories about the people in your life who desperately need to sit down and be humbled. For more compilations like this, check out this list of top embarrassing moments.

'Sorry, that's your job': Employee reacts to demanding manager who orders them to find someone to cover their shift despite having followed protocol

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 04:00

Working at a gas station is quite the experience. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Let's just say, it's not the end of the world if you get fired. There are plenty of other jobs out there.

This person was working at a gas station and had to take a day off following a family emergency. They followed protocol and let their manager know 4 hours prior. The manager's response was somewhat confusing, considering that this employee had followed the rules. First, the manager told them they were going to get written up. For what, following protocol? Come on. Then, it got worse, because this manager decided to get petty… and punish the employee in other ways. Scroll down to read the string of text messages, the poster's explanation, and what other people had to say about this.

When will employees ever catch a break? After you're done reading, check out this story about an employee who was told to stop bringing in free bagels to the office because that was 'HR's job'. Right… So everyone has to suffer?

'I am being held against my will': After working a 30 hour shift, nurse calls the police then gets fired for being 'immature'

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 15:00

If you've ever pulled an overtime shift, you know the psychological warfare that goes on throughout every step of that OT journey. Once you pass hour 8 of your work day, your concept of time starts to warp, turning your workplace into an inescapable purgatory in which you're trapped until your next 15-minute break. For the nurse in our next tale, her accidental overtime shift turned into a nightmare after her relief no-showed, the police showed up, and she was ultimately fired.

As the resident nurse of an extensive care facility, u/throwaway-babi was well aware of her company's bad staffing reputation, but because she was passionate about helping people in need, she persevered. However, a standard Saturday 6AM-2PM shift quickly unraveled, locking this selfless nurse into an overnight shift that was certainly not worth the money. Scroll for the heroic tale of a nurse who put her mind and body on the line during a 30-hour shift to protect her patients–as well as all the nitty-gritty details of how she got payback against her negligent boss. 

After this, here's another hellacious tale of another hardworking employee whose work morality was put to the test by a snarky airport Karen. 

'A donut that had been fried in oil used to fry fish': 25+ Foul foods that diners will never touch again

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 14:00

From seafood to surströmming, these people will never forget their encounters with these foul foods

Everyone seems to have at least one or two foods that they'll never ever eat. For some, this stems from getting sick soon after eating that food---even if it wasn't the one that made them ill in the first place. Other people simply took their first bite of a dish and vowed to never taste that food again. Either way, they're sharing their stories with everyone else so that we all know what to avoid. 

A very common food item that people were averse to was clams or oysters. Those are such popular appetizers, but they can also easily sicken an entire party if they're not prepared or stored correctly. Just one incident of bad clams can spoil it for that person for life. 

Check out all of the very varied foods people said will never cross their lips again. Then, take a peek at some seriously silly cakes made by well-meaning amateurs and a few baffled professionals. 

Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 13:00

At what point will hiring managers just acknowledge that the reason why people are applying is always ultimately about a paycheck? Sure, sometimes there can be passion that motivates an applicant to apply for a particular position, but a paycheck is a paycheck and people need money to live. That's the point of work. With that in mind, no one should dress a job up to be anything else during the application process. It also should not be a bad thing if a candidate states that they want a certain job in order to pay their bills.

This applicant was forced to take an elaborate skills assessment that included questions about passion and mathematical word problems, all to get a simple bartending gig. Who do these people think they are and how popular do they think this job is?! It sounds like this whole process motivated this candidate to completely lose interest, so it's safe to say that the intended effect of this was wildly unsuccessful. However, before withdrawing the application entirely, the candidate shared  highlights from this over-the-top application process via this Reddit thread

Keep scrolling below to see how ridiculous this was. For more stories like this, check out this post about an unprofessional teacher who gossiped about another coworker to a student.

'Thak you': 25 Seriously silly cakes made by pros and amateurs

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 12:00

We've all burnt a cake or dropped some cupcakes on the floor, but we've never botched a cake as bad as some of these professional bakers.

Before we start roasting these cakes, let's take a moment to comment on the types of "bad" cakes. In general, I think that almost any homemade cake that looks "bad" is actually really cute. The people sharing these photos are often parents or partners who want the perfect dessert for their loved one. They try hard, but they're not experts, and the results are silly and charming. 

However. Bakers who sell a product that looks terrible? You get no forgiveness. That means that a family came to you with an idea and an expectation that they'd get $50-$75 worth of beautiful cake to show off on the birthday person's big day. To then mangle the cake either with slopping handwriting, misspellings, or misunderstandings leaves a lot of people royally irritated. For all those below who paid for botched cakes, I hope y'all got your refunds. And for all the home bakers, keep on making the best-worst cakes we've ever seen! (Except that one person with the nightmare-inducing hedgehog cake… you knock it off.)

Next up, the internet is split over the etiquette of picking up a used cabinet

‘[We went] to the museum of work’: 15+ Bizarre School Field Trip Fails

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:00

Field trips almost never go as planned. There is always some unexpected mishap, be it big or small, that gets in the way of the event and often makes our teachers extremely annoyed. Sometimes, it's their fault too. I mean, who in their right minds would think a group of 12-year-olds would enjoy a trip to the museum of work to learn about the joys of the eight hour work day? And who in their right minds would think that a camping trip in November in frigid Canada would be a good idea? As someone who is usually on the side of teachers, I have to admit that these anecdotes do not portray the wisest of our educators. 

With that said, here is a list of some memorable school field trips gone wrong. We're sure you have your own stories… who doesn't? I remember when our music class went to Six Flags and our teacher ordered the bus to leave without several kids. Again, not the brightest teacher that ever lived! Keep scrolling below for these stories. For more content like this, here are some hilarious interview fails.

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 10:00

Being an artist is not an easy profession, and even less so these days. Every day artists fight what seems like a never-ending fight for their rights and their art so that it will not be used in a way that hurts them or their livelihood. They always have to be extremely cautious with how, when, and where they expose their art to other people.

Like this artist on Reddit, who shared their experience with volunteering their art at a college club. The artist told Reddit about the entitled club president, who would simply not do his job, and because of that, OP (original poster), had to take upon themselves the tasks of the president, including planning events with barely any time. After constantly being underappreciated, OP left the club but was surprised to hear criticism when they took their artwork with them and didn't allow the club to continue using it for free.

Scroll down for the full detailed story. Once you are done, click here for another story, this one of a man who had to kick his roommate out because he kept spitting in his food.

The Most Entertaining Dating App Posts of the Week

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 09:00

Swipe left, swipe right, but whatever you do, don't stop swiping. You never know what (or who) is going to be around the corner…. says every dating app, ever.

The honest truth is that dating apps are designed to put you up for failure. They don't care about you per se, they care about your money. So keep the cash flowing, is what they're really saying. Once in a blue moon things actually work out. This is good because it means the app failed at its job to make you unhappy. But no relationship lasts forever, so eventually you find yourself back where you started. Swiping away, wishing your type would show up. Even when your type shows up, they surprise you with zero chemistry. Apparently not all attractive people are nice. Who would have thought? Alright, that's enough bitterness for today. Can you tell I'm single? Check out the dating app fails below, and when you're done, here is a woman who bought a laptop from a dude online, only to try getting all her money back after she'd used it to store pictures from her vacation. What a Karen.

'She didn't think I was serious': Customer dresses 'overly casual' to visit designer clothing brand store

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 08:00

"Don't judge a book by its cover," a customer advised after having an interesting shopping experience

Have you heard the phrase, "Money talks but wealth whispers"? It often refers to how different types of wealthy people dress, the cars they drive, or the content they post about their glamorous lifestyle. For the "money talks" crowd, these might be people who grew up in lower or middle-class beginnings and eventually made it, gaining their status by working hard. These folks love to flex for social media, showing off their shiny sports cars, $800 sneakers, and countless vacations to popular beach destinations. They're proud to have made all that money in their lifetime, and they're dying to show it off. 

As for the "wealth whispers" folks, they have a totally different view of their status. These are the generationally wealthy people. They've been rich since they were born and have never known life besides that. They don't feel the need to flex on their social media followers, and they usually dress down to fit in. 

The person who shared their story of petty revenge at a designer clothing store. They were not thrilled with the way a sales rep treated them during their stroll through the store. This shopper, u/Prize-Break8433, writes that they were interested in a designer backpack, but they didn't buy it the first time around. You can check out their tale of pettiness below. Then, read about this group of bridesmaids who teamed up to get back at a really entitled bride and her husband-to-be. 

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 07:00

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements…

Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the letter each time, there should always be exceptions when suitable. There was no reason for the tenant's car to be towed once the lot had been properly cleared. But, when it comes to parking infringements and dishonest towing yards, they're always going to be happy to turn their nose away from common sense in order to get a little extra coin. Well, a "little" extra coin is exactly what this towing yard got when this tenant, their victim, paid the entirety of their towing fine in small denominations. 

'Enjoy walking 4 kilometers home': Bus driver gets payback against a mutinous passenger by leaving him stranded

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 06:00

Even if you're a level-headed worker, sometimes the stressors of the workplace can get to you. Boiling over with rage and brimming with thoughts of sabotage, there are some service industry jobs where the work is doable until the customers rear their ugly heads. Enduring the pig-headedness of customers– or in this case, passengers –can take a toll on a worker's patience and perhaps, their mercy. 

As a cardinal rule of polite society, never ever bite the hand that feeds you. Or in this case, don't bite the hand that drives you home…

The bus driver in our next story certainly reached their patience threshold when an unruly passenger insulted them. Trapped within the confines of a moving vehicle and enduring the jeers and jabs of this particularly fiery bus rider, this driver decided to maliciously comply with his asinine demands. Scroll for the fallout that occurred when this impolite passenger got exactly what they asked for, resulting in a long, rainy walk home. 

After this, here's another wild tale of payback where an employee gets payback against a coworker that crossed the line, by donating a fair amount of cash to their opposition. 

‘He worked for one hour from home and that was it’: Undervalued employee finds loophole in company half-day policy, barely works until he quits

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 05:00

There is a special place in heaven for employees who discover loopholes and share about them with their fellow coworkers. It's perhaps the most rewarding phenomenon within the battlefield that is toxic workplace culture. The only thing better than discovering a loophole within company policy is, well, being treated well by your company. However, we're realists over here, and we understand that proper treatment of all employees is merely the stuff of dreams.

This story, however, surely provides some hope. The original poster shared his friend's tale of discovering a loophole within his company' half-day policy via the following thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. Essentially, this finance employee negotiated alternate hours where he would start work earlier and end earlier so he could have his late afternoons free. When he tried to take a half-day, his bosses enforced that he could only take off from 2pm onward despite his different hours, so his half-days weren't really half-days at all. Well, it turns out he found a way to maliciously comply that meant he only needed to work one hour every Friday. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're done, check out this collection of hilarious interview flops.

‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 04:00

Any front desk employee can tell you that more often than not, some fishy things are happening behind that counter. Even the most prestige establishment can get entangled in some ugly business. With that being said, it can be worrisome to think about the fact that many of these establishments have repeated access to extremely personal information of their clients. 

Like the hotel in this Reddit story. A front desk clerk wrote to Reddit with the concern that her hotel was doing wrong by its guests. She tells Reddit that the hotel policy is forcing her to scan the guests' credit card information and store it indefinitely. The concerned employee admitted that she encountered a lot of suspecting guests who don't like that policy, and now she doesn't know what to do. The comments to this post, made her aware of the fact that not only is this policy fishy, but it is completely illegal and can result in a fine of millions of dollars.

Scroll down to read the full story. If you are in the mood for some more juicy stories like this one, click here for a story of an irresponsible driver who landed himself a ticket because of his nasty behavior.

'He was nothing but polite to you': Gym goer gets told off by woman using a machine he's patiently waiting for, she turns to staff members who support him

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 16:00

Gym etiquette. Ever heard of it? This woman clearly hasn't.

One person shared a 'Gym Karen' story to Reddit after it unfolded positively, in his favor. He explained how he was down to his last exercise, and was waiting patiently next to a machine that was occupied by a woman who was notorious for being entitled. He had his earphones in, and wasn't directly facing her. She still got annoyed, and confronted him, asking him what he was doing. He replied that he was waiting for the machine, to which she reacted quite wildly, considering that he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. You don't own the machine, Karen.

Luckily, the staff members stuck up for him, as did other gym goers. Scroll down to read the full, detailed account of events. This could easily have gone another way… Next up, one roommate who was not only entitled when it came to rent, but also when it came to taking other peoples food. The world is full of obnoxious folk who need to change their ways ASAP.

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 15:00

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have?

Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Since when are oranges so expensive? And why do I even want to buy oranges? Sometimes I wonder what's going to happen to broke people. If costs keep climbing but salaries remain the same, what will happen? Alright, this took a dark turn. Let's scroll down for the wholesome posts, shall we? Remind ourselves why life is worth living.

Check out this story about HR who forbids an employee to bring free bagels to the office from a family-owned shop because that was 'their job'.


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