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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 3 hours 58 min ago

20+ Unbelievable Oddities Once Considered 'Crazy Talk' That Ended Up Being 100% True

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 09:00

Where would humanity be without the crazy dudes at 7-Eleven, shouting about the end of the world? What about you kooky coworker who thinks that we live in a simulation? Or even your strange uncle who thinks that birds are actually surveillance drones? Can you imagine a world where there weren't any doubters or any speculators? 

The world is an unbelievable place. With so many possibilities and factors, it's tough not to let our little human brains get carried away with the prospects. Well, for a handful of professionals in their tinfoil hats, it's their duty to society to speculate the unlikeliest things… But it's not just the 'crazies'. There are a number of personally crazy speculations that were proven to be true afterward. For example, Nasa originally thought that the rings on Saturn were a trick of the light and platypuses are actually real animals!

So grab your own tinfoil hat and keep on reading some of the crazy oddities that turned out to be 100% true.

'Only go out and plow if I tell you to': County road supervisor makes a snowy mistake during morning rush hour

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 08:00

This new boss was surprised that some older employees knew better than he did. That was hardly a surprising outcome to the employees, but new managers often feel like they have to make a good impression by bossing everyone around. After all, if they're hired to lead, they think that the most visible way to demonstrate that is to make changes to their workplace immediately. In reality, if they just spent a few minutes talking to their most dedicated employees, they'd probably find out which changes would make the biggest impacts. 

This malicious story concerns the folks who wake up very early in the morning to plow snow from the roads. It's a very important job—this determines if school buses will be able to get kids to school, not to mention all of the people who need to drive to work. Of course, these workers don't always get the appreciation they deserve. By the time most people are awake, the roads are starting to be cleared. (Also, no one likes getting stuck behind the salt truck as it flings salt all over the roads… but that's beside the point.)

After you check out this snowy debacle, read about one truck driver who decided to send their boss delivery photos until their computer crashed

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 07:00

Stacy's mom and Mrs. Robinson taught us something that the sitcom moms never could… Just because you're a mother doesn't mean that you have to dress frumpy or look like you're 100 years old. Although everyone cherishes their fair share of homely mothers in TV and movies, we all secretly wish we could roll up to the parent-teacher conferences looking like our teenager is our sibling rather than our firstborn child. 

However, for u/XxLuceWaynexX, a youthful mother of a high school boy, it became abundantly clear that she could actually pass for her son's sibling when she arrived at the school's campus. Completely transported to the days of her youth, OP was spotted in the halls by the principal and he immediately reprimanded her, asking 'where she was supposed to be right now'. Before she knew it, OP was getting written a pass to detention for skipping class, truancy, and tardiness. 

Scroll for the entire story of how one woman's lack of wrinkles put her in the hot seat when she was mistaken for a renegade high school student. 

‘From now on, just pick up your own kid’: Freeloading mom gets shut down after taking advantage of the kindness of a fellow mother

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 06:00

They say it takes a village to raise a kid. Sometimes your village consists of a gaggle of helpful aunts and uncles, and for some, their kiddo's grandparents are involved. Family aid isn't always an option for everyone, so for some, their village relies on the kindness and promises of fellow parents. Parents lean on their friends in times of need, but once they burn you and the safety of your child is at risk, some heads are going to roll– and your 'village' might be down a member.

In our next story, a dutiful mother decidedly followed the friendship of her daughter's bestie, hoping to find the same kinship in the girl's mother. However, after making a promise at the beginning of the school year to alternate carpool shifts, OP noticed her partner in crime was acting more like a notorious freeloader on a group project. Keep on reading to know more about all the details of how this mommy partnership unraveled– prepare for a story including a knee injury, a lot of vehicular miles, and one, solid mom-to-mom burn.

Entitled customer sends his steak back to the chef six times, chef enacts petty payback

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 05:00

There should be a cap on the number of times a customer is allowed to send food back to the kitchen. Once is fine and, honestly, should be enough. These people are professionals and if you constantly need to send food back, then you're the problem or at the very least, there is a huge difference between what you're asking for and what you want.

Now, there is also plenty of wrongdoing happening on the other side of things in this thread, which was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. We all know that as much as we would like to enact vengeance on entitled customers, food tampering is not the answer. Even the folks in the comments section had strong feelings about what the chef did as "payback." Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more stories like this, here is one about a coworker who refused to take her own calls and the malicious compliance that subsequently ensued.

Karen chases customer out of store, employees lock her out with her stuff still inside: 'They just closed and locked the doors'

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 04:00

If there's one person who isn't going to put up with a Karen's entitled shenanigans, it's an EMT who has just finished their shift… EMTs are some of the hardest working individuals with a job that necessitates sleep deprivation, self-sacrifice, and trauma that reaches far, far above their pay grade. Even a shift for them that is "not bad" would be enough to send the rest of us looking for another line of work. While they're some of the nicest people, every EMT I've ever known personally gets through their job by being partially unhinged and has no appetite for putting up with petty shenanigans.

So, with that in mind, this Karen absolutely decided to mess with the wrong person, when she fingered this EMT who had just finished their shift as being an employee of the store. The EMT had no time or energy left to deal with this and decided to walk away from the confrontation, which sent the Karen into a rage, during which, she blindly followed the EMT out of the door. The employees of the store had clearly been waiting for the chance to get rid of her, locking the doors behind her as soon as she was outside, leaving her locked out with all her stuff still inside… Talk about instant karma!

'He ripped us off': Following dinner at restaurant, group hands friend money to pay server, but he keeps the tip for himself

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 16:00

The tipping culture these days is something that has definitely gotten out of hand. Setting aside the ridiculous expectations that people should be tipped for even the smallest of services, even hardworking waiters and servers should be getting their money from their employers, and not have to rely on tips from customers. Still, this is how things are, and a large percentage of waiters' income is in fact, from tips. 

Which is why this Reddit story is so infuriating. OP went out to dinner with their sister, her boyfriend, and some other friends. When the check came, the entire group agreed to give cash (for both the meal and the tip) to the boyfriend and that he'd pay for everything with his credit card. A day later, OP came back to the restaurant and discovered that the boyfriend didn't actually leave a tip and that he probably took that money for himself. This caused an angry fight between OP, the sister, and the boyfriend.

Keep scrolling for the full story. Once you are done, click here for a story of a woman with a disability who was told off by an old lady because of a seat on the bus.

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 15:00

These posts are awkward, cringey, and weirdly motivating.

Some of them made me laugh, while others made my eyes water. Sadly, these people are serious. They are the ones making LinkedIn the most infuriating platform to scroll through. Yes, more infuriating than TikTok. I remember back when I was searching for a job… It took a long time, mind you. Scrolling through potential job listings, getting zero replies, then finally scoring an interview only to later get ghosted. It was a tiring ordeal, one that I don't like thinking about much. But hey, half a year later, I have a job! Today that's no easy feat. Especially when you're straight out of college. I can't image what new grads are doing. Maybe everyone will just end up being influencers. That would be pretty ironic.

So scroll down and read the funny posts. You might even find one or two you relate to. Then, check out this customer who sent envelopes filled with cement and albums to a record company after they locked him into a 36-month contract.

'Entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am': Library assistant loudly eats nachos during meeting with trustees because 'it's policy'

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 14:00

This worker shared a day in the life of their job as a library assistant. Though it seems like a whimsical job, there's apparently much more to working in a library than meets the eye. 

This person writes that they had jobs at two different library branches. One of these jobs was a piece of cake, while the other was home to some rather haughty trustees. As u/localanimenerd shared in their malicious compliance story, they've realized that one trustee in particular seems to dislike them. 

The story involves the ethics of when and where one should eat in a library, which is a polarizing topic. Many libraries ban not just food but all drinks too. That's a good way to save books from getting full of sandwich crumbs, or soggy from a spilled soda. But on the other hand, having a little snack while eating is a lovely way to spend an afternoon. So you can see the dilemma libraries find themselves in. Many libraries offer a happy medium, though: they might have a room or two where food is allowed. Usually these rooms are meant for group projects or working on homework with your friends, and the rules are a bit more relaxed. 

After you read this person's story, check out these cases of workplace foolishness, like the dude who was caught photocopying his slice of pizza

‘What were you thinking?’: Man irresponsibly tests out his boyfriend's fish allergy during dinner, leading to a dispute at the table

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 13:00

Food allergies are no joke, and most of the time, no one treats them as jokes either. Whether it is schools with a 'no peanuts' policy or gluten-free restaurants, there is so much awareness of food restrictions, that you can pretty much get by even with a life-threatening one. But you have to have a supporting surrounding, and people who are going to make sure you don't eat anything that could be bad for you.

This Redditor shared his experience with his food allergy to fin fish and the way his partner handles it. Spoiler alert - the partner doesn't handle it very well. According to the partner, since OP's food allergy isn't completely dangerous, it must mean it is non-existent. To prove his point, the partner decided to do a secret experiment in which he made food with fin fish in it and let OP eat from it without his consent.

Scroll down to see how the story unfolds. When you are done, click here for a story of an entitled customer who refused to pay for something she broke.

'She thinks I forced her to break into my home': Vacationing homeowner ignores security alert

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 12:00

Be careful who you lend your house keys to… This person found out firsthand what can happen when you entrust the wrong person with something so important. 

While on vacation, this person caught someone snooping around in their belongings. They never would've caught this woman except that they were alerted by their security system. The OP, u/No-Coat-7393, caught this person red-handed. In the old days, it was much easier to snoop around, especially if you knew someone was out of town. It's fun to do some snooping, but if that person finds out, they might not trust you to visit their home again. 

These days, snooping may be next to impossible. A lot of families have cameras in all the main rooms of their homes, like the living rooms and their kids' rooms. However, in many cases, the cameras are camouflaged well---you might not even realize that someone has cameras. The woman who decided to break into the OP's home will definitely have to consider that going forward. In the comments, people weighed in with support for the OP, as well as advice on how they should treat their roommate and her mom in the future. 

Next up, check out the update to the story of one truck driver who decided to barrage their supervisor with delivery photos to avoid getting in trouble. 

Neighbors trade petty notes after noise complaint: ‘I genuinely hope the guilt that response [elicited] haunts this woman for decades’

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 11:00

Having a difficult neighbor in a claustrophobic apartment building can make your living situation nearly impossible. As soon as someone is accused of making too much noise, people can get petty and defensive really quickly. For instance, a friend of mine had an upstairs neighbor who stomped around constantly at 3 am every morning. As soon as he was kindly asked to be quiet moving forward, the neighbor argued he was stomping because he was trying to tell her to quiet down. This, of course, was hard to believe considering the fact that all my friend was trying to do at that time was go to sleep. Still, this back-and-forth went on for months until the end of her lease.

Here, we have a petty feud between neighbors that even had folks in the comments completely conflicted. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more, check out this post about a work trip gone wrong.

Admirable Tenant Faces $60,000 in Fees After Breaking His Lease, Kind Strangers Come to His Rescue

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 10:00

Always double-check your paperwork because you never know what sorts of sneaky evils lurk in the fine print. Unfortunately for OP in our next story, he found himself in a sticky situation after signing a lease with a money-grubbing landlord.

Lacking a single shred of mercy, u/Sprigstone's landlord came for their pound of flesh after OP rightfully fled their unit. After months of unaddressed noise complaint problems and feeling as if his apartment was an unsafe environment, OP finally decided to take matters into his own hands, breaking his lease and moving out as soon as possible. $800 per month wasn't worth this hassle!

However, that wave of self-care immediately crashed over OP's head when he was slapped with a $60,000 fee. Keep on reading for all the details and the loopholes that kind strangers on the Internet share to protect a forlorn tenant. After this, here's another story of rightful retribution, where a petty marketplace buyer gets back at the seller who snubbed them.

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 09:00

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. 

When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why younger me was so eager to be rid of it. The crowdedness, the heat, the constant feeling like you're about to fall flat on your face... It is the worst.

This Redditor is no fan of buses either, especially with a back injury that makes the rides even more difficult. In the story she shared on Reddit, she was sitting on a seat in a packed bus when an old lady demanded OP to get up and give her the seat. Even after OP explained about her back, the entitled lady and even people around the bus still judged her for not getting up.

Keep scrolling to read the full story. Once you are done, click here for a story of a couple who had a fallout over a food allergy.

Update: 'Everyone burst out with laughter, she looked defeated': Truck driver barrages supervisor with delivery photos

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 08:00

This boss confused everyone by writing up her employee for "overperforming." 

If your boss doesn't like you, they might let you know it in a bunch of little ways. Maybe they try to embarrass you by pointing out if you're 30 seconds late, or they might try to get you to work late by guilting you into it. Other bosses start to micromanage your work. U/A-Truckers-Thoughts had that happen to them recently after they made a mistake on one delivery. They shared in a malicious compliance post that they have a rule about needing to take a quick photo of their delivery if they drop it off at a residential building. However, this one delivery was dropped at a business, but the OP still got a write-up after their boss tried to claim that the delivery was actually dropped at a residential address. "She wasn't having it," the OP writes. 

Now, OP is back with an update about their micromanagey boss, and people in the comments section loved it. You can check out the original story as well as the updated post down below. 

After that, read about these people's absolutely disastrous job interviews that went so badly, they just walked right out mid-conversation

'She was laugh reacting at every single photo': Workplace Karen fired for harassing coworker on social media over a disagreement about dogs

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 07:00

One of the most challenging types of Karens undoubtedly has to be the workplace Karens. Enduring their wrath all day can be exhausting, and sometimes it feels like there's nothing you can do about it. Unless, of course, you're like this fortunate OP. Initially, she got along with Karen when she was first hired, but that facade quickly faded after the OP made a comment about dogs that rubbed Karen the wrong way, triggering her desire for revenge. Instead of resorting to the typical Karen behavior of blowing up and creating a public scene, Karen opted for a more clandestine approach by seeking revenge on Facebook. And let me tell you, it was ruthless.

Fortunately for the OP, she has a strong rapport with the boss. She even went as far as to threaten to quit if Karen wasn't dealt with. Well, Karen ended up getting the boot. Kudos to the OP for standing her ground!

'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 06:00

When a new team member joins, particularly if they are assigned a leadership position, they will probably try to introduce some sort of new and, in their view, creative rule that will simplify the assigned tasks and improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the daily routine.

The soldier in the story below, together with his fellow crew members, have discovered the most effective way to get revenge on their superiors. OP serves in the Navy as a member of the attack submarine unit. They rarely ever had the chance to speak with their loved ones or family members while they were serving. Every crew member on board was allowed to use a number of lines. At first, this phone routine was going well, but everything changed when the new head navigator arrived. The newly appointed navigator instituted a new policy during his onboarding that permits the executive department to use one phone line while the rest of the crew can use the second. This separation among ship personnel led, as you have no doubt already guessed, to tensions between the executive department and the crew. Thus, rather of establishing a more efficient and productive timetable, the new commander turned the ship into a chaotic mess.

Having said that, scroll down to read the narrative below to learn how OP and his fellow crew members managed to get even with the head of the department! When you're done, don't forget to read this story about the boss who makes the team lead convince an overqualified worker to perform a boring task! 

‘Maybe treat me with respect and not [like] the company public trash can’: Higher ed employee quits after poor treatment, sends iconic email

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 05:00

Like all satisfying quitting stories, this one centers on a mistreated employee who woke up one day and realized they owed their employer absolutely nothing. Now, it should come as no surprise that working on the administrative side of higher education can be a draining existence depending on what you do. This employee claimed that they were treated with less respect than the average undervalued and under-appreciated administrative assistant. 

She posted the following thread on Reddit, which included her email quitting on the spot. Of course, her boss gave her a hard time about not giving any notice, but as we know all too well at this point, this woman had no place enforcing rules like that. It's not like the employer would give the employee any notice if OP were getting fired. At-will employment is a two-way street, people! Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, take a look at this post about a Dolores Umbridge-esque manager.

New boss demands new meeting first thing in the morning, stalls production: 'The warehouse workers will be doing nothing...'

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 04:00

People, and particularly the woefully ignorant, generally only listen to what you tell them if it costs them something in some way, particularly if it's your boss and the thing being costed is their own money. Thankfully, there's nothing to teach common sense quite like the wasted money of a stalled production line with a bunch of workers standing around waiting to be told what to do by their boss who is stuck in a pointless morning stand-up meeting.

In this story posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance by Redditor u/Markbmann, we see exactly why the above is generally a good idea — when a new manager at OP's girlfriend's work came in and instituted a first-thing morning meeting, her concerns that it wouldn't allow her to get the day's tasks started to keep other employees productive on time weren't heard. Sure enough, the first early morning meeting showed exactly why she had this concern — everyone else at the company working on the lines was waiting on her.

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

Thu, 02/08/2024 - 17:00

It's nearly impossible to stay up to date with technology. The rate at which the world changes is almost unfathomable. However, what happens if you deliberately select outdated technology to guarantee a smooth transition, only to be left with a dysfunctional device?

The story that follows tells the account of a son who purchases a flip phone for his elderly father. OP chooses an easy-to-manage cellphone for his father, who can no longer keep up with the rapid advancements in technology. However, after receiving the phone, OP finds out that the product he purchased is defective, so he storms into the convenience store and demands his money back. Reluctantly admitting to having sold a defective product, the sales associates decline to cover the cost of the purchase and insist that OP ship the item via the mail and bear the accompanying charges.

As you may have guessed by now, OP was not happy with the way the situation was handled and devised a crafty scheme to exact revenge on the cell company. That being said, if you're interested in learning more about what occurred between OP and the cell company as well as how OP got even, read the story below! When you're finished, don't forget to read the story about the web developer who leaves the company high and dry after management shuts down his concerns!


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