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Some things never change

Thu, 01/11/2024 - 05:00

Mailman Discovers Stray Cats at a Trailer Park When Delivering Mail, He Begins Feeding Them and a Wholesome Friendship Ensues

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 22:00

Hello animal lovers, we have quite a wholesome story to tell today!

One mailman made the cutest discovery when he was en route, delivering mail to a trailer park. It turned out that the trailer park had a lot of stray cats! They captured his heart immediately, and he began photographing them, documenting the time they spent together. Soon enough, a lot of the cats began recognizing his truck and came to greet him and demand food, which he thought was absolutely adorable. The mailman shared a post and a variety of pictures to r/notmycat, which was met with thousands of upvotes and hundreds of comments from fellow Redditors who were inspired by his story.

You can find the full story and a bunch of screenshots and comments below that relay the sweetness of the mailman and the cats. For more like this, check out these hissterically funny cute cats for some extra serotonin!

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An Adorable Blend of 30 Cute Cat Bleps for Sweet and Slobbery Felines

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 21:00

What is a blep? A blep is when a tiny portion of your cat's tongue hangs out of their adorable little mouth. Every cat does it, and some are even born with their tongues sticking out! It would almost be considered rude if it were not so cute. Today we honor the blep… We display the blep… And we root for the blep! Down below you will find the cutest collection of cat bleps we could find. We are also in competition with ourselves for how many times we can write the word 'blep' today.

So, whether you are a blep lover, or simply curious about the famous blep, scroll down for the bleps, and when you are done, check out these hissterically funny and wholesome felines that are pure catnip for the hooman soul.

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Cat Enthusiast Shares Goofy Vet Notes That Dub Their Cat as a ‘Very Good’ and ‘Nice Boy’ in a Silly Reddit Thread and It Captures the Internet by Silly Storm

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 20:00

Now that the issue has been resolved, we would like to share with you some of the newest developments. Our beloved fluffy feline friend has been feeling under the weather lately. So, on Monday morning, we made the decision to visit the veterinarian bright and early. Luna has been going to the same vet for many years, and she is very fond of him! She is a tough little cat, he explains, and he expects that she will get better in no time. We were relieved to hear the good news because we had tried everything to make her adorable little frown go away.

In light of recent events, we decided to share with you a wholesome Reddit thread that we found while browsing the web. In the post, a Redditor reveals the most adorable doctor notes his purrfect little fluff ball has received over the years. It definitely made us smile when reading the notes, and we hope it will do the same for you! So, check out the screenshots below, then after you're done and in need of some more wholesome kitties, check out a purrfect presentation of hissterically wholesome cat pics here!

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Amused Cat Enthusiasts Share Hissterical 'Feed Me' Moments of their Adorably Impatient Fluffy Felines

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 19:00

Hey hoomans! We hope you're having an amazing day!

We came onto the cutest topic on Reddit while skimming around the site. Before the feeder disposes of the food, a fellow Redditor revealed that his small fluffy feline friend can wait for hours to get his dish. How about commitment to the task at hand? We struggle to wait the full thirty seconds for the food to warm up in the microwave. We merely want to stress that anyone who says otherwise is bluffing. Let's get back to the point: we were rambling. After reading the story, we couldn't help but share some of this innocently adorable cat cuteness with you! 

So, on that note, if you love your little furry feline friend, check out the screenshots below! Of course, while your cuddly cat waits to be fed, don't forget to tell us about your experience! And when you're done, check out a purrfect presentation of hissterically wholesome cat pics here!

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Twirl, dancing queen

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 17:00

23 Grumpy Cats Winning Hearts with Their Cute Cross Faces

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 15:00

Let's give it up for our cats and their awwdorable grumpy faces! Cats have many reasons to get a bit grumpy , from missing treats, cuddles, or a new cozy box to explore. Life can be tough for them! That's why they show off their serious faces. But for us, it's just too cute! Who can resist those awwdorable, cuddly, cross expressions? It's one more reason why we absolutely awwdore our fluffy feline friends!

Cats really take their grumpy moments seriously, but to us, it's pure cuteness! Whether they are giving us the side eye or wearing a frown, we can't help but love their charmingly grumpy faces, after all is there anything not to love about our awwdorable and charming felines? Let's celebrate these furry little characters and their awwdorable, grumpy moods. After all, it's these lovably grumpy expressions that make our bond with our cats even stronger and add a touch of laughter to our day.

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26 Cute Cats Caught Pulling Hissterically Funny Facial Expressions

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 14:00

Happy Wednesday! Let's spice things up with some wild and wacky cat comedy! Today, we're diving into the hissterical world of cat expressions, capturing those laugh-out-loud moments when our funny feline friends show off their many hysterical faces.

From those 'not-so-happy' bath times to their priceless shocked looks, and even when they stick their tongues out, cats give us a never-ending display of funny faces. Their expressions are like little comedy shows, and we're here for every bit of it! These fluffy feline faces bring so much laughter and joy into our lives. Let's take a purrfect pounce into this world of whiskers and add a dose of laughter to our day! Whether these cute cats are surprised, wet, or just being themselves, these animals sure know how to bring a smile to our faces. So, get ready to giggle through the day as we enter the wonderful world of these furry comedians.

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The Curiously Courageous Cat: 20 Photos of Risky Frisky Kitties Who Took One Paw Too Far

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 13:00

We all know the old proverb, "curiosity killed the cat," but do we think the cats heard it too? Their mischievousness and perilousness let them jump to new heights, but sometimes it's met with their downfall…

Cat's love to explore places they shouldn't, and often times it gets the better of them. Maybe they don't end up with one of their nine lives missing, but they could be stuck in a dangerous situation they can't get out of. This is where the handsome fireman comes in to save a cat from a tree. Or when you hear distant meowing outside only to see your cat stuck in a pothole. These silly playful creatures never learn, do they? They get into some funky business. Whether they're falling, running, stuck, stuffed, crammed, scratching, or holding on for dear life, here's a collection of hissterical images of cats getting the worst of curiosity's fate.  

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Wholesome Memes That Capture What A Treat It Is When Felines And Hoomans Meet

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 12:00

Good lunching time dear feline loving hoomans, it is time to lay down your mouse and head out of the office for a brief moment of relief from the stresses of the day. And to help you de-stress as best you can in the precious little time that you have, we have made today's collection of wholesome memes that capture what a treat it is when felines and hoomans meet. Which as we all know is one of the most precious things that we have on planet earth.  

From the feline loving hoomans working tirelessly to befriend the neighbourhood stray, to the British pub that has made felines their focus, to the velcro cats who cannot help but interrupt their pawrent's zoom calls, to the brave firefighters rescuing helpless kittens, to the content cats reminiscing about their long and love-filled lives. We have got more than enough heartwarming feline hooman content to make your heart melt even on the coldest of days.

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Cuddly Wholesome Mid-Week Cat Memes To Fulfill Your Feline Dreams

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 11:00

Yes, yes, it is here, it is the middle of the week so you have no fear. Been thinking about the weekend and how you are going to party in style, and probably how you will get to see your cat and play for a while. We only say a while because the truth is this, sooner or later your cat will leave to find its bliss. Because although you love them, feed them and play, it is simply not enough to make their day. So all that we have left are memories of wholesome cat cuddles and mid-week cat memes to fulfill our feline dreams.

From sweet cats submitting to snuggly cuddles, to the cats waiting to be named after the last thing to hit your stomach lining, to the feline pawrents who go all out and build their feline fur babies their own pawsonal beds. We have got a whole load of heartwarming cat memes to fulfill your feline dreams, in the way your cat simply won't.

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Hangry Hissterical Humpday Feline Memes To Give You A Sassy Boost Today

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 10:00

Yeehhaww feline loving hoomans, for we have made it to hump day and that is more than enough reason to get your tail up in the air and wave it around like you just do not care. However, for those of you hoomans who skipped breakfast this morning, you may be experiencing some hangry symptoms by this point in the day. So to help you get through to lunch without flipping your desk in a moment of impulsiveness, we have made this collection of hangry humpday feline memes to give you a sassy boost and redirect that hangry energy into some sublime sass.

From the felines who are simply unable to see their food bowls as half full, to the cat's who's hangriness has induced deep sleep symptoms, to the kitties who level of hangriness can only be topped by the extravagance of their medical bills. We have got just the hilarious feline memes to channel your hangry energy towards something a bit sassier, rather than spicier.

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Cat Consistently Blocks Human’s View of TV in Blatant Act of Defiance and Plee for Attention, Cat Pawrent Turns to Interwebs for Advice

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 09:00

Hey, feline fanatics! It's no secret that cats have agendas of their own, and they are reluctant to tolerate any interruptions caused by their human owners. Take, for example, the cat who inspired today's featured thread. This cat, after three years in their forever home, suddenly developed a penchant for blocking the TV—a behavior labeled as incredibly annoying by the original poster! Cats gonna cat, but this? This seems a bit much.

Anyway, the OP sought guidance from the cat-loving corner of the interwebs to navigate this silly yet infuriating situation. One astute commenter made a telling observation: 'She used her brain cells to connect a few things: TV turns on, human stops giving me attention. Stand in front of TV when on, human starts giving me attention. Profit.' We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Now, let's see what the commenters had to say!

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A Spectacularly Spicy Soirée of Smol Kitten Pictures Overflowing With Both Cuteness and Feline Goodness

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 08:00

Hey, cat lovers. If you have been following us for any time, you would know that over here at ICanHasCheezburger we are focused on all things feline. We appreciate the finer feline things in life. Today we are shining our famous ICanHasCheezburger spotlight on a spectacularly spicy soiree of smol kittens packing The darling little kittens showcased today are akin to tiny bundles of irresistibly squishy joy, seemingly sent from the heavens above to grace our green earth and melt our hearts. 

We've gone to great lengths to curate a collection of the snuggliest, cuddliest, and utterly adorable little kittens that the internet has to offer. Despite their small size, these bundles of feline goodness pack a hefty dose of cuteness. Whether peacefully dozing off or proudly flaunting their adorable toe beans, these kittens epitomize the essence of fluffy charm. Go ahead, take a peek for yourselves!

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Cats, Cats And More Cats: A Meowtastic Compilation Of Kitties To Bring You Some Smiles First Thing In The Meowrning

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 07:00

Cats. Also known as the most purrfect creature on the planet. That's fact. That's inarguable. Call us crazy cat ladies, we don't care, we will hear nothing else. Cats are purrfection indeed. Cats are hilarious without having to do anything other than be themselves. Cats are adorable, again, without having to do anything. They simply look at us, and we instantly melt. Cats are jerks, and we think that makes them even more purrfect, because it means that they make our lives so much more interesting. 

Cats are everything to us, and that's why we celebrate them and show them love as much as we do. Because if we could give them back a smidge of the joy that they bring into our lives, then we will be complete, and we will know that they are the happiest in the world. 

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Wholeheartedly Whitty And Wildly Whimsical Wednesday Cat Memes To Win Over All You Whacky Wildcats

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 06:00

It's Wednesday. You have made through an entire half of this week. Now, that's cause for celebration, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We, here at ICanHasCheezburger, believe in celebrating the little wins too. Just like our cats demand treats for the tiniest things, and we provide said treats because we love said cats, we also believe in practicing self-love and giving ourselves some treats for the little victories too. And if you're anything like us, then one of your absolute favorite treats are some fresh cat memes first thing in the morning. 

Hey, it's impurrtant to start your day with funny cat memes, because it means starting your morning with a smile. You can't not laugh at cat memes as a cat person, that's an unwritten rule that all cat people must follow. So, please enjoy them and have a fabulous day!  

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Prepare for insertion

Wed, 01/10/2024 - 05:00

35 Gentle Giant Maine Coons to Purruse as You Scroll Your Way Into a Wintery Weekend

Tue, 01/09/2024 - 23:00

Hello, animal lovers! Getting up from bed today was quite a sport, as we had one very pawsome pal purring right beside us, making it nearly impossible to get up. How could we leave such a peaceful moment and head out into traffic-filled lanes and loud honking from fellow cars? Somehow we managed to do it, but it was not easy. The pawsome pal in question is Spock, our Maine Coon cat, who is undoubtedly the most purrfect companion ever. He and his brother, Leo, who is a Tuxedo cat, are the best of friends. 

So today we have an adorable array of gentle giant Main Coons for you to purruse as you scroll your way into a wintery weekend! Check them out down below, and then for more adorable cats, check out this collection of fluffy felines who made us smile.

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A Silly Soup Full of Cat Noodles That Purrfectly Prove Fluffy Felines Are Liquid

Tue, 01/09/2024 - 22:00

Slurp, goes your cute cat as their little pink tongue flicks out of their mouth and into the bowl of yummy chicken broth that you have prepared for them.

You worked really hard at making it as delicious as possible, and you made sure to take note of everything your vet told you. Water, chicken, and green beans are all you need to make this kitty happy! Of course, it depends on which cat you have, so make sure to consult your vet before you begin making them some homemade food!

Our cats, Spock and Leo, really love this recipe, and we serve it to them every so often, making sure that it stays a treat. Today we have gathered an adorably silly selection of cute cats that are so flexible that we imagine they must secretly be liquid. Scroll down to check out all the fluffy felines, and then when you are done, check out these hissterically funny felines for the hooman soul.

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