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The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Updated: 9 hours 51 min ago

‘Sorry, I can't check you in’: Front desk clerk refuses to give demanding guest a room after they booked a reservation that went against hotel's credit card policy

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 04:00

Some people think that if they will just ignore a problem, it will go away on its own. And as much as we all would have loved it if that was the case, it is often not, which means that if you want something to be sorted, you should probably do it yourself.

The guest in this Reddit story thought that all his problems would be sorted by themselves, and then had to deal with the consequences when it turned out that they didn't just go away. The story was written by a hotel clerk, who was approached by a man who wanted to book a hotel room. The man booked his room online while standing in front of the clerk, and ignored all the clerk's instructions for what he needed in order to check-in. The guest mentioned he didn't have his credit card on him but proceeded to ignore the problem even while the clerk told him he would not be able to check him in.

The clerk did not give in to the man's insistence to ignore everything he said, so keep scrolling to read what happened next. After that, click here for a story of an overworked IT guy who used his skills to take revenge on his company


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