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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 11 hours 20 min ago

'Jackpot. Say nothing, get a lawyer': Man gets snubbed after multiple interviews when management blatantly admits he doesn't fit their gender requirements

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 10:00

Interviewing is exhausting. You update your resume 14 times, change your cover letters, and rewrite your personal statement more times than you can count before you're even offered an interview. It may be a sweet moment when you score your first call-back, but your job search has only just begun. 

Nowadays, it's not uncommon to have 6+ rounds of interviews before setting foot in HR's onboarding office. With that many hurdles between you and your next paycheck, the job search has never been more challenging and has never required this much endurance. 

In our next story, one man gets tripped up at the finish line of a prized job position, going through multiple rounds of interviews before his prospective employer pulls the rug out from underneath him. Scroll for the entire story (that may just turn into a discrimination case in court) of an employer who royally wasted an interviewee's time. 

'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 09:00

Every single person in the world had a package misdelivered at some point. It's a right of passage to adulthood, you simply can not argue with that. But, the question of who's at fault when that happens, and who is to blame, is a completely different issue. Well, 99% of the time it's the delivery company's fault, that is why people don't like them. But on some occasions, they actually do a decent job. 

Like in this Reddit story, in which a post office worker had to deal not only with a Karen, but with a shopaholic Karen at that. The post office would deliver her 1 to 2 packages every single day while Karen would complain nonstop about her packages being misdelivered, simply because she never checks her mailbox. The final draw was when she screamed at a poor postmaster, which led to the post office worker deciding to altogether stop delivering to this Karen.

Scroll down for her reaction and the full story. Once you are done, click here for a story of a woman who had to confront her coworker because he kept eating his lunch at her desk.

'Ruin a department I helped create? Fine': New manager fires workers so she can hire her friends

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 08:00

It couldn't be clearer that this manager had zero idea what she was doing. At least that's what her employee, u/DangerPaladin55, explains in their story about the department they ran a few decades ago. 

Workplaces are ever-changing. At corporations with hundreds of employees, workers are hired and fired each day. Turnover is much more noticeable at small companies, though. Hiring the right person can make a huge difference. Having someone who gets along well with everyone can change the workplace. Adding a boss who really listens to their employees and empowers them can also be a total game-changer. The power of people who really care about their work is a force to be reckoned with.

But, as you probably know if you've ever worked in an office, change isn't always positive in nature. Some people come along and bring drama to the workplace (lunch thieves, we're talking about you!). Other times, it's a personality clash that takes a few months to overcome. 

This consulting company was left in ruins after hiring a few bad managers in a row. The OP writes that their director chose to hire a friend who was "horrifically underqualified," with a fake resume. Oh, and not to mention that this woman knew quite literally nothing about her field. It was a disaster in the making, and you can read all about it below. After that, this student was asked to turn on their camera on a Zoom call at an inopportune time, so they maliciously complied with their school's wishes. 

‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 07:00

It's critical that you and your landlord get along. Maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord could make or break the rest of your stay at that specific apartment complex. But what if, in spite of all your hard efforts, your landlord still considers you offensive? 

In the story below, a furious tenant recounts how he's devised the perfect scheme to exact revenge on his entitled landlord. For context, let me say that OP and his partner recently moved into a new apartment building, but before they signed the lease, they made sure to become familiar with the rules of the building. And yet, there was nothing they could have done to prepare for the day when their landlord would utterly quit on them and forfeit his 'official' landlord responsibilities.

Having said that, read the story below to find out more about the specifics of OP's confrontation with his landlord and how OP got even! When you're done, don't forget to read this story about the entitled customer who fabricated an allergy claim to guarantee a customized dinner!

'I countersued': Tenant turns to revenge after failing to wrest his deposit back from a terrible landlord

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 06:00

Trying to wrest your deposit back from a surly landlord is like trying to convince a dog to give you a share of his dinner… As in, it's not going to happen without a fight. It's not like your landlord is going to growl and potentially bite you… but it's also not entirely out of the question. Regardless, good luck getting much from either; your landlord considered that "deposit" to be his as soon as it hit his bank account. Never mind the fact that the place was in a state and no cleaning was done before you moved in… or the fact that he proceeded to do zero maintenance during the duration of your tenancy.

All this tenant wanted was to get his deposit back from his terrible landlord, who had originally been a longtime friend of the family. They say never to mix personal relationships and business, and for good reason… Soon, the arrangement went completely sideways due to the landlord being generally unhinged and unrealistic about the entire thing. After moving out of a spotless apartment only to be charged additional fees in addition to his initial deposit, it was time for the gloves to come off.

'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 05:00

Reading a petty back-and-forth between an employer and an employee is like watching a taboo tennis match. With each message, we fully gasped as the ball was hit into the other person's court and then smashed back. Like tennis, it takes skill and confidence to talk back to your employer with carefully crafted messages full of facts and receipts. 

This employee knew what they were doing and had nothing to lose as it seemed clear they were prepared to leave. They shared this post via this thread on Reddit, which includes a series of emails in which OP's manager tried to pressure them to come in on the weekend despite OP's clear unavailability due to a second job. Of course, the manager played it all innocent and claimed they did not know about OP's other commitments, to which OP fired back with the truth and nothing but the truth. Well, that's not exactly the case. They also fired back with a resignation letter.

Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're done, check out this post about an ex-employee who was denied their rightful final payment.

'I quit well over 10 years ago': Worker gets called in to work a shift at the fast food place they left 10 years prior

Sun, 01/28/2024 - 04:00

It's a funny thing, really, leaving a job. One day, a huge part of your life is handling the trials and tribulations of your role, the emotional turmoil of navigating the uniquely terrible sociopolitical drama of your workplace, and the stress of your capricious boss's unpredictable reactions; the next, none of it matters anymore—you're never stepping foot back there again. Of course, the trauma and lasting burnout may take some time to rebound from, but ten years down the track, the very worst memories of your working life will fade like a photograph in the sun. You might even look back on them and laugh.

That is, of course, unless your old job refuses to let you leave your old life behind, calling you years later to ask you questions about your role that should have been handed over during your notice period but weren't because they failed to even acknowledge your resignation until your final days. Heck, they might even call you ten years later demanding that you come in and work a shift, just like Redditor 
u/Bumwungle shared having happened to them ten years after leaving a role.

'Looks like my plan worked!': Guy loans 10€ to a shady stranger, gets ghosted until he plays a prank of his own as payback

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 18:00

To turn the tides of empathy, scammers will say just about anything. In the hopes of getting whatever they want from their targets– money, favors, mercy– scammy strangers try to manipulate the emotions of the situation. Like the guy in our next story, who desperately approached a random person in the gas station, begging to borrow 10€ so he could drive to see his dying mother one last time. 

Jeez, who could say no to that? 

However, u/Titahn took him at his word. One word specifically… "Borrow". Although OP knew he'd never see that 10€ again, since the stranger was so adamant about paying him back (even offering his contact information to follow up), OP's generosity quickly became intertwined with mischief. Scroll for the entire story of how one man's thoughtful gesture made a scammy stranger quickly regret giving him his phone number to follow up. After this, here's another playful prank played on another deserving target, this time to see about a horse. 

'Your wish is my command, nurse lady': Triage nurse gets dissed in front of her peers when an ambulance driver calls out her arrogantly incorrect diagnosis

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 17:00

The emergency room can be a messy, chaotic place. While nurses are trained to work closely with the ambulance drivers coming through the door carting mortally wounded cargo, valuable time can be wasted in all the 'he said, she said'. Although everyone's just here to help save the lives of innocent strangers, there's an unseen hierarchy within the ranks of any hospital that would make patients sick to their stomachs. 

In an environment where doctors are comparing their knowledge and intellect, the patient's real needs can get lost in the kerfuffle. Just like in our next story…

'Idk Karen': Woman calls the police to the pharmacy because dude won't let her cut in line, gets lectured by the cops about what is an actual emergency

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 16:00

If there is one thing sure in life, it's that Karens are gonna Karen. There's no stopping it. If they have their eyes on the tantrum-prize, nothing can simmer down that entitlement bubbling up inside. One theory is that Karens have zero empathy; they are simply unable to see anything from anyone else's point of view. Makes sense, really, once you see them in the wild. 

'We did exactly what they wanted': First-time homebuyers upset due to ‘missing items’ previous owners tried to leave for them, too late to back out of the deal now

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 15:00

Sometimes you can repeat yourself a thousand times and be as crystal clear as possible, and someone will still misunderstand you. Like, how much more do you need to spell it out? You literally spelled it out with written words multiple times. You would think this only happens from time to time, but nope. It happens all the time! 

It seemed to happen recently when these veteran homeowners sold their house to some first-time homebuyers. Now, they're not trying to play the blame game here, where the words got confused, they don't know and, honestly, they don't care. They put everything in writing and they are in the clear. Now, the new homeowners are in a pickle, but that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. So, to give a quick synopsis, the house they sold has an inground pool and the new homeowners demanded the storage bins be removed or no sale. They tried to explain that those bins contained everything you needed to care for the pool, but their agent insisted that they be removed. So they did just that, and lo and behold, the new homeowners are confused about why the pool equipment was removed. It's too late to get them back now and too late to back out of the deal. What would you do if you were in the shoes of the home-seller or the homebuyer? Read the entire pickle below! 

Want more neighborhood drama? Check this story out here!

'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 14:00

How many chances should these interviewers have given their candidates? A lot of these interviewers were surprisingly lenient on their interviewees. 

Going for a job interview is one of those universally scary human experiences. Whether you're 15 or 55, it's still a nerve-wracking endeavor each time. You've got to print out your resumes, read up on the company, iron that business suit, and show up early with a smile on your face. If that seems like just the bare minimum for you, just read these anecdotes. It'll make you feel so much better about that one interview you completely bombed. 

I had no idea how many people like to show up to job interviews in dirty clothing! U/scorpioskillz asked, "Interviewers of Reddit, what's the worst interview you have ever conducted?" and the answers were stunning. A few of these managers greeted their job candidates only to realize the candidate was wearing a grubby tee shirt and shorts. Others didn't have a resume printed out, so they typed a sentence or two and called that their resume. 

Aside from that, a lot of folks just did not understand that if they act weirdly toward their interviewer or the receptionist, the job is not going to be theirs. Never ever underestimate office receptionists: they run everything, and their opinions can decide your fate. 

Check out these stories, then read about some people who acted totally ungrateful, like one woman who threw a tantrum over a laptop because it "wasn't brand new." 

Driver Gets Back at Mansplaining Colleague, Sabotages Friend's Plans

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 13:00

Sometimes, the only way to get someone to leave you alone is to play the game for a bit and wait until the perfect moment for payback. This rideshare driver decided that his female colleague needed guidance, so he took her under his wing. At this point, it sounds like the intentions are well-meaning, but it gets worse really quickly. First, he started to give the Redditor tons of unsolicited advice about her eating. Big red flag right there! Then, he buys her a brand-new iPhone using his mother's money because he claimed that she would need it for work (of course, she had a perfectly well-functioning phone of her own). Then, he insisted that he turn the tracking on her device so he can make sure she is safe at all times.

That's when OP realized she could not let this go on forever. She agreed to help drive a buddy of his to the airport when he was already busy so she could meet up with him afterward and return the phone. As the day approached, the mansplaining stalker started making more and more demands about how his buddy preferred his rides to the airport. All of this started to feel less like a favor and more like a test, so that's when OP decided to stop giving into him. Keep scrolling below for the epic two-part petty revenge. When you're done, here's a story about a teenager who got back at his boss after his pay was unfairly docked.

'My boss told me to write down everything, so I did': Employee spends three days writing technical document for micromanager boss

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 12:00

Micromanaging the wrong person turned this boss's day into a giant headache. 

Some people are born leaders. Others are pushed into leadership positions with no idea what they're doing. They need to make it look like they know what they're doing, though, so they figure the best course of action is to start bossing their workers around. 

What they don't realize is that many workers are already performing at the top of their game, and they're self-motivated, too. So when a manager steps in and starts looking at all their work with a magnifying glass, they're thrown off guard. That was certainly the case with u/SadowSon, an employee at an events department who did a lot of work on the tech side of the business. The OP writes that they not only did their job, but also helped out in other areas due to a weird organization style. At least they tried to help out, until their boss stepped in with some highly specific orders. 

Check out this great malicious compliance story below. The OP also took to the comments section to add more details. Then, this woman found a little bit of damage to her lawn and flipped out, but that only made things 100% worse. 

'Why don't people like you?': 20+ cringeworthy questions people were asked in mixed company

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 11:00

There are some questions you just don't ask people in public. But then again, some people have absolutely no filter and don't necessarily take social cues into account when assessing whether or not it's appropriate to inquire about what's on their minds. In theory, these people are unapologetic and entertaining; in practice, they are just extremely uncomfortable to be around, whether it's at a family dinner, on the street, or in a workplace environment.

If you ask any of the people on this r/AskReddit thread what uncomfortable questions make them cringe, the responses vary from questions about their acne to questions about the curious gaps on their resume. The major takeaway here is that it doesn't matter if you're an employer, a close confidante, or a parent. Some thoughts should be kept to oneself and some people's privacy should remain sacred. 

Keep scrolling below for this list. When you're done, check out this compilation of adult temper tantrums. 

'I still giggle about it years later': Entitled boss makes his kid's photo the centerpiece of the office, employee hilariously photoshops it and never gets caught

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 10:00

Revenge is a dish best served petty. To pull a silly harmless little prank that makes everyone laugh AND serves as a cute little karma kick to an entitled target is a double whammy in our books. This person really hit a homerun with this petty revenge prank—and never got caught!

This employee had an incompetent and entitled nepo-baby boss. It's unfortunate but it happens often in our capitalistic society. There's little you can do aside from quit and try and find a decent place of employment. But sometimes that just isn't an option right away. You probably have bills to pay. So what do you do in that case? Well, this person had the most epic time under some unbearable management. Nobody liked this boss and one thing this boss was super annoying about was his kid. Now, this employee had nothing against a proud papa, but this guy was the worst. He even plastered a photo of his kid as the centerpiece for the office, so every employee AND customer had to look at him. So, being the tech-savvy employee this person was, they snuck the photo into a photo editing software and made some hilarious enhancements to the little guy. The boss never noticed and it stayed like that for everyone to see. Everyone seemed to look at it confused but never said anything. BRAVO! 

Like to laugh? Have some more LOLs with these Mike Wazowski memes!

'I've made the company $12,000,000': Star employee asks for a $20k raise after driving millions in sales, she quits after her boss spits in her face

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 09:00

Loyalty isn't a trait that's rewarded on your resume. That's because it's become a corporate science to congratulate the company's workers with hundreds of gold stars and pizza parties, only to scoff when a star employee asks for a bigger slice of the pie. It may be counterintuitive, but leaving a company to which you've been loyal may be the only way to get a raise in this day and age. 

But at what point does employee exploitation hit a wall like this? Is it when your hard work starts lining the pockets of your managers and bosses? Or is it when they fail to acknowledge it? 

'Yes ma'am, I will destroy your lawn': Woman flips out over tire tracks left on her lawn by volunteer workers

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 08:00

This woman was very upset at the state of her lawn. She did not hold back while scolding the people who caused it… but they were a little confused about why she was so upset in the first place. 

The OP of this story, u/Emergency_Reason_242, has an important job as a disaster relief volunteer. These are the people who show up after a town has been demolished by a hurricane, a devastating flood, or a tornado. For residents of these towns, life transforms overnight. Instead of living their lives as usual, many of them are suddenly left without a house or car. Others may lose all of their belongings. Some manage to keep their property intact, but their houses might have such bad water or structural damage that it will take months to repair. It's a difficult situation for everyone involved. That's why it's so helpful to have volunteer organizations to take on some of the burden. The quicker people can get back to living their lives in safe homes and clean properties, the better. 

The town that the OP describes has been through a rough period. They had a tornado sweep through and destroy swathes of the town! The residents were left with almost nothing in some cases: as the OP notes, in the area they were working at, there was almost nothing left untouched by the tornado. 

Check out their whole story below, then read 15 super satisfying tales of instant karma

'How is your phone charger in here if you haven't entered the room?': Entitled man demands refund for hotel room that he claimed he didn't use

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 07:00

Every so often, an entitled hotel guest comes along, thinking they can outsmart the front desk manager. However, time and time again, their schemes fail. It seems they underestimate the experience of hotel employees who have truly seen it all.

In this particular incident, an entitled guy attempted to rent a room for two hours and then sought a refund, insisting he never used the room. The irony was that the bed was left unmade, and he had forgotten his phone charger in the room. Not the most subtle approach. When the employee confronted him about his dishonesty, the guest resorted to excessive gaslighting. Did he really think he was gonna get away with this?

'A blank slide showed up on the screen': Student exposes their lazy group project partner in front of the entire school

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 06:00

Group projects are the worst. Let's face it, no one has ever been a part of one and had a good time… except for the people who are getting a passing grade without doing any of the work. Even then, are those people really enjoying themselves? Or are they just suffering through life like the rest of us?

I've mentioned this a few times in the past, but the most brutal experience I ever had with a group project was also at the culmination of my university experience. My final project partially consisted of being partnered with another student. I got partnered with a pre-med student who was destined for medical school and decided they had better things to be spending their time on than finishing our project together—especially since I was there to do it for them. The situation was even more extreme than I'm able to describe now, but hey, they're a cardiothoracic surgeon, and I'm here writing this. So, maybe their approach to the whole thing had some merit… What's the lesson supposed to be here? The ruthless succeed?

Anyways, when this student's project partner didn't do any work, they didn't put up with it like I did and instead exposed their partner in front of the entire school. 


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