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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 12 hours 45 min ago

Entitled housemate terminates lease with no warning, other resident complies but takes the fridge with her

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 05:00

There are a few universal rules of etiquette that come with shared living. Choosing to terminate a lease with no warning is certainly not following those guidelines. 

Usually, the common problems with roommates involve their cleanliness, their noise levels, the amount of time they spend in the shower, etc. All of those issues are valid ones, but we've seen them all before. Rarely do you come across a housemate with so much audacity that she feels she is in the right to talk to the landlord behind the backs of the other residents in the unit in order to prematurely terminate the entire lease. No, the other residents did not do anything to deserve this. No, they had no power to reverse the decision considering they were never on the lease in the first place. 

Thankfully, the person who shared this story on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit was able to find another place quickly. That being said, she couldn't just let this vindictive, entitled "friend" get away with this kind of impulsive, uncourteous behavior. So in return, she made sure they no longer had a working refrigerator. 

Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more content like this, here is the tale of a resident's petty revenge on his HOA.

Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 04:00

Retail is like the Wild West: it's vast and untamed. And who needs to maintain composure in the midst of such mayhem, in your humble opinion? That's the customer service agent, of course.

The story that follows is from a disappointed sales department employee. The Original Poster (OP) holds a job at a small business located in the neighborhood shopping center.  The business has had to deal with an increase in theft lately. Unfortunately, due to the shopping center's numerous rules and restrictions, there isn't much OP can do to halt the shoplifting phenomenon. Because of this, instead of thanking OP for his loyalty to the company, his manager issued a formal warning when OP sought out one of the most notorious thieves and tried to stop him from stealing again. I know it's disappointing, but not unexpected… 

That being said if you're interested in learning what happened between OP and his manager and whether OP was able to prevent the thief from sealing again, read the story below! And once you're done, don't forget to read the story of the manager who encouraged the laid-off employee to see his dismissal as a 'learning opportunity'!

'That's... ballsy': Tattoo artist leaves client high and dry, but still says they're entitled to keep the $54 security deposit

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 15:00

Being organized with your schedule is key to running your own business. You can't double-book yourself and, if you want to be successful, you shouldn't under-book yourself. You must find that scheduling balance… Which is easier said than done. 

'She trusted my word and denied her a position': Researcher questions if she made the right choice in denying a 'strong applicant' a job

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:00

Guilt was eating this researcher up, so she turned to the internet for some help. 

These students are still quite young—they're both just 19 years old. They still have a lot of learning to do about how the world works and office politics. It's the kinds of things you learn over time, like knowing to schmooze with the right people when you have the opportunity, or knowing about the "praise publicly, criticize privately" rule. When you're young and first starting off, all you know is that you want to be great at your job and prove your worth. 

It seems like this woman is being so great that she's a bit off-putting. She seems talented but unaware that her bragging behavior makes the people around her feel bad. The original poster (OP) of this story worked with her in a research lab, and noted some irritating things this woman did. It'd be one thing if the OP was annoyed by her fellow researcher in a professional way. But other teammates also expressed how unhappy they were with this researcher, meaning that it wasn't just personal bias leading her to her conclusion. However, the OP now feels guilt over her decision, and decided to ask the internet what to do. 

Next up, these foods were so gross that people will never touch them again, like one person who was victim to a "donut that had been fried in oil used to fry fish."

'You're so lucky you don't care what people think about you': 20+ backhanded compliments that left people shook

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:00

In life, you're bound to get compliments and critiques, but every so often you receive a comment that is a frustrating mix of both. Usually, when this kind of thing happens to me, I am too shocked to do anything productive about it. My brain is still processing what was just said, so no part of me has the mental capacity to fabricate a witty comeback. By the time I have come up with something to say in return, the conversation has been over for a long time. At that point, I am probably in the shower sulking and seething with resentment whilst replaying the whole exchange over and over again in my head. Of course, there is nothing I can do, and the productive thing would be to move on. 

However, anyone who has received a stinging backhanded compliment before knows that we take these comments with us. The only bright side here is remembering that you are certainly not the only person to have gotten this kind of so-called "unsolicited feedback." Keep scrolling below for this collection of backhanded compliments that still haunt these Redditors to this day. When you're done, check out this list of wholesome posts for overworked employees.

'I realize I didn't contribute much': 10+ Group projects that are destined for failure

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 12:00

These group projects are teaching students some skills, just not the ones they expected to learn. 

Why do teachers assign group projects? It's a question that countless students of all ages find themselves asking year after year. Teachers were once students themselves. Did they all just have a great time with their own group projects? Or did they think the hardships (ie. trying to schedule a time for 5 people to meet up; realizing the night it's due that no one has worked on the project) were worth it? 

It seems like group projects happen in phases. In the first phase, the students are motivated. Your group will spend several days trying to coordinate a time that everyone can meet at the library for an hour, only to find it's a fruitless endeavor. Then, the group chat will go silent until the week before the project is due. One student will send a message saying something passive-aggressive like, "Has anyone else been working on this project besides me, or does no one else care about passing this class?" Then the most motivated student or two will work feverishly on the group project until it's done. There's almost always one student who will drop the class in the middle of the project, or will just never respond to any questions about it. Unless you have a strong group who cares about their work, these group projects are just a hot mess from start to finish. And yet every year, teachers decide to assign them once again. 

These people shared their own group project frustrations. Then, read about a bunch of great pet names, like one person who shared, "My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare."

Woman rubs ex-boyfriend's sweatshirt in pet rabbit's litter box before returning it: 'If you held it up to your nose it REEKED':

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:00

Who doesn't love a creative way to get back at your ex? It almost comes with the territory of a bad breakup these days. If you've wronged someone, you better prepare yourself for some petty revenge. Look, I don't make the rules, but that's the way the cookie crumbles now. 

We have seen countless methods of that kind of revenge here at FAIL Blog from prank calling to cutting off your ex's power. All of these valid, but what's special about this case of petty revenge is that on first glance, it didn't look like this woman performed any kind of sabotage whatsoever. However, if you smelled her ex's sweatshirt up close after she was finished with it, you would see that it was no longer wearable. That's because she decided to let his sweatshirt in their pet rabbit's litter box for over six hours, an instantly iconic move that earned our immediate respect. She shared her side of the story on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit.

Keep scrolling below for the full story in her words. When you're done, take a look at this post about a guy who got back at his garbage HOA.

'I said that he wouldn’t have been in danger if he wasn’t a liar and a thief': Office food thief learns his lesson after coworker brings lunch with peanuts despite knowing he's allergic

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:00

This office has a food thief who seems to have been stealing one particular employee's lunch on a regular basis. She knows exactly who's doing it, as her lunches only started being stolen after a new hire started. Despite the new hire's relentless denial, her lunches kept going missing. One day, she brought leftovers for lunch that contained peanuts, knowing that the thief had a peanut allergy. But what was she supposed to do? Let him know before he stole it?

Well, the food thief struck again, but fortunately, the woman caught him just in time to allow him to take his EpiPen. He got angry and blamed her for bringing food with peanuts, citing that it was cinical for her to do so. Thankfully, the woman stood up for herself and clapped back about him stealing others' food. HR supported her, but they also introduced new rules for the office. Now, her coworkers are upset with her, and she's starting to regret her actions.

‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 09:00

If you are ever so fortunate to be in a position where you are able to buy a house, the house you buy must be perfect for you, or at least has to have the potential of becoming perfect. You spent so much hard-earned money on this property, you want to look at it with pride, not disappointment. That is why it is unsurprising to learn that many buyers back out of buying a house even for the smallest of reasons.

That being said, there are many other times when the reasons are downright ridiculous, which is the subject of this AskReddit thread. The question in the thread was posed to the realtors of Reddit, and they were asked to share the most bizarre reasons people decided not to buy a house. From the color of the shower curtains to weird shrines in the backyard, Reddiors shared some really funny stories.

Make sure you scroll down to read some of these ridiculous reasons. Once you are done, scroll back up and click here for a story of an artist who had to deal with a former boss still trying to use their art for free.

'You said we should follow the system, and we did': Micromanager boss insists he knows better than staffers, leaving restaurant in 'chaos'

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 08:00

Customers only knew that their food was delayed, but this kitchen worker shared what happened behind the scenes. 

Professional chefs have a job like no other. There's a strict hierarchy, and a lot of shouting happening, but there's a sense of comradery as well. At many restaurants, each chef tends to one type of food or one area. When all goes smoothly, it ensures that customers get the food they ordered fast. And the longer the team of chefs works together, the better their workflow becomes. That's probably why this chef was so blindsided when their micromanaging boss stepped up one day and started commanding changes in the kitchen. 

This person shared that their role assembling the plates after all of the food had been cooked. They write that they liked this position, but that it could be "a bottleneck for food leaving the kitchen" if someone inexperienced was in that role. Not to mention that if things are running slowly, that freshly cooked food sits under the heating lights. It stays warm in the meantime, but quickly gets very stale---no customer wants soggy fries and pasta with the texture of clay. At least their manager learned this lesson with haste! 

Next up, take a bite out of these seriously silly cake-decorating mistakes

'Ok, but it’ll cost you £1m': Engineer makes technical manual filled with memes and quits after being demoted for boss's arrogant mistake

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 07:00

There's nothing worse than working for someone who is as arrogant as they are irresponsible. You'll soon find yourself doing all of the work to keep the company above water while getting absolutely no recognition or thanks for it. 

That's the situation this worker found themselves in tasked with expanding production and business operations for the small business owner that they worked for. They crafted and executed their plan only to be stonewalled by their boss when it came to paying to hire the right staff to operate the production line. 

They were blamed and demoted but still tasked with operating their improperly staffed and understaffed creation. So, they quit, but not before filling the "manuals" they had been requested to write to train their replacement with nothing but memes which led to a missed deadline that cost their employer £1m. For those wondering what this amounts to in freedom units, that's about $1.3M. That's a hefty price to pay for arrogance.

‘They left me all alone’: New hire abandoned during rush hour, then gets blamed by management for low sales

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 06:00

Being the newest employee is never easy. There is so much to learn and you constantly feel like you have to prove yourself with every step you take. The one thing that can make that experience a little bit more tolerable is the people you work with and the way they help you settle in. If those people are not there for you the way they should be, it makes the onboarding a lot more difficult.

 The employee in this Reddit story did not have the easy onboarding he wished for. Two weeks into the job, he was left alone in the store during rush hour (on Super Boal Sunday!). He tried his best to handle the situation and even thought he did a pretty good job. That's when a chain of complaints came all the way from the store's owners and landed on the new hire, who wasn't even supposed to be left alone. 

Scroll down to read the full story. When you are done with that and want to keep reading stories of workplace dramas, click here for a story of a hotel clerk who refused to accept a guest's cash payment.

Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 05:00

This employee's extracurricular activities were not a good look for the hotel's reputation. What's particularly funny about this story of an unprofessional employee getting justly fired is that it wasn't a coworker or manager who figured out what he was doing. In fact, it was another front desk agent at a totally different hotel.

This agent was contacted by the bad employee, who was trying to book a 20-day stay using someone else's credit card information. The agent started to sense that something shady was going on when the card was declined and the identity thief requested the use of a different card in a totally different name. However, instead of denying the guy once more, the agent was bored enough at work that they decided to take the opportunity to mess with the thief, who completely fell for it and wound up getting fired by his manager after the front desk agent figured out who he was. 

Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more content like this, check out this post about a web developer's justified petty revenge.

Manager urges undervalued employee who was laid off to view termination as a 'learning opportunity' and instructs him to train new hire

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 04:00

Nothing in the business sector is 'personal', everyone is interchangeable, and the entire industry runs like one large corporate machine. Securing the flow of funds is of the utmost significance for those in positions of authority. In order to succeed in the business world, one must be prepared to give up everything or anybody who stands in the way of success.

Here's the account of a Fortune 500 firm employee who was left speechless. The Original Poster (OP) has dedicated the last six years of his life to the company's success. OP was thrilled with his work and looked forward to advancing further within the organization. He frequently conveyed his desire to make a major contribution to the company's expansion and success. However, when the company's vice president informed OP that his employees would most likely be offshored over the next six months, things really took a turn for the worse. Stated differently, half of the current team will unfortunately be let go. 

You may wonder how this relates to OP now. In addition to losing his job, OP is also required to train the recently hired employee before he formally leaves. Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning what happens next! When you're done, don't forget to read the account of the hotel staff member who gladly removes the childish visitor from the premises!

'Enjoy your ticket': Irresponsible driver yells at cautious driver for slowing down to let an ambulance pass, then gets a hefty speeding ticket as payback

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 15:00

People with road rage should not be allowed to be behind the wheel. There is no reason that a person who cannot control their anger should be in a position where they could endanger so many people's lives. Unfortunately, unless they are caught violating some kind of rule, they get to continue in their rageful ways. 

One thing we do get out of road rage is funny petty revenge stories. This story was shared by a guy on Reddit who had to deal with a very irresponsible driver. The poster (OP) was mid-drive and had to slow down because of an ambulance driving by. That annoyed another driver, so he reacted very rudely towards OP, who in return came up with the perfect revenge. As he knew there was a police car a few miles away, OP managed to get the rageful driver to speed up so that he would be caught by the police.

Keep scrolling to read the full genius story. Once you are done, click here for a funny collection of realtors' stories about reasons buyers backed out of buying a house.

'My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare': 40+ Hilarious pet names

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 14:00

You can literally just name your pet anything, no one will stop you. You can't go naming your human baby "Cool Ranch Dorito," but there are plenty of kittens out there who would love that name. That's part of the beauty of naming your pet: they have no idea what their name means. They probably respond to the inflection of your voice when you talk to them more so than responding to their actual name. 

Giving your pet a quirky name is a great conversation starter, especially for all the times you have to take them to the vet and officially register your "pug named Table." Other people named their cats "Lunchbox and Thermos," because that's the magic that happens when you let 3-year-olds name animals. Every time we think we've heard the funniest name for a cat, dog, or hamster, someone comes up with a funnier one. The possibilities are endless! And the best part is that your sweet furry friend will love you unconditionally no matter what you name them. 

Check out these names below, and keep a few in mind for the next time you need to give your new pet a name that will make everyone laugh. Then, check out the story of one customer who went shopping at a designer store wearing the most casual clothes possible. 

'I want to sit there, so can you move?': Karen and Kevin demand for bus passenger to move for the extra leg room

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 13:00

We all know that bus people are way worse than plane and train people. Sure, there are always exceptions, and sometimes you end up on a plane next to someone who is acting like this is a bus. However, for the most part, bus people refuse to make room for other passengers even if the vehicle is clearly full. Bus people also love to talk on the phone for long stretches of time, as if there is no one else around. They love snacking on smelly food and not cleaning up after themselves. And they love showing absolutely no respect for other people.

Here, we have a passenger who knew the official and unspoken rules of bus etiquette. He also happened to reserve a seat with extra leg room in advance. This clearly upset an older Karen and Kevin couple, who had no reserved those seats yet somehow thought it was within their right to demand that he move. It wasn't because they had requested those seats and there was some kind of a mixup. It wasn't because of respect for elders. And it wasn't because of physical or medical needs. The condition was that they were entitled, and thankfully, this passenger refused to give in.

Keep scrolling below for their full exchange. For more, check out this post about a grandpa's lighthearted petty revenge.

'He realized he missed an "L"': 20+ Regrettable tattoos

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 12:00

Tattoos are forever, don't forget it! 

If you decide to get yourself tatted, perhaps don't let your craziest friends do the artwork for you. The temptation is understandable: if you can buy a tattoo machine online, can't anyone operate one? It looks and acts similar to a pen, so some people think they can pick up the artwork with no practice at all. Many hard partiers just shrug their shoulders and let their friends go wild, drawing or writing whatever they please. It makes sense in the moment: you love your pals, and you want to commemorate the good times. 

Though some people get their tattoos and love all of them forever, others start to change their minds about their impulse artwork after a while. Some Redditors who commented below settled down and realized that their spouses didn't like their salacious artwork, while others got tired of explaining why their tats looked so odd. All of these tales are compiled below after one person asked, "Redditors who remove tattoos for living, what are some of the weirdest/funniest tattoos you had to remove?" Most comments were from those who just witnessed crazy tattoos or their removals, but a few actual artists chimed in with their own anecdotes. 

Up next, these people shared the foods they'll never eat again, like one person who was put off donuts after eating on that "had been fried in oil used to fry fish.

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:00

This epic mode of payback has people divided over whether or not this teacher is a brilliant mastermind or entirely out-of-line. Truth be told, it's a very tough call. On the one hand, we love when students who think they can get away with manipulating their teachers get their well-deserved comeuppance. On the other, it's clear from this teacher's first-person account of the whole debacle that they got a lot of joy out of radically affecting the future of these kids, particularly when it came to where they went to college. 

Look, slackers shouldn't get away with making their classmates do all the work on every single group project they are assigned. Still, when it comes to seniors on the brink of graduation, how worth it is it really to see them suffer large consequences, no matter how entitled they might be? They will learn this hard lesson in college. Why jeopardize their futures entirely? 

Regardless, you have to at least give props to the Redditor behind this story for committing to their 'Pro Revenge.' For more stories like this, take a look at this story of a web developer's payback on a disgruntled client.

‘Don’t call me honey': Waitress scores a $50 tip after being asked to act extra chummy, pranking a woman's salty husband into a better mood

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 10:00

Nobody knows how to push a person's buttons quite like a spouse. Since your partner knows everything about you, they likely know exactly how to get under your skin. A wife or a husband can be the secret sauce of any prank that makes things extra spicy and extra hilarious. For the woman in our next story, she discovered the perfect way to diffuse an argument with her husband– not by resolving the problem, but by presenting an overly friendly foe. 


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