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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 16 hours 47 min ago

'I would rather not make the trip only to find out that it has been sold': Internet divided over second-hand sale etiquette

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 14:00

This person is completely confused after a second-hand sale gone wrong. I'm on this person's side… but commenters agree with the seller. 

Buying second-hand items is a great way to save money and recycle. These days, it's a great way to get reliable clothing, since clothes from past decades last longer than the current brands of fast fashion. For people who are just getting started in their first apartments, it's a great way to get some nice furniture at a cheap price. And others use it to spruce up their home after browsing the apps for a while to find the perfect decor. 

One dude shared an interesting conversation with a seller, which seemed to baffle them. You can check out the brief text message below. Basically, the prospective buyer offers to purchase a metal cabinet for $30. Around 2:30 PM, they ask if they can pick it up in three hours. The seller keeps noncommittally saying that the buyer can have it "if it's still here." What does that person mean that they can't guarantee they'll have an item in three hours? They really can't hold it for that long, even when the buyer seems so committed to the sale?

Apparently, both the original poster (OP) and myself are deluded on this point. Commenters explained that sellers often deal with people who claim they'll pick up the item, then never do. I really don't see why the seller couldn't have held on for a mere three hours. It would be another thing if the OP couldn't get it for a week or something, but the seller's reasoning is a bit over the top. 

Check out the whole exchange, as well as the firey debates over the topic in the comments section. Then, read about one lawyer who racked up 100 hours of overtime to spite their boss

Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 13:00

There is a reason why kids are taught not to talk about people behind their backs. Of course, we do it anyway, but in professional settings, it almost always comes back to bite you in the behind.

So when this director of a nonprofit decided to spread rumors about the web developer she worked with and to blame him for various problems she had, of course karma came back to rear its head. Not only was this woman slandering the web developer's name, but he ended up finding out through family members. 

Here's where the petty revenge comes in. The web developer wound up getting into contact with the larger organization for whom this director works and was given the opportunity to say everything about his experience working with her. Man, did he say a lot because the future of this woman at her company no longer looks bright.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/WorthThanks1314. Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more stories like this, check out this one about a boss who dumped all of his work onto his employees after his team lost in the Super Bowl.

'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 12:00

Have you ever met someone who is blissfully unaware of seemingly everything around them? They're the type of person who floats through life with an empty head, and is often surprised when you correct them about common facts. We have a lot of love for our dumb friends, although we may have less tolerance for dimwitted coworkers. When your friend says or does something silly, it becomes an inside joke. But when a coworker acts brainless, you start wondering if they make more money than you, or if they really did graduate from college.

These people shared the funniest moments like these from their own lives. For example, one person who found themself feeling quite old when their coworker didn't know how to read an analog clock. Apparently, a lot of people can read digital clocks, but have difficulty reading the kind that hang on the wall. I guess if you don't learn that skill by the age of 3 or 5, maybe you never will. Another person shared that a coworker asked to reduce her workload from 5 days per week to 4… only to be stunned that she was now being paid less. Oh man. 

Next up, check out some design flops, like the fire pit that also turns into a side table, leaving you with an ash-covered floor every time. 

HOA fines guy for using his trash bins, he maliciously complies to get them off his back: ‘I’ll let you know every time I use my garbage can’

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 11:00

One would think that living in an HOA neighborhood would mean safety and protection, but in reality, it means pettiness and fines. Of course, it's not easy to get on the good side of HOA board members because these are the folks with Tracy Flick sensibilities, years of under-explored resentment, and backward authority complexes. In short, you can't make friends with the people who will go out of their way to put you in your place for silly reasons. It's a waste of one's time and energy. It's best to keep a healthy distance and avoid conflict.

However, sometimes you find yourself in a situation so ridiculous that you have to defend yourself. This resident was fined for having his trash bins open in public because he was literally in the process of cleaning them at that time. When he explained himself to an HOA rep, he was able to get the fine lifted but decided that he would go a step further and enact some malicious compliance to further prove his point that this was all ludicrous. 

He shared his side of the story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're done, check out this post about other similar major inconveniences

Clueless Boss Sends Police to Do a ‘Welfare Check’ on an Ex-Employee After Ignoring Their Resignation Notice

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 10:00

Spam emails hit your inbox every day. Whether you're avoiding daily discounts from incessant brands, disregarding subscription requests, or ignoring updates on your extended warranty, there's a lot of riff-raff that comes through your email that can go straight to the trash. However, when it comes to your work email inbox, there are a few messages that can cause a lot of confusion if they're never seen– like a resignation letter.

'It's a paid bathroom break': Gas station employee scrutinized by a nitpicking boss after taking 'too many bathroom breaks', goes viral

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 09:00

There's one thing we all learned the hard way in elementary school: When you gotta go, you gotta go! The schooling system always taught kids to ask permission to use the restroom or to plan their drinking schedule according to the times they were free to relieve themselves, but all that ever taught anybody was to be stressed about drinking a healthy amount of water or justifying anarchy to break free of bathroom break restraints. 

When we all graduated high school, we thought that that would be the end to the restroom tyranny, but for the gas station employee in this next story, the obsession with bathroom breaks followed them into the working world. 

'Revenge on Bridezilla': Bridesmaids team up to get back at entitled bride

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 08:00

These bridesmaids have run out of patience with their bridezilla friend. At least they have an interesting plan in place to get back at this "friend." 

The wedding registries of today make it incredibly easy to send a thoughtful gift to the soon-to-be couple. Thanks to a bevy of websites that specialize in this, couples can make a list of everything their hearts desire as gifts. From cookware to clothing to furniture, today's couples can add even the most outrageous items to their registries knowing that someone might cough up the money for it. It seems like a win-win: guests can buy them something they know they'll want. And the couple won't have to sneakily return unwanted items. 

I mean, that's what I thought until I read this post. Apparently this bridesmaid suspected that her friend wasn't going to keep all her wedding presents after all. It just doesn't make sense to ask for things you know you'll want to return. You can literally just ask for cash, as many couples do. For couples who already live together and have their lives established, a silverware set or new vacuum cleaner might not be necessary. It seems like instead of being honest, this couple was more concerned about making the biggest deal possible out of their special day

After that, read about this note from a craft store manager that shocked the employees

'They all hated me': Worker's warnings of impending disaster are ignored leading to meltdown

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 07:00

Sometimes in life you just have to grab the bull by the horns and take the reigns into your own hands, taking charge so that the ship rightens straight on to the course that it was set—you know, and all that jazz. Of course, those who were supposed to be in charge and were steering the ship straight into a sandbar or a reef (with utter confidence) may not appreciate you doing so. No, the people in charge don't really appreciate being told they're wrong, even when they are frequently and with fervor. So don't expect to hear thanks ever in your working career for pointing out that the direction management has agreed upon is the wrong one.

This worker shared that they worked for a major petroleum company and how they saved that company from a major disaster with their proactive thinking. They took the reigns when they recognized an impending problem, receiving recognition that their actions were necessary. However, later, when they again alerted disaster… their warnings were dismissed. See their story below, as originally shared with this popular online community.

'How do you expect me to work if I'm not remote': Micromanaging CEO flip flops between calling programmer's job ‘remote’, leading to employee turning off alarm clock and staying home following ‘remote work' instructions

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 06:00

Tsk, tsk, CEOs and their antics.

On the one hand, you're remote because it suits the needs of upper management. On the other hand, you're not remote because of the same reason. Well, which one is it? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

This micromanaging CEO was the type of human I stay away from. Anxious and suspicious of his employees and unable to make an informed decision or directly say what he wants. Always flip-flopping back and forth. The programmer who was working under him had had enough of this grey area and decided to get back at the CEO for being unable to decide if his job description was 'remote' or not. One day the weather was so bad that the CEO told everyone who worked remotely that they could work from home instead of coming into the office. But hey, the programmer wasn't remote, right? So maybe they should just get the day off? Scroll down to read what ensued.

Then check out this woman who didn't know how to approach a strange situation with her roommate who kept eating all of her frozen dinners.

'Your mic is still on': Teacher roasted for gossiping about a coworker to a student, everyone overhears

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 05:00

This teacher took to the internet for sympathy after talking about a coworker behind his back with their microphone still on, but she failed to mention that the person with whom she was gossiping was a literal child. 

Let's take a moment to break down the various levels of unprofessionalism that are embedded in this story. First, there's talking smack about coworkers. Look, this behavior is unfortunately inevitable in many workplaces, but if you're going to do it, you should speak privately with a trusted source. This teacher spoke about her coworker, who was in the next room. Furthermore, whenever you're dealing with a microphone in a professional setting (or any setting, really), one should assume that the mic is always on no matter what. It will save you from all kinds of embarrassment. Finally, and here's the one that got Redditors in the comments section really upset, there's the fact that the teacher was gossiping with a 10-year-old kid. Seriously? And you're wondering if you're in the wrong here? 

Keep scrolling below for the original post. For more stories like this, here are some top embarrassing moments from other folks on the internet.

'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

Tue, 02/20/2024 - 04:00

We work to live, not the other way around. It's difficult to find an occupation that fulfills our ambitions and desires. When we finally find that one individual in the workplace who is friendly and supportive, it might be difficult, to put it mildly, to let go.

A furious software developer who works for an organization that offers 'unlimited PTO' shares his story below. The Original Poster (OP) has been organizing an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime international trip. Before starting the preparations, he made sure senior management gave all the required approvals. To his astonishment, they not only approved but actively encouraged vacation time.

For this reason, OP was taken aback when he learned that his manager had been replaced. He was worried about how his long and expensive vacation would be received by the new boss. Given the situation, everything appeared to be going well at first, but when OP was summoned into the office for an urgent meeting to discuss his upcoming trip, things rapidly deteriorated.

Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning what was said at the meeting and whether or not OP ultimately took his much-anticipated vacation! When you're finished, don't forget to read the story of the soccer coach who cleverly complied with the demands of the other team, enabling his team to play on the superior field the entire season!

'The other candidate [...] has zero experience': Frustrated worker evens the scales after being passed over for promotion

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 15:00

There's already enough going on in this world that makes you want to mutter under your breath, heck, you're probably wondering why on earth your neighbor was revving their modded Honda Civic at 3 AM while you're dissociating at your desk—and then you come to find that your boss has gone and hired his no-experience nephew to be your boss.

Nepotism in the workplace is always going to grind your gears, even when the nepo-candidate has some relevant experience it's soul-crushing to be passed up for a promotion in favor of someone who is, on paper, less deserving just because they knew the right people or had the right relationships to get them ahead. 

It is an ever-unfortunate reality that who you know, not what you know, is more likely to get you ahead. Even beyond outright nepotism, it's no secret that someone who is more outgoing with a social knack and an appetite for organizational politics (or even someone just more generally liked) is more likely to get ahead of their more competent and experienced colleagues. 

This worker reached a tipping point when they learned that they had been eliminated from contention for internal promotion in favor of a less experienced worker who had been shoulder-tapped by an executive. 

So, in this short story they shared with a popular online community, they told of how they sought to even the scales between the remaining candidates. See their story as they shared it along with a few choice reactions below.

'Who even designs these?': 20+ Design flops

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 14:00

The difference between good design and poor design is in the eye of the beholder. For example, let's say you want a staircase in your newly built home. How hard could that be to execute? It's probably pretty straightforward, unless you want something fancy. Maybe you're a wealthy multi-millionaire with money to burn and a desire to impress your artsy friends. Then perhaps you give your designers some artistic leeway. 

It's shocking how many interestingly designed staircases are out there in the world. I'm fascinated by the staircase of stone (see #10). It's a regular-looking wooden staircase covered in smooth stones like you'd find near a lake. Not just one or two rocks, but dozens cover this staircase, leaving a single winding pathway down. There are no railings. If you fall, that's on you, buddy! I wonder if the rocks are glued down, or if a swift kick could turn one into a projectile. It just seems like such a bad idea… but someone thought it up and constructed it, and we're here to witness their design flop in all its glory. 

Check out these intriguing designs, then read this dude's "angry email" to HR after the company's CEO took away remote work privileges out of nowhere. 

'It's been 15 years and I'm still mortified': 20 embarrassing moments that still haunt people to this day

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 13:00

Who doesn't have an embarrassing memory that keeps you up at night? No matter how much time has passed or how much therapy you may or may not have undergone, you still find yourself thinking about that one moment that never fails to send shivers down your spine.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a universal human experience, and there is no real treatment plan for being human. For instance, it has been twenty years since I stepped in dog remains on the street and I still check my shoes every block and a half to see if I have done it again. Sure, embarrassing moments build character, but they also build unnecessary amounts of anxiety and habits. I know that in twenty more years, I will still be checking my shoes every so often, especially if I am still walking the streets of New York.

Keep scrolling below for these Redditors' forever embarrassing moments. When you're done, check out these insane comments and DM's. 

'A lawyer's pro revenge on his boss': Lawyer racks up 100 hours of overtime to spite lazy boss

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 12:00

If your boss tried to ruin your holidays, you'd be seeking revenge too. 

After working roughly 50 weeks out of the year, having a vacation is so necessary. It makes you remember what life is all about: having a ton of fun with the people you love most. Whether you're taking a week to go to the beach with your kids or grabbing five of your close friends and going to Vegas, it's great to focus on having fun and relaxing. I imagine that's also especially true for workaholics. If you're working 80-100 hours per week, as many lawyers do, you probably view those days off with reverence. 

This lawyer had a trip planned around the holidays. That makes it even worse that their boss then tried to get them to work through the entire vacation! It seems like the boss, who was aiming to be a partner at this law firm, was only focused on his own needs. He really couldn't care less about his employee, u/Calledinthe90s. 

Read this excellently written pro-revenge story below. Then, this low-paid intern was forced to work on their own laptop, so when their company wouldn't send them a replacement when theirs broke, the intern just decided not to work anymore

Boss Guilts Employee Right Before His Paternity Leave: 'I can’t tell you not to take it but that’s a long time without you'

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 11:00

Imagine how this employee's wife responded to this guilt-tripping. It probably does not bear repeating, but maternity and paternity leave are an inherent part of workers' rights. We all know that being a parent of someone at any age is a full-time job in and of itself. Being the parent of a newborn is like having five full-time jobs at once, and that does not include someone's actual full-time job. 

To that end, there is no point, especially in this day and age, in a toxic boss trying to shame an employee for taking too much time off for maternity or paternity leave. Not only would you be disappointing your employees, but even if they did cut their time short, that creates resentment. Furthermore, there is simply no way the employee will be fully present during that time. After all, the distractions are constant and the responsibilities are never-ending. Let this story serve as a reminder to give employees what they need during this challenging period so they can feel ready, willing, and able when they elect to return.

This thread was posted to Reddit by u/BpositiveItWorks, the wife of the employee in question. She had some choice words for her husband's toxic boss. Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more, here are 20 funny job interview flubs. 

‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 10:00

Occasionally, it's that one tiny, unimportant incident that drives you over the edge and beyond the point of no return. The story that follows recounts the moment a front desk receptionist witnesses a complete and total meltdown of a person caused by a blocked door.

The Original Poster's (OP) account details his meeting with the most horrible man-child. OP was working the front desk when a man, his mother, and their two kids pulled into the hotel parking lot. The two ports of entry that are accessible from the parking lot itself are the front and back entrances. But for the last five years or so, the hotel has had problems with its rear entry. Therefore, everything goes south as soon as the entitled guest reaches for the door. The arrogant guest begins noisily hammering on the glass, refusing to accept that he might have to go around the building to get to the main door. After a little while, OP notices the commotion happening on the other side of the building and requests that the guest stop his shenanigans. But OP gets a very snarky, extremely angry, comment in return...

That being said, if you're interested in learning what happens next, make sure to read the story below! Additionally, after you're through, remember to read the story about the guest that gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'!

'She tried to get her money back': Woman buys a laptop to use solely on vacation, then attempts to get a full refund when she arrives home

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 09:00

If you've ever sold something online, you know that the customers aren't ideal. They text you, 'Is this available?', only to ghost you when you answer in the affirmative. Or they promise to pick it up, set up a date and a time, and then never show up. Or they actually show up with half the money and give you a sob story on why you should give them the item for free. Yes, I'm speaking from experience.

One man decided to sell an old laptop he had back from his University days, posting it online, hoping to get a bite. He made sure to replace the battery, the HDD with an SSD, and gave it a general tech makeover. Well, a Karen showed up to buy the laptop, and after 2 weeks, it all went south. Find out what happened below, and then for more stories like this, check out this woman who demanded her friends leave their toddler at home without a babysitter after they organized a group vacation. Tsk, tsk, so many Karens.

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 08:00

There's motivation, and then there's whatever this is. It's certainly not motivational, that's for sure. 

There was a time not so long ago when credit cards were only used for big purchases. Then, stores evolved to let people use them for smaller shopping trips. These days, it seems like everyone has at least a few cards, and we use them constantly. Regular old cash has taken a back seat. 

Credit cards are ubiquitous at retail locations especially. Many stores offer their own credit cards. That can come in handy if the card comes with perks and you shop at that place all the time. A lot of cashiers are required to ask you once, twice, or three times each time you shop if you'd like to open a card

However, many find this practice unethical. The cards often have high APRs, with some as high as 30% or more. That means if you miss a payment, you'll have to pay an extra 30% of whatever you owe. So to my understanding, if you have $200 on your card that month and don't pay it, guess what? You now owe $260, and maybe some additional fees, too. Regular credit cards usually have much lower APRs than that, so opening one of these cards for a mega shopping trip and then forgetting to pay it off can be detrimental. Does that matter to management? No, of course not. They're in the business of selling you credit cards, and business is good. 

Now that you've had your mini-lesson on credit cards and credit card debt, check out the sign below, as well as the commenter's suggestions for what this employee should do. Then, check out this amazing text thread between a sassy lawn care owner and an entitled potential customer

'Her phone was on 'Do Not Disturb': Employee written up for "improper" callout after boss ignores their call

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 07:00

We all love our sleep—and that's a fact–and we equally deride anything that interrupts that sleep. Late-night garden parties with blaring music and loud-talking attendees; your neighbor warming his modded diesel truck at 4:30 am, an hour before he actually leaves for work; your pesky employees from the shop you manage calling you at 5:00 AM just to let you know that they're ditching out and are going to leave you battling a tediously understaffed day of work, while also now conveniently sleep deprived.

Of course, all of these are reasonable—at least somewhat. However, when you've instructed your employees, under threat of reprimand, that they must call you at 5:30 in the morning—well, being upset that they call you isn't very reasonable at all. It would be even more unreasonable to ignore that call, put your phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and then write them up for "not following proper call-out procedure." Why, that would be just silly.


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