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Wholesome Cat Memes of the Feisty and Fluffy Variety for Awwdorable Feline-Appreciating Hooman Beans

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 08:00

Hey there, feline enthusiasts! ICanHasCheezburger is here to serve you another decadent dose of cat content. Some might deem us cat people crazy and suggest a healthier fixation, but in our opinion, we've chosen the perfect passion. Let's face it, there's nothing quite like returning home after a tough day's work to your feline companion, eagerly awaiting and purring in greeting. You slip into something more comfortable, and then the rest of the day is all about lounging and napping with your cat. Just talking about it makes us want to jump out of our office chairs and run home to cuddle with our cats. 

Anyway, cats bring such immense joy and fulfillment into our lives that resisting their charms is simply impossible. And now, we are pleased to present you with a whole bunch of awwdorably precious cat memes tailored for true feline enthusiasts. Expect an abundance of wholesomeness and cuteness. Enjoy!

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Worker told they're not going to be paid for overtime because they "volunteered": 'I [didn't] get paid'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 07:00

Overtime, by definition, is still time on the clock, and voluntarily staying to work that time doesn't automatically mean that your employer is now a charity. You can't just "volunteer" for your employer. The very premise itself is silly. Sure, if you're on a salary that is exempt from overtime pay, you'll probably have to work some extra hours during times of high workload, but it's expected that, in turn, during times when there is less work to be done you'll still get paid your full salary. But, if you're a waged worker who is recording your time, you're going to get paid for your overtime. Unless your manager is prone to the silliness I mentioned earlier and thinks that "voluntary" is the operative word in the phrase "voluntary overtime" and thinks that, as a result, they can somehow regard your increased time at work as a charitable act. 

It seems outrageous, but that's what this worker reported experiencing when they were asked to help out another department at the university where they worked with a large event that they were organizing. They agreed to help, but when they went to submit their timesheet at the end of the pay period, their manager denied them the additional hours because they had "volunteered" for the event. See their post and account of events below, along with reactions from readers in the online workplace community where they shared their story.

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest, Most Irresistibly Awwdorable Criminals (April 6, 2024)

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 07:00

Oh, hello again. We see that you have lost the battle once more. Despite reading the title and seeing that this collection is full of criminals, you have come back. Because that's what these itty bitty kitty criminals do. They find their way in. Into your heart, into your soul, into your thoughts. You think you're safe, and then you see some awwdorable kittens in a thumbnail and click on a listicle, and suddenly, a few hours later, you find yourself in a shelter, asking yourself whether to adopt one new kitten or five. 

These kittens even have the power to make us write this listicle each and every week. We can't stop ourselves. They have asked us to do it. They have asked us to celebrate their crimes, and we are so whipped that we simply do anything they want of us. You have been warned, guys… if you go into this listicle, you choose to face the consequences. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

'If you say so...': Employee settles score with CEO who demands workers follow alarm protocol, leading to an amusing car chase with the authorities

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 06:00

When you first start working in the business sector, you might believe that you have to invest more time and energy into the company as a whole in order to please your supervisors. The same supervisors that, ideally, will offer you increases in pay and promotions when they become available. This seems like a fantastic idea in theory: you overinvest in the company, demonstrating on a daily basis how important your work is to you, in the hopes that your superior will ultimately understand who belongs in a more active role within the company. But that doesn't really happen in reality.

The story that follows is an account of a clever employee who has found the perfect way to avenge his dismissive CEO. The Original Poster (OP) had just graduated from college and was beginning his professional career at the time. OP felt obliged to assist the office in any way during the first few weeks, keeping in mind that he is genuinely trying to pave his own route and create opportunities for himself. But soon enough, his intentions to help out with office chores had become more of a burden than he could handle. Briefly said, because OP lives close to the office, he offered to act as the emergency contact number in the event that the alarm goes off.

Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened to drive OP beyond the point of no return! After you're done reading, don't forget to read the story of the tenant who increased the apartment's value by caring for its neglected garden, only to have his entitled landlord, eager to capitalize on his hard work, throw him out!

Carefully Curated Cat Memes For A Clawsome Start To This Chaotic Caturday

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 06:00

Caturday is finally here, and all we can say is… phew. Honestly, we weren't sure we'd make it here. You'd think… how much can really happen in one week? A lot. Too much. We can only say thank you to Caturday for existing - for giving us the chance to truly embrace our cattitude, for giving us this reprieve from this day-to-day madness. Because on Caturday, we can do whatever the heck we want, and if that means scrolling through funny cat memes all day long, that sounds pretty friggin' awsome to us.

That's why we bring you fresh cat memes every Caturday. Because starting your day with hissterical cat memes on Cautrday is not only a good idea, it is the purrfect idea! Have an ameowzing Caturday, friends, and may next week be a little less crazy than this one was. 

Catnip for the Soul: Subscribe to our newsletter meow for your weekly dose of feline funnies!

Negligent boss fires former employee two years after he resigned: 'Your employment [...] is being terminated for job abandonment'

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 05:00

Imagine quitting your job, moving to an entirely different city, and then two years later, hearing back from your former employer that you've been fired. Come again? If you were expecting anything from this guy, it was probably a message wishing you well, or perhaps even asking for recommendations or requesting a personal non-work-related catchup. Instead, of all things, it was a letter of termination on the grounds of "job abandonment."

The Redditor mentioned that their former boss was a bit disorganized, which sounds like the biggest understatement I've heard in quite some time. The first offense was when the Redditor was still working at the company and was injured on the job. His boss took forever to make sure he was properly compensated and that his medical bills were covered. That experience likely motivated his choice to run away from that company as quickly as possible, so he did. He got a job in a different city, put in his letter of resignation following all the proper channels, and fully moved on with his life. 

So how could this negligent boss have messed this up? The original poster revealed in a comment that he wasn't a salaried employee and it's not like he was receiving pay after he quit, so there was simply no sign of this coming. Our main take on this is that HR is definitely up to something fishy here for their official records. The good news, and something the Redditor should remember, is that this bears no effect on his future employment. 

Keep scrolling below for the full post and the best comments. For more, here's a story about an employee who got back at their former toxic manager.

Kitten does not approve

LOL Cats - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 05:00

‘Sorry, I can't check you in’: Front desk clerk refuses to give demanding guest a room after they booked a reservation that went against hotel's credit card policy

Fail Blog - Sat, 04/06/2024 - 04:00

Some people think that if they will just ignore a problem, it will go away on its own. And as much as we all would have loved it if that was the case, it is often not, which means that if you want something to be sorted, you should probably do it yourself.

The guest in this Reddit story thought that all his problems would be sorted by themselves, and then had to deal with the consequences when it turned out that they didn't just go away. The story was written by a hotel clerk, who was approached by a man who wanted to book a hotel room. The man booked his room online while standing in front of the clerk, and ignored all the clerk's instructions for what he needed in order to check-in. The guest mentioned he didn't have his credit card on him but proceeded to ignore the problem even while the clerk told him he would not be able to check him in.

The clerk did not give in to the man's insistence to ignore everything he said, so keep scrolling to read what happened next. After that, click here for a story of an overworked IT guy who used his skills to take revenge on his company


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