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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 13 hours 4 min ago

'She's in for a reality check': Aspiring van-life YouTubers are "floored" that no one will let them park in their driveways

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 14:00

This aspiring YouTube couple are having some awkward realizations about their friends. 

One person took to Reddit to share the story of their mother and father's hijinks. It seems that as the reach retirement age, these parents are planning to sell their house. They've already bought a fifth wheel, which is the style of RV that is pulled behind a person's truck. Many a retiree would love to embark on a trip with their own RV, and plenty of them do. But these parents aren't just doing this for fun---they're convinced they're going to make it big on YouTube. 

Working as a YouTuber is a perfectly respectable job, and there's a lot of money to be made if you've got the talent and the equipment. It's a lot of work, though, and only a small percentage of YouTubers ever "make it big." Most do YouTube for the love of it, while still working their regular 9-5 jobs. They may earn a little bit of money, but it's probably not enough to focus 100% of their energy on it. 

That's why it's so startling to hear that these parents hope to make "$50k in the first year" of their video-sharing career. Optimism is one thing, but that's setting themselves up for failure! There's the cost of buying camera equipment and editing software, and maybe even buying a computer if they don't already own one. They'll have to dedicate hours each day to filming and editing… and their kid doesn't mention how tech-savvy this couple already is. For someone who's just starting out, learning to edit videos can take quite a while. If everything goes exactly as planned, perhaps this traveling couple will gain the YouTube following they desire. It seems like they haven't fully thought out their plan yet, and hopefully they figure out a solid plan before hitting the road. Commenters had plenty of opinions to share, and the OP added a wild detail in the comments that adds a whole other aspect to the story. You can check it all out below, and then read the story of a micromanager boss who left a restaurant in chaos

'Obviously they chose most inconvenient way': Railroad employee pushes back against antiquated business practices

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 12:00

One agency was trying to keep their staffers in the dark about their paychecks

There's nothing like a payday to put some pep in your step. Many people get paid either weekly or bimonthly, and it can be a great feeling. After draining the previous paycheck to pay for rent, groceries, bills, and other necessities, it's invigorating to finally have a fresh paycheck in your pocket. I mean, it's not literally in your pocket---most people get paid with direct deposits these days. But there used to be a time when you'd get paid with a physical paper check. You had to take that to the bank and deposit it (and I've heard anecdotally that the lines on paydays were outrageous). As technology has evolved, we're now able to give our bank info to our employer, and they'll digitally deposit the check. It really couldn't be easier.

For this person, however, their payment structure is not so straightforward. U/carl0071 shared a story from their time working at a temp agency specializing in railway staffers. The company had some interesting ways of trying to keep payments from their employees, so this employee had to figure out a way around it. 

Next up, check out some of the funniest names people have given their pets, like one person whose 3-year-old named their cats "Lunchbox and Thermos."

Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 11:00

Family get-togethers always bring an unnecessary amount of shade and entitlement. As you get older, you only notice it more and more and it just becomes less and less bearable. That's what food and drink are for. However, this Redditor wasn't even allowed to partake in that because his petty Aunt Karen refused to let him sit at the "adult's table" despite him being a fully-grown man at this point. Instead, he had to six at a table of six years olds. 

Clearly, this was not the first time Aunt Karen shared bitter feelings toward her nephew, but this time, her nephew decided he was not going to endure this toxicity any longer. Sure, perhaps he ruined the entire family reunion in the process, but Karen needed to learn her lesson. Evidently, so did the nephew's other family members, who refused to acknowledge (perhaps out of fear) how in the wrong Karen was. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions in the comments section. When you're done, feel free to take a look at this post about the top bizarre school field trip flops. 

‘No photos for [you]’: Penny-pinching school admin tries to take credit for a field trip they refused to fund, teacher that paid €360 claps back

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 10:00

Teachers are expected to cover all kinds of expenses for their classrooms. Whether they're buying glitter glue, construction paper, and pipe cleaners, or if they simply want a new basketball to teach the kiddos a new sport in P.E., it can get pricey for teachers to try and pay for their curricular activities out of pocket. However, when your principal is the first person to deny funding for any extra projects but also the first in line to reap the benefits, teachers can get a little fiery in the teacher's lounge. 

In our next story, an unfunded teacher found that the best kind of revenge against a penny-pinching admin was to give them a taste of their own medicine. After paying €360 out of pocket to pay for the kiddo's end-of-the-year school field trip to the zoo, this teacher was absolutely flummoxed when the admin had the audacity to ask for photos of the event for promotional purposes after the fact. 

Scroll for all the details of how a classroom funds refusal turned quickly into malicious compliance after a passive-aggressive email. 

'When I tried to cancel HBO, they offered me an 80% discount [to stay]': 18 Life tips that are so smart, they feel illegal

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 09:00

Every silly influencer has some 'hack' that they're using to clean their kitchen, tie their shoes faster, or get rich quick. Being online, we're so inundated with conflicting information all the time, that it's hard to pick out which life tips are worth listening to and which online personality is just trying to get us to buy their supplements. But there are some tips that ARE worth listening to–like the kind you hear from your dear ol' granny who's been using the same tomato-stripping techniques since her days back in the motherland. 

Since not all of us have a delightful old Italian grandmother to teach us the ropes, we rely on other experienced sources to give us the life hacks we need to get through this life. So scroll onward if you're interested in reading some random top life pro tips from this week's professionals online who have nothing to gain from sharing their wisdom. Impart on a journey of sage truths even a granny can agree with, that may help you get out of a pickle someday.

After this, here's a story to read about a DIY guy who thought he had all the answers, who really should have taken the tie-down advice from the professional construction guy at the loading docks.

'[I] will be expecting overtime pay': Tech employee agrees to work 36 hours straight at bosses insistence

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 08:00

The longest most of us ever work is 10 or 12 hours in a day, but this person had to work many more than that. In some jobs, people technically work a schedule of one week on, one week off. If you're a home nursing aid, that might be necessary for you to properly care for your client. But it's not like you're literally working 100% of the time. You still have breaks to eat meals or make phone calls, and you sleep at night while your patient is also asleep. No one would make their employee work such lengthy hours unless they were totally incompetent, or had it out for that employee. 

One employee in the tech industry shared the story of their day-and-a-half-long endeavor. It seemingly stemmed from their boss telling them that they were paid salary, not hourly. It's a trick that so many companies use to get their employees to work extra. The whole point of salaried work is that your company knows your value, and wants to have you around for 40+ hours each week to provide your expertise. It shouldn't mean working unlimited hours just because your boss insisted. At least this person's story has a great ending, which you can check out below. 

Next, check out these hilarious pet names, like one person who wrote, "My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare." 

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 07:00

Oftentimes, in life, it can be startling just how incompetent some people are, they may be incompetent even to the point of cruelty and you may be convinced that cruelty is their base and driving function. However, as Hanlon's Razor reasons for us, we should "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Of course, this doesn't always apply when greed and lust for power are driving forces, though stupidity often plays into these decisions too. Stupidity or cruelty, asserting your rights, and seeking to rectify the injustices done against you, serve as one of the only ways of dealing with people like this.

When this worker was fired from their job due to an injury, they pursued recourse, during which their due diligence led them to uncover that they had been being dramatically shorted on their contractually guaranteed commission. When they attempted to approach management about this they were rebuked, and, so, sought legal action. This led to them winning in court and receiving a far greater amount than they originally sought. 

'She said, "Family doesn’t make each other pay"': Daughter selling car for $5k so she can move, gets called ‘selfish’ by her family for not just giving it to her mother

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 06:00

When it comes to family, sure, you let a lot of things slide for free—in fact, you're usually battling it out to see who will pick up the bill. But when dot he financial situations become more serious between family members?

Nepo baby embarrasses mom at work via malicious compliance: 'Want me to interrupt you while you're talking to your boss? Ok!'

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 05:00

Nepotism is here to stay in this world, so we might as well enjoy the tomfoolery it can create in the workplace.

While I personally would never want to work with the mother or daughter in this story, at the same time, I can applaud them for at least embracing that absolute professionalism in the workplace is kind of impossible to master. To fully pretend like the Redditor in this story is not the manager's daughter is just weird. To fully argue like they do in private at the office would, of course, be inappropriate. Here, this nepo baby seemed to strike an amusing balance by maliciously complying with her mother's demands and effectively embarrassing her in the process in front of her boss. Thankfully, it seems that tension was not too high and no one got in serious trouble. It's the kind of nepotism anecdote we can accept, like Sofia Coppola's daughter or Martin Scorcese's daughter. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more content like this, check out this list of the top out-of-touch comments made by bosses, Karens, and entitled parents. 

'Over a DECK BOX?!': New neighbors get fined by their authoritarian HOA for having a delivery box on their property, sparking a heated debate over HOA futility

Sun, 02/25/2024 - 04:00

DEFUND HOA. This is a mantra that many homeowners and condo-dwellers have chanted in the streets of their prospective neighborhoods with great fervor for many generations. While the concept of an HOA probably means well–keeping landscaping alive, houses looking pretty, and covering the costs of amenity upkeep–the uniformity of suburban Karens can maliciously overpower even the simplest HOA. Corruptible HOA board members have proven that with each monotonous monthly board meeting, their entitlement grows, rearing its ugly head when residents least expect it. 

In our next story, a young couple was sideswiped by their neighborhood HOA after being thrown in the theoretical deep end of the community politics pool. Almost immediately after they moved in, some neighborhood Karen reported to the board that they had a violation sitting on their property–a deck box at the end of their driveway to facilitate delivery driver drop-offs. 

Unencumbered by jaded homeownership, the young couple embraced their violation and decided to try to overrule it. Scroll for the entire story of how this couple outsmarted and will ultimately outlast the elders of their HOA by calling out the most obvious truths. 

'No, I'm sitting here currently, mate': Steadfast bus-goer foils the plan of cheapskate passengers who failed to plan ahead

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 15:00

A lot of hype influencers and motivational speakers are always babbling about 'taking what's yours' and 'seizing opportunities', but rarely do those book-hocking insecurity-mongerers actually know how to behave in the real world. Perhaps if your pockets are lined with daddy's millions and you've never known real consequences, 'taking what's yours' can potentially pay off, but for us regular folks with blue-collar jobs riding the bus to the next city over, we know that the world doesn't work like that. 

Pragmatic people plan ahead.

In fact, the steadfast bus-goer in our next story, put a pair of entitled passengers in their place after they'd been brainwashed by motivational speakers with no street knowledge. To teach them the ways of how the real world works, u/Seargentmajormario stood his ground when a couple of seat stealers attempted to uproot him from his pre-reserved spot. For all the details of how this man's well-executed travel plans affected the unprepared 'opportunity-seizing' folks on a 10-hour bus ride, scroll onward.

'[He] cooked that nights' ramen in river water': 25 Boy Scouts tell the wildest things that happened on their camping trips

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 14:00

These scouts are lucky to have survived these camping trips full of mishaps. They gained the memories of a lifetime, and they're sharing them today in reply to @paynushurts' Twitter question: "What was the 'incident' at your summer Boy Scout camping trip?"

The answers were wide-ranging and completely hilarious. Some people shared stories from when they were little kids, while others had their craziest times happen as teenagers. 

Going on a camping trip with your scouting troop is a great way to bond with your friends. However, kids get up to a lot of trouble when they're left alone for even a few minutes. They just want to have fun! But since they're teens with underdeveloped brains, they do things like figuring out which bug sprays or sunscreen sprays are flammable. One kid decided to throw a rock at a wasp nest just for S&Gs: another prime example of the "act now, think later" mentality of teenagers. 

In the moment, a lot of these campers probably weren't happy with their friend's shenanigans, but the memories will last forever! Things are always funnier in hindsight, after all. 

After you check out these camping catastrophes, check out some of the strangest and funniest tattoos that tattoo artists have ever removed. 

'Wow… I cannot express enough how appreciative I am': College student loses $10k in sports betting, finds an outpour of support online

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 13:00

Nowadays, with the advancement of betting online and through apps, sports betting is easier than ever. For some people, that's an exciting development. However, to many others, it's a bad omen point towards a downward spiral. So what do we do?

'Well, well, well, look who emailed at 2:45 AM': Consultant gets sweet revenge on firm who 'fired all the consultants'

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 12:00

It's not often that an opportunity like this comes around. One consultant got to have the email conversation of a lifetime, and gleefully shared the results to their Twitter followers. 

It's hard to overstate just how advanced artificiaI inteIIigence has become in such a short period of time. There was a time just a couple of years ago where people didn't understand what AI even was, and it was hard to explain the concept. Now, AI has infiltrated every industry in some way. If you use photo editing software, many now offer Al-generated backgrounds. There are Al programs that can show you what you'd look like as an old person. Some people started a trend of parents taking photos of their infant babies and generating age-progression photos! Suddenly parents can now predict what their kid will look like at age 3, 9, or 99, all thanks to the terrifying power of Al. 

Although it's become the latest buzzword, Al is not foolproof. Users are constantly pranking the apps and discovering new ways to mess with them. (For example, someone recently discovered that if you ask it to generate a room with no elephants in it, it will only generate rooms with elephants in it.) 

This person shared the story of what happened after the company they worked for fired all of the consultants to use Al instead. It's a satisfying thread, and you can check out all the juicy drama in the emails and tweets below. Then, read what these teachers thought were the most ridiculous assignments their students ever turned in. 

College student exposes professor's favorite for doing zero work on their group project: 'Giovanni didn't show up'

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:00

Some people are highly skilled at getting out of doing any actual work… that is, until they meet their match. We're used to seeing this dynamic play out in work environments or in certain relationship dynamics, but one of the earliest examples of this kind of flawed collaboration is the group project. Group projects don't necessarily teach you about collaboration; if anything, they teach you about how to deal with the givers and takers of this world. That is the only silver lining with a group project for those of you who are often stuck doing the majority of the work.

This college student finally found a way to get back at Giovanni, their professor's favorite student who was actually the slacker of this story. The student was given a detailed rubric that this time required them to take diligent notes about the progress of their group work. They made sure to include notes in meetings about Giovanni not showing up or leaving early or other members of the group having to meet to do his part. The best part is that the original poster shared these notes with all team members (including Giovanni) prior to submitting them to the professor, so Giovanni didn't even bother to take a look and see that his lack of effort was on full display. 

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play, and to all you folks who are forced to do all the work on a team, we salute you! For more stories like this, check out this post about a guy's revenge against his HOA.

'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 10:00

To cut a long story short, this employee's VP removed them from a project in order to punish them, and what ended up happening was that as a result, the firm lost big time. But wait, it gets better. The employee actually quit, began working for the firm's competitor, and salvaged the project once the firm crumbled! Yeah, that's a lot of information to take in, so let's start at the beginning.

The employee in question was working as a junior project manager for an engineering firm. They were good at their job, but their VP hated them. Why? No reason except jealousy. You know, the usual reasons your coworkers hate you. The VP began withholding work and promotions from the PM, which led to a variety of problems that you can read about below… I've gone to the trouble of scooping up all the juicy screenshots. When will management learn? The answer — probably never.

Then, check out this nurse who settled a score with her former coworker who had gotten her into trouble a whopping 6 years ago.

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 09:00

One of the perks of living in a quaint neighborhood are the kind neighbors. It gives you a feeling of secuirty and safety, being surrounded by all these people who you usually at least know on a first name basis. So what happens when someone moves in and lives in their own little entitled world?

'A guy wrote "Superman" as his answer on all 10 questions': 30 Ridiculous school assignments that students actually turned in

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 08:00

These teachers were baffled by the papers they received from their students. 

A lot of kids really don't want to go to school. They don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn, don't want to sit still in class all day, and they certainly aren't keen to work on homework. Luckily, there are plenty of brilliant teachers who can motivate their students to want to be there. Some teachers try to make their lessons modern by implementing movies, while others can make any lesson interesting with their exceptional story-telling skills. 

There will always be students whom the teachers can't reach, though. They really don't care about homework or grades at all. Especially if parents don't make an effort to get their kiddo to look away from his phone and work on that history essay, that assignment may not get done. 

The teachers of Reddit shared what happened when their laziest students turned in their essays. While a lot of them were just formed from unabashed plagiarism, others got creative in order to do the least amount of work possible. You can check out all of the great stories below. 

Next, check out the foods people will absolutely never eat again, like one person who regretted ordering the "mackerel sushi… in a Midwest strip mall.'

Office manager lies about dish washing duties, worker exposes her to CEO: 'Oh, I was informed that all the staff wash their own dishes...'

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 07:00

The chore of doing the dishes is one of the great equalizers of this world, and whether or not someone is doing their part to keep the dishes cleared is an argument that will take place in different places with different people throughout your entire life.

It starts when you're a kid and your parents are trying to impart to you the role and responsibility and just the sheer flipping amount of time that it takes to do the basic necessary household tasks that your parents are doing for you on a daily basis. Of course, being a kid, your mind will resist this monotonous task and the very idea that it is necessary and something that one should be doing at all. This will cause conflict between you and your exasperated parents as they futilely attempt to have you contribute to one basic chore and give them the slightest bit of reprieve.

'It’s going to need to be a significant amount of money off, right?’: Recluse homeowners agree to offer, but then go back on allowing inspection, first-time homebuyers don't know what to do

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 06:00

The housing market just keeps getting more and more confusing these days. How can you get the best deal? What does "the best" deal even look like anymore? This isn't your grandparents' or even your parents' housing market, this is a whole new monster… 


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