Christmas Wrap Up

Well, Christmas is finally over. The decorations are all put away and the leftovers all eaten (well, almost all eaten). The month between Thanksgiving and the end of the year felt endless and yet whipped by blazingly fast. On the home front we had a new Christmas tree this year. It is pre-lit with white lights. That is a big change for us from our previous tree with its multicolored lights. All of a sudden all of our ornaments all seem monochrome! Oddly enough, even though the tree is slimmer than our previous tree, we still hung just as many ornaments on it.


We sneak into a 15,000 person conference and someone gets a picture of us! Can you believe it?

TCP Mid-Summer Update

Click the link and scroll down the page some.

Lucy at Work

I discovered this week that it is super easy to upload videos from my phone to YouTube and they don't have to be public. So I went a little crazy the other morning and uploaded five videos, most of which will not interest anyone else. However, here is one of Lucy in action, for those of you who have never seen her work it. Keep in mind that she is chewing a solid hard rubber ball in this video.


Minnesota Travels

Minnesota Trip -- April 10-16, 2012

April 10

Tuesday was a travel day. That meant we were up before dawn to drive to the airport. We had some very confused animals that morning.

image of clouds

It took most of the day to get across the western United States. I got some cool shots of the Rockies from the plane though.

April Fool's Joke

Because this never stops being funny!



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